New Friends Needed

by Riderkitty

Chapter 1

AN: This is my very first fanfic so don't go hard on me.

Disclaimer- I don't own Alex Rider or NCIS


Gibbs was walking to the bullpen when he saw his second in command, Tony, at Ziva's desk. "Stop flirting DiNozzo, rule twelve!" he shouted. "Sorry boss!" Tony said as Gibbs tossed a file on his desk. Ziva and McGee crowded around the desk to see the file. "It seems MI6 has recruited a 15 year-old boy." Gibbs told them with anger in his voice.

For a second, no one uttered a word. Then, Tony asked with surprise, "What? Why would they do something like that?" "How would we know that? We just found out about it." Ziva asked Tony. taking a second to calm down, Gibbs stayed silent for a moment. Then he began to tell them about the teenage boy. "His name is Alex Rider, he has successfully completed nine missions in one year, has no parents, and he is coming here because SCORPIA is hunting him down again. That is the people who shot him in the chest on his fifth mission." Gibbs finished.

McGee and Ziva muttered words in astoniment, while Tony had his mouth open in surprise and anger. "We will be helpful and gentle around him." Gibbs told them as he walked away. "Yes boss!" they all replied in usion.

P.O.V.- Alex

Alex Rider was being tossed around by the governments. MI6, CIA, ASIS, and now NCIS. It seems that the list keeps growing. he sighed. Of course, Alex was traveling alone because Jack had died a few months ago. Alex dismissed the thought immediately because he knew he would tear up.

Only eight more hours, Alex thought to himself. To tell the truth, he was extremely bored. He fidgeted in his seat, then, he asked for a glass of water. Boy, this is going to be a long day. Surprisingly, he then fell asleep after that thought.


Director Vance strolled toward the elevator. "Best behavior DiNozzo." he said before he left to pick up the kid. "Take notice that he was speaking directly towards you, not us." Ziva told Tony with a smile. "He just didn't have time to mention both your names with mine." Tony protested. "He had plenty of time. And why did he say your name first, like always?" McGee asked Tony with a smirk. Tony glared at him trying to find words to mock him, but none came to him. Finally, "Shut up Probie." he muttered. Ziva and McGee chuckled while Tony scowled at them, not happy.

Out of the blue, Gibbs appeared behind Tony. "Make sure you are on your best behavior DiNozzo." he ordered softly. Tony's scowled deepened. McGee and Ziva's chuckles turned into laughs. he glared at them before returning to his desk.


Finally, he got off the wretched plane. After he grabbed his luggage, he saw a man staring at him. he increased his pace, begging himself to get out the airplane fast. When he passed the stranger, the man reached out and snatched hind in an iron grip. "Ouch." he grumbled, then got ready to be in a fighting stance. "Don't worry, Alex. I'm Director Vance from NCIS." the man reassured him.

Alex relaxed. he gave his luggage to the Director and followed him to a shiny black car. he helped himself to shotgun(1) and waited for Vance to turn the car on. When he did, they rode in silence till a tall building came into view. "That is NCIS headquarters." Vance spoke suddenly. If Alex hadn't been who he is, he would've jumped in fright.

The car came to a halt and he stepped out into the sunshine. "Just leave your luggage in the car for now." he said. Alex nodded and followed Vance through a series of hallways till an elevator was suddenly there. Vance pressed the up button and waited. In a few seconds, it dinged and the doors flew open. They stepped onto the floor. Offices came into view and that was how it went.


Tony looked up from his report as the elevator doors opened. Out came Director Vance and a fair haired teenager. They walked over to Gibbs's desk, and he too, glanced up. "I guess you're Agent Rider?" Gibbs asked the boy. "I actually just go by Alex Rider. I don't like to think of myself as an agent." Alex retorted. Okay then, Tony thought. "Well Alex, how are you doing?" Gibbs tried again. "Terrible, I am being chased by SCORPIA." re retorted again. Gibbs raised his eyebrows. "Hey Tony. Why don't you take Alex down to meet Abby." Director Vance interrupted. "Sure thing." he answered,Finally, an excuse to get away from paperwork.

