In the city of Bodhum was painted gold in the light of the setting sun, orange and red hues coated the sea, bright white flares flashing upon the rippling surface as waves rolled onto the reddish beach. The city across glowed orange in the light, with dark purple shadows casts behind them, stretching far and wide into the land behind. With the warm air and colors all around, Lightning smiled from her porch, her legs hanging off the edge as she watched the waves dance and surge in the distance make white flashes flicker against the sun.

She missed this place.

Truly she has.

The colors the setting sun upon the beach, the salt in the air, the warmth in the breeze, and the comforting hum of people touring the streets and beach.

It was good to be home.

Just the thought made her arc up and stretch as far and long as she could, trying to soak as much light as she could before slumping forward and breathing in the salty air. She could practically taste it as the breeze brushed by her.

Behind her, her fiancé yawned aloud, slowly making his way outside and squinting at the light. "Bright," he grumbled as he sat beside her and slouched against her, letting his eyes slowly adjust.

"We're known for our sunsets," she admits, weaving her fingers through his hair as her own head leant back on his. "How was your nap."

"Needed," he hummed, leaning into her rub. She silently agreed. They both needed the break. Politics on top of politics piled upon them till it hurt their eyes just to stare at a paper, and Noctis got the worst of it (though he insisted on doing most of the politics himself). With this their second day here in Bodhum, the bags were just starting to thin out from under his eyes after spending half a day just sleeping and nothing else.

Humming aloud as he perked up a little, he slid a suave arm around her waist, pulling her close and tucking her under his chin, asking, "Any plans tomorrow? If not, I'm a little eager to spend the day in bed…"

Lightning rolled. "You plan on spending the whole vacation in bed?"

"Not just sleeping if that's what you mean."


"I embarrassed myself with sand castles and surfing, joined you on a walk on the beach, star gazing, sleeping on the beach while star gazing, cooking hot dogs on an open fire, and now napped for half a day. I wouldn't mind some… private time Light."

She turned and kissed his neck. "Hate to say it, but I already have plans for tomorrow."

"Already?" he grumbled.

"You did sleep half the day."

He sighed, tugging at her the wild strands of hair on her head. "So who snatched you tomorrow?"

"Fang. Fishing trip tomorrow."

"Fishing trip?" he repeated, like the phrase sounded strange to him.

"Yes… you know what fishing is right?" she teased. He wrinkled his nose at her, grumbling, "I know what fishing is. Just… can't imagine you fishing…"

Lightning leant away from him, raising a pale brow. "Can't see me fishing? I'll have you know that I fished quite a lot as a kid."

"Really?" he asked, leaning back on his arms. Absently he noted the moon starting to rise up behind them, peeking past the Bodhum skyline. "Yeah, my dad taught me. Since it's been a while I decided it'd be a good opportunity."

"Oh…" he mumbled.

She peered at him while he stared at the dark purple horizon, frowning a little. An almost pout on his lips. Finally, after watching him muse and argue with himself, she asked, "Did you want to come…?"

He jerked up. "Me? Fish? I, I've never been. But if it's ok with you and Fang, I'd like to learn." He cracked a grin. "Besides, aren't dad's supposed to teach their kids how to fish? Can't just leave you to teach them all the fun stuff—" Lightning shoved him back with a huff. "First you gotta learn how to fish before you start teaching." By his skeptical look, she added, "It's harder than it looks."

"I fought behemoths, a Leviathan, a raging war against Niflheim, wooed you, I think I can handle a fishing trip."

"Then off to bed. We go bright an early," she stated.

"But I just woke up."

"Not my problem," she said, getting up and heading back inside, the warm breeze at her back. Noctis dropped to his back, watching her go. Aloud, he offered, "You could wear me out." She stopped at their room, turning to him with her sexy smile, the slant her of eye lids that brought out the glow in her silver green eyes. In a delightful purr, she bid, "Goodnight Noctis," and slipped inside their room, leaving him on the porch alone with the blinking stars to huff.

Getting up, he relented. He'd go to bed early, despite just waking up, but he decided he wasn't going to make it easy. His unbuttoned shirt fell to the floor with his shorts kicked after it as he followed his rose into the dark room.

