"Bitchy Sasori is the best Sasori"



He blinked languidly at his so called successor.

"What was that Gaara."

The jounin council looked amidst the two most formidable presences in the room, the tension growing between the two red-heads.

"I believe we would benefit from a trading of skill sets with Konoha."

Sasori's fist tightened, knuckles going white as the boy repeated what Sasori dearly hoped was not what Gaara said the first time around. Gaara had definitely gotten a voice over the years of training under Sasori. Still quiet, he spoke his mind and his thoughts only when they would matter the most.

The usually passive seventeen year-old had put the Kazekage in quite a predicament with his outspokenness this time.

"And what particular skill sets would those be?" Sasori grounded out, trying to not grind his teeth in agitation. He obviously was not doing a good job hiding it because some of the jounin tossed him anxious glances.

"Medical from Konoha, seeing as we are lacking in that area, and in exchange, I suggest we send Temari to train the wind users in Konoha, seeing as they have had quite a few in the last few chunin exams. As she is also the ambassador, the switch would be easy on our part."

Murmurs rose, mostly against the idea. Understandably so, if it was anyone else, Sasori would have dismissed it immediately.

Yet it didn't come from just one of these morons, if came from his moron. His successor. If he dismissed Gaara now, they would think Sasori thought Gaara unfit to succeed as Kazekage, after all the trouble Gaara had to go through to just be put on the council, he really couldn't afford anymore at this point. Especially if Sasori wanted to be out of this position by next year.

So, he could either be honest and tell Gaara that trading jutsu's is not something any shinobi village wants and dismiss his idea.

Or he could agree, put the unrest down and stand by his successor in a moving moment, and be stuck with this new ally agreement.

He really hated making these kind of decisions.

"That sounds… plausible." He all but struggled out, internally sighing. Gaara, for all his passiveness, seemed very pleased at this very moment.

Chiyo let out an amused snort, taking great pleasure in Sasori's obvious discomfort. A sharp glare was not enough to stop the mirth dancing in her eyes.

Sasori's only hope was that Konoha would not be idiotic enough to agree to this absurd plan.


"They have agreed, and will be sending over the their own accords of the agreement in two weeks times."

"Ah. Of course they did." Sasori grunted as he sat up, approaching the younger boy. It had only been a week from that disastrous meeting and agreement.

"Since you were so eager to see this through," Sasori drawled out, "I expect you to write out our own accords, to my approval."

The only sign of nervousness was the straightening of Gaara's back. Sasori sighed, rubbing his eyes in a tiredly fashion.

This was going to be more hassle than it was worth.


Two weeks after the agreement

Sasori hummed as he looked over small stack of papers, shaking his head.

"No. This won't do. I'm do not like terms a-1 through c-10."

Gaara blinked owlishly at the man reviewing his work.

"That is… all of the terms."


Amber eyes caught Gaara's as the Kazekage crumpled them up and threw them accurately into the waste bin.

"Start over."

He didn't care to hide his smirk as Gaara slouched dejectedly in front of him.


Two months after the agreement

Twenty-something papers were stacked neatly on his desk waiting for him as he entered his office. He rolled his eyes at the extensive writing, he picked up the stack of paper and briefly looked through the pages as he walked to his window.

He pursed his lips, this time Gaara was stricter on what exactly the two villages would share and a more detailed version of how the two picked shinobi would teach the foreign nins.

It was pretty good, worded in a way that he was sure the Jounin council would even be swayed by Gaara's words.

A flash of red caught his eye as he looked out his window, Gaara strode towards the Kazekage building with purpose, per usual.

Sasori pursed his lips, blinking in thought. He decided he was still not over Gaara cornering him in the jounin council.

With a flick of his wrist, the papers flew out of his open window into the street below. He smirked as Gaara looked around quizzically, before casting his eyes up to Sasori's high window.

His face was pure shock as Sasori looked down at him, resting his head in the palm of his hand in an easy manor.

