A huge "Thank you!" to everyone who has taken their time to review, as well as those of you who has followed and favourite'd (both the story and me… never expected that to happen :D)

Hi guys! Long time no see, huh? I've had no idea what to do for this chapter, so I just watched a random episode of the anime and turned it into…something? I guess. Anyways, this is pretty short compared to the last chapter, but! I've thought of something that will probably help me update faster, especially now that school has started again. I want you to GIVE ME SOME PROMPTS, it doesn't have to be much – just a word is fine if you're feeling lazy. I just need some help to kick-start my imagination, heh ;D

Edit: this thing was finished five days ago, but my computer refuses to connect to my internet.

Hitman/Doctor hybrid

Running wasn't something Nana did regularly, or for the sake of keeping in form. When she went outside with the main purpose of taking a run through Namimori she did it because she was bored. Boredom wasn't a feeling that she was good at handling, and things tended to explode or go up in flames when she got too restless. Running as fast as she possibly could for a while usually got rid of the excess energy she amassed when she had nothing to do but to cook and clean, and when she returned to her home feeling gloriously tiered, both mentally and physically, as well as drenched in sweat, Nana found that she could take comfort in the peace and quiet where it had just hours earlier made her itch in her skin.

It was that restless energy – the feeling that made her long for more adventurous times where danger was only a step away, death (or something close to it) a misstep away – that had her tying the knots on her red trainers and locking the door with a thought and a bit of magic (So she was a bit careless, sue her. There was a reason that the obliviation spell had been invented!) and taking off at a full sprint down the street.

Nana missed the feeling of her heart beating quickly in her chest in order to pump blood through her body to give her muscles the oxygen they need to keep moving, she missed feeling adrenaline coursing through her body when she fought someone strong, and the way it made her thoughts crystal clear. She missed having only one goal (survival) because everything was so simple back then.

That life was behind her – at least for the time being, this was the best she could do without drawing unnecessary, unwanted attention.

Nana had been running for an hour and was on her way back home when she saw him.

The man was standing with one foot on the fountain in front of Namimori Town Station, wearing a pair of fancy white pants and a black shirt, with a white jacket thrown over his shoulder. Nana thought she could see what looked like a purple tie as well, but she was too far away to be certain (and she couldn't direct any magic into her eyes to give her sharper sight without breaking the complicated spell that she used to correct her abysmal vision). He seemed to be trying to flirt, but he must have had a very short attention span, because he said what Nana estimated to be one line to one woman before moving to the next.

Does he really believe that he will score anything like that? Iemitsu was more charming when we were dating, and that's saying a lot… Her husband had tried to show up at their wedding dressed in working clothes. Pfft, as if she would allow that.

Huffing an exasperated sigh at the memory, Nana kept running. I'll prepare Tsu-kun's favourite food for tonight, he's been doing so good at school lately that he deserves a reward!

Nana had completely forgotten about the weird man five minutes later.

Nana arrived at the door panting and sweating, but with a satisfied smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. The run had been good for her, she realised. Namimori was a good place to raise a child, because nothing ever happened. Well, Nana admitted, nothing ever happened before Reborn-chan arrived.

That wasn't completely true, however. The assassination attempts had just stopped after a whole group of professionals disappeared at the same time.

(They currently resided in a tank in Tsuna's room, transformed into colourful fish.)

"Wait!" The shout came from the door, which slammed open (and, consequently in Nana's face) a moment later. Staggering to the side as stars danced in her vision, Nana could only look on in confusion as Binachi raced out of the house, followed closely by a man (Isn't that the man from the fountain?) and then her son, shouting something about talking skulls.

Uttering a soft "...what?" Nana touched her aching nose and found it bleeding. Why is Tsu-kun chasing after Bianchi? Doesn't she want him dead? Not that that would actually happen, Nana had been a very paranoid mother when Tsuna had been too young to take care of himself and had placed every ward that kept harm away as she could. Most had weakened or outright disappeared, running out of juice as time passed, but the spell that cleansed Tsuna's body of all foreign substances were one of the few she had renewed.

It's possible to train one's body to be able to endure more punishment, and honing one's dodging reflexes are also possible – Tsu-kun could handle those, now that he was growing up, but Nana wasn't about to let someone slip some unknown poison into her son's food and have him get hurt in such a way.

"Do your best. There's not much time left." Nana, using a discreet epsiky charm to heal her broken nose (because broken noses aren't much fun at all, if you didn't know) and a silent tergo to remove the blood, turned back from where she had watched her son, her son's aspiring murderess, and her son's aspiring murderess' admirer disappear so that she could address the toddler standing in the hallway.

"What was that about, Reborn?"

"Ciaossu, Mama. Tsuna has received a fatal sickness because of all the times I shot him in the head."

