Emerald Eyed Witch

Chapter 12: It was going so well

Summary: Constance prepares for something massive but an old 'friend' turns up jeopardising it all but who will get hurt the most?

Disclaimer: I own nothing except plot and Emerald (and her generation of witches)

Author's Note: Right so it has been forever since I updated this fic but I hope you can still enjoy and I promise to try and keep this updated regularly.



Cackles had been back to routine for 6 weeks, Christmas Panto rehearsals was well underway, because these things take a lot of preparation, Constance however had a little more to plan, Amelia and she had had a long conversation when she arrived at Cackles, it was the sort Constance saw herself having with her mother, to her, Amelia was her mother figure in life.

Imogen was carrying a box of skipping ropes out to the new first years, she was trying to watch her feet under the box that she walked straight into Constance, who simply smiled and slipped a note into the box.

Imogen watched Constance enter her classroom without looking back and knew her Connie was planning something and this not was something to with it. Sneaking it into her shorts pocket she continued outside.

"Right girls, here are the ropes in pairs you are to time each other and see who does the most Reps." She instructed her class before slowly backing away to read her note.

My Darling Immi,

I know that we can be complete opposites, for example you love running and climbing whereas I prefer potions and books we differ in palette also, I prefer savoury food and you prefer sweet. However we both know that you and I swim excellently. I expect to see you in your finest, as I will be, we are going for dinner but afterwards the lake is our palace.

I will be in our spot at 8pm, and because you are always late I have booked the table for quarter to nine, I shall see you there

I hope you are there

All my love, Your Connie

A smile erupted on the blonde woman's face, god why did she give this woman up all those years ago. Shoving the note into her pocket she proceeded with her lesson, teaching different skipping rope techniques like ski slalom and criss cross.

At lunch the staffroom had a very strange atmosphere, Amelia knew of the relationship and had since it began before Emerald's birth, she was also aware of Constance's plans.

"Well I suppose would be an okay time to tell you my news" Mildred broke the silence. "On holiday Charlie and I met Fenny and Gris, you remember them don't you" Constance rolled her eyes and Imogen smiled remembering when Fenny came to her with questions on being a lesbian, in a nice way of course "well apart from their absolutely adorable little girl, Sophie, they have a private schooling company. It's not an actual building but it's a few lessons on some very engaging spells and potions. For example the anti-gunge potion. The news was they offered to come and teach some, now I didn't say yes or no but…I mentioned Cackles and they had an interest." She smiled

"That is a ridiculous suggestion what could they teach impressionable young girls" Miss Hardbroom raised an eyebrow.

"That if you work hard then you can end up where you want no matter what gets in your way" Mildred quipped

"Well I think it's a great idea, Mildred. I shall write them a letter" Amelia smiled getting a pen to write down the address.

"Oh its fine, I just email them. It's a lot quicker, and plus it doesn't cost me as much as a letter would" Mildred pulled her phone from her bag and began tapping away, Constance and Amelia just stared while Imogen was holding back the giggles, with great difficulty.

"Well I also wanted to suggest something, Amelia, cooking lessons for the girls" Imogen smiled getting over her giggles "I did my hygiene certificate years ago so I'm safe and qualified to do these lessons" Mildred made a face.

"I don't if the girls would like that, why can't the cook just do it" she pointed out to Amelia

"Because the students know not to misbehave with Imogen, they would be less cooperative if it were the cook. They do not know her and they do Miss Drill" Constance jumped to Imogen's defence a little too quickly, it was Mildred's turn to raise an eyebrow.

"You mentioned a little girl how old is she?" Imogen asked turning the conversation happier and less awkward

"Oh, I think she was two or three, not that old, but oh she is the perfect mix of Fenny and Gris, brunette hair and blue eyes." Mildred mused.

The last period was dragging not just for the girls but the teachers too. Constance was teaching 4th years who were smart enough to be left to get on, sometimes she secretly missed Mildred's terrible potion making as it gave her something to do rather than just marking badly written essay's, glancing out the window she saw Imogen, stretching.

Imogen had her class stretch inside, for once, the girls had no complaints about this, and standing in the inner courtyard she placed herself in view of the potion mistress window and began stretching with her class, knowing it would drive the witch mad, as she had well-behaved fourth years.

Constance stared for a second before dragging her eyes to the essay in front of her, however her brain didn't compute so her eyes went right back to staring at Imogen, the blue shirt stretched tightly over her lover's chest. It took Constance several minutes to realise a students was indeed calling her name, her head snapped round, had they seen her staring or rather who was being stared at.


