The Games We Play literally

by Rachel JD

Lexa stood in the corner of the tent as she offered me a drink. I drank once or twice before, which always led to a massive hangover the next day. There was impending an war hanging over our heads so I took the cup with little reluctance.

We were in her large makeshift tent as a form of headquarters with many lit torches. I looked around and thought that it was oddly romantic to be in such close quarters with her, not that it was the first time. I inhaled deeply and swallow trying to shake the thought away. She was on the opposite side of the room staring at me thoughtfully, wondering why I was quiet, assuming all the wrong things.

I turned around and I met her eyes. She lifted her flask and said, "being the leader the people deserve."

I raised my glass toward her smiling and replied, "to being a good leader," and took the drink. It burned pleasantly as it went down and I coughed a little, which warranted a chuckle from Lexa.

Lexa step forward crossing the little space that was between us. Our eyes never wavered from each other as she crossed the room. She touched my shoulder and said, "a good leader knows when to relax."

I took what she said as somewhat of a challenge. My eyes lost her's for a moment. I was unsure of myself with our close proximity, but I met her gaze once again attempting to feel confident.

"Well, then I guess we're gonna need another shot."

Lexa tilted your head to the side not understanding what I said to her. I pointed to her flask, "that means one more."

She nodded and handed it to me. I took a sip without hesitation recognizing that she was letting her guard down enough for us to share a moment. My mind wondered to the fact that her lips had touch the flask that was now touching mine. I shivered picking up her pine tree, forest scent. Her eyes were closely watching me, but my actions were mask or so I hoped. I handed her back the flask and nodded a thank you.

I had almost forgotten what it was like to have fun, but being with her alone as we drank into the night reminded me that happiness wasn't a fleeting dream. I was trying very hard to focus on anything other than the war. The alcohol was helping though, but Lexa was not making it very easy on me to think about anything else besides her lips.

After about four more shared swigs of alcohol later, I was feeling quite adventurous. I held out my hand and touched her's pulling her close to me as we sat on the rugged floor. I tried to show her a few games she didn't know, the first being 'rock-paper-scissor.' I had no real reason or motivation besides just wanting to feel connected to her somehow.

The concept of the game was so simple it made me laugh trying to explain it. She cocked her head to the side trying to hide a smile. My hand lingered on hers for a moment too long. When she looked at me I couldn't clearly describe the feeling, but her eyes tell a story.

"Can you remind me what the purpose of this game is for again sky princess?" Lexa's head stayed tilted as my hands cupped hers. I was holding her hand into a fist formation for the 'rock' portion of the game. After a moment she got the gist of it, but smirked at me even as I slowly let go of her hands.

"When there's not a clear answer it's how my people make a neutral decision," I tried to explain. "And it's fun to win."

Lexa's eyes had a sparkle to them, "it reminds me of nicarge. It's a wrestling match, the best two out of three as you put it?"

I laughed and shook my head, "yes, but perhaps a little less violent."

We played around with rock-paper-scissor and I had beaten her a few times getting into a rhythm. Lexa was grunted unsure of how to play. "But this is a game of chance, there is no real skill involved," she told me begrudgingly.

"That is not true," I slapped my hands on my legs that felt a bit wobbly even though we were both sitting. "There is plenty of skill involved. One has to be intuitive and guess the other person's move in order to win." I paused thinking, "even then yes, it still greatly by chance, but how well do you think you know me?" I played up the odds wanting her take a bet I was about to propose.

She looked at me unfazed with a stern face. She did not quite believe me I stared at her.

"Intuition and a little Lady Luck," I smirked as our eyes were locked on one another.

I breathed, "let's go again, this time whoever wins has to do one thing the other person says."

The prospect of winning was a grand one with such a wager.

"Are you sure you feel up to loosing tonight Clarke?" Lexa eyes focused at my challenge.

"Since I have won the last few, I'm quite confident in my skills. I happened to be the rock-paper-scissor champion, so don't be too confident Commander."

She took the bet grinning which should have made me uneasy, but I was far too confident with the help of liquid courage. We sat close to one another for our final round. Before the countdown I looked up at Lexa as we both sat crosslegged in front each other. I stopped breathing for a second imagining the wonderful things I could make her to do once I won. Lexa didn't let me lavish in my daydream for long smirking knowingly as if she were thinking something similar to me.

"1, 2, 3..."

Lexa's scissor, beat my paper. I stared at her dumbfounded with my mouth gaping open thinking I had a strong vibe of her next move. A small smile crept up as she looked into my eyes. Her expression was unreadable.

I let out a sigh. "What shall it be Commander?" Lexa stayed silent for a long moment, which sent my nerves on edge. I stared at her lips and she caught me. I readjusted my gaze quickly enough.

"I think I'll save my prize for another day as to not spoil such an opportunity."

"No fair!" I laughed.

"You did not say when it this gift would have to transpire."

"You are right. I concede," throwing my hands in the air defeated. I knew then that betting against a smart, cunning warrior such as Lexa would surely be my downfall. I did not seem to care though only wanting to share the rest of everything I could with her. "There is whole other game dedicated to the concept of 'truth or dare' and it's exactly how it sounds..."

I paused not wanting to dive too far into an explanation for fear I would owe Lexa more of my soul then I was willing to bare at the moment. She was cunning in her analysis of my attempt at self preservation and did not push too far too fast. "That'll have to be for another day though..." I added.

She leaned forward close enough where I could feel her breath on my skin. "Perai hokie ma neima Sky-girl." Her lips were just a gasp away from mine.

I had no idea what she said and she knew it. Her lips would play a game where her eyes would give her away. She stood up to leave, "good night Clarke."

I stood not able to find my voice. It was late, but I grew weary with her impending absence. Before anything good came to mind she was gone and I was left alone with silence where her sultry voice use to be.

I set this story before the finale & before their kiss. It's fluff... I watched the first season in just about a day after I discovered the #Clexa ship and I'm so glad I did!

This story was just a thought and is writing itself... I hope everyone is enjoying it.