A hard probe at his nose drew Noctis awake. With a dark grumble, he quirked a red eye open, glaring up at the smirking Fang looming above him. It was far too early for him to be dealing with this. He really hadn't realized just what Lightning meant when she stated that you got up early for fishing.

She meant early, early.

Good hour before sunrise.

And that was just being in the boat by five.

She and Fang were up and getting ready for it about 4:45 am. It wasn't till she came back at 4:57 to drag him from bed did he realize that fishing trips started early. And so far, it was not a welcomed start.

"That's the fourth time I poked you," she said.

"Noted," he growled.

"Cranky," she teased, "and after two cups you're still asleep. Mindful they were small but still black… damn, Sunshine must have worked you hard last night~"

"Fang," Lightning growled back, shooting the Pulsii a look.

"What?" the hunter asked.

"Just because you're fine sharing your sex life, doesn't mean I like too. Get your nose out of it." Noctis hummed in agreement, closing his eye and trying to fall back asleep on the somewhat awkward but also somewhat comfortable table. Though the bright orange life jacket he wore made some mild discomfort for him by pressing hard into his chin.

Fang simply hummed and smirked, not able to help herself as she teased, "Must have been extra spicy last night. Did you guys try something new? Had multiple sessions?"


"Multiple," Noctis mumbled.


"Oh my," Fang purred, wiggling her dark brows at Lightning. "I know you have stamina Sunshine but damn. If you two were as busy as I think you were, I would have thought you'd be just as tired as Prince Charming here."

"She is," Noctis insisted to the table.

Fang snorts. "Wouldn't she be like you then?"

"Shhhhhh," Noctis shushed, lazily pressing a finger to his lips.

Lightning rolled her eyes at them, grumbling darkly under her breathe as she moved about the boat, securing the poles, the bait, the life jackets, rope, noodles, buckets for the fish, and tube. They should have everything… "Missing anything?" Lightning asked, distracting Fang from her game of messing with Noctis, trying to see what made him tick while he snoozed.

"Only the boys," Fang said.

"Boys?" Lightning repeated. "I thought it was just Gladiolus that was joining us?"

"Weeeeelll, he sort of invited Shotgun and Shotgun invited Specs and Specs refused and to my knowledge, the hyper active blond is dragging a very reluctant and cranky Specs here. I imagine Shotgun's going to be the only guy awake on this boat."

"I'm awake," Noctis mumbled.

"Uh huh," Fang agreed sarcastically.

Lightning sighed, "So that's why you packed extra. I'll get more coffee ready."

"I'll keep look out for the boys," Fang bid, finally leaving the prince alone to his sleep.

When all arrived and were settled into the boat, with only Lightning, Fang, and Prompto being the only one's awake and in a good mood; they were quick to get the engine going. Gladiolus slumped across from Noctis and joined him in a sleepy daze while cranky Ignis sat away from them, downing his cup of coffee with a fierce grumble.

Fang's call was the sleepy heads' only warning. "Hold on!"

The boat lurched forward and dove towards the open sea, the engine bellowing thunderous in the air while the hull bounced and jerked over coming waves. The boys found themselves bounced out of their seats and to the floor, scrambling to hold on and gawking as Lightning and Fang stood easily through the rough ride.

Fang looked back and shouted over the roar of the engine, "You boys doing ok?"

"F-fine babe!" Gladiolus shouted back, gripping the table hard and wincing when the edge was slammed into his gut.

"Can you stop this infernal bouncing?!" Ignis snapped, gripping the sides and getting splashed in the face every ten seconds as the boat hit the waves.

"It'll smooth out," Fang promised them.

Prompto, also clinging to the sides of the ship, was starting to pale and turn a little green as salt water splashed his face and his stomach was going up and down with the ship.

And our brave handsome prince? He was pressed hard to a table, wide awake as he tried to keep himself from getting jumbled with the ship. Mindful this wasn't this first time on one but certainly not one driven like this. This was a norm in Bodhum? They liked bouncing on waves and feel the boat tip back like it was going to flip?! Or was it just his lovely rose and her crazy best friend that enjoyed this?

