This takes place shortly after Last Christmas. Clara has returned to teaching but after work, she usually spends her time with the Doctor. The Wednesday routine is thrown out of the window.

Thursday Janurary 15th, 2015, 1:30pm

Doctor: Clara why did I find this phone is my pocket? Is it yours? Why do you have two?

Clara: Took you long enough! I got you the phone so we can keep in contact.

Doctor: I have a phone. In fact I have a phone box!

Clara: That you never answer. This is so we can send each other messages when we're too busy to meet up. Do you like the wallpaper?

Doctor: Don't pursue a career in art or photoshop. It looks like a stick insect wearing a wig.

Clara: That's because it is. It's you, the stick insect.

Doctor: Ha. Ha.

Clara: You can just change it to a normal photo you know.

Doctor: You certainly went through a lot of effort for this. I'd congratulate you if it wasn't so pointless.

Clara: You're loving this.

Doctor: What gives you that impression?

Clara: You're still replying.

Doctor: I'm refueling the TARDIS.

Clara: Right well my lunch is over, enjoy refuelling your box.

Doctor: I'll be over later to teach you how to actually photoshop.

Clara: I look forward to it :)

Friday Janurary 16th, 2015, 3:30pm

Doctor: Clara you left your thing here.

Clara: Care to clarify?

Doctor: Those things you wear to make yourself taller. The mini stilts!

Clara: Heels.

Clara: I was looking for them earlier, can you give them to me?

Doctor: No. They're balancing one of the fragment links.

Clara: Doctor. They're mine!

Doctor: Not my fault you left them behind. I need them now.

Clara: Then why did you bother telling me?

Doctor: Just saw them and thought you ought to know.

Clara: And here's me thinking you wanted to talk ;)

Doctor: What has ;) got to do with the conversation?

Clara: It's a wink face. As in I'm winking to you ;)

Doctor: Stop winking, you'll look like you have a digital eye twitch.

Clara: I could just smile instead

Clara: :)

Clara: See?

Doctor: Never understood why a colon and a bracket is used to resemble a smile.

Clara: Because it looks like one.

Doctor: Pointless.

Clara: And this is you :(

Doctor: Hilarious.

Clara: Anyway I'm almost home and you better be there.

Clara: With my shoes.

Doctor: Yes Boss.

Clara: :)