Alex Rider reluctingly followed him to another elevator. It was silent. Then, "Hey Alex. Do you have any friends like me?" he asked. "Tom." Alex answered quickly. "A girlfriend?" "Sabina." he yet again answered quickly. Suddenly, tony was angry. "Hey, I know you don't like being here, but be rude to us. Just think of us as family. You'll soon learn to love us." he said. "Yeah, because I have no family nor anyone to love anymore." Alex softly told him. Tony decided not to pry.

As soon as they walked into Abby's lab, Alex's eyes lit up, and so did Abby's. "You must be Alex. Your so adorable!" Abby shrieked, then hugged Alex. Alex whispered something in her ear. Tony leaned forward to hear. "You remind me so much of Jack. she was so sweet and kind and gave me hugs all the time." he whispered.

Well, maybe Alex does have a heart after all. Abby does cheer everyone up. But who was this Jack. Family, maybe, Tony thought about that that as Abby continued to hug Alex.


Alex liked Abby the best out of them all. Then Tony. He tried to be funny in a way and the others looked up to him. These people are a true team, Alex thought. As he thought about them, he knew he shouldn't have snapped at Gibbs like that. when he got back up there, he would apologize. But that would not happen right now.

Tony DiNozzo's phone rung two times before he answered. "DiNozzo." he then listened silently for a few seconds before he answered. "Sure thing boss. I'll be right there." he hung up. Then he headed towards the elevator. "Where are you going?" Alex asked. "To a crime scene. Stay with Abby." he commanded him. "Cant I come?" he asked. "Kid, we are supposed to be taking care of you. We cant do that by taking you to someone's murder." Tony answered. "Wait, aren't you people supposed to be watching me at all times?" Alex wisely pointed out. Tony stared at him long and hard. "Fine, you can come with me. You'll have to see what Gibbs says about it though." Tony gave in. Alex followed him to the elevator triumptly.

They rode in silence, then, headed towards the bullpen. "DiNozzo, I told you to keep Alex with Abby." Gibbs told Tony. "But you said to watch me at all times, and anyway, I have experience." he cut in. He saw Tony's eyes widen. I guess no one has ever went aginst Gibbs orders, then argued with him. But Alex did not back down. he was determined to come and Gibbs saw that.

"You can come, but stay out of our way." Gibbs growled at him. Alex grinned, then followed them out of the door.

A half an hour later, they arrived at the crime scene. The team immediately grabbed their gear from the car and hopped out. as Alex learned quickly, Tony was cracking jokes, like always. "Stay in the car." Gibbs ordered him, then joined his team. They were snapping pictures when Alex noticed someone in the treeline. With a gun. and he was pointing it straight at Gibbs.


He was inspecting the place when he heard someone yell "Gibbs!" then a body tackled him as a bullet flew past. wait, scratch that. It had hit someone, but not him. He glanced up at his rescuer expecting it to be Tony, but it was a very bloody Alex. Alex had taken a bullet for him.

He immediately pulled Alex to the ground. He had been shot in his shoulder around his neck. "Boss, are you okay?" Tony asked as he rushed over to him with McGee and Ziva trailing behind him. "I am , but he's not." he gestured to a groaning Alex. "Call 911." Ziva said. "No, i'm fine." Alex told them, and passed out.


He woke up painfully to see Gibbs and Tony's faces looking down at him. "Well, Sleeping Beauty finally woke up. For a minute, I thought you had ate a poisoned apple too." Tony's voice filled his ears.

Alex laughed feebly at the attempt of a joke. "Don't worry, I didn't see any witches either." he told Tony. "How are you feeling, Alex?" Gibbs asked concerned. "I feel fine, but I have one question. I'm the one being hunted down. So why did he aim at you?" he questioned Gibbs. Neither Gibbs nor Tony could find an answer to that question. He gazed up at them, waiting for an answer, but it seemed Gibbs didn't have one.