Noctis didn't know what he hoped for, all he knew was that he wanted all the bouncing to come to an end.

Etro must have heard his prays for the ride did smooth out as Fang promised, and soon they were, mostly, gliding easy on the boat. It rocked and tilted on the water, but it was more manageable. So long as they all had something to hold onto to help them move around, though the girls, Lightning especially, walked about easily on it. It was like they weren't being rocked at all.

"Spent the first two years of my life on a boat," Lightning said as she came up and secured that his life vest was on tight. "My father thought it was a good idea to get my sea legs in early, and mom occasionally took me and Serah out."

"Are Bodhum's boats always this…" Noctis cringed as he lurched forward, unbalanced into Lightning, standing firm and easily rebalancing him. "A bit," she said. "It varies with the boat."

Patting his shoulder and advising to just hold tight to the seats, she went to the rest, securing their life vests before telling Fang to cut the engine. "We're at a good spot," the pinkette declared.

How she knew was beyond the boys as they stared out at it. The spot looked like every piece of the ocean as far as they could see. With dark rolling waves, the roar of the wind, and the occasional call of a gull far above their head. They didn't press or ask as she came around and passed each of them a rod, asking if they needed any help with it.

Fang, with a hooked spear in hand, went to the side, taking a bucket of chum with her and tossing a few pieces into the water, waiting.

"What are you hunting for?" Gladiolus asked.

"Cod," she said.

"Quite a popular fish around here," Lightning stated. "And we're aiming to catch a few for dinner tonight. If we're successful."

"One spearer and five fishers," Fang called, "I like our chances."

Lightning hummed, an unspoken 'if they can catch anything' trailing behind her. "Alright," she called, turning the boys' attention to her. "Do you know the basis of fishing?"

While Ignis, Gladiolus, and Noctis all raised an eye brow at her, Prompto slowly raised his hand.

"Yes Argentum?"

"You throw the hook into the water?"

"Very good, that's the start of catching fish, but there is one more thing to it. You need to know what bait you're going to use."

"Aren't there just worms?" Gladiolus wondered.

"Yes, but they aren't the only bait. There's live minnows," Lightning said, opening one bucket lid and showing them tiny fish, all swimming around. "All they're cute," Prompto gushed, "how do you use them to fish?"

"You pierce the hook right through their guts," she stated.

Prompto, Gladiolus, and Noctis looked very horrorstruck, while Ignis simply grimaced. "We what…" the blonde murmured.

Already seeing that minnows won't be popular, she closed the lid and moved onto the next classic. "Luckily for you, they are better at lakes than on the open sea. So instead, mostly we'll be using a popular classic. Worms." Open the lid of a smaller container; she flashed the contents at them, smirking at how they all, but Prompto, cringed at the slimy, dirty mess inside. "And just not any worms," she added, taking one out and showing them. "Lugworms. Cod go crazy for lugworms."

"And let me guess," her love voiced, "we pierce hooks through them too…"

She shrugged, "I guess you could try tying them around the hook but it is just easier skewering them. Besides, if they are in any pain, they're a worm in the open sea; they're not going to last long. If you're lucky, you won't lose them on your fist cast."

"Is there another way?" Gladiolus asked.

"Yes because I'm not touching a worm," Ignis huffed, wrinkling his nose at the wiggling creature in her palm. "Weeeell, there are lures, but nothing really bites like a live wiggling worm—"

"What lures do you have," Ignis insisted.

"Alright," she bid, dropping the worm back into the box and closing the lid. "Now, before I show you, does everyone know what a lure is?"

"Yes," they all answered.

"It's not live bait!" Prompto quickly added.

"That's right Argentum," she congratulated, "lures aren't as successful as life bait, but there are cases they can catch a lot. It depends on the lure and what you do with it. For cod, I have two suggestions." She held up two types, one looking like a fish model, the other looking like a little squid. "Cod go crazy for smaller fish and squid. Almost as much as worms. If you use a squid lure, you have a good chance of catching one—"

"Dibs," Noctis piped.

