Well here it is. The final chapter. I do hope you all like the conclusion. I may have taken a few liberties with the canon universe. The Queen of the Ice Nation is still very much alive in this. After she killed Costia she was granted pardon in favor of cooperating in the Alliance between the twelve clans Lexa arranged. Not sure if it's canon at all, but that's how it went for this story. Thank you all so much for making it here. It really truly means a lot. Any feedback is appreciated. Anyway, here you go.

6: The Time Has Come (Let Us Be Brave)

Clarke woke the morning after Krisma with a head-splitting migraine. She rolled over, burying her face in the makeshift pillow, and tried to remember her night. Two light eyes brimming with tears flooded Clarke's memory and forced her upright. Her stomach lurched so Clarke fell back to her back. "Ughhhh," she grumbled as she attempted to steady her breathing and calm the tides in her stomach. When the moment passed, Clarke arose slowly and dressed for the day.

Most of camp was already in motion; around her Grounders worked to disassemble camp and prepare for the next stretch of travels. It wouldn't be long now until they were to reach their destination and hold the deliberations for an alliance with Clarke's people. Despite Clarke's nerves at what was to come, on that morning she was solely focused on finding Lexa to apologize for her outburst.

Clarke scurried around camp in a rush, but could not find Lexa anywhere. The Commander's tent had long since been packed down and her horse was ready on the outskirts of camp. Clarke hurried about, searching frantically until she was forced to stop. Octavia barked orders at Clarke to pack up her tent because they were setting off in less than an hour. Giving up, Clarke obeyed and set about her work.

Lexa and Indra strode into camp at the same time everyone began to mount their horses in preparation to leave. Clarke tried desperately to make eye contact with Lexa, but was unsuccessful. Lexa, in turn, climbed upon her horse and led the charge out of camp with two guards at her front. The group soon fell in line.

The ride was mostly silent as they made their way further North. Clarke's headache slowly abated the more water and food breaks she took as they went. By evening she felt much better despite her sadness at being unable to reach Lexa all day. When they stopped to set up camp again, Clarke bustled straight to Lexa.

"Can we talk?" she asked as she approached the Commander from behind. Lexa froze, her back rigid and firm. When she turned she'd regained her composure.

"I'm busy, Clarke."

Unphased, Clarke replied, "When you're not busy then?"

Lexa bit the inside of cheek and looked off over Clarke's shoulder. When she spoke her tone was determined and colder than Clarke had ever heard directed at her. "I'll be busy until after the delegations."

"You can't avoid me forever." Clarke hoped she was right.

"I'm not avoiding you, Clarke. I'm busy."

"I want to apologize," Clarke admitted. "I'm so sor-"

"Don't do that." Clarke paused, unsure what to do next. "Don't apologize. You have nothing to apologize for." Lexa's face was hard-set; her jaw clenched tightly closed. Clarke held her gaze until Lexa looked away and gulped. Clarke continued to watch the play of emotions slip over the Commander's hardened face.

"You're mad at me." It wasn't a question; Clarke could see it plain as day. "I shouldn't have-"

"Clarke, stop!" Lexa commanded with a fire in her eyes that made Clarke step back. She'd seen Lexa in Commander mode before, but the full weight of the anger directed at her alone filled Clarke with unease. Suddenly reminded of just how strong and powerful Lexa was, Clarke backed down from her argument. "I need to attend to my people. Why don't you go to yours? I do not wish to speak to you anymore." Defeated, Clarke left Lexa's side.

Lexa continued to avoid Clarke for the remainder of their travels. In four days time the travelers finally made it to the large village where the council meeting was to be held. They were offered real lodging – little huts with two beds in each. Despite Octavia's complaints she and Clarke ended up lodging together in the hut next to the one Lincoln and Bellamy shared. Clarke had been in a bad mood since the morning after Krisma and Octavia was sick of the whole thing.

"Just go talk to her, Clarke," she demanded as they lay in their beds the night before the meeting was scheduled. "I can't sleep with you thinking so hard. You're going to give yourself an aneurysm."

"I'm fine," Clarke snapped. "Go to sleep, O."

"I just told you, I can't."

"Then stay awake for all I care." Clarke rolled toward the wall of the hut and tried to focus on thoughts other than Lexa. She knew she should be focusing on what she'd say to the clan leaders in the morning, but Clarke's mind kept returning to that night. She replayed the argument over in her mind, each time rewriting the ending with what she should have said. "I'm going for a walk," Clarke hissed suddenly. She pulled her boots and cloak on before disappearing into the dark.

The village was mostly silent as Clarke wandered along the main road leading through the town. When she reached the end, Clarke turned right and headed back along the next line of huts. She knew she'd reached Lexa's when she found Indra perched out front with weapons at the ready. Clarke stopped and deliberated if it wise to go bother Lexa. It was late and she could not see any light coming from inside so Clarke decided to continue on her way. Clarke wandered about until she felt thoroughly exhausted. By the time she returned to her hut Octavia's breaths were long and deep. Clarke climbed into bed and fell asleep within seconds.

