CH.10: To each their own ending

Jenny Calendar appeared outside a town she was unfamiliar with. Her hair flowed about her face and she moved a hand consciously through it. There were many cars and she thought she saw something that said 'Cleveland' but it was hard to see as her vision was a tad blurry. It was night by the way she felt the cold chill greet her live flesh. "I'm alive…how is that…Tara?"

"Mmm…fresh meat…and full of blood." Jenny turned to see a vampire and took a step back. Her last dealing with a vampire was with Angelus, even though she had done a few scooping and dropping of vamp's ashes on the cruise.

"Now you don't get any ideas now…" Jenny looked around for help but it appeared the city was asleep. She wished she had a cross on her or some holy water.

"I'm going to take my time with you-." He lunged at her but was struck by an arrow and his expression was priceless as it was mixed with horror and confusion. Jenny looked through his skeletal remains to see a figure approaching her wearing a pressed jacket over a buttoned up shirt. His jeans appeared long legged.

"Are you ok miss?" His proper accent was not hard to miss and as he reached for his glasses she felt her heart thud and pound in her chest.

"Rupert…is that you?" Jenny clutched at her chest feeling like she was going to have a heart attack…but realized where she would go so she controlled that.

"I'm sorry but do I-?" He stopped short of finishing his thought as he looked closely at her. She moved closer to him so he could get a better look. "Jenny…no…you died…"

"Wondrous thing magic Rupert…you think you die and then you find yourself on a cruise and poof you are back among the living." She caught his questioning glance and laughed nervously. "Oh, well you'd have to be there of course."

"You must be some specter…some ghost…I should perform a ritual…" The man looked scared of her and she couldn't blame him. The years had been long since her death and he was a different person. She had some feeling he wouldn't have waited and hearing what Anya had told her she wasn't too broken up about it. Reaching out she took his hand and placed it on her chest.

"Does this feel wrong to you? I apologize for coming back into your life and if this is wrong in any way I shall go and leave you be. I've missed you so much Rupert…not a day went by in my life in the after that I didn't think of what could have been…what should be." It was hard to tell if he had moved on but she couldn't back down…not when her heart was in front of her.

Rupert appeared aghast…shaken even but he did not remove his hand from her chest. His eyes appeared to be misting over and she let out a gasp not expecting this. Her breathing became shallow as he pulled off his glasses and leaned in taking her all in. She pushed a little against his hand craving his touch and also craving to be seen by him. It had been so long since she ever thought of settling down and raising a family…now it was finally here. "Rupert…not a day or year has gone by where I didn't think of this moment…thinking of you standing before me. I realize our time together was cut short but-."

"Jenny…oh Jenny is it really you?" He was trembling which was quite rare for a man of his upbringing. He pulled her to him in a tight embrace and she placed her head into his shoulder feeling the sweet sense of relief she had wanted since she was, well dead, that was the right word.

"Rupert…I have so much to tell you about my time in the after…including some info I think everyone else will want to hear." Jenny pulled back a bit; which was hard as Rupert was not letting her breathe much, not in the killing sort of way.

"Y-Yes of course we must tell the others you have returned." Rupert composed himself putting his glasses back on and he led her down the street.

"Stand back Giles she might be a vampire!" Buffy had her stake in hand as she rushed at her. Jenny could not blame her for her reaction and almost readily accepted it if not for Giles.

"Buffy listen…she has a heartbeat. I know her presence here is unexpected, and I did a few tests on the way here but she is the real Jenny Calendar." Rupert was her knight in shining armor and he played the part quite well.

"Teacher back from the dead…this is new," Xander joked from where he sat. She noticed he had one eye and an eye patch on him. In some ways this made him appear older and more mature then the Xander Harris of High School.

"So this is your dead teacher huh? She doesn't look that dead to me." Jenny didn't recognize the brunette but the way that Buffy went to her she imagined she was special to her…in a family sort of way.

"Hey everyone sorry I slept in…hoo boy…I must be still asleep." Willow had her hair about her face and she was followed by a brunette who was barely clothed. Thinking of Tara she felt kind of bad for the girl.