Gladiolus gaped, "Wha—no! Not this time! That princely title has no power here! I want the squid lure!"

"I would like it too!" Prompto insisted.

"I don't want it," Ignis stated.

"Hey," Lightning growled as the three started to argue, "hey! HEY!" They all snapped to attention, noting her furious stare. "I will have it set up that no one uses it. Now. Just because you use a very promising squid lure doesn't mean you WILL be successful," she stressed. "Thing about fishing is that it depends on the fish. Some days, they just won't bite. At all."

"Then why are we out here?" Ignis wondered.

"Iiiiiig," Prompto stressed, "for a good dinner that we caught, bonding, and fresh air!"

"Yeah," Fang called, "I'm just here to stab something in the water."

"You can actually fish like that?" Gladiolus asked.

"Yep!" his babe called.

"But it's hard," Lightning said quickly, "you have to be fast and not trust what you see above the water. You're more likely to miss than hit. And spear yourself into the water."

Prompto snickered.

Lightning continued, passing each of them a pole, "For now, let's just stick with fishing poles. You can fish with whatever you want, bait or lure, and you can fish anywhere you want on the boat. Make sure, and I'm dead serious on this, that you are aware of the hooks. When you cast, make sure it doesn't go near anyone. Believe me when I say it's not fun to get caught on a hook. Otherwise, you guys should be good to go. You need anything, shout. You make a catch, shout. So, who wants a lure and who wants bait?"

They all said lure.

Personally Ignis was finding this to be quite a waste of time. He's heard countless times that fishing was "relaxing" but so far, he's found it more boring than relaxing. When Prompto dropped by spouting about how Gladiolus was going fishing with his wild love and the future princess regent, Ignis completely brushed off the idea of going.

This was an excellent chance for him to relax, and it's not often that he actually allowed himself a chance to relax. Perhaps just sleep in for the day, Lebreau promised to have breakfast and hot coffee ready when he was awake, and she knew some good sunning spots. He even planned to drop by Bodhum's library to check out the books they had here on Cocoon.

Then the imbecile mentioned that he should come along.

And Lebreau, one of the few women he found tolerable and intriguing, actually agreed and thought it was a brilliant idea. With a mighty gasp, the bartender exclaimed, "You'd love fishing Ignis!"

"I highly doubt that," he grumbled back, adjusting his glasses. It sound stinky and a waste of time (and so far he was right). But his grumbles fell to deaf ears as the bartender lamented, "Oh the salt in the air, the warm breeze, the lull of the waves, and a battle most fierce with a fish! Ah, it's been forever since the last time I fished. Been too busy with the Seashell." Turning to him, she smiled big and wide. "I think you should go and enjoy it for us both! Catch something I can cook it up! Ooooh, what to do, broil? Fry? Bake? Maybe grill, been a while since I grilled fish."

"I don't want to fish," Ignis stated quite clearly. This was his vacation as well; he had a right to enjoy it as he wished.

Not that Prompto would allow it. With a big over the top pout, he whimpered to the bartender, "You hear that Lebby? He don't wanna go with us."

Ignis twitched, whether at the nickname or the purpose, he couldn't say.

And like the push over she was, Prompto easily had her eating out of his hands. "Come babe," she sidled right up behind, her hands expertly fleeting over his shoulders that brought a somewhat welcome shiver down his spine. "I think you'd like it. It really is very relaxing. And it'll be a beautiful day tomorrow, and because it'll be a weekend, I'll be busy and won't have as much time to spare anyway…"

He didn't quite know how it ended with him agreeing, all he could remember was a slight tickle as her clever finger brushed against the back of his head and warm breathe on his ear.

And now here he sat, some ridiculous hat on his head, a pole in his hands, and a dark world to stare at till dawn. And while the weather was warm and pleasant, it did little to ease his cranky mood as he glared at the water. He could have been in bed right now, under sheets, comfortable, sleeping in for once, with his girlfriend snuggled up close and warm. But no, he was here, sitting hunched over, a thin pole in hand with a funky looking fish lure that he set in the water.

"Relaxing," he repeated with a sneer. "How is this relaxing? I'm doing absolutely nothing."