Sasori could have laughed when the features of Gaara's face darkened in ire.


Three and a half months after the agreement.

Gaara had not let Sasori read them alone this time, he sat patiently as Sasori idly read through the fifty something pages, the Kazekage's bored expression never changing.

"You've made quite a few grammatical mistakes," Sasori commented as he reached the fifth page.

"I've been under a lot of pressure," Gaara grounded out, attempting to be calm. Sasori shrugged uncaringly.

"You think the pressure will go away when you become Kazekage?" Amber eyes flickered to Gaara's, who blinked in surprise.

There was a long, pregnant pause as the Sasori continued to flip silently through the pages and Gaara wrapped his head around Sasori's words.

"Are you… trying to teach me a life lesson?" Gaara asked uneasily, looking up to Sasori in question.

"Am I?" Sasori drawled out, standing up and thumping the papers on his desk. His eyes narrowed dangerously, Gaara leaned back in his chair at the sudden mood swing.

"Or do I not want to waste time on grammatical errors I would expect from a child." He grabbed a few sheets of the accords, shredding them with his hands as he kept a semi-calm look on his face. Gaara openly gaped at him.

"You expect me to send these out to another Village? You might as well get grade-school teachers to come here and teach the village to properly write since you are set on shaming us."

Rip. Another set of sheets fell shredded onto the floor. Slowly but surely, Sasori made his way through the pile, meticulously shredding each and every one. Gaara sat in silent shock as Sasori stalked out of the office.

"Start over."

Were the last words he said before slamming the door shut.


Four months after the agreement.

"He spent his birthday locked up in the bathroom! What did you do to him?"

Kankuro implored, standing in front of Sasori's desk. The man, calm as ever, shrugged casually.

"I have no idea."

Sasori did have an idea why Gaara had virtually disappeared for the last two weeks. It didn't matter to Sasori, only that he might be losing his grasp on a successor. He would find another, hell Kankuro stood better against his mental attacks maybe he was suited for Kazekage.

The redhead cringed as he banished that thought from his head.

On second thought, Temari was the best bet. If she wasn't so insistent on being over in Konoha…

Kankuro continued to glare at him, making Sasori roll his eyes at the effort. However he knew the pestering capabilities the boy had, it was probably his most powerful technique.

Letting out a heavy sigh, Sasori slouched over his desk. It was fun while it lasted.

"Tell him it was a life-lesson."

Kankuro raised a brow at the nonspecific demand, but nodded anyways.


Five months after the agreement.

"You've taken your time."

If looks could kill, Shukaku would have exited Gaara's body and slashed him up right then and there. Sasori didn't care though, it was amusing while it lasted, now he just wanted it to be done with.

Hesitantly, Gaara placed a mere few pages onto his desk, backing away quickly as if the desk would come alive and eat him.

A quick flick through showed Sasori correct grammar, very good and strict protocols and terms. Bland eyes took it in, skimming through the last of the terms.

"Send it immediately."

He said as he held out the papers for Gaara to take.

"I-It's okay?" For all Gaara's coolness, he sounded as if he was a child looking for approval. Sasori let out a grunt, nodding.

"It will do. Hurry before I change my mind."

If Gaara had a teaspoon more of emotion, he would have smiled on the spot. Of course he kept himself collected as he strolled out of the office clutching the approved accords in his hands.


After months, which seemed ridiculously long to Tsunade, the terms had finally been finalized. They would keep Temari here for the next six months, while they would send one of their own medic-nin to Suna. While many would see it as a foolish move, Tsunade thought it was a bridge to true peace throughout the nations. Never before had hidden villages even thought of sharing skill sets, at least not purposefully. There had been a few cases where travelling nin would take in students from different lands and train them in their style, but nothing on this large of scale.

Picking had been the hardest part. That was one part of the Accords Tsunade was grateful for, that their candidate must be as valuable and capable of Temari. While Temari herself set high standards, many of their abundant mediocre medic-nins were ruled out.