"Hello Willow…glad to see you are doing alright." Jenny had always been fond of Willow and she wasn't too surprised by her sexuality. She knew she should be appalled by it but she was raised to believe that love was special…no matter who you shared it with.

"Alright spill…what are you doing here?" Buffy was Just as no nonsense as she remembered her. Everyone appeared to be getting comfortable so she figured she would launch into her tale.

"Well you see after Angelus killed me I was taken to a wondrous place full of light and harmony. The thing is my stay there was not long for I was soon taken from there and placed on a cruise. The cruise was filled with other dead souls much like myself and among them-."

"Xander!" Jenny turned her head to the door as she heard someone yelling in the streets. She had forgotten that Anya was also sent back.

"I don't think I left my calling card to any girls in this town. I probably should go check this out." Xander rose up and everyone followed him outside. Jenny sat there for a bit before deciding to see this happy reunion.

Anya was half way down the street pounding down the pavement and yelling at the top of her lungs. Jenny noted how she was worn down a bit and her hair was all about her face. It was a good thing no vampire greeted her the way it had her.

"Ahn…no way…it can't be her…she died…right Andrew?" He turned to look at the guy who stood in the back of the group with the other girls.

"Yeah she did…um…was there some sort of spell used to bring her back?" Andrew looked nervous and Jenny reached over to touch his arm.

"Jonathan is not coming back Andrew. He has moved on." She figured he was wondering if others would be returning. She remembered that Jonathan and Andrew had hung out in High School together.

"He is just worried that Jonathan will come back and kick his ass for killing him is all," Xander noted aloud not realizing he had till everyone stared, "what we were all thinking it."

Jenny understood then. Jonathan's death was rather sad now hearing it. Jonathan had been an outcast in high school and she was glad to have known him. However she imagined Andrew felt some guilt for his actions and besides it was not in her place to judge. Right now she saw as Anya drew nearer her anxiousness grew.

"Xander Harris…I swear if you have some prissy pants lover I swear I will kill you!" Anya drew nearer and Jenny placed her arms around Rupert seeing all of this happen through fresh eyes as being reunited with the one she loved.

"Ahn…relax I have no prissy pants around my huggable body." Xander held out his arms and as Anya finally made it over she threw herself into his embrace as she snuggled against him. In return Xander was misting up in his one eye and he gripped her tightly to him.

"Your body smells clean…good cause I want us to have sex right away." Anya rubbed his back and everyone laughed as Xander fought off a mad blush.

"Ahn…I thought we talked about…yeah I don't care we should definitely have sex…lots of it. We should have sex for all the days you were gone." Xander had his love back and Jenny realized how much the heart grew fonder during the absence of love and the presence of that individual.

"What…no evil dead bodies to kill…darn." Buffy fake pouted and Jenny laughed.

"Anya and I took care of most of those dead evil bodies you spoke of Buffy. We saw a lot of people there including Kendra, the First, Jonathan, Joyce, Tara-."

Jenny looked realizing she said two names that stuck out the most. Buffy and the brunette girl appeared shaken and Willow was thrown for a loop. The girl who had accompanied Willow did not seem happy about this last bit of news. Perhaps it would've been best to wait a bit after the festivities.

"You saw my mother…but…she died…" Buffy looked like she would cry but she somehow appeared composed. The woman standing before her was not the girl she had known as a teenager.

"Mom…you saw mom…is she coming back-?" She got a look from Buffy and went silent. Buffy had a sister? She looked at Rupert but he gave her a look that said 'tell you later'.

"Joyce has moved on…she won't be coming back." She saw the relief in Buffy's face and she understood how devastating it would be to have her mother return. She also knew in part that when a loved one departed having that person in their life could complicate things.

"Tara…no she died…I held her in my arms as she bled out." Willow was shaking and the brunette her.

"If she comes back I'll send her away…you don't have to worry Willow." Jenny could feel the uncomfortable atmosphere all around and figured once again it was not her place to speak. She had grown fond of Tara while on that cruise and she would defend her…but this was Willow's life.

