Hey guys!

So I was rereading this story and I think I might try a rewrite of it, but before anyone goes getting their hopes up, it'll be months before that's even a possibility. Right now I have a busy life and no access to a computer. Only limited access to a phone. I'm hoping that'll change...possibly around the latter half of this summer. I cant make any guarantees, though.

Either way, I do want to apologize for not having finished this story. My muse died and I found myself unhappy with parts of the story, and then I got super busy... I think my biggest issue was not writing for so long between chapters. My writing style changed and my ideal OC changed and it screwed up my ability to write, which is why I'm thinking of maybe considering a new rewrite with my new OC taking Eliana's place right from the beginning.

Anywho, long authors note is long.

Just wanted to say there's a possibility of a rewrite in the future.

'Til all are one,
