The Ranger of Isla Sorna II


I had to run!

I had to keep moving away from those monsters. I had to keep running ever if my heart was beating so fast I thought it'd explode from my chest, it hurt so much to keep breathing that I nearly fell down while running past a tree. One of the roots were exposed on the ground, I had to keep running away from the monsters. I had to keep running! I was running as mom told me to do as those sounds, those terrible sounds behind me made tears trail down my cheeks. I felt the hot moist drops of water leaked under my chin as I desperately tried to get my tired hands off the ground.

It hurt but I had to keep going.

I had to keep running.

Mom told me to run and I was running as far as I could.

Those sounds again, oh those horrid sounds that made my eyes grow wide! Even now I heard something howl, or snarl in the distance behind me. I had to keep running and I was struggling to get air to breathe I felt my chest burn so bad that I thought I was in a fire. I wanted to stop, but I had to keep running. Running as fast as I could as mom told me to run and I was running as the howls in the distance made my heart race even faster. I felt hot when my body screamed at me to move but it barely felt possible. I watched as steam rushed over my eyes as I panted so loudly as I tripped over some rocks next. Falling face first into the ground, I had to keep running and I couldn't stop.

I started to cry as the screams reached my ears!

I clamped down over the sides of my head.

I could hear mom screaming as she tried to save my brother from them.

I couldn't stop running, I had to run.

And I felt my chest hurt even more so as warmth trickled down my side.

"Run, son! RUN!"

I heard mom saying that to me as I rushed into the forest, I had to run. Mustering my feet to get myself up I started to run towards the mountain in the distance as I saw caves. Caves meant I could go hide, I could hide and wait for mom to find me. I couldn't stop crying now because I couldn't stop running as I kept on moving with the howls growing closer in the distance. It seemed so far away yet I had to keep running. It hurt as I tried so desperately to block out the screams as they echoed in my ears and I couldn't stop crying as I kept running.

What were those monsters?!

Mom said they were fake.

But they got her! They dragged her out of the car as she tried to save my brother from being pulled out of the window. She told me to run, I'd run and I'd run as fast as I could have. I had to run, I had to run to live and I wanted to live! I wanted to live, I wanted to live and to do that I had to run! I had to run to get away from the monsters. They got mom even if she told me to run and she'd find me, I had to keep running as I felt myself slow down when I got dizzy. I fell down again as my knees hit the dirt I started to cry as the sounds got closer to me again. I wanted to move but it hurt so bad to breathe, my chest hurt as I realized my inhaler was gone as I went through my pockets!

Looking back I saw the bushes where I came from move enough to get me to panic.

I tried to move! I told myself to move, I had to move!

But all I could see was something moving in front of me...

And the last thing I saw was a monster as it lunged at me screeching making yell for my mom to help me!

Even as a loud bang echoed through the dark.

And I felt my head hit the ground.

In a large conference room, three people occupied it and the reasons behind that were not of the most positive nature.

"General I'm sure you are well aware, this is not what we are accustomed to deal with."

A calm yet very uneasy man spoke out while sitting at an empty rectangular table. He sat there with reports of various documents about events that were becoming extremely difficult to suppress for a better lack of a word. Scanning over the pictures participated on the papers, he had to steady himself due to the fact what was on there had to be practically impossible. Trying to shuffle through them, he had to shut his eyes due to the fact that innocent people had gotten involved.

Or rather they in turn became targets in a sense.

The second man was a military one, who retorted to the first man who spoke initially.

"We aren't specialized to tackle this problem, I'm sure you are very well aware of that."

He said to a person overlooking a window who was viewing the lively metropolis that came to life during the day. The various people of millions doing their daily lives, unaware of the dangers beyond the city limits. Snorting lightly as the man looked to the person in the window who casually disregarded the problems at hand. Sighing lightly, he overlooked the documents on the table neatly being shuffled through as reports from two locations had started to garner headlines.

Regarding one issue, the General looked onto a caption of a document.