"Tara…where is she?" Willow asked moving away from the girl as she seemed eager and yet at the same time scared to know.

"Tara fought the First…and she made a deal with him to let us go." Anya spoke up as she turned her head a bit as she was resting against Xander. "You should've seen her…all warrior goddess like and throwing him around like a bad guy doll. She got us through it all…well that and Kendra…course she died again. Ooh and she told me to tell you Buffy you were right about everything."

"Well that narrows it down a bit," Buffy noted with that wit of hers, "well it is nice to know I am still remembered in the lives of those who have left. Now I think we've had enough of the dead coming back for one night. I say we all turn in and deal with this in the morning. I feel like patrolling…anyone up for a little midnight stakage?"

"Xander and I can't…we're going to have sex…sweaty kind I hope." She reached down as she squeezed his cheeks.

"Ah yes…sex…sorry Buff maybe another time." Xander took Anya and left leaving the group slightly disturbed.

"I think I will join you tonight…kind of all rested up." Jenny noted how the girl who had spoke out against Tara looked.

"Do you want me to tag along honey? I mean…having two Slayers with you is better then one right?" Jenny again noted the discomfort in the air. It seemed like not everyone was of high opinion of the girl.

"Actually…I think Buffy and me have this. You go to bed…I'll be back soon." Willow left along with Buffy and Jenny watched them go.

"Yes well I think it is about time we all head in for bed." Rupert was about to go but Jenny had a question she needed to ask him.

"Rupert before we head to bed there is a question I've been meaning to ask you." She waited as the group departed and she noticed how he removed his glasses again.

"Yes well…alright…please tell me," he appeared anxious and she gathered her courage.

"Will you marry me?" Jenny decided to get down on one knee and look up at him. She giggled as he nearly broke his glasses. The shy librarian she had known appeared flummoxed.

"Are you proposing to me? Jenny you just got back and…and…oh hell with it yes I will marry you." He pulled her to her feet and they kissed right there and then. Of course Andrew and the girls were already making their way over with Dawn.

"When is the big day? Ooh I know what type of cake you guys should have. Now the tux should not be a problem for your measurements are already had…um…we'll talk about that later. And Jenny I picture a flowy white gown, nothing too revealing…maybe old fashioned and-."

"Can I be your maid of honor? I'm Dawn by the way, was a key but now just a regular girl. Plus I know you were probably going to pick Buffy which is fine and all but I've always wanted to be a maid of honor."

Soon everyone was chiming in and Jenny continued to kiss Rupert caught up in the moment. She knew what Xander and Anya were doing…her main concern though was Willow now.

Tara awoke near the shore with her clothes all wet and her body hurting all over. As she pushed herself up she noticed where she was and then to her horror saw the cruise that she had been on resting against the shore as well. The thing was the cruise was broken up all over and she had a feeling the First was nowhere onboard.

"I'm back…but how?" Tara held her side as the time spent in the warrior goddess presence had worn her down some. Moving along the shore she noticed that she was not in hell…so where did that leave? As she moved more she heard voices nearby. Perhaps they would know where she was.

"Will…I don't think Tara is coming back. I mean…yeah Jenny and Anya did but you heard what Jenny said." It was Buffy…talking to Willow? She was still far away and as she ambled up the path she spotted them heading to the graveyard.

"I know Buffy but wouldn't it be great if she did? Oh right I'm with Kennedy…but still Tara was the love of my life and maybe we could work it out. Plus three girls together how fun would that…oh right awkward…" Willow laughed lightly and Tara missed that laugh.

"Forgetting what you just said but c'mon Will you do know having Tara back in your life would complicate things with you and Kenndy. Plus…Kennedy might be feeling left out with you talking about Tara. I mean…yeah a lot of people did not see that coming and were blindsided by it…"

"You don't like her do you?" Willow stopped looking at Buffy and Tara could now spot the two as they argued.

