Disclaimer: not mine

Chapter 10

Yoda watched as young Obi-Wan and Anakin sparred, it was amazing how in tune they were. The shadows surrounding Skywalker's future had cleared some over the last year even as the boy felt more balanced, more in control of his emotions and yet usually in teenage Jedi he found it to be the opposite, the calm coming when they were fully grown. Human hormones did not help a Jedi find their calm centre.


Padme stood, looking out at the city of Theed as the lights came on, no evidence remained from the Trade Federations invasion. It had been a shock to be elected for a second term, she hadn't sought it, but she would do her best to serve her people and would be happy to step down in three years. She moved away from the window and settled at her dressing table to brush her hair, happy for the solitude, it was rare to be alone in her rooms without any of her handmaidens and friends.

She opened the small box and drew out the letter, eyes scanning over the neat handwriting. It was silly to still pine for him, but she did. There was something about Obi-Wan…but it was likely she would never see him again, most people never met a Jedi, she had met two. If only he wasn't a Jedi, then she could hold some hope for the future, but the one thing everyone knew about the Order was that they did not marry. She slipped it back into hiding and went to her bed, curling on her side, the bed feeling huge all by herself since usually she shared with at least Sabé.

She still couldn't believe the corruption that had been exposed when Palpatine had attempted to run for Chancellor, she had thought that maybe it would be a chance for their people to finally see justice but now she wondered if he'd had a hand in the invasion with the way he had pushed her to call for the vote. But she couldn't believe anyone would orchestrate so much suffering and death just to gain a political position. It left her questioning what she would do once her term was up, part of her really wanted to step back out of politics, to settle down and have a family of her own if she could find someone. Could she do anything to help the Galaxy? She could join the Senate?

She rolled onto her back and stared at the ceiling, trying to force herself to relax and sleep, she had a busy schedule tomorrow.


Obi-Wan smiled as Anakin won the tournament, his last several opponents had been senior Padawan's. He had come so far from the nine-year-old child they had brought to the Temple. His training was going well, both kinds. At sixteen he was growing like a weed and had actually reached his own height already. Soon both Anakin and Qui-Gon would tower over him, it just wasn't fair. He kept an eye on those watching, Anakin still had trouble with some of the other Temple inhabitants and he had never made a close group of friends amongst his own age group. Maybe that was partially his fault for all the secrets Anakin had to carry.

They also spent a lot of time away from the Temple which was his way of keeping them both safe and allowing him more freedom in his training of Anakin. He'd been more cautious which missions he chose since Sidious had disappeared, ensuring they stayed well away from Separatist space. Anakin was now like him, a core of Darkness concealed by the Light, and he was much calmer which would shock anyone from this world who would expect the opposite. The Prophecy said the Chosen One would bring Balance and the Jedi were arrogant enough to assume that meant the destruction of the Sith, and maybe it did mean that for Sidious' type of Sith, but it meant bring the light and dark into balance and Anakin had done that on a personal level already.


Anakin grinned as he relaxed on the couch, firmly ensconced between Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon as they watched the news from Naboo, seeing Queen Amidala step down and crown her successor. It was weird to think that Padme was Obi-Wan's wife in that other world but…he could see how they would fit well. She was a politician and he was an excellent negotiator, both could fight and stayed calm no matter the situation. He still thought she was an angel, just not one meant for him. That didn't mean they couldn't be friends one day. If things followed Obi-Wan's world then she'd soon be here as a Senator, he'd have to try and arrange someway for their paths to cross. He felt his Master gently tug at his braid and refocused on the image, wondering how much had leaked past his shields.

Qui-Gon glanced down at Anakin, watching his reactions to the Queen...ex-Queen now and was relieved to see no trace of the childhood crush. He may be something of a maverick and not really keep the no attachments rule but a Jedi and a politician?


Obi-Wan slipped onto the landing platform, hood up to conceal his face as the silvery Nubian ship landed with a fighter escort, reminded of when Padme had arrived in the weeks before Geonosis. There was no threat, not yet, she should have two years as Senator in peace…but had the timetable been moved up? By ousting Sidious from the Senate, he had lost the ability to truly know what would happen in advance. He watched as her security and handmaidens emerged and then Padme was walking down the ramp in a far simpler gown than those she had worn as Queen and without the ornate headpieces too. He saw Typho tense as he spotted him so stepped forward and drew back his hood, bowing. "Welcome back to Coruscant M'lady."

Padmé hesitated when she saw Typho react and then a brown cloaked figure stepped into view…Jedi robes and then the hood was lowered and she blinked, he looked….and then he spoke and she smiled, she would know that voice anywhere. "Thank you, Master Kenobi." She wished for the Queen's makeup and hoped her blush wasn't obvious to him. She had thought she'd never see him again and yet he was here. "I was not aware the Order greets new Senators."

"They don't, however I had free time today," he answered as she walked towards him and held her hands out, so he clasped them gently. "You look well," he lifted one of her hands and kissed the back. "I believe you have an apartment at 500 Republica, may I escort you?" he offered, and she nodded, glancing back at her people who allowed it, f she wasn't safe with a Jedi then she would be safe nowhere. He helped her into his speeder, and they were soon in the traffic of Coruscant.

"How have you been?" she asked when the cockpit sealed, glad it wasn't an open-air model so they could talk.

