Hi guys! third fanfic! WOOHOO! okay so i'm not sure how long exactly i'm going to make this. The rating might change later also depending on where i go with it. It's good to be back! Enjoy the story!

P.S. in this fanfic Natsu and Lucy are married, chapter one is set one month after their wedding.

A cool breeze swept through the open window and into the room that Lucy was sleeping in, the soft wind tickled her cheeks. She looked around through half lidded eyes, nothing had changed but something was off. She looked to her side and noticed a dent in the side of the bed next to her. That's it! Where's Natsu? He was here earlier, she thought as she stepped out of bed to go look for her husband. She pulled on a jumper because her singlet and shorts did nothing to keep her warm in the icy cold winter. She walked towards the living room when a smell hit her out of nowhere, Is that bacon? She changed directions and headed towards the kitchen.

"Natsu?" she called

"Yeah Luce?"

"Nothing I was just wondering where you were,"

"I got up early and couldn't sleep so I figured I'd make breakfast,"

She smiled and walked towards him, lacing her arms around his waist she nuzzled her head in his neck. Moving away from the frying pan, he gave her hands an affectionate squeeze. He quickly put the bacon on a plate and turned the stove off, he turned around to face his wife. Staring lovingly into her chocolate brown eyes, hi bent down for a kiss. His rough lips brushed against her soft ones and his hands snaked around her waist, pulling her into a warm embrace. She ran her hands up his chest and through his soft pink hair. They pulled apart an smiled at each other,

"Let's have breakfast and then head to the guild," She said

"Aye Sir!"

"Don't imitate Happy," she sighed but he just giggled

They were on their way out of their apartment when Lucy suddenly became dizzy and she was hit with a wave of nausea. She stumbled slightly and had to grab hold of the door frame to stop herself from falling over. Noticing that something wasn't right, Natsu moved to her side to support her, she looked rather pale and he was worried about her.

"Natsu, I need to-"before she could finish her sentence she was running towards the bathroom. Natsu chased after her, when he arrived at the doorway he saw her bent over the toilet vomiting. She must be sick, he thought.

"Hey, Luce are you okay?" he asked but she just let out a pained groan, "If you're not feeling well we don't have to go to the guild today,"

"No, N-Natsu you go to the guild, don't worry I've probably just got a stomach bug or something," she replied

"Fine, but I'll send Wendy around to make sure it's nothing serious," he said before helping her up.

He helped her walk to the bedroom and tucked her in under the covers, he placed a gentle kiss on her head and set out for the guild.

There was a knock at the door before the blue haired mage let herself into Natsu and Lucy's apartment. She walked around the house looking for the celestial mage when her sensitive dragon hearing noticed something move in the bedroom. She opened the door to find a pale Lucy looking up at her. She smiled at the dragon slayer, glad that she wasn't alone anymore.

"Hi Lucy! Natsu said you weren't feeling well and asked me to come check up on you," said Wendy

"Thanks Wendy, I think it's just a stomach bug but you know how Natsu is, he overreacts to everything," smiled Lucy

"Haha, alright let me have a look at you Lucy,"

Wendy examined the blonde haired mage, trying to figure out what was wrong with her. It's not a stomach bug, it's not the flu, she hasn't got food poisoning, so the only thing left is….oh. Having figured out what was wrong Wendy started to blush.

"Wendy is something wrong?" Lucy asked getting slightly panicked,

"No nothing wrong, it's just…..I don't know….you're….Lucy you're pregnant,"

Lucy was stunned into silence, she wasn't sure what to think, she was overjoyed but they had only been married for one month. What if Natsu doesn't want the child! What if he leaves me? Now she was freaking out, NO, this is Natsu we're talking about, he wouldn't do that. She trusted him and she knew he would never hurt her, she loved him more than anything in the word and she felt stupid for even thinking he would leave her but that didn't mean she wasn't nervous.

"Wendy, promise me you won't tell anyone. I don't know if I'm ready for anyone else to find out yet, I need to talk to Natsu first okay?"

"Okay!" she replied, "do you need anything before I head back to the guild?"

"No I'll be fine, thanks for coming to check on me,"

"No problem!" and with that Wendy left the building.

It was late afternoon when Natsu came home from the guild, Lucy was sitting on the lounge with a cup of tea and a book in her hands. She looked up when she heard the jiggle of keys in the lock. Natsu opened the door and walked into their apartment, smiling at the fact that Lucy looked better than she had that morning.

"Feeling better Luce?" he asked

"Yeah, much better, thanks for sending Wendy over," she replied

"So…was it a stomach bug?"

"Um…..n..not….r..really…" she said

"Luce what's wrong, you sound nervous, I can tell something's not right. Luce what's going on?" he asked, his voice dripped with concern

"Natsu….i…I'm….I'm pregnant," there, I said it, now I just have to wait for him to respond.

Natsu was shocked, he stared at Lucy until he snapped out of it and the intense feeling of joy spread through his entire body. He was going to be a dad! He smiled and pulled her into a tight hug and she hugged him back.

"Luce, I'm going to be a dad!" he half shouted

"You're going to be a great dad," she smiled into his shirt

"and you're going to be an amazing mum," he said nuzzling his head in her hair.

Hope you enjoyed it! There might be quite a delay between the updates because of school (Assignments, homework, study AAAAGGGGHHHH!) just thought i'd warn you but i'll try to update as soon as possible.

Arigato and goodbye (for now)!