"Will…I…ooh vampire." Buffy hurried off as she began the usual fighting stuff. She was just as good as she was back when she was alive, so full of spirt and that slayer strength. Willow stood alone and she wanted to tell her she was there…but…she couldn't find the words.

That is when she saw the vampire sneaking up on her. She wouldn't have seen it if she was watching Buffy or taking this chance to really look at the sky. Some part of her wanted to warn her…to let her know and then as she took care of it she would walk forward. Anything would've been better than just standing there. Of course someone beat her to the punch as a wooden stake punched through the vamps back and standing in the dust was Kennedy.

"Babe you really got to watch your back…or have someone watch it. I'm sorry how things were back there…can we go to bed and snuggle?" Kennedy while coming off strong seemed to genuinely love Willow…who was she to take that away? Her mother had taught her that her heart would know who she belonged with and while she knew in her heart she belonged with Willow…she wasn't sure Willow could handle having two girls in her life.

"Oh hey Kennedy…um…maybe in a sec…Buffy might need back up." Willow seemed a bit jittery and Tara tilted her head to the side curiously. Buffy had this handled so why did she stay?

"Willow Buffy can handle herself on her own…she always has. If she needs magical assist she'd mention it but this is just patrol…a Slayer thing. Now come on to bed…I can't snuggle on my own now can I?" Kennedy grabs Willow's arm and while playful Tara sees this as wrong.

"Kennedy there is more to patrolling then just slaying. Buffy is my friend and I enjoy hanging out with her, shooting the breeze or sharing stories of good ole Sunnydale…but before it became a crater noticeable from space. I may not be needed but it doesn't mean Buffy doesn't appreciate the company…and yeah so her love life hasn't been ideal what with Spike playing hero but she is happy."

That's my girl, Tara noted with a sly smirk, even when Kennedy tried to back her into a corner she came back swinging…or just being Willow. She would think it would end there and Kennedy would let her be and she'd be on her own way. It was clear Willow had moved on and why let the past linger and bring back haunting memories? She knew how that was seeing her dead mother in the form of the First…or the First in the form of her dead mother.

"I don't see happiness I just see someone buried in loneliness. I mean look at her staking vamp after vamp…doesn't she realize there will always be more vamps the next night? I am tired Willow now come to bed…please." Kennedy begged and yet there was some sort of insistence in there. It seemed that Kennedy was either overprotective of Willow thinking she couldn't handle herself or she needed her blanket to go to sleep…that being Willow.

"Kennedy calm down I will be there shortly." Willow went to remove her hand from her and began to head to Buffy.

"Are you leaving me? It is that witch isn't it…the one that was shot…don't say it isn't cause I know. When we make love…it is like you aren't there…or I'm not there and she is. I hear you call her name out at night and when you leave the house you always go to the cemetary…even though her grave vanished the day Sunnydale went under. You can't let her go…even when you got someone in the flesh right here who would do anything for you. Willow you are my life and my love and I want this to stop…it is not healthy and it is not right."

Tara found some of this just rude and loud but other parts made sense. It was true her grave was no more…likely her body or the her before she went to the cruise. And yet somehow she, Anya, and Jenny were able to get their bodies back and get a second chance. Perhaps it was the way they died, she was not sure now that she thought about it…and yet here and now she was never more certain she was no longer needed. As she turned around she stepped on a twig and felt her heart stop.

"What was that?" Kennedy leaped into full Slayer mode and Tara wanted to run but found herself scared stiff.

"It sounded like it came from over there. Buffy!" Willow yelled as she called up a tiny sun as it floated into existence.

Tara shook a bit and as she heard Kennedy and Willow make their way over she could not move her legs. The thudding of heels in the dirt signaled the speedy approach of the chosen one, Buffy. If she were staked she'd die again…and she did not think she would be able to return a second time. A part of her wanted to shout it was her…but her vocal chords would not respond and she felt a rather bad chill run through her.

"Ok I'm here…what is the emergency? Willow you ok?" Tara noticed she did not say Kennedy's name and wondered if those two were at odds.

"I'm fine but Buffy…look." Willow pointed at her, she knew it, her heart raced and she let out a tiny whimper.