"Good, busy. I pray the Senate can find a diplomatic end to the growing Separatist movement as it is spreading us rather thin. Anakin and Qui-Gon are also well and send their regards."

"Good, I am glad they are both well," she smiled at the thought of the gentle Jedi Master and the eager child she had known. And then her thoughts turned melancholy and he turned to glance at her before his hand came to rest between them, palm up in offering. She smiled and took his hand, taking comfort in his presence.

"What is it?"

"Just…I am sorry for all the trouble Senator Palpatine caused. When we heard I couldn't believe it, he had been a good mentor to me and now….I wonder if the whole invasion wasn't part of his bid for the Chancellor's Office," she admitted softly.

"You hold no blame, Padme. Why would you suspect him? He was very good at hiding his dealings, even the Jedi sensed nothing out of the usual. Besides, you inherited him as Senator, did you not?"

"Yes, he was elected Senator under King Veruna," She told him, her predecessor was not a fond memory for her people. "He was forced to step down due to corruption and the exploitative contract with the Trade Federation. I was Princess of Theed at the time and Palpatine was very much in favour of my election as Queen, when he had once been close to the King. Something happened to push the two men apart, I know Veruna was planning to recall Palpatine from the Senate."

"Hmm," he hadn't known all of that before. "The two men had a falling out, where is Veruna now?"

"Dead, a few weeks after my election. He was assassinated which is part of the reason Panaka chose my handmaidens for their similarity to me and their training to act as decoys."

"Likely little new information could have been learned from him anyway," Obi-Wan offered. He parked the speeder beside her balcony and helped her out, mindful of her gown. "I am glad to see you again," he gently brushed back a stray strand of hair and she leant into his touch.

"I have missed you," she admitted softly, and he smiled.

"The Order often works closely with the Senate, I hope this will not be our last meeting."

"I hope not. Perhaps…you could join me for a meal one night…Anakin and Master Jinn are invited too," she quickly added, and he nodded.

"I will let them know and comm you." He forced himself to step away and bow as was proper for a Jedi before leaving as her people arrived. He took the trip back to the Temple more slowly, thinking things over. He hadn't known about King Veruna's relationship with Palpatine last time, maybe there hadn't been one in his world, but with the old King dead he doubted a search in that direction would get very far. Seeing her again…she was as beautiful as he remembered, inside and out. Attempting a relationship, should he chose to pursue her, would not be easy, even harder than as a security guard since Jedi did not have romantic relationships, something he saw as a massive failing, one of the many.

Yoda's long life had restricted the Order as he taught so many of the initiates. They lacked the chance to grow and evolve because of his strict adherence to one version of the Code. The older versions were much less restrictive than the current one that Yoda ensured was followed. He had come to respect the ancient Master, but he should have stepped back from the Council long ago to let them grow and learn without him. Emotion, yet peace. Ignorance, yet knowledge. Passion, yet serenity. Chaos, yet harmony. Death, yet the Force. That was much better and did not deny basic truths for most sentient species. The Force had brought him here to save the Jedi and help them adapt, how was he to do that when Yoda was so set in his ways and the Council followed him? As much as he didn't want it to happen, perhaps the Clone Wars were necessary for how they had forced the Order to adapt and change.


Padme smiled as Qui-Gon Jinn was let into her apartment, Obi-Wan behind him and a tall young man behind him…was that Ani? "It's so good to see you again Master Jinn," she greeted as he bowed.

"It is a pleasure to see you too, M'lady. Thank you for the invitation." It had been a big surprise, first to find out Obi-Wan had met with her and secondly to receive the invitation.

"Master Kenobi," it was best to be formal, greet him the same as the others.

"M'lady," he bowed as well, smiling softly at her.

"Which means this is Ani, my goodness you've grown," she smiled as he bowed.

"Well I have large footsteps to follow in," he grinned and looked at Qui-Gon while Obi-Wan sighed.

"I appear doomed to be the shortest of our line, other than Master Yoda," he mock pouted and they all laughed, removing their cloaks and then joining her on the lounges.

"Your line?" She asked curiously.

"Without family links, many Jedi follow the line of Master to Padawan. Master Yoda to Master Yoda to Master Jinn, to myself and no down to Anakin," Obi-Wan explained and she nodded before frowning.

"Dooku, you mean Count Dooku?" that was surprising and must be painful for them, to have him working against the Republic. "I am so sorry," she took Qui-Gon's hand and he smiled sadly at her.

"My Master chose to leave the Order when Obi-Wan was still my Padawan, becoming one of the Lost Twenty and we had not been close since my own Knighting," he told her, not wanting to talk of such things. "We saw the ceremony where you crowned your successor, the city looked to be doing well."

"Reconstruction took time, but we believe Theed is even better now," she let him change the topic sine it was obviously painful. "We included some Gungan architectural designs as well, relationships between our peoples are stronger than ever before."

"That is goof to hear."

"Jar Jar's people?" Anakin asked and she nodded.

"Not all are as …enthusiastic as he is," she offered diplomatically and they all laughed before the meal was announced and they took seats at the table to eat, Padme happy when the staff slipped away. The evening was a happy one as conversation flowed easily between all four of them as they ate and she was sad to see them go, leaving them with a standing invitation to dinner. She was just glad she hadn't given anything away about her feelings towards Obi-Wan, she didn't want to get him in trouble. Just because he had met her on her return to the planet and had kissed her hand…it didn't mean anything, he was a Jedi after all, he was just being a good friend.