There were twelve clans, thirteen including the Sky People, and each clan had one leader present during the deliberation. Clarke recognized a few of the faces from the battle on Mount Weather, but even with those leaders present Clarke still was vastly outnumbered with ones she'd never met. Most the twelve clans lived so far from Polis and TonDC that they were unable to join Lexa's troops for the battle, but now all the leaders were united.

Each tribe leader wore traditional Grounder clothing with some modifications. Different furs covered the leaders based on location. Clarke was surprised to find some of the leaders even clothed in what appeared to be bear furs. The Queen of the Ice Nation wore a cloak made from the hide of a polar bear complete with a hood made out of the face. She was tall and imposing—obviously aware of her power. She immediately took control of the room, speaking over the others until all eyes were glued only to hers.

Clarke watched enthralled as she moved about the room with an air of confidence and grace she'd never seen—not even from Lexa. Suddenly it occurred to Clarke why Lexa cared so much about her people's opinions. Lexa had to appear strong because this—this lioness of a woman—was Lexa's competition. Knowing what she knew of the Ice Nation and what they'd done to Costia, Clarke felt despair settle in her gut. She was going to lose and her people would once again be left without an ally.

"Lexa, my dear," the Queen said with a venom lacing the term of endearment. "You've called this meeting and we've all arrived. Let us not waste time with pleasantries when winter is nearly upon us. What is it you want?"

"I speak for the Sky People," Lexa replied, her voice calm and measured despite how fragile she looked standing across from the woman who ordered the death of Lexa's first love. "This is Clarke Griffin; she represents her people. I'd like to discuss including them into the alliance of our people."

Grumbles and moans of dejection filled the room, but when the Queen spoke all fell silent again. "Why should we do that? They came to our lands, attacked our people, and now seek to infiltrate our goods and trades."

"They came to my lands, attacked my people, and have valuable tools and services they can offer all of us if we agree to make peace. It was not your people that died in a battle against the Sky People; do not attempt to make this about you." Lexa's words were harsh and full of anger. She didn't shy away when the Queen stepped closer to her, standing a full head taller than Lexa, and peered down.

"They were not welcome here. We were doing just fine before them. Why should we care what happens to them?"

Clarke replied before Lexa had a chance to speak. "Because we can offer you something you need."

The Queen reeled on her heel and strode to Clarke. "And what is it you think we need?"

"We have medical techniques and sciences far beyond your capabilities. Our healers have access to forms medicine long since forgotten here on Earth. We also have the knowledge to rebuild this planet as it once was. Electricity, schools, and even automobiles. We can do all that, but we need the freedom to do so. We need help adjusting to this life here. We'd like to establish a trade system where we can all work together to better all our lives."

"Is it not true these people have harnessed the power of gun powder?" The Queen announced as she reared toward the group. "What's to stop them from becoming what the Mountain Men were and using their so called science to wipe us all out? Or even worse, how are we to know they won't build the very same weapons that eradicated our ancestors?!"

The room erupted in cheers. Clarke could feel the favor shifting out of reach. She looked to Lexa and pleaded with her eyes. Lexa nodded once and stepped to the middle of the room. "Quiet!" The room fell silent at her will. "The Sky People are not the Mountain Men. They seek to map out a home for themselves on a planet that also once was theirs. Do you forget that their ancestors were also wiped out?! That they only survived because they escaped to the skies? We are all people. And we are the same despite our differences. If we can't learn to work together despite these differences how are we any better than the ones that dropped the bombs that destroyed the planet? How are we any different than the Mountain Men?!"

Hisses filled the room and all hell broke loose. "We're not savages like those mongrels!" A man in the corner screeched. "And we do not farm people for our own gain!" Another yelped. "We're civilized!" "We don't kill unless provoked!" "The Sky People attacked first!" "They've done nothing but kill since arriving here!"

"Shof op!" Lexa roared, this time livid. Her body shook as she attempted to regain control of the situation. "I worked too hard to unite us into one clan for this to be our undoing! Do you remember what it was like just a few short years ago? You!" her finger pointed toward the man in the corner. "Were ready to go to a full war against him over a uniting ceremony that his son backed out of! And you were fighting her clan because one of hers killed a boar on your land! We all lost many of our own during those dark days and I put aside my anger," Lexa paused to catch her breath. When she spoke again her voice had dropped to a near whisper, but it was deadly. "I put aside my right for vengeance to make peace between us all." Her eyes bore into the Queen of the Ice Nation. "I will not live to see this alliance fall apart because you are all too cowardly to accept change. You're stubbornness will get you killed."

Not a single person made a sound for a considerable time after Lexa finished speaking. It was finally Clarke who broke the silence. "The Sky People wish to establish peace amongst us all. We only wish to make this planet our home. And we are willing to do what to takes to regain your trust."

Lexa nodded toward Clarke a silent agreement before turning back to the group. "That being said, my clan sides with the Sky People. If you so wish to oppose us we will be forced to take action. I do not wish to see us return to the dark days, but I will do what it takes to continue us on the path I've set—a path toward a better future for the next generation. If you chose not to stand with us, you're choosing to stand against us. And that will be considered a breach of the treaty and an act of war."