Really, after the eliminating, there was only two clear choices Tsunade would be okay with, and both happened to be her apprentices. If you caught her in a chatty mood, she would be able to go on and on about her apprentices and how proud she was and how much they inflated her ego.

This was no different. If she sent the best of the best, not only did it show the talent of Konoha's medical force, but would bring a new bar to set for medical ninja's.

Between Sakura and Shizune, Shizune was more medically inclined. She had been with Tsunade for years and years, been following her every move and being taught from the best. She knew medical procedures like the back of her hand.

Sakura was showing signs of being quite the little prodigy when it came to medical terms. The girl was so resistant at first about learning anything about medical jutsu. At first it irritated Tsunade, to the point she almost dropped her as an apprentice more than once. With the raw potential the girl had however, it was hard for Tsunade to let her go so easily.

So Tsunade decided to wait it out, and lo and behold, Sakura eventually opened up to the idea of learning medical ninjutsu. That was a mere year and a half ago. Now she was one of the top medic-nins at the hospital. She had control that not even Tsunade had at her age, and she just continued to grow from her teachings. The only thing she didn't have was the experience.

Which is why Tsunade chose her to go. The experience of teaching and running through procedures would be a good lesson for the girl, give her a skill that she will no doubt use in the future as a team leader or captain.

Yes, at the mere age of seventeen, Sakura had reason above the rest under her tutelage, and Tsunade could not be prouder. Honey eyes stared at her protégé, who shuffled her feet unsurely in front of the west gate.

"You are ready for this Sakura." Tsunade said, as if reading Sakura's mind. Green eyes flickered to her mentor, lighting up in the early rays of sun.

"I just… I've never been away for this long. What if Naruto comes back while I'm gone?"

Tsunade chuckled at the comment. The girl had grown comfortable staying in the village, she needed to experience different places, grow in different ways then the daily repetition she lived in Konoha.

"We will send for you as soon as he comes back. Gaara will make sure of that."

She had her guesses that Gaara was behind this whole thing, she couldn't see Sasori trying to extend a hand for Konoha's sake. To be completely honest, she could not wait until Gaara took over the position.

"Are you sure I'm ready for this? Shizune's a jounin, I'm only a chunin." She asked in a bout of self-consciousness, making Tsunade sigh. For all the girl was worth, she still had annoying dubiety quality about herself.

"Sakura, do not worry about rank. There is no war going on and there is no rush to get into dangerous missions, leave that for the experienced ones."

Sakura shifted on her feet, looking out of the open gates.

"I'm just a bit nervous, I don't want to disappoint you or the village."

Tsunade laughed, amused at the girls antics.

"You've healed over half the villagers here, I'm sure most of them feel they owe you some kind of life debt."

The rosette flushed, adjusting her bag. Her mentor smiled lightly, putting a hand on her shoulder.

"You'll do great, Sakura. You're not the meek little girl that was left behind, and hopefully you will see that."

Sakura was left boggled as she was pulled into an unexpected hug, something that was not common for the rigid Hokage.

"We will talk about you becoming Jounin when you come back. Take care of your gift."

With that, the Hokage left in a swirl of leaves, leaving a sputtering Sakura behind. With her last words she unconsciously rubbed her unmarked forehead.

That will change soon.

"You ready?"

A voice sounded behind her, causing Sakura to jump out of her thoughts. She looked towards the gate, where Temari leaned casually against the wall, an questioning eyebrow raised at Sakura.

Sakura whipped around, bowing apologetically to her escort.

"Yes, sorry Temari-san."

Temari shrugged it off, sending a small smirk to the girl.

"Then let's stop wasting daylight."

With that, they headed west to the desert.


More of a filler chapter than anything, but I don't want to focus everything on Sasori and Sakura and there interactions. Writing other characters also give me a break from Sasori and Sakura's personalities, even though I love them, I need some diversity.

Hope you enjoy!