Nana stared at him, wondering for a short moment if Reborn had just heard what he had said. Of course! Didn't Iemitsu talk about something called Dying Will bullets?

Then she realised what he had said.

"A fatal sickness?! Tsu-kun! I have to find him and–" cure him, secrecy be damned!

"You don't need to bring him to a hospital," interrupted Reborn's squeaky voice. "I have an acquaintance that specialises in fatal sicknesses. He's a doctor and a hitman."

Disregarding the part about how a hitman could also be an educated doctor (someone who got paid to take and save lives? How did that happen?), Nana asked where this 'acquaintance' was. The answer she received ("Hunting Bianchi.") only made her more confused. "Why is Tsu-kun still sick, then? I just saw Mr. Doctor and Tsu-kun run out of the house a minute ago. Why didn't he heal him?" Nana couldn't help the demand that wormed itself into her tone. Did I just say 'heal', as though he were a medi-wizard or a healer? My mouth sure is running away from me today…

"Shamal only treats women, Mama. Tsuna needs to convince Shamal to cure him or he will be dead in," Reborn glanced down at his wrist watch, "one hour and twenty three minutes."

Nana stared a bit more, because Nana hadn't ever really thought of her son's death. He would die one day, like all humans, but Nana had always thought that that day would be when he was old and grey. Tsu-kun was going to give her grandbabies, whether he wanted it or not, so he couldn't die now.

She had never gotten any formal training in healing magic, and while Nana could probably cure Tsu-kun of whatever it was he was sick with if she had some time to research the disease and how it was affecting Tsu-kun's body, it would take more than two hours.

Nana didn't have that much time. Tsu-kun didn't have that much time.

That left Mr. Doctor-Hitman.

It takes a while to find the man, but catching him is easy – mostly because his eyes were locked onto Binachi's behind as he chased her. Dragging him somewhere private and out of sight (behind a conveniently placed dumpster) was even easier – after he realised that he had been abducted by a woman.

Nana didn't waste any time on pleasantries, her son's life depended on this man. "You will cure Tsu-kun of his disease."

The man blinked, a somewhat serious look entering his eyes. "I only treat women, beautiful, and the boy is, tragically, a boy." A lecherous smile (that the doctor/hitman hybrid no-doubt thinks is charming) forms on his face and Shamal leans forward. "I could treat you to the time of your life, though, love. I've no doubt that your," His gaze travels down to her hands and zero in on the lonely golden ring on her left hand, "husband leaves much to be desired."

With anger curling at the back of her mind, Nana decides to give the man a second – and last – chance before she starts using magic on him. "Give me your word that you will cure him and I will let you go without receiving any permanent damage." His word is all that Nana needs, really. Words, especially sworn oaths, have power. It's not something that Nana uses all that much, but using magic to force someone into a magical oath is possible, and something that she has sufficient experience with.

Seeming to sense that something is amiss, Shamal shakes his head in denial. "Look-"

The only outward sign that Nana had used magic at all is the surprise on the hitman's face. Nana's forgotten where she learned it, when she learned it, but the curse makes it impossible to think of anything even remotely close to sex. Nana has found that it is a very useful spell to use while seducing someone in order to get information – most men get humiliated when 'it' refuses to get up, a side effect of the spell, and will babble about anything and everything to hide it.

It is especially useful in this case because, while Nana is pretty sure the man can be serious and (maybe) ignore his lust while he is working, the man is a pervert. Nana leans in closer and, now that there is nothing clouding the hitman's thought, he recognizes the look she gives him, "You will cure Tsu-kun of his disease."

He nods.

"Why did you suddenly decide to cure Tsuna?" Reborn asked a while later, after Shamal had used his angel mosquito to cure Tsuna.

The doctor doesn't hesitate to give his reply, and the answer isn't strictly a lie. "Well, I felt sorry for him." If The Woman hadn't intercepted him and somehow removed his ability to find females attractive he might still have healed the kid out of pity. "The skull just said it, didn't it? The longest he's talked to a girl he likes is three minutes. There's no way I wouldn't pity him for that."

Reborn's reply, "That's so sad," has the both of them laughing, and Tsuna blushingly shout at them to shut up.

Hidden under her invisibility cloak, Nana smiles, decides to be merciful, and cancels the curse she had placed on Shamal. The panic she had been feeling since she had learned of Tsu-kun's disease abated and she returned home, smiling and humming under her breath.

Whoooo, an update! Yay…

Can I just say that I'm not satisfied with this? I'll still upload it, 'cause it's better than nothing at all, but I just… *sigh* never mind.


This chapter probably feels so flat (at least to me) because I didn't really do it myself. I just took something (episode 9 of the anime, if you're wondering) and put Nana in there. All of the other chapters have been my own ideas…

Sugar, oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooout!