"Shh baby" Spinner said, stepping back from Sean and admiring his work. He glanced back at her, "We're getting to the good part."

Emma shook her head at him as he backed up and Sean had tried sitting up after being branded like that and panted a little, the muscles in his arms clenching and unclenched as his hands were too tied behind his back.

Spinner spoke slow, voice serious and deep, "The man your best friend was fucking, was your father. Snake." Spinner said with a laugh of disbelief himself. Emma's eyes widened in horror and also couldn't wrap her head around this.

No, no, it couldn't be true! Her dad wouldn't- oh god. Would he?

Spinner glanced to Sean who was looking at him murderously back, "Your boyfriend knew by the way. Sean knew! About your Dad and Darcy."

Emma couldn't even look at Sean right now. But she whispered with a crack in her voice, "Tell me he's lying."

Sean looked at her, torture in his eyes. When Emma looked at him, her mouth fell. He did know. "I wanted to tell you.." he swallowed hard, "That's why Ellie was at my place that night Em, she had photos of them together. I didn't know how to tell you."

"Ugh, I had to watch them fucking." Spinner told them. Shaking in disgust. Darcy acted like a slut for that man, acting like Spinner couldn't give her what Snake did.

"How could you not tell me!?" Emma yelled at Sean.

Spinner sat back on the counter, watching in entertainment and tilted his head at Sean for a reply.

Sean looked choked up and winced from the W on his chest, "He was dead when I found out Em, I didn't want everyone else to know! Ellie was threatening to go to the newspaper about it so I threatened her I'd arrest her. Snake made a mistake Emma, but he wasn't horrible. I didn't want him to be remembered like that."

Emma snuffled and couldn't look at him. Her heart was breaking, and as life was going, she'd be dead soon anyways. "I know.." she wouldn't want him to be remembered like that either.

How could Darcy do that?. .Darcy had KNOWN her mom once upon a time.

Spinner snapped her out of it, "Ok! Back to the killing part."

Sean's last words were whispered to Emma, "I never meant to hurt you. I love you."

Emma let her last tear spill, and Spinner picked up his biggest knife off the table. She looked up fearfully when he walked to Sean first. "Don't! Please stop!"

"Just don't kill her." Sean begged Spinner.

Spinner snickered, tapping his finger on the pointy blade, "When I saw Emma I just knew she was an innocent in all this.. Her Dad treated her like shit, you treated her like shit-"

"That's not true," Emma sobbed and screamed when Spinner dug his knife into Sean's stomach.

Sean's mouth hung and pain filled his eyes, looking back at Spinner who bent to whisper to him, "I'll kill her slowly just for you."

Emma looked pale as a ghost, watching this go down and the life leaving Sean's eyes slowly as Spinner still had the knife in him. Emma jumped and cried out again when she heard a gun go off. Spinner jumped too, but because the gun went into his chest. His body backed up, slowly, and then a gunshot went through his head.

Emma's eyes were wide and terrified. Spinner glanced at Emma confused, and back at Sean to fall backwards into the wall, blood running down his face and he slid down it. He didn't move. His cold dead eyes stared ahead.

Emma panted, and looked where the gunshot had come from. Behind her, Jay stood at the door, and she cried out. "Sean's hurt! Get help!"

He ran in though, but grabbed his cellphone. He went to Sean first, whose shirt was ripped and covered in blood and his eyes closed. "Oh fuck Cameron, don't die on me now." he untied him and waited for 911 to pick up his call.

"911, What's your emergency?"

"H-how did you know where we were?" before Emma could take another breath, Ellie came up from behind Jay and bent down, untying her.

"I'm Nancy Drew, remember? I stalk." she simply said with a shrug, "I saw the little car chase and decided I needed to follow. I then called Jay."

Jay had reached someone on the other end, "I need help. An officer is down at 148 Main Road. This is officer Jayson Hogart." he hung up.


"He's been stabbed and cut deeply. If that knife stabbed into him an inch further, he'd be dead right now." the Doctor explained, "That cut on his chest in the shape of a 'W' might be there forever, we'll see how well he heals, but we've stitched it up."

She, Jay and Tracker stood outside Sean's hospital room door. "C-can I see him?" Emma plead. She looked flushed, eyes blood shot, nose red. She looked horrible and worried sick. She still wore her jean skirt and bloody white tank top but she didn't care.

The doctor nodded "Ofcourse, he's awake. He's a tough guy, sitting up in bed and everything. Looking for an Emma?"

"Thats me." nodded Emma, frantic to go and the Doctor nodded towards the door to signal her to go.

"Be gentle." he warns, "He's on a lot of meds."

Emma whipped her tears off her cheeks and went in, crossing her arms. "Sean?" she whispered

He laid sitting up on the hospital bed, in a white V neck and hair pushed back, under a sheet of blankets. He fluttered his eyes open to groan a bit, "Em.." he cleared his throat lightly and licked his dry lips.

She went to his side and didn't care, she took his hand and tangled her fingers with his. "I'm here."

He closed his eyes and grinned a little, "Did you know getting stabbed REALLY hurts?"

Emma glanced at the nurse on the other side who was checking Sean's monitors and she smiled a little to the Nurses silent laugh. "You're highly drugged right now, aren't you?" she asked.

"I deserve it." Sean declared, looking up at her and then he seemed to go serious. She looked like hell, worrying about a loser like him. "Why are you crying, baby?" he'd lift his hand to wipe the tears away but frankly, he really was drugged up on medication. The doctors were too kind to the police force.

"Cause you almost died, you idiot." Emma said with a sad laugh, whipping her tears again and snuffled.

He swallowed hard, searching her eyes with his. "Thought you didn't care about me anymore?"

The nurse walked out, giving them privacy

Emma shook her head no and leaned down, placing her hand on the other side of his face. "I couldn't stop loving you even if I tried, you idiot. Hell, I tried to date a serial killer to get over you.."

Sean chuckled and groaned. "Don't make me laugh." he begged, putting a hand on his stomach.

Emma winced, "Sorry." she still smiled though and leaned down, just happily kissing him. He didn't have to kiss back, he was probably too dosed up to, but she needed to do it and did it as softly as she could.

Sean sighed and closed his eyes, kissing her back. Dosed up or not, he knew when to kiss his girl back and his lips knew what to do. His mouth devoured hers and she whimpered into the kiss before pulling back but stayed leaning over him.

His heart pounded wildly, and this time it wasn't because of almost dying. Even his heart monitor paced up a bit and Emma looked worriedly at it and back at him. Was he okay?

He looked up at her and asked bluntly, "Will you marry me?"

Emma blinked and tilted her head, "Wait what?"

He didn't ask it in a question the next time he repeated it. "Marry me."

She gasped

Authors note: WEEEEEeeeeeeeee. Done that round! I think I'm going to go on and have them go through another murder case? How cool will that be? Give me good ideas of what kind of killer could come next and I'll continue the story! It had to be religious related though since the title of this IS about 'sinner's. If not, I'll just leave it here. Leave it to your imagination to see if Emma said yes or not! (she definitely said yes). Review now!