I do not own Hetalia, Pokemon, or any Pokemon mentioned

Today America was consumed with excitement, not to imply that any other day he was not excited, it was just that today he had the new Hoenn remake of the Pokemon franchise. He had spent the last two days finding and catching Pokemon, training them to be the very best and now he would challenge his good friend Japan to a Pokemon battle.

Nations filed into the conference room and America was sure to grab a seat next to Japan. The meeting started off like a normal meeting, countries chatting/snacking/making side deals all waiting for Germany to get angry enough to make them discuss some global issue or another.

"Hey Japan! Guess what I got!" Without skipping a beat America opened the briefcase he had been carrying (which held a few comics, his lunch, and maybe two relevant articles) and dug out a gameboy. "So you wanna battle?"

"That sounds very fun, America. I will love to battle with you once the meeting is over." Japan politely responded resonating a groan from the boisterous American.

"Duuude! The meeting isn't gonna end for 'till a half hour from now!" America whined. By now, Germany had already taken charge of the meeting and made America put his Gameboy away before proceeding to talk about decreasing the carbon footprint globally. Japan was dutifully taken notes and writing down questions to ask at appropriate times when he felt a nudging at his arm. Looking down he saw America sliding a piece of paper towards him. Japan picked the paper up to inspect it.

On it was a poorly drawn stick figure of America and six drawings so bad he couldn't tell what they were. The only words on it read "POKEMON DREAM TEAM GO!" and listed what Japan guessed were the Pokemon the drawings were supposed to be: Charizard, Pikachu, Machamp, Pidegot, Gyarados, and Snorlax. Japan spent several minutes pondering his answer before taking his time drawing a response. "My team would consist of Jynkx, Frostlass, Sentret, Chikorita, Larvitar, and Bisharp." After that the two of them spent the majority of the meeting passing notes on what other countries' Pokemon types would be, until the two reached a disagreement.

"No way would Belarus have ice as a secondary type for her team, we agree that ghost would be the first and the second should be steel." America whispered.

"While we agree that she is a mysterious person, the harshness and hostile behavior she can give off is more of ice type rather than a steel." This quiet bickering carried on not long before America stood up and slammed his hands on the table interrupting the meeting.

"Belarus! Ice or steel?" America shouted across the room to her.

"What the hell are you talking about?" she shouted back while Germany yelled at him to sit down and stop distracting everyone.

"Answer the question! Ice or steel?" Despite much confusing Belarus chose ice. America finally sat down looking defeated before turning towards Japan and saying "We haven't even started battling yet but you already won."

The first of hopefully many short stories, if anyone has an idea for something in a world meeting to go wrong they can mention it in the reviews.