AN: So after Jason's tweet and rewatching the scene with Octavia and Indra, this little idea just wouldn't leave me alone. And though this piece was born.

Disclaimer: I obviously don't own the 100.

The sound of the horn echoing through the cavern shocks her. It can't be right; they can't be retreating, not now. Not when they're so close to being inside.

Indra makes to leave, but Octavia moves to stop her. "Indra wait – we can't just give up," Octavia states as if it's the most obviously thing in the world. Which it kind of is. "They're still in there."

"We've got the call," Indra responds. "And our commander is out there, in danger for all we know."

Which is why when Indra starts to retreat, she doesn't move. She's not going anywhere. After all she doesn't trust Lexa anymore – especially not after the village bombing.

Octavia shakes her head. "I don't trust her. Not after what happened at TonDC. And neither should you."

Indra ignores her. "I gave you a direct order."

But Octavia continues to stand her ground. She can't believe that they're just going to retreat after all this planning and strategizing. It can't all just be for nothing. She refuses to believe that it was all for nothing.

"This was the plan," Octavia says, firmly. "If we're not here when they come out…."

"Plans change," Indra says, cutting her off.

The two of them continue to stand there, staring each other off. She can feel the tension settling in the air between the two of them. So thick, it can probably be cut with a knife.

"Octavia let's go," she hears one of the other second's say. But she still refuses to move.

Indra stops and glances over her shoulder. "We have our orders, let's go."

Octavia takes a breath, standing her ground. She looks Indra in the eyes before she speaks. "I'm not going anywhere without my brother."

Indra turns around and steps forward until she's just a few feet from Octavia. Before she realizes, Indra has a sword pointed at her throat. There's this awkward moment of silence where the two of them are just staring at each other.

There's this look in Indra's eyes that Octavia can't quite place. She's not sure what it is or what the women is thinking. Though there's this small part of her that wonders if Indra would dare kill her.

"You are no longer my second," Indra spits out through gritted teeth. She drops the sword from Octavia's neck and Octavia lets out a breath.

Indra she turns on her heel and stalks from the cavern – the rest of the grounders following behind her.

Octavia stands here, staring after her. Her left hand rises to her throat of its own accord and when she pulls it away, there's blood on her fingers.

She should be upset, everything she's worked for in the last few weeks. She's spent most of her time proving herself to Indra and the other grounders – trying to find her place. And now it's pretty much been all for nothing.

If anything she's conflicted. But if she's being honest – she's not. She'd do it all over again in a heartbeat to save her brother – to be able to see him again.

She glances back towards the entrances to Mount Weather, already knowing what she's going to do. What she has to do – because she'd never forgive herself if she didn't.

"Octavia come home with us," Jackson says, pulling her from her thoughts.

Octavia turns to look at him, her face expressionless as she speaks her next words. "I have no home."

"You'll need this," Jackson sets a bag on the ground near her feet before he turns and follows the rest from the cavern.

She sighs.

It's the truth – she doesn't have a home. Not right now and she won't until she gets her brother and her friends back.

She's not a grounder and she never really was a sky person. After all the arkers are the reason her mother's dead, the reason she grew up under the floor and the reason she was locked away just for being born.

She's not even sure she can really trust the grounders that much anymore. Not after this. Just seconds away from officially being accepted as one of them, Indra strips it away. She almost scoffs – she had this sinking feel that it was too good to be true.

It doesn't matter to her anymore. Nothing does. The only thing she cares about is her brother's safety and she'll do anything to make sure he's safe.

What she does know is that she isn't going to just stand by and let her brother get killed. He's her only family – the only person who's always been there for her. The only person who's ever truly cared for her and did everything he could to keep her safe.

He's the only person who truly understands her and the only person that she really needs in her life. One way or another, she's determined to save him.

She's not a grounder. She's not a sky person. She's a Blake.