"Fatal Animals Attacks, Ten in One Month."

The details inscribed within the pile were of a small mountain town in the Northwest corner of the country, people were being killed and attacked within the Rocky Mountains. Most of the locals were alarmed since they had been mislead to believe it be a mountain lion developing a taste for human flesh. That misinformation had at first stemmed the danger until of the most recent date. It was becoming a nightmare if the truth got leaked without having safeguards in place, the animal attacks wouldn't have been normal if he was involved to begin with.

And it certainly didn't settle well.

Yesterday through means that he wouldn't admit to the public, he had came across a video camera at a local parking lot within a small town had caught the 'animal' responsible for the attacks. The actual video had been isolated, contained and the ones who had been the first to see it had been swore to never expose the contents to the public until a later date in the future. The man that the general had gotten annoyed with spoke up while reading another set of documents and it started to show in his tone about the situation on hand.

They needed to do something immediately and get a response to shut down the growing fears of these attacks.

"More attacks on the Pacific Coast that are ranging from California to Baja, Mexico. Fifteen people are missing on three separate incidents where boats have been found in pieces. The wrecks haven't been divulged to the public for safety reasons to incite riots, not to mention we have found two whale carcasses that have been secured by our Oceanic Marina Teams."

He read over the reports not clearly in a well thought out mood, his face had gone pale in a sense that if they didn't contain these incidents origins then the world was going to face a shocking crisis. Taking a drink of water that he had been offered at the start of the meeting was going to be rather refreshing after all. It was anything but refreshing as the magnitude of what in the hell was happening in the worlds ocean would enough to get him frightened. Attacks on land were one thing but in the seas was simply unreal, no creature in the modern records had the aggressive tendency to attack vessels on the surface. Things were just so surreal that it was akin to a nightmare that wouldn't end.

Reality was hardly a peaceful dream.

He drank before addressing the General who didn't seem pleased either.

"General, we need to end these incidents at their sources, but we have no modern expert available to even remotely figure out where and how these things came into our waters. And the attacks in the Rocky Mountains are just pushing us over the edge. So, I have to inform you I ordered us to use whatever means to stop this, to which I've sent you a memo to hire outside help."

The General didn't particularly seemed annoyed but just somewhat exhausted to drag in civilians to assist in solving these problems. He flipped through various imagines on the papers that were displaying autopsy reports, also pictures of the ships that were wrecked, along with potential details that were marked on the debris and other various pictures of potential perpetrators.

Perpetrators that were the cause for many things that had gone down.

"I don't agree with the methods. We could have brought in the Coast Guard and the Navy to assist us on the ocean but you want me to trust a single man to the Rocky Mountains?" He asked neutrally as he honestly didn't know what to say beyond this. Asking for help didn't mean a weakness, if one could admit such a thing when it came down to being unprepared.

But it was the reason why!

Why they needed help because no one in the military had experience for this type of problems within legalized borders at the least.

The General just sighed to himself again.

So would it be worth all this effort to secure an expert at the expense of more lives potentially?

He listened in from his companion while studying more of the documentation keeping an idle ear out.

"We have already gone to extreme lengths of our legal department to secure the rights of In-Gen's contract with the only man we can hope to deal with this situation. I'm sure the Pentagon can agree to come to terms with a common ground to stop this threat on the populace." He flipped through a dossier on a well known person, that was within the territory of Isla Sorna. On the coast of Costa Rica itself, a real amount of fiances had gone that way to get what was needed.

Even the Costa Ricans were uneasy, they were less than pleased to have the only known security of that island to be displaced for an uninformed amount of time. They had limited liability to keep strangers off the island through any military or security means. And if the only way for them to completely not be liable for any public people going to island was trying to save them and become responsible for their lives? The General just inwardly felt guilty in using such a valued resource who did his job to the letter and went beyond what was needed to get lives saved.

