A/N: Doth my eyes deceive me? Nope, just another sporadically updated chapter! Hope you enjoy!

Notes for reading:

Character speech is indicated like this = CHARACTER1: Blah blah blah.

Thoughts = CHARACTER1: 'Thinking thinking thinking.'

Actions/ Sound = [doing something or describing something]

Third Segment: Getting Nowhere, Fast!

"Would you come with me for a moment?"

Ryouta startles at the phantom's sudden presence beside him- wasn't he at the other end of the picnic cloth just now? He glances around before whispering back, "Is it ok to leave everyone, Kurokocchi?"

Kuroko chuckles softly, a refreshing sound, like a bell in the spring breeze. "I think they are all too lively to notice. It will only be for a moment."

As if on cue, most of their group burst out in laughter, probably to Takao's antics, or Kagami's chimpmunk-like eating habits. They are too distracted to see Kise and Kuroko slipping behind the trees. Nor do they notice Kuroko's hand when slips into Ryouta's as they walk side by side.

The cherry trees are not in full bloom, but they all had decided to venture out regardless to celebrate Momoi's birthday early in April. It was the first time everyone was gathering since exams in March. It was also the first time Kuroko has seen Kise since he returned from his trip abroad.

It was Routa who had first asked Kuroko out, early in January with a fresh resolution to put forward his feelings, and though they were still in that uncertain first stage, their time apart in fact helped to consolidates their feelings for one another. Days with seeing the other, made him realise...

"I missed you, you know," Kise says, breaking the otherwise soft silence. He gives a hesitant sideways glance at Kuroko, who stare back at him with that unwavering ice-blue gaze.

"I missed you, too ,Kise-kun," comes the answer, so straightforward, but unassuming. Kise is left unbalanced for a moment, his heart warming at the sight of Kuroko's slight smile.

"I..." he swallows. "Didn't I tell you to call me by my first name?" He laughs softly. Honestly, he cannot understand himself: he has met hundreds of people, gone out with many, but when it come to Tetsuya, this one person, Kise always finds himself at a loss of what to say or do. He is unlike anyone else; an enigma. An enigma he can call his.

"But Kise-kun refuses to use my first name. Isn't that unfair?"

"Eh? But Kurokocchi is Kurokocchi."

"And Kise-kun is Kise-kun." Ah, point blank.

"So I have to all-of-a-sudden start calling you Tetsuya?"

"That would be best, since we're dating. We are dating, aren't we?"

"O-of course we are!" Sure, Kuroko's honesty was something Ryouta found refreshing, but have a little mercy on his heart, would he?


"Then... Tetsuya."

The word on his tongue felt so... right. But then again, this was the name of whom he loved, after all. This was what it was supposed to feel like: special, different from the way anyone else says it. "Tetsuya?" Kise repeats, his heart pounding a bit faster.

"Yes, Ryouta-kun?" Tetsuya smiles up at him, with a slight cock of his head.

Kise is filled with a sudden, yet deep sense of awareness upon hearing his name from his lover's lips, here, under the shade of a thousand budding blossoms.

He cannot resist taking that Tetsuya's face in his hands, brushing a thumb over that cheek, slightly cold from the spring air. He does not deny his body as he leans close, close enough to see himself only reflected in those eyes. Can Tetsuya see, too? That he is the only thing Ryouta sees as well?

In the pause their eyes close to blink, Ryouta feel Kurko's lips on his, and they wait there, perfectly still, allowing each other to bask in this moment that belongs only to them.

AOMINE: What the fuck did I just read?

HYUUGA: I think it was a love story between Kuroko and... Kise?

MOMOI: Ki-chan, you big idiot!

KISE: ...

KIYOSHI: Kise's at a loss for words.

KASAMATSU: I never thought I would live to see the day.

KISE: ...

KASAMATSU: What? No gibe about how old I am as a senpai?

RIKO: No, he looks pretty far gone for anything right now.

KASAMATSU: Hmm, but I didn't think it will last for -

KISE: Waaaaahhhh!?

KIYOSHI: Woh! Ouch, my ear...

AOMINE: And there it is.

KISE: Holy-I don't even—What? Gah! Kurokocchi~! I'm so sorry!

MOMOI: Ki-chan, you idiot!

