Okay, so I decided that I'm making a sequel to Strings. This is more of a prologue than a first chapter, since it's intended to set off the story, rather than being an actual part of it… (BTW, I don't own TMNT) XD

"Careful, Leo."

"I'm fine!"

As Leonardo threw a soft punch, he felt himself getting annoyed, and not only at Donatello. For the past few months, the only physically active thing he had been permitted to do was light training. And by light, that meant tapping the punching bag using the same amount of energy one would use to pick up a pencil, along with Donnie and Master Splinter watching every move. He wasn't allowed to walk for the first month, he wasn't allowed to kick the second. It was nearing the end of the third month, and the fastest speed he was allowed to take was a fast walk!

He fully understood that his family was only worried about him, but he felt like it was going too far. Finally, he threw up his hands. "You know what? I'll just go to my room and read, okay?" "Okay…"

Leo walked to his room and sat on the bed. For about two seconds, he considered actually reading a book. Wait a minute…If Donnie thinks that I'm just reading some book, he won't suspect it if I do anything! He looked around his room, and his eyes grew a small twinkle in them as they spotted the twin katanas he had hung on the wall three months ago.

The leader grasped his katanas in hand, then made a stance. Excited to see that he had been able to do it perfectly, he continued swinging. Little by little, he began to feel like himself again. Alright, let's try something a bit more complicated. He threw one sword straight up, then with the other he sliced the air. Right then, he slipped and fell to the ground. The teen gasped as the sword he had thrown spiraled through the air, headed right for him.

Leo felt two hands grab him and tug him roughly. When he opened his eyes to find a concerned Mikey with a concerned look on his face, he realized what had happened. Mikey had pulled him so that the sword had missed him on the way down.

"H-how did you know what I was doing?" "I heard swishing sounds from your bedroom, so I checked to see what was going on. By the time I opened the door to make sure you were okay, you were already throwing the sword."

His older brother was silent for a moment. "You know," Mikey muttered, "If you wanted to do some training with your swords so badly, you could have called one of us to watch you while you train. Then you could avoid getting hurt in the future."

He didn't receive a response.

"Leo?" "I just don't want to be taken care of all the time. I'm not weak." Mikey thought about this for a moment, then replied, "We don't think you're weak. We just want to help you get better." "I'm being a burden." Mikey was getting annoyed.

"You know what, Leo? You can stop being so selfish." The leader was shocked to the point where he couldn't say anything for the next few moments. "W-what?"

"You're being so selfish. You think all we're trying to do, that our main goal in life is to help you and nothing else. You think we're doing this for you. But we're not. Think about it: The sooner you get better, the sooner you can start protecting us! So stop whining around and focus on what's best for you. We'll focus on what's best for us."

Leo absorbed what Mikey had just said. "O-okay." "Good. Come on, let's go. It's time for lunch." Yeah, okay. I'll be right behind you, I just need to put the swords back." "Okay." Before he left, the little turtle couldn't help adding, "You know the only way we can make you stop being all heroic is to say you're being selfish?" And then he slammed the door.

Leonardo picked up the twin blades and replaced them on the wall. Just like his youngest brother had been there for him today, he knew that his family would always be there for him, whether he liked it or not.