"Are you going to listen to this again?" The Queen questioned. "We've seen what Lexa can do. She's strong and smart, but misguided. Three hundred of her own people died at the hands of Sky People because of her mercy. How long until they attack all of us?"

"Is that your choice then?" Lexa posed calmly. Her lip turned up into a snarl and Clarke wondered if she'd just seen a glimpse of the Lexa that was borne after Costia's death. Lexa was delirious with anger and she was hungry to finally get her vengeance. Even Clarke could see that.

"Are you all seriously going to stand with this...this child!?"

The room was quiet again, but suddenly the man in the corner spoke in Trigedasleng. Clarke did not understand, but soon the rest of the room did the same. A chanting began as the all the leaders moved to stand behind Lexa. Soon it was just the Queen against all twelve other leaders. Clarke realized then that Lexa had done it. She'd won. And at her will, the Ice Queen fell in line.

"We'll discuss the new treaty outlines come tomorrow morning. This evening I suggest you all reflect on your clans needs and any changes you'd like to see. We will start fresh tomorrow." With that, Lexa exited the hut in a hurry. Clarke sprinted after her and caught the Commander in the middle of the road. Clarke grabbed her elbow and spun Lexa around to face her.

"Thank you," she whispered, suddenly unsure what else she could possibly say. "For standing up for me."

"I didn't do it for you, Clarke," Lexa hissed as she pulled her arm out of Clarke's grip. "I did it for my people."

"Regardless," Clarke added softly. "I'm grateful."

"You're welcome." Lexa's eyes softened, but her stance shifted again as she crossed her arms at her chest. Clarke reached out to touch Lexa's arm. She pulled it down and slid her hand in the Commander's clammy one. "What are you doing?"

Clarke smiled and squeezed the hand in hers. "I want to show you something. Come with me." She pulled Lexa along toward her own hut, a little surprised to find that Lexa did not retract her hand. Clarke wondered as she walked if maybe Lexa's resolve had softened. She hoped she was right.

Inside her hut, Clarke reached into her bag and finally pulled out the book of Lexa's stories. Lexa's eyes widened when she realized what Clarke was giving back to her. "That was a gift," she admonished. "I want you to keep it."

"Open it," Clarke answered as she dropped it into Lexa's hands. "Just have a look," she added with a smirk when Lexa didn't immediately obey. Lexa frowned before peeling back the cover. What she saw brought a smile to her face.

"You..." she flipped another page. "You illustrated my stories?" Clarke nodded and moved to stand next to Lexa where she could see her work. It had taken her a long time to rebind the book with pages from her own sketch book, but Clarke was very proud of the work she'd done. "They're beautiful," Lexa added as her voice cracked.

"I meant to give it to you on Krisma, but we both know how that night turned out. You still haven't let me apologize for that."

"I told you that you don't need to," Lexa replied as her eyes met Clarke's. Clarke noticed the brimming tears.

"I know I don't need to, but I want to, Lexa." A tear slipped free from Lexa's eyes. The pad of Clarke's thumb stopped it on Lexa's cheek before it could fall onto the book. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said those things. I don't think of this as a game. I'm not even sure why I said it. I was drunk and frustrated because I wasn't getting what I thought I wanted. And you were just doing the right thing. I'm sorry."

Lexa's eyes locked to Clarke's and held them in a warm gaze. Clarke's stomach knotted; her heart bumped wildly against her ribcage. "I forgive you, Clarke," Lexa replied finally. "Thank you for the gift."

Clarke glanced down to the pages again and pointed to a picture of a little girl with wild curls and a daisy behind her ear. "This was my favorite story. The little flower girl who saved her best friend from the pirates by fooling them all with her wit. It was a clever story." Lexa turned the page to find the drawing of the end of the story. "I'm a sucker for a good happy ending," Clarke mused as Lexa ran her fingers over the picture of the two young girls, one with dark curls and green eyes, kissing her beloved friend.

When Lexa spoke her voice cracked again. "This is beautiful, Clarke."

"Thank you for inspiring me to draw again."

"Did you know this story has a sequel?" Lexa asked with a smile. She turned her face to Clarke and smirked. "The little girl grows up and becomes a Commander. The other little girl is struck down and this one," she pointed to the drawing of the dark haired one. "This one becomes very sad. But one day a new girl, with hair matching the rays of the sun, falls from the sky like a shooting star. The Commander mistook her as exactly that and wished for something new to take away the pain. And then you showed up."

Clarke smiled as she felt her eyes brim with tears to match Lexa's. "Does the sequel also have a happy ending?"

"You tell me," Lexa replied.

Clarke didn't need to be told twice. She turned fully and leaned into Lexa, brushing her lips softly against the ones she'd been craving for weeks. Lexa's mouth slipped open and a warm breath fell out of the lips like a sigh. Clarke pushed in deeper and captured Lexa's bottom lip in between her own. The book fell to the floor as Lexa turned to pull Clarke's body into her own. She gasped as they came together and moved to clutch Clarke's waist. Clarke ran her fingers through Lexa's hair as she slid her tongue past Lexa's lips. And that's when Clarke knew, without a doubt, that this was exactly what she'd been searching for since landing on Earth. She was finally home.