They'd rather allow In-Gen take the the world's blame and all the negative press for their creations. The Costa Rican government wanted no part of being responsible for whatever happened once In-Gen's personal left that island. So thankfully even though he detested the political deals and trading agreements, the uneasiness had put aside the initial anger of such actions. Then again if both sides could beneift, than the common ground to become productive would be all the merrier to understand.

And in the end, the General got the man needed for the job.

"The 'Ranger' of Isla Sorna, huh?"

The military officer said to no one particularly.

He was studying his own dossier of the young man and he didn't really feel right in this move. Asking a person to do more than his job required was a long stretch of faith, but to completely go outside the jurisdiction of his surroundings would be a hassle to deal with. Hell just trying to find this guy was going to be a dangerous mission in itself and the whole environment was hostile to humans in a sense. Hostile to become an imminent prey item while amongst predatory animals that would need an Abrams Tank to kill it. All this meant was that more lives were going to be put at risk because one person had the experience needed to hunt down certain problems that no expert in the world had in this modern age.

Sighing to himself once more, the General could not spend too long on these issues.

The war in the Middle East couldn't be maintained with troubles like this appearing on the Home front.

"John Hammond highly recommended him to us if we were inclined to ask of his help, the current CEO and contract holder is Alexis Murphy. She's the grandchild of the man that had been contacted, my associate wasn't fond of deal with her. She was less than pleased for the three months of the Corporate pressure and these back door dealings, we had to offer a substantial amount to get her to agree. So now nonetheless we can send a team to rendezvous with Luke Anderson and ask him for his assistance without interference."

Another snort came from behind the two men who looked to the third person in the room who had been silent the whole time. Neither of the two darted to speak for the repercussions wouldn't be the most positive remarks in the near future. So for a few moments the two men didn't speak before the civilian counterpart of the General continued from his previous notes. They were under the gaze of a person that would be less than healthy to be on the bad side of, so they were content to continue on their individual reports.

And mentally prayed to resolve this issue before anymore lives were put at risk.

"Legally we do have his contract but for moral sake I'd say it'd be better to ask for his help and explain the situation to him in person. It'd be better if he was willing to cooperate with us but we have to assume the isolation on that island will make him anxious, for a better lack of a word. Hopefully we can convince him with people both from the team and from one of us, because I've recently gotten an estimate until the public is fully aware of the attacks." The uneasiness of the situation had grown and it was making the military man just to ask a simple question. Even though it'd be pointless to know the answer too, the military general wanted to hear it so it'd motivate him to start making calls as soon as possible.

"How long?"

And with those two words came a sensation.

A cold spine tingling sensation had reared it's devious presence.

"Within the next month, the public will more or less figure out what the Rocky Mountains attacks perpetrator will be and based on eyewitnesses in Mexico alone, I can tell you that's going to cause quite a bit of mass panic for anyone owning a boat on the Pacific Ocean on the North American continent. The panic and allegations will cause a fallout not seen since the San Diego Incident, I'm afraid."

The silence was met with a grim yet very uneasy feeling sweeping between both men. They were fearful of the innocents who would be caught in a cross fire of a corporate war that had been raging for nearly a decade. Innocent people who had been targets in a battle that didn't have to involve them, but it had been necessary for reasons that the neither of the two would dare speak of. So for the moment the two went into silence again although their personal thoughts were rushing forward in panic.

Yet the two heard a simple foot thud echo loudly in the room.

As the General found the urge to tell his civilian counterpart.

"I can send a team immediately. They can use the Navy, we have craft to transport them into the Island's range and then they search for their man. We can certainly expect to find them at the former In-Gen Facility near the center of the island, but getting inside that environment will be difficult. After all they won't be armed with any sort of explosives due to the ordinance violations that Costa Rica set up if any armed personal were on the island. In-Gen's policy certainly didn't help to keep that island a weapon free zone either."

Absently another snort got them to quickly flush out the rest of the planning. Time was against them now, if they could somehow get everything to align then there would be no need for anymore deaths to occur. Anxiety built within the general since he knew that on a time frame as objectives had to be taken in order for an operation to become successful.

