I squinted through my eyelids, looking around trying not to let anyone watching me know I was awake. Pan was sitting in the corner, humming a pointless tune, polishing what looked like a pan pipe, Ha! Pan, pan pipe, I just realized that! I tried to hide a smirk but failed epicly and ended up giggling. "What's funny?" he asked, confused. "Irony." I smirked. I sat up and stretched. "Well you seem in better spirits." he says, an eyebrow raised. "Amazing what sleep can do, right?" I smirked. He shrugged and then he looked like there was something he wanted to say. "Everything okay?" I asked warily. "Yes, um… I wanted to tell you something." "Um… okay?" I said cautiously. "Skye, the shadow takes people for a reason, because they feel unwanted and unloved, they are brought here for a new start, a family… We can be you family if you let us." he offered. I sighed "Well, it's not like I have anywhere to go." I smiled softly, maybe being here wasn't so bad. I snorted. "You sound like you have done this before." "this?" he asked, confused. "Kidnapped people, lock them in your tree house and having your way with them before you kill them." I say, scooting away. "Oh, Skye, I'm not going to kill you, and when I do have my way with you, it will be because you want it, I'm a patient boy." he says, grabbing my wrists and pulling me close to him. My heart was racing, my breathing was ragged, my eyes wide, "but I'm not going to touch you until you give the okay." he said quietly. What was this feeling I got in the pit of my stomach? Why did I feel like fluttering? He moved away, "There are clothes for you in the dresser," he said, gruffly, I could see it in his eyes, even if for just a moment, he had let his wall come down.

Sorry, guys, short chapter but thought you would like sorry it took so long.