Even the princess regent confirmed it. They were to sit and wait till something bites or recast.

Glancing over at the rest, he wasn't surprised to see Gladiolus sit next to Fang, both staring at the water intently as the murmured to each other, bold smirks and smiles on their faces. The royal couple sat across from Ignis, their own lures and bait set in the water as well, with the future princess regent retelling some of the adventures her father used to take her on, evidently one of the few good memories of her supposed father. And Argentum sat by his lonesome, staring at the water intent as he waited, like he was trying to goad a fish to bite.

It made Ignis roll his eyes.

You couldn't just goad a fish to bite. The princess said it herself. It wasn't like he could just say "Hey fish come bite my lin—"

Ignis paused when he felt a tug on his pole. It was very light, almost easily missed. Frowning deeply, he tugged back, only for it to feel… restrictive. Maybe it was the water holding his lure back?

Ignis started to reel back, only jump when the line was tugged violently.

Oh dear Etro, Ignis realized, he had a fish.

He had a fish!

"Lightning!" he exclaimed, completely forgetting his place in a rush of nervous excitement. She was at his side instantly, everyone else's attention on him. "I, I think I have a fish!" he uttered.

"Reel it in!" the princess ordered and he started to reel like a madman, quickly stopped by Lightning, warning him not to break the pole. And evidently reeling too fast could make him loose the fish. With her help, they reeled it in, Ignis leaning away as the fish flew out of the water and dove at them, tail flaying about as it tried to get free.

"Look at that!" Lightning praised, "good job Ignis!"

He stared in slight awe at the creature he caught. With dead beat eyes, slick, slimy scales, jagged dorsal fins, and a large gaping mouth. He caught it. He caught this… beast.

"Smile!" Fang called, snapping a photo that Ignis could barely register, barely hearing her and Gladiolus snicker, "Violet's going to love this one."

But he did hear Prompto grumble, "He didn't even want to come…"

Indeed he didn't, and while exciting as it was to catch it, he was at a complete loss on what to do with it. Lightning never addressed what you did with the fish when you caught it. Thankfully, like a good queen she will be, she caught on quick to his stumped issue. Grabbing the fish by the lip, she drew it in and tamed the wild wiggles, reaching into the thing's mouth and unhooking the hook.

"Very good," she repeated. "This is a good size for a first timer."

"I, well, yes of course," he babbled, straightening and adjusting his glasses, unable to help himself as he preened at the praise. Of course with his catch, he was completely oblivious to Noctis and Prompto, the two all the more eager to catch a fish now. If Ignis could catch one, so could they.

On the hour dragged and other than Fang occasionally stabbing at the water, no other fish has been caught. Prompto busily glared at the water, Ignis didn't practically care as he kept peeking into the water filled tub were Lightning kept his prize catch, and the two couples contently leant against each other, though both boyfriends stared at the water intently, wanting a catch on their line. It just wasn't fun if they didn't get a single bite.

As time rolled on, the dawn slid up over the horizon, purple dark waters gold in the light, much to the delight of the visiting Lucii. "Does it ever stop being breathe taking?" Noctis whispered to Lightning.

"Never," she admitted.

As the dawn slid away and the golden water turned pale grey, it was then that the next fish snagged a line.

"Oh!" Gladiolus gushed, practically rippling in his seat as he felt a tug.

A tug!

"Easy Hercules," Fang bid, her green eyes bright with shared excitement. "Reeling it in is half of the hunt."

"I got this…" Gladiolus assured, sticking his tongue out in pure concentration. He had it. He had it. He had to have it.

In his eagerness, he reeled in with too much force, and up the fish flew, out of the water and smacking him right in the forehead. Before Fang could grab him, Gladiolus, fish, and pole toppled into the water. With a big stutter he burst out, coughing and blinking the salt out of his eyes. "You ok babe?" Fang demanded, grabbing his arm to help him keep above the water, and let him breathe easier.

"Ok," he declared, "I'm ok. Just, just a little water logged…" He flashed her a weary smile, still a little blind with the salt in his eyes. Now where did his pole go… He saw it being dragged away from the boat, evidently still hooked on the fish. "Hey!" he shouted, jerking out of Fang's grip and swimming after it. "Come back!"