In this case this was now an operation to protect the American and Mexican populaces.

And to protect their own lives, somewhat.

"How will the team get off the island once they make contact? That's if the weather is fine and hopefully get our man's help willingly."

The General responded in rather clipped tone, "We airlift them onto the ship which will make its way to the Costa Rican coastal waters whereas we will fly them from the International Airport into San Francisco. So from there we'll inform the team, the Ranger and whoever is with him the situations at hand. As of now this is an immediate priority to get done, I'll start making calls."

Reaching into his pocket did the military officer get the number within his contacts to his Commanding Officers to relay information about the progress now. The urgency had finally started to kick in which was making the mood of the room shift and not in the happier sense at all. Both men could feel their very bodies shake in fear from the repercussions if the public had ever gotten wind of what was actually a danger to them. It'd make the entire world bear down on the chain of islands for various islands.

Reasons that could lead to an extinction of animals, who for the better lack of word had been created for the world to see in safety.

However the third person in the room finally spoke and it revealed to be an enticing yet deadly feminine persona.

"How sure can you guarantee the Ranger's involvement? We don't want to be let down if he doesn't cooperate with your plans? Do we?"

The questions weren't stressed or even immediately pronounced to the two males in the room. Normally once would consider them to be causally or simple interest, yet the two men in the room had their spines shiver from a cold feeling. A familiar feeling when ones life was on the line due to their own past misgivings that stemmed from mistakes. Mistakes that were not of the most pleasant memories to bring back.

The General spoke immediately before the civilian could as he had little patience to deal with the dangers that threatened the American people.

"If he doesn't cooperate, he'll proceed to be escorted towards us one way or another. I do not have time to settle a backyard dispute when I have to oversee a war in the Middle East. So put your worries at ease, for now madam." The identified woman merely walked to the door before speaking one sentence, that made both men cringe whether they admitted it or not. There was a nasty feeling when this person spoke in way that make a spine tingle in warning. Nature had honed human instincts when they were up against anything dangerous, this was no different besides the battle was fought by back dealings involving major powers.

"Make sure you do not screw this up."

And with that she left the conference room leaving the two men in thought.

It was going to be a dangerous year for everyone involved with this situation.

And it all rested on the shoulders of a man who would be less than pleased to leave that island.

End Prologue

Author's Note: I hate to say it but this is only a prologue meant to establish the core of the issues that are going to appear in the Ranger of Isla Sorna II.

Now as much as I know many of you are going to be happy, I'm only posting this short chapter to get yourselves ready for the full chapter coming after this. Don't be worried, give me some time and I'll post it. It's just I wanted to reassure everyone that this story is alive, it's just been put aside for the time being and I will update it once a month, pending on whether I can write another chapter out. Basically I have the first two chapters already written out, so relax and all I have too is write another one or two, then I will post the first full chapter.

Still I know many of you people are clamoring for this sequel to kick off.

So it's good to know many of you are eagerly awaiting the next installment of Ranger of Isla Sorna. Now this brings me to a simple question I've had to ask myself and to which, I ask you.

"How do you up the stakes in a place like Isla Sorna?"

My answer came out to this: "You go beyond the borders."

Many of you are going to be questioning my own sense of sanity of where I take this story, personally in my heart I should have ended it at Ranger of Isla Sorna but for the sake my own ambition to see that new Jurassic World movie this summer. I'm going to be preparing the Ranger as you've followed feverishly on a journey of surviving not just in a Lost World but the Reality that is the world as we know it. Bonds of rationality and somewhat more humane elements are going to be implemented in this story as time goes along.

The Raptor Pack, Jean as well as Chomper and all the dinosaur elements will be there as time passes.

But the true aspect of this story is having Luke face old fears and encountering new terrors that will push him beyond.

So I welcome you on this journey and all I have to say is this...

"Hold onto your butts."