
Background information: In this Au, Sasori never defected from the village, and continued to live there and do as he pleases since Suna did not want to lose one of their greatest Shinobi. He also never turned himself into a puppet, instead he has the mindset he had when he died the second time, feeling his legacy would be enough to last him lifetimes over.

Sasori is 24

Sakura is 14

Trying to keep true to the world of Naruto, but will definitley add twist to it to keep it interesting.

I do not own Naruto or the Cover Image.


He was considered an astute and sensible human being. Perfection was something he was close to, something he was compared to daily. The way he worked, perfectly organized, the perfect shinobi, the perfect face, everyone admired and respected the ground he walked on. He is the closest thing to perfection.

Just as he would have it, he wanted to drill his name into the brains of people around, he whom was compared to the strongest ninja alive time by time. No one would ever forget his name; he would paint the entire Suna desert red just to sustain his legacy.

So why wouldn't his eyebrow stay in place as the little termite that dare speak to him in such an informal manner, so freely and carelessly, if he had perfect control of his emotions?

He honestly did not know, did not wish to know, but highly would like to wring the neck of the little brat who continued to torment his ears with all her badgering.

Sasori had simply wanted a simple carry-out lunch that would suffice him for the night. Not have the spotlight shined on him in a way he did not like and interrogated by a little girl.

He continued ordering his food, acting like he didn't hear her shrill voice right next to him, no matter how much his eyebrow twitched in annoyance. Then a peace finally settled over the small café, and odd silence that didn't include a voice that could break glass.

Suspicion rose with him, he blamed his untrustworthy shinobi instincts as his dull eyes shifted to the side, staring down the now silent girl.

She stared right back up defiantly, her cheeks even puffed out in what was possibly considered a 'cute' action. It was sickening, but what made him really want to vomit and walk away from this disgrace of a village was the headband she wore proudly up in her hair.

Her bright, obnoxious pink hair.

Briefly he wondered if she conned it from someone, perhaps Konoha was really into the economy funds and sold fake headbands at the local shops? Highly unlikely, but so was the thought of this girl actually being a ninja. Her tact of questioning people in a café, along with her stance and the strong emotions that flickered in her green depths, it all screamed 'I have no ninja training'.

Don't get Sasori started on her outfit, sure it had some ninja style to it, but for an untrained brat it would still be hard to not get stuck on branches, plus the vivid colors were no help for concealing. Her obnoxious hair color, pink hair, was long and proud behind her back. That told every ninja that would be her opponent to just step on her dress, trip her and pull her hair, you'll win easily.

Doubt frittered through Sasori's mind, perhaps that was her aim, to have people underestimate her then she would have the upper-hand and show she was actually a very capable ninja.

A second look over quickly threw those thoughts out of his mind. No one could be that good.

Her foot started tapping impatiently, the noise making Sasori sneer lightly. Everything about this girl irked him. All her 'unique' qualities were quickly becoming his new pet peeves.


Her adolescent voice questioned him. He was almost tempted to laugh; did this foolish girl not recognize him? Did Konoha keep their little ninja's in the dark of the true nightmares that lay outside of the village walls?

He grabbed his warm container of to-go food that was handed to him, took those people long enough. Though his attention was being drawn away from the long-waited order by the irritate bug by his side.

"I don't have time for little girls," his voice was rough and quiet, bored almost, with a tint of exasperation. He smoothly pivoted around, making his escape to the door with silent footsteps.

The tell-tale sign of pitter-patter behind him made him let out a rather heavy exhale.

"Did you not come to a food outlet to acquire food? Or do you regularly go in there to pester strangers?" he hissed, his temper wearing thin of the young nin. Her progress towards him halted but the victorious moment was crashed as she jogged to catch up to him, running into the evening air.

"Well," she stated in a matter-of-factly tone, making Sasori inwardly groan. He should have let Baki take this mission. "Not peculiarly, but it's not every day a strange foreign ninja walks so casually into a Konoha shop."

Her voice held accusation and a badgering chord that he wanted to silence her for. He did not go on this mission to be pestered by pink-haired girls; he was wishing more than ever he had denied the mission.

But the temptation of having the Jinchuriki boy added to my collection is too great.

"Haven't you been told that you shouldn't talk to strange foreign nin," he grounded out, his dull eyes watching ahead as he walked through the street. The girl opened her mouth and closed it.


Kami everything she does annoys him.

The only thing that would make it worse is if she had a knack of being late, not that he wanted to get acquainted so well he would know that. His eyes flickered to her doltish expression, how she managed to make that face and walk was unknown to him.

"Don't you know that it's… dangerous," he uttered darkly, his eyes hardening and glaring at the girl intensely. He was pleased when it made her stop dead in her tracks. The face she made now pleased him more, the face of fear, he could practically hear the beat of her heart, hammering away in her small body.

"Sakura, there you are," a fake cheery voice called out behind the Suna-nin and the young girl. Sasori's head turned slightly at the voice, his warm honey brown eyes narrowing in to the figure. Hatake Kakashi. He glanced to the girl, back to the silver-haired man, attempting to make the connection.


She called out in surprise, while relief spread throughout her face, to Sasori's amusement. Of course she was his student; she had to be connected to the White Fang somehow. It was only logical she was the student of the legacy of Hatake Sakumo, fun fact the disgraced-nin killed his parents. It all made sense now. Hilarious. The man's face darkened at the thought, before turning away from the scene.

"Keep your subordinate on a leash, if they start sniffing the wrong dogs, they might be bit." His tone was icy, and the little girl let out an indignant cry, only to have her teacher hush her and talk to her in low murmurs, not even sparing Sasori another word. Just as Sasori preferred it.

He didn't even glance back as he continued his walk back to one of the local inn's he was staying at with the brats. It was when the night birds started twittering and squawking ever so beautiful, his lip curled into a permanent sneer. This is why he preferred Suna, nothing lived there, nothing to annoy him. Even if sand was annoying. Never mind everything could annoy him if he tried hard enough.

To try and tune out the annoying birds that increased in sound, he just kept going through all the list of things he hated about the little brat to occupy his mind. Bonus thoughts on ways to kill her too.

Ah, pleasant.

She was everything he wasn't, and he despised that. Perfection was his nature, and he was the closest thing to perfection currently, if she was nothing like him, she was not close to even being considered living being in his mind.