By the time Gladiolus caught the pole and wrestled it back to the ship, Fang had a towel ready just for him. As Gladiolus hauled himself up on the boat and reeled the sucker in (carefully this time), Fang set out to drying, ruffling up his already messy hair. "Got it!" he exclaimed, grabbing the line and smiling in absolute glee and the wiggling fish on it. Just about the same size as Ignis.


"At the expense of getting wet," Fang notes, "not that I mind. But you shouldn't go wearing wet clothes all day…"

"Oh?" Gladiolus hummed, turning to Fang and wiggling his eye brows. "Does milady want me to strip?"

"The lady would not disapprove, good sir."

"Get a room!" Prompto groaned. "I can hear you guys from all the way over here!"

Fang smirked, "Well, there is a room below deck—"

"Absolutely not," Lightning and Ignis snapped.

Fang stuck her tongue out at them. "Ah it's fine," Gladiolus eased, wrapping his arm around her waist and pulling her close. The fish he worked so far to catch was forgotten, unhinging itself from the hook, it jumped back in before anyone could notice. Not that the couple did as they smiled at each other. "Strip show just fine with you love?"

"Just don't go too slow…"

"Dear Etro," Lightning grumbled while Noctis pinched the bridge of his nose. "Gladio," he ordered, "underwear stays on."

"No fun!" Fang snapped, hand already gliding along the hawk tattoo on his chest as he slowly shrugged his shirt off.

Prompto just shuddered from where he sat. He scooted closer to the edge of the hull, glaring at the water challengingly. Now Ig and Gladio got a fish. All that was left was him and Noct, and he wasn't going to be the guy who gets a fish last! While Noctis would be a little sore about being the last to get a fish, he had his babe to ease those troubles away. And Prompto's babe was all the way back home in Bodhum. Leaving him alone. On the boat. He did ask Vanille if she wanted to come but she told him she didn't want to be up and early for the fishing trip. Evidently if it was in the afternoon she'd be up for it but Fang wasn't going to let it be.

So here he was fishing without his babe. Probably still sleeping the morning away; or maybe she was just waking up now. If he couldn't have time with his own love then he'd have it by not being the last to catch a fish. But he should have something to show for the trip. But how to secure he'd get one…

He caught sight of the worms Lightning mentioned. A smile grew on his face. Leaving his pole alone for a moment, he pretended to get another beer and grabbed the small box of bait secretly. Snickering to himself like a cartoon villain, he opened it up and picked up a worm, noting mind the moist sand clinging to his fingertips. And off he tossed the worm towards his lure. Now if fish were opportunists as he thought, they would go for the worm and this his lure.

And easy meal, two birds and one stone.

But things never go as easily as he hoped.

A cod came for his worm alright, raced towards it from below, swallowed it in one gulp and flew right into Prompto's unprepared arms, the fish's hard head ramming right into his unguarded stomach.

"Ooof," the blonde wheezed, nearly toppled back from the force. He had only seconds to recover when the fish started to squirm. Slick with water, it easily slid around his grip, it's long body smacking him in the face. Out of raw surprise, Prompto let it go off it went back into the deep, the gaping blond staring after it.

"You gotta be kidding me," he mumbled to himself.

He was so close!

Sighing to himself, he got up and asked Lightning where the medical kit, his cheek stinging from where the fish probably scratched it.

The rest of the day went slowly onto a late afternoon. Prompto, with a big bandage on his cheek and learning some patience, was able to catch three fish, Ignis, surprisingly, caught six, and was unhooking them himself by the third since Lightning was done unhooking his fish for him. Gladiolus snagged three and Fang was able to happily spear two, though the couple was more focused on lounging on each other than actually catch anything.

Lightning, with her experience, caught the most. Eight fish she snagged, reeling them in like a pro and mindful not to have any smack Noctis, who sat slumped and glaring at the water, still impatiently waiting for his catch of the day.

Running a hand along his shoulder and kissing his neck affectionately, Lightning eased, "It's fine, it happens sometimes."

"I know they're biting today," he grumbled, "and I know this is a good spot. I'm sitting right next to you! But nothing!"

Lightning sighed, beside him, resting her chin on his shoulder as she stared at the water. "Do you want me to put a worm on your hook?"


"Do you want to put a worm on your hook?"

"No. I want to catch a fish with the lure I chose," he huffed like a child. "Alright," Lightning relented with a roll of her eyes. Patting his shoulder, she left his side with a final bid. "Let me know if you catch anything, I think we'll be hanging for another ten minutes though."

"Ten minutes? I thought this was supposed to be an all-day thing?"

"Some trips are, but since we plan to cook the fish we caught, at least some of them, we'll need to head back early to get them ready." Kissing the back of his head, she warned him, "Good luck, and don't rush this. It's fine if you don't catch a fish, we got plenty for tonight." He simply harrumphed, starting to reel his lure back in, figuring that it would be impossible to catch anything now.

Only to have the pole nearly ripped from his hands.

"Liiiiiggght!" he gasped, nearly slid off the boat as he held tight to the pole. "Bite! Bite! I gotta bite!"

She was at his side instantly; hand on his shoulder, the other on the pole, helping him keep a hold on it. Before them in the water, a fish splashed violently against them. A pale brown tail flashed through the flares of silver drops, alerting Lightning that it was a damn big cod.

"We're going to reel this oaf in together," she told him.

"Got it," the prince bid, gripping the pole hard. With her ok, he started to reel, completely focused on pulling the large fish in. When it started to jump and squirm, Lightning was quick to jerk the pole around. She slackened, she jerked it up, slid it to the side; just to keep the line from breaking. "More Noctis, more!" she insisted as he reeled away, trying hard to keep up with her rigid movement.

The cod jumped out of the water, easily twice the size of Gladiolus and Ignis' fish, it's bland eye staring at Noctis mockingly. The prince sharply tugged back and in the fish flew into the boat, smacking right into the middle of it.

Fang leapt on it, pinning the large fish to the ground and stilling it. She whistled aloud as she jerked the lure out of the mouth and rolled it back towards Noctis, the prince staring at his catch in awe. "Good job Charming," she declared, flashing Noctis a broad smile. "You should be proud."

He was.

He did it.

He caught a fish.

First Caelum in five centuries to catch his own fish!

"Yes!" he whispered, doing a quick fist pump. Lightning slid up, staring at the cod in awe. "I can think of only three times people caught a cod this big."

"Now four," Fang said.

"That's right," Noctis boasted. "You can call me king of fishing now."

"Sure King Cod," Fang sneered. "I suggest catching a lot more than just this biggie. Then I'll consider calling you king."

Noctis opened his mouth to argue only for Lightning to quickly cut in. "Alright, we have all our fish, let's head home and eat."

"Yeah!" Prompto and Gladiolus agreed.

Noctis was quick to learn that Fang was busier than he realized, doing more than just lounging on Gladiolus. Not long after he sat down on Lightning's couch, excitable Vanille jumped right by, full of giggles and laughter and shoved some device into his hand, gushing about all the pictures Fang snagged before hopping off to tackle Prompto, evidently waiting the whole day for him to come back.

When did she take pictures? was all he could wonder as he flipped through them. The first was Ignis in all his surprised, awed, and somewhat disgusted glory as he stared at his first fish he ever caught; he still looked ridiculous with the fishing hat Lebreau gave him. It brought an amused smirk to his lips, already he could hear Lebreau talking about framing it and having 'his first fish!' under it. Noctis snickered as his blushing tactic stuttered and argued against the idea.

Not that Lebreau was listening. By the glee in her dark eyes, she was going to have it have it framed, either to show off in pride or just for her own enjoyment.

Flipping to the next slide, he grimaced at the mostly nude Gladiolus, obviously posing for his girlfriend. Noctis quickly flipped through that and the next few, more of mostly nude Gladiolus, a few taken without his awareness.

Though he did stop to laugh at the funny face of pure concentration he made while fishing. That was a keeper. He even had his tongue sticking out!