KASAMATSU: Oi, Kise, inside voices!

EVERYONE ELSE: 'Please include yourself in that!'

KISE: But what I just read there- That was-Gah~!

RIKO: I thought it was pretty cute.


RIKO: You know, as rom-coms go.

AOMINE: But, leave it to Kise to make it so cheesy.


KISE: Eh? Eeeeehhh?! D-did no one just realise what we just read? This is...!

KISYOSHI: I think you're getting too worked up, Kise. It is just fiction, after all.

KISE: Not about that! Aominecchi, what do you mean by "cheesy"? As Aida-san said, it was cute!

AOMINE: It was corny as hell. What's the big deal using a first name? Here, I'll show you. Tetsu. Was that so hard?

KISE: Calling Kurokocchi 'Kurokocchi' is my thing! And I'm Japanese! We don't use first names unless we're really close! Don't hate it just because I have the capacity to be romantic!

IMAYOSHI: Whoa, Kuroko, I think he just said that you two aren't close.

KURUKO: It's hurtful to play with someone's emotions, Kise-kun.

KISE: Gah! Imayoshi-san, don't twist my words around!

AOMINE: What? You think I'm not romantic? Oi, Satuski, tell him- You're laughing...?

MOMOI: [stifling urge to smile] W-what? No, of course not, that would be-pft!

HYUUGA: I think everyone is straying a bit from the bigger issue here...

INK: Are you referring to Kise-san and Kuroko-san being shipped together in the first place?

KISE: Gah! Where did you come from? Seriously, Kuroko, stop using Overflow on everyone!

KASAMATSU: Ah, she's back.

INK: Ufufu!

IZUKI: Was that supposed to sound evil?

INK: As I said before, with fan fiction, fans take the story into their own hands, creating situations that they would like to see.

KAGAMI: The hell...?

KISE: S-so what they want to see is...

AOMINE: Kise finally work up the balls to ask Tetsu out.

MOMOI: Dai-chan!

KISE: Wait, what do you mean "finally"?

MIDORIMA: I think what he's alluding to is your excessive fondness for Kuroko.

KASAMATSU: No smoke without a fire.

KISE: Senpai too~?!

INK: He's right, though. Whatever relationships created in the minds of fans are not without prompting. ... Most of the time.

HYUUGA: Again with the "most of the time"?

KISE: Excessive? But I like Kurokocchi as much as I like all of you! ... Ok, maybe not all of you...


KISE: And maybe not the same way as I like my senpai. But can you blame me? Kurokocchi is so awesome and straight forward, and adorable, and cuddly!

MOMOI: [whispering] Um, Ki-chan as much as I agree with you, you're not helping your own argument very well.

KISE: But we're just friends! Sure, I hug Kurokocchi whenever we meet, or text him a lot, but anyone can see that I'm not in love with him or anything, right?


KISE: Riiiiggghhhttt?

INK: H-hey, what can I say. The fans call 'em like they see 'em! It's mostly exaggerated, though.

KIYOSHI: Exaggerated, see? Lighten up! [slaps Kise on the back]

KISE: Gh! T-that kinda hurts, Kiyoshi-senpai...!

INK: Yeah, don't worry yourself too much over it! See? Kuroko-san over there isn't so fazed.

RIKO: He looks like he's into it.

KUROKO: I read the story from the beginning. The story itself is OK, like a light novel. Despite overly dramatized situations, the appeal seems to stem from seeing them acted through the characters of the show. The characterization is quite close, considering that it was fan-made. Though I have to agree with everyone: Kise-kun is much too corny.

KISE: But that isn't me~!

INK: Oh! An actual response! Thank you Kuroko-san!

KUROKO: Well, that is why are all here, yes?

INK: [sniff] Someone actually listened to me...

HYUUGA: Am I the only one who's starting to lose confidence in our host?

KAGAMI: So lemme get this straight-

AOMINE: There's nothing "straight" about this.

KAGAMI: Zip it. So fans just make up ...er- romantic situations with us?

HIMURO: That's what has been indicated, at least.

KAGAMI: Even if we're not ..uh...

AOMINE: Geez, Kagami, what are you, five? Yes, even if we don't swing that way.

KAGAMI: Shut up! "Even if we're not that close", was what I was gonna ask!

AOMINE: Oh? What's the matter, Kagami? Worried you'll be left out 'cause no one likes you?

KAGAMI: How the hell did you get that? Besides the same goes for you, Ahomine!

[Bickering ensues]

INK: You guys... didn't catch a glance of the pairings did you?


FUKUDA: Actually everyone pretty much threw down their tabs after that first... um- revelation.

INK: But Kuroko and Murasakibara still have theirs...

IZUKI: Well, Kuroko is kind of an exception to everything.

HIMURO: And I think Atsushi has been on his phone since the beginning.

INK: [mumbling] Hmm, I here I thought you were doing so well with handling it...

KAGAMI: Handling what?

INK: Well, we'll come to that eventually! Does anyone have any objections to continuing the discussion of fan fiction, with the understanding we might run into (a lot) more of such things?


KOGANEI: Whoa, no one's objecting? Honestly I'm surprised!

IMAYOSHI: It sounds like she's tryin' to get us to sign a consent and liabilities waiver, though.

TAKAO: Shin-chan, you're actually staying?

MIDORIMA: We've already established the fact that I'm against this in general, so don't you think the details are irrelevant?

INK: Hope you will continue that way of thinking when we come to stories with your character!

MIDORIMA: [alarmed] What?

INK: I said, hope you all will continue giving your support while we go through these stories! Hahaha!

RIKO: Everyone was interested about fan fiction at the start. But now I think everybody's curious about these relationships. "Shipping", you called them?.

KAWAHARA: Ahhh, Coach is making decisions for the team again...

KOGANEI: As long as she's not making lunch, I think we're fine! [Laughs]

RIKO: What was that, Koganei-kun~

TAKAO: Well, I can't vouch for anyone else, but I think it's gonna be hilarious!

TSUCHIDA: And there's really no harm coming from them.

KISE: So where do we go from here, host-san?

HIMURO: Seems that he's recovered.

KASAMATSU: [groan] But now he's more enthusiastic than before...

INK: Well, I suppose we can go around with each character, sharing your opinions , and stuff. [Aside] Basically what I've been trying to do from the beginning but...

MIDORIMA: You are mumbling again. Speak up.

INK: Ah, yes, Sir! So shall we start properly? Let's see... we'll go with Kuroko and the rest of Serin first. Is that ok?


INK: And I'm glad, Kuroko, that you're showing such a positive reaction to this!

EVERYONE ELSE : 'Is he reacting at all?'

INK: Kuroko has by far the most amount of fan fictions about him. In fact, he is the most tagged individual character, beating out the entire "Generation of Miracles" tag, too!

KUROKO: I'm honoured.

MOMOI: Well, duh, Tetsu-kun is the hero!

INK: But impressive none the less. Perhaps the only other person to have such a strong individual following is Akashi-san, and that's also-


KAGAMI: Huh? What happened?

KOGANEI: It like someone blew a dog whistle; all of them are frozen up!

IMAYOSHI: Host-san, I think it's something you said.

INK: Eh? What?

AOMINE: You said something about Akashi...?

INK: Yeah, he's really popular with fans, and-

KISE: Oh, this is bad. Really, really bad!

MIDORIMA: You said nothing before of Akashi being associated with this.

INK: Well has been kind of implied. I did invite him, and he is part of the Generation of Miracles, isn't he? He was Captain! So of course he's mention in a some stories!

MIDORIMA: But Akashi is careful about how about how he appears.

AOMINE: Imagine what will happen if Akashi finds out that there's stuff like what we just read floating around the Internet.



KAWAHARA: Wait, why would we be dead?

IMAYOSHI: Because he'll come after the host, and you all will be witnesses. He can't have witnesses to a homicide, now can he?

FURIHATA: Gyah! You're scaring us! Could you p-please put that flashlight away?

INK: Waah! You really think he'll come after me? But I didn't do anything~!

KASAMATSU: Wait, isn't everyone exaggerating a bit? Come on, like he'll really -

FURIHATA: I once saw the guy trying to stab Kagami with scissors.

HIMURO: What did Taiga do to deserve that?

KUROKO: He interrupted a meeting called by Akashi.



IZUKI: You can say their meeting was cut short!

KIYOSHI: But it's fine, isn't it? He's not here, so he can't possibly know what we're talking about, ne?

KISE: Y-yeah... He's right! As long as Akashicchi doesn't find out...

MURASAKIBARA: Find out about what?

TAKAO: [face-palm] Has he been listening at all?

HIMURO: About Akashi-kun finding about this fan fiction stuff, Atsushi.

MURASAKIBARA: ...Oh... He already knows...

EVERYONE: ...What?

MURASAKIBARA: Yeah, I told him... Who do you think I've been texting all this time...?

HYUUGA: You've been doing what?!

KOGANEI: Mitobe! You're right next to him! Why didn't you tell us sooner!

MITOBE: ...! ..., ...! [emphatic hand gestures and eyebrow quirks]

KOGANEI: Aah, right. It can't be helped then, ne? But watch out next time!

KISE: Guys~! What are we gonna do? What if Akashicchi-

[ring ring~]

KASAMATSU: Ah, now what?

[ring ring~]

MOMOI: A ring tone?

[ring ring~]

TAKAO: Whoops, I felt a buzz! Shin-chan I think it's your phone!

[ring ring~]

MIDORIMA: I'm aware, but I cannot..reach...

[ring ring~]

TAKAO: Shin-chan, that's my pocket. Whoa! Dude, at least buy me dinner first!

[ring ring~]

MIDORIMA: What are nonsense are you spouting now? Tch! Don't wriggling so much - it's difficult fitting my fingers in as it is.

[ring ring~]

HIMURO: Ah, sorry but, you're sort of squishing me, too.

MIDORIMA: My apologies, just bear with it a little longer.

[ring ring~]


MIDORIMA: Hah, got it. And now...-!

[ring ring~]

TAKAO: You're not going to pick it up?

KUROKO: Is something the matter, Midorima-kun?

[ring ring~]

MIDORIMA: ...It's Akashi.

[ring ring~]


IZUKI: Can I just say how impressed I am by everybody's synchronization when shouting. Great job, you guys!

[ring ring~]

EVERYONE ELSE: Whatever you do, don't answer it!

[ring ring~]

IMAYOSHI: Now isn't that a bit rude?

HYUUGA: Reaaaally not the time for a morality lesson with you, Imayoshi.

[ring ring~]

KOGANEI: It's still ringing! Wah, this is like a horror movie~

[ring ring~]

MIDORIMA: I'm not going to hang up! I think we all know better than rejecting a call from Akashi.



[ring ring~]



MIDORIMA: The call timed out.

KISE: Oh my god, Akashicchi's gonna be really mad at you!

MIDORIMA: At me? The only reason I was indecisive was because of all your racket!

KASAMATSU: Take it down a notch, Kise.

AOMINE: Haaah, never thought that Akashi would-

AKASHI: Never thought I would what, Daiki?

KISE: Whoa... my ears are ringing... Maybe I should shut up once in a while. I'm strating to imagine Akshi's voice in my head... Haha...

EVERYONE: [turning toward the door]...

EVERYONE: Gaaaah! 'He's here!'

KUROKO: Ah, hello, Akashi-kun.

AKASHI: Hello to you too, Tetsuya, and everyone here as well. I apologize for my tardiness.

INK: Eh? You're talking to me? Ah, right, I'm the host! But we were told you wouldn't make it.

AKASHI: I had an earlier arrangement, yes, but I never said that I wouldn't try to come. It would be rude to turn down such an... aggressive invitation.

INK: Haha, thanks!

EVERYONE ELSE: 'No, I don't think that was a compliment...'

AKASHI: But it's nice to see so many familiar faces, and a few new ones as well.

FUKUDA: Eh? He looked as us? But we've seen each other-

AKASHI: I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch that.

FUKUDA: I meant, it's a pleasure meeting you for the first time!

SEIRIN: 'Be strong, Fukuda!'

INK: Well, everyone has already introduced themselves, so would you like too as well, Akashi-san?

AKASHI: Alright. Pleased to make your acquaintance. My name is Akashi Seijuuro, captain of the Rakuzan High School Basketball team. ...Is that enough?

INK: Yeah that's perfect! We'll get to know each other better as the show continues. Would you like to sit down?

KISE: Wait, how come Akashicchi gets a single-seater?

KIYOSHI: You don't like sharing with me, Kise?

KISE: No, I like it just fine, but the option would have been nice! I mean, look at poor Himuro-kun over there!

HIMURO: It's fine, really.

RIKO: But that armchair looks completely different to these ones; way more plush-looking.

HYUUGA: Is that... a valet behind Akashi?

KAWAHARA: Wah, so this is the life of an A-lister...

FUKUDA: So fabulous...

HYUUGA: No, I'm pretty sure it's just Akashi.

AOMINE: [in a low voice (because Aomine Daiki doesn't fucking "whisper"!)] Oi, Host, are you sure it's a good idea inviting Akashi to sit down? Didn't we all just discuss this?

INK: But he's already here, and he's so nice~!

AOMINE: but what if he doesn't like what he sees?

INK: Well, we'll try to make him understand that it's all in good humour. And even if he doesn't, what's he gonna do, shut down the Internet? Hahaha! Ha...


INK: ...

AKASHI: Daiki, it isn't nice talking about people behind their backs.

AOMINE: Yeah, my bad.

AKASHI: Though I'm quite touched that all of you are worried for my sake.

EVERYONE: 'More like for our own..!'

AKASHI: You all were discussing fan fiction about the show, yes?

INK: Ah, so you know?

AKASHI: Atsushi informed me, but left out most of the details. I instead received a barrage of food emoticons without any context.


MURASAKIBARA: I was trying out an update for emojis on my phone. Aka-chin should use them more... all your messages are too boring.

AKASHI: I'll try to keep that in mind.

KISE: Wiat, so you didn't know the details? Then why were you calling Midorima? Wasn't it to blast him?

AKASHI: Blast?

MIDORIMA: And why me again?

AKASHI: I was hoping to get some directions to the studio, but your voices did a far more effective job at guiding me here.

KISE: Hehe, whoops...

AKASHI: But I am curious: what could you have possibly seen in that would have you so anxious?


INK: Well, honestly, you see...


[Explains what happened]





AKASHI: Is that all?

KOGANEI: Uwah, he took it so well!

FUKUDA: Maybe he's accustomed to this sort of stuff?

KAWAHARA: Must be nice being an A-lister...

KAGAMI: I'm really starting to worry about you guys...

AKASHI: There's no reason to dislike the present circumstances. Not yet, at least.

HYUUGA: "Not yet"? Gah, he's starting to sound like the host! Enough with this sinister feeling!

IZUKI: Hyuuga, I never knew you were left handed!

HYUUGA: ...What? Buddy, your puns aren't even making sense anymore...

IZUKI: "Sinister" is also a name for left-handers, you know!

HYUUGA: What? I don't even...! Argh...

INK: Let's just continue!

AOMINE: Did we even start?

MOMOI: What do you think we've been doing this whole time, Dai-chan?

AOMINE: Wasting time.

MIDORIMA: Talking drabble.

KIYOSHI: Making friends!

KISE: Hanging out?

TAKAO: Trying to... breathe...

IMAYOSHI: Torturing our kouhai. (FURIHATA: Help me, please~!)

KASAMATSU: Irritating your senpai. (KISE: Senpai~!)

MURASAKIBARA: Eating... by the way, Tobe-chin, you think you can make me another cake...?


INK: OK, that's enough! Can we please just pick up where we left off!

EVERYONE: And where was that?

INK: With Kuroko!... Eh? Kuroko...?

KISE: Uwah, Kurokocchi's missing again!

KUROKO: Actually I've been here all along. I didn't even move this time.

INK: Phew! Sorry. Now where were we...? Ah, so we were saying just saying how Kuroko is so popular: is that right?

EVERYONE ELSE: [unified shrug]



Guess I'll have to end it there. Why does it feel like this story is going in circles, you ask? Well, you try hosting a room full of people like the GoM and see how it feels!

But we now have Akashi, so, yaaaay! xD

Also, you guys have to tell me if they're OOC! I always kinda pictured Akashi as a mastermind that knows exactly how everyone feels about him! :3

Please leave a review! It helps me a lot, and I'm a B-type, so I won't know if I'm getting carried away unless I'm told!