Angry voices filled his head, calling him a monster, a murderer, a psycho. He kept hitting his head, trying to stop the voices- the voices of cruel doctors and madmen- but they weren't being silenced. He felt like running, but he was stuck. His legs refused to work for him and he started to shrink away from the screams and roars of outrage and no matter how small he became, it didn't seem to be enough.

Strong hands roused him from his nightmare, his one good eye snapping open and swiveling to the person who woke him. The blue Siren looked down in worry, storm-colored eyes buldging in concern, a trail of blood dripping from her nose.

"Krieg, please! Wake up!" She begged. He looked at her in horror as his inner voice realized he caused her to bleed. His psychical being knew it was the end for the both of them, as the voice had promised him everything will end if he hurt the innocent. He roared in anger as he got out of bed and started stomping his feet. Maya tried to stop him, prying his hands from his head as he started shrieking:

"Nonononono! The canary can't jump now!" He swung an arm out to stop her but instead hit her with enough force to knock her to the opposite wall.

"That's it big guy. We're done." The saner voice said as he forced himself to grabbed his buzzsaw and bring the teeth to his neck. Maya shot her arm out and enclosed him in one of her phase bubbles. He struggled to move, but Maya held him there. He kept struggling for a few moments more before collapsing from exhaustion. Maya lowered him to the ground and brought his head to her lap, tears spilling from her eyes.

"It's okay, I know you didn't mean it." Maya cooed as she wiped at her face. She ran her other hand over his head as he started to sob: ugly and loud. "Please don't hurt yourself because you can't control your actions well." She kept muttering words of comfort as he continued to sob. After a good few moments had passed, Krieg calmed down and stared at Maya, who was mindlessly running her hand over the top of his head. He could feel the calluses on her hands brush over old scars and he felt at peace, for once. He reached out for her other hand, which she gladly extended for him to grasp gently.

"Sorry..." He growled, almost inaudible. He brought the back of her gloved hand to where his mouth would be, if not for the mask covering his face. She smirked and continued to pet the top of his skull, a wave of exhaustion crashing down on him. Each blink for the brute became slower and slower until the last thing he saw was Maya's lips curled up in a smirk, her blue hair hanging in her face, her storm-grey eyes piercing him like that of a bullet: quick and precise. Once he had fallen back asleep, Maya pulled her hand away gently from his grasp and reached over to one of the bunks and draped a scratchy blanket over Krieg's body.

"Sleep well." She muttered as she continued to run her hand over his head, the other linking itself with his hand since again.

The next morning, Krieg looked up to see Maya's sleeping face hovering over him, her hand still clutched between his own, the other resting lightly in his forehead. He nudged her stomach with the side of his head and she stirred. Her eyes drifted open lazily and she smiled at Krieg. He tried to smile back, but knew the Siren couldn't tell easily.

"Good to see you're still here." Maya said as Krieg sat up, the blanket falling to his lap. "How're you feeling?" She asked as she placed a hand on his shoulder. He could feel her fingers dig into his shoulder, as if she were afraid he might run away. He twitched his shoulders and head, making Maya sigh in relief.

As the day was just starting, some of the Raiders were walking through, nodding to the pair as they wandered about the room. After a while, the HQ became dead and sullen, casting a gloomy outlook on the rest of the day. Maya huffed from her spot by the monitors before jumping to her feet and snapping Krieg out of his thoughts from his place next to her.

"I'm bored. Let's go kill something." She stated, not leaving any room for Krieg to argue. It wasn't like he was going to say no to her anyways.

They returned a few hours later, covered in dirt and blood and each held a wild smile. Both had ran through the Dust, Thousand Cuts, and through Three Horns Valley. Krieg sat down on one of the battered couches in the building, bouncing as he settled. Maya fell beside him, yawning loudly as she leaned against his arm. She lifted his arm and wrapped it around herself as she nuzzled into his side. Within moments, Siren was fast asleep, snoring lightly. Krieg watched he steady rise and fall of her chest as she slept, how her lips twitched slightly as she breathed out. He leaned back carefully and let his head fall back.

Having Maya sleeping next to him gave him a sense of serenity that he hadn't felt in years. He embraced it as much as hem embraced the sleeping woman. For once, in what was feeling like forever, the voices weren't screaming at him. They were still there, but only muttering and speaking out in hushed whispers: a godsend if he ever heard one. He drifted off, the voices growing more distant as he finally found his peace of mind. He pulled Maya closer to his body and she went willingly. As some of the Vault Hunters were walking past to settle down for the night, they stared at the Siren and Psycho, completely bewildered that a woman as smart and stunning as she was, was clinging to a madman like her life depended on it.

They shrugged it off and fell asleep, all the while Krieg and Maya slept on, no voices yelling at him to just drop dead. All he heard was the quiet murmurs of the others as they slept and Maya's small snores drifting to his ears. His inner voice smiled as he realized, for once in their long time on Pandora, he felt like everything was going to be okay.