"Don't waste your time looking at them for answers. Ask me, Alex Rider." A voice boomed from the stero in the corner. Tony and Gibbs both froze and looked up at the camera. Alex tensed up, but did not look confused. "Julius. I thought you were dead. Why did you send those SCORPIA agents after Gibbs?" he replied to the voice. Both Tony and Gibbs were now looking at Alex confused. "Why Alex, I wasn't sending them after Agent Gibbs. I knew you would be the hero and rush in and protect him." Julius's voice boomed.

"Why are you after me?" he asked although he already knew the answer. "You took down SCORPIA three times. Anyway, this is more personal than that shot, I believe." Julius spit out. Gibbs and Tony thought he was referring to yesterday's shot, but they were wrong. He was talking about tha shot Alex had taken a few months ago.

"I'm glad you have a dark side Alex, because if you hadn't, I never would've have either. I don't know why Grief had to make me look like you though." Julius complained. Tony stared at him, about to ask a question, but Julius started laughing. "What, you didn't tell them?" Julius laughed even harder. "What? That your dad was a freak that cloned himself dozens of times, that you were technically made to look like me, and that that makes you a freak too?" Alex was the one to laugh now.

Gibbs and Tony were both silent during the argument, but Gibbs asked, "Hey Julius guy, you're a clone?" he started to grin. Julius went silent. Then, "Watch your back, Rider." Then all was silent. Julius was supposed to be dead. But he had just had a conversation with him. And he had a very bad feeling about Julius's last words.

. . . . .

Tony stared in shock at him. "While I was on my second my second mission, the scientist cloned himself ad made the clone to look like me." he explained to Tony. Gibbs did not press him for more information. He just said, "The doctor told me he was thinking about relising you today, but now I don't think it's such a good idea." Gibbs told me. "Why not? You'll give me protection." he told Gibbs.

Gibbs seemed to think about it for a moment. Then he told Alex he was going to get my release forms. Tony grinned down at him. "Wow, Alex. No one has ever changed Gibbs's mind before." Tony said surprised.

A few minutes later, Gibbs came in with a doctor. "Hello Alex. I see you want to go now. That will be fine as long as you take your medication and stay put." he ordered. "I'll make sure he does that." Gibbs promised. I rolled my eyes. "Agent Gibbs has signed your papers, but you will be rolled out with a wheelchair." the doctor told him. "Why?" he protested. "The hospital has polices." the doctor sighed, then left.

We waited for a wheelchair, and when a nurse came with one, she tried to help him up. "I don't need help. I'm capable of walking a few steps." he growled. In the background, he heard tony snort, followed by the noise of someone's hand slapping Tony's head. It seemed to take forever, but we finally got to Gibbs car. He stepped out of the wheelchair and into the car. once they also got into the car and was moving, it was quiet until Gibbs spoke.

"You will be staying at my house, Alex. And anyway, didn't you come here for protection? Right you did. So do not fuss." Alex stared at Gibbs for two seconds, then glanced away. "Yes sir." he told Gibbs.

Gibbs gave him a slight grin. The whole way, tony talked tail he was dropped off at his apartment. Alex sighed in relief. "Tony is a good guy, but sometimes he talks to much." he told Gibbs. "You'll get used to him trust me. I have put up th him for seven years." Gibbs reassured him.

Then it went silent and the rest of the trip was like that. As Gibbs pulled up into a driveway, they came to a stop. Alex almost broke out into a dance. He was so relived that they were there. He was so eshusted.

"Well, here is my home sweet home." Gibbs announced.

so, how did you like it. that is only the first chapter. I plan on making it a long one. PLEASE,PLEASE, review! Give me tips. Critize it. I don't care.

(1) in case you didn't know, shotgun means passenger seat.

Riderkitty out for today