"Alright…turn around slowly so I can stake you." Buffy at least wouldn't stake her with her back turned.

"O-Ok…I am turning…please don't do anything rash." Tara found her voice and turning around she saw the little ball of sun before her lighting up her features.

"No it can't be…Tara…my Tara is dead. Buffy do you think it is like Jenny and Anya?" There was hope in her voice but also disbelief…she did not blame her for either reaction.

"I don't know Will…um…a third body in one night…" Buffy seemed stumped and she waited there pulling at her sleeve, the very same one that belonged to an article of clothing she had worn the day she was shot.

"I say there is only one way to be sure." Kennedy held a stake at the ready and as she readied to plunge it into her she closed her eyes.

She expected to fell pain followed by the serenity that followed…and yet nothing. As she opened her eyes she saw Kennedy on the ground and Willow standing before her. Buffy was a little amused but hid it quickly by her own shock. "Will…what is going on?"

"I need to know for myself…no staking." Willow turned to face her and as she reached out to touch her face she melted into it and her lower lip trembled. "Baby…Tara…you aren't no vampire are you?"

Tara laughed and reached up to hold Willow's cheek. "I-I don't think so…I feel like me, that is I am me." Tara looked into Willow's eyes and seeing her cry made her want to. "No Willow don't cry…I don't want you to…I mean…it is alright. Listen I know you have a new life now and I will-."

"What the hell Willow? Are you going to toss what we have away just cause she comes back? Let her go…she is probably just some apparition that will disappear again anyway." Kennedy went to move towards them but Tara saw Buffy take hold of her arm.

"Kennedy…let it go. Will I'll meet you back at the house. Kennedy and I have some talking to do." There was almost a glint of pleasure in her hazel eyes as she said that but Tara chose to ignore it.

As Kennedy was hauled off Tara looked down. "Willow…your with Kennedy now…I get that. I-I just wanted to see how you were doing is all-."

"Tara…you are the only woman I have ever really really loved. The day you were taken from me I went to a dark place and it was only through Xander's efforts I pulled out of it. I did some soul searching and Kennedy was there. I opened my heart up to love again…at least I thought it was. Things were going good, great really but some part of me always felt empty. It was not Kennedy's fault or anything I just felt incomplete. And now you are here and you want to leave again…that is too much torture-."

Tara placed a finger on her lips knowing Willow would continue to talk. "Willow…you can't have both of us. I know it is unfair to choose…so I'm choosing for the both of us. Go and be with Kennedy…I have no right coming back thinking things would be the way we left them. You have changed…I've changed. I'm sorry." Tara pulled away and began to walk out of town. She didn't hear Willow so she thought she had went to find Kennedy.

And then poof right in front of her Willow appeared. She fell forward and she had to reach out to catch her. "Teleportation of a single individual…always wanted to try that…now I know why I didn't…"

"Willow you have your limits…this is advanced magic…like really advanced. I know you got all powerful but…this requires two people." Tara then saw Willow's playful smile and looked down seeing their hands joined…the same way they had joined the night Sunnydale was attacked by the Gentleman.

Willow's nose was bleeding from both of her nostrils and her body felt a bit soft to the touch. She had read the spell was quite dangerous as it softened the body and bruises and irritated skin would follow. Still this was her Willow, her love and as she stood up straight Tara noticed the two of them shining. "Wanna take a trip with me?"

"What about Kennedy?" Tara asks as she feels Willow close the distance between them. They stand there face to face and she sees Willow still smiling.

"I choose you, my forever, my girl I want to spend the rest of my life with. Can we be kissing now?" She teased as she leaned in kissing her fully on the lips. Tara does not object as she smiles into the kiss and then the two of them are gone.

Authors note: I believe that is the longest chapter of any of my stories up to date. Anyway let me know what you thought of the story as a whole or of this chapter. I realize it will take you a bit to get through this and I managed to split it into two parts to make it manageable. That about does it for me and this story, to be honest I had wanted to do a tale with Tara for some time…this was the final form of it. Later.