Noctis laughed at the few shots of Prompto trying to grab and hold onto a fish with his bare hands, and utterly failing. There was even a photo showing Prompto almost diving off the boat after one fish.

Snickering, he continued to flip through, smiling at the few shots of his friends holding up their catches in pride. He stopped to admire one photo of Lightning. Fang had zoomed in on her, staring out across the horizon, the colors of the dawn painting over and just bringing out her beauty all the more. And she was smiling as she enjoyed the sight. He made a mental note to ask Fang frame this one for him as well.

The next photo was similar, him also admiring the morning, looking proud and dignified and handsome. The next few shots were of all of them, looking lovely and enjoying the morning as gold hues covered over them. No doubt taken just for the enjoyment of their partners.

There was him making faces at the water, Lightning easily catching a fish, them kissing, her and Gladiolus snuggling and grinning at the camera, Ignis jumping as Prompto snuck a worm down his shirt. And finally him with his catch, the biggest fish out of them all, and the fish they were eating tonight, along with the other few, the biggest of the catches. The smallest were all set free—hey there was even a photo of that.

Noctis looked up at the smell of food getting stronger, smiling as Lightning slid up, two plates in hand as she came by and sat next to him, handing him one. In the kitchen he could hear the murmur of their family, the chime of forks on plates, laughter as they shared the stories and adventures of the day. "Thank you," he bid, taking the plate and deeply smelling his catch. Plucking it up with a fork, he stopped before he took a bite, turning to Lightning and asking, "You didn't help cook this did you?"

She elbowed him, hard. "It was all Serah, Lebreau, Fang, Sazh, and Snow," she reassured with a huff. "And my cooking isn't that bad."

"You've had your cooking…?" he asked, partly joking, partly serious.

"I haven't died from it yet, have I?" she shot back.

"No I suppose not," he chuckled, finally taking that bite and humming in delight. That's a good fish. It was broiled to perfection, flaky and crisp, slathered with sage, pepper, garlic, onion, and… cumin maybe? As a growing chief, he was finding himself quick to recognize herbs that were used and the style it was done. It was starting to become a game between him and Serah, he'll see how he did after dinner.

"Stargazing before a nice long evening?" Lightning asked a gleeful flare in her green eyes.

Noctis' own eyes flickered at the suggestion, a hint of lustful and excited red dancing among the blue of his eyes. "Oh I don't know," he said, "with an offer like that, I don't think we'll be star gazing for long."

Lightning smirked. "I do have a clear screen roof in my bedroom…"

"Sounds like we have a plan then," he purred, leaning over and nuzzling her, unintentionally leaving his fish open for her to steal with a snicker. "Hey!" he shouted, as she ate a piece of his bite, licking her lips. "Delicious," she cooed.

"Minx," he grumbled, "I have a right to have some of yours now you kno—"

She already had it ready for him on her fork, "Just open up my prince."

Noctis shivered, his eyes bleeding red. "You're going to make me crazy one of these days."

She laughed, "I make you crazy? I say it's the other way around."

"Well I say—"

"Get a room!" Prompto huffed as he and Vanille walked by hand in hand, or more specifically, him dragging a giggling wide eyed Vanille out, her green eyes bright from watching the show. "Don't mind us!" she called after them as Prompto dragged her out.

While Lightning rolled her eyes Noctis smirked as he said, "Well we do have a waiting room for us right now…"

"And still guests and dinner right now," she said. "Just because we skipped a few galas for fun doesn't mean I'm going to skip this one." Noctis pouted till she kissed it away. "They'll be leaving soon enough," she promised against his lips, her warm breathe tickling over his jaw. The smell of roses, peaches, the ocean, and the divine dinner of broiled cod filled his senses. She dropped away from his lips and nuzzled his neck, her hair tickling his cheek and hiding the red of his eyes from any on looker. "Soon," she repeated, "and we'll spend all day tomorrow in bed."

His arm came around her shoulders, holding her close against him. "Deal," he bid in a sultry voice, smirking as he felt her shiver at the tone. It was going to be a nice long night tonight.

And tomorrow~