When the bell went Imogen practically ran to put her equipment away and back to her house to change. During this time Constance came into the shed, throwing her the evils.

"You know, you will regret what you did today" she teased but in a perfectly serious voice

"Do what?" Imogen replied innocently, while stacking boxes of skipping ropes in a corner.

"You know perfectly well, stretching in front of my classroom window, knowing what it does to me. I will get you back and that is a promise" with that she disappeared into thin air.


When Imogen did get home she had a shower where she shaved her legs, even though they probably didn't need it. She had her hair washed conditioned and curled. It sat nicely below her chin. She kept her make-up light knowing that Constance preferred her natural beauty. She pulled out the dress she was going to wear, it was red off the shoulder dress with a 50's style skirt. It was going to blow Connie away.

Constance had a similar afternoon, she had a shower and shaved. She styled her hair differently an intricate up do with curls and wisps to frame her pale face. She took the emerald green dress and put it on along with the matching shoes, she took a bag and placed the black box inside it.

She crept down stairs to be met by Mildred Blossom. Constance inwardly groaned, why Mildred.

"Miss Hardbroom, you look wonderful, where are you going?" she leaned against the banister

"Just because I am dressed nicely doesn't give you the right to pry into my private life" she whipped and left through the door.


Dinner had been wonderful, Imogen and Constance slipped into easy conversation. Laughing and smiling it was as if they had never been apart. At around 10 they walked up to the woods, the lake gleamed in the moonlight. The by stood by the lake, they looked deep into the others eyes and soon their lips were connected.

"Imogen, I love you very much, you have made me see things I never thought I would see in myself. You made me feel like I was worth something. Marry me?" she asked pulling out the black box to reveal a beautiful ring, it was a slender gold band with a triangle pattern imprinted on it, a diamond sat centred raised by what looked like a lattice.

"Oh Connie, it's beautiful, just like you. Of course I'll marry you" having the ring placed on her finger she bundled her fiancée into her arms, it felt so right.

The pair swam in the lake, it was something they both could agree on. They would do laps and often end up racing each other.

"It was my mothers, the ring." Constance admitted as she held the blonde woman's hand in her own. "My father didn't know about it but she kept it, her grandfather had given it to my grandmother, when mother died she left it to me, Broomhead couldn't get to it no matter what, it used to give me strength when I'd wear it round my neck" Constance began to explain further.

"Then it that case, I should give back to you, we can get another one. Connie this is yours" Imogen felt she didn't deserve it.

"No. There was a note when I got it, I didn't understand it then but now I do and that is why you will keep it as my fiancée and when we die, Emerald and her family will inherit it." Constance reassured as the two women exited the lake into warm towels, totally not trivial, that lay by their clothes.

Now that they were dressed they walked down to Imogen's cottage, each feeling safe with the other. Entering the dark hall the newly engaged women wasted no time, stripping and kissing as they stumbled upstairs to the main bedroom, where Imogen slept but tonight sleep was probably unlikely, where they joined together as one soul promising to be together forever.


The light streamed in and Constance smiled at the sleeping woman in her arms, she began running her fingers up and down her fiancée's back, placing butterfly kisses along her shoulder blades as the tanned woman turned, Constance backed away smirking at the fake pout that graced the other woman's features.

"I hate you. I should know you don't go back on your word."

"What?" it was Constance's turn to be the innocent one.

"Teasing me, you know how much I love that" putting emphasis on 'that'.

"Come on, it's just 6 we could make it back…" Imogen giggled as Constance began to get dressed.

"That clock is an hour slow, so it's probably more like 7" she mumbled getting out of the bed and putting on clean clothes. "And this is for you, by the way, can't have too many people getting suspicious" she handed her fiancée a large box it had a blue ribbon delicately tied in a bow. Taking it in her arms she opened it, slowly and began beaming.

"When, where and how. Did you get this?" Constance questioned pulling the long black dress out, it felt quite satin-y and she couldn't be more thankful.

"Well, I got it a while ago, just in case you planned on staying the night. I found it online and I bought with something we modern folk call, giftcards." She teased as she pulled on a sports bra before jumping into shorts.

"Well however you modern folk shop, I still love it, maybe you should try teaching me how to find such beautiful clothing" she smiled pulling it on to her body and thanking Imogen for doing up the zip.

As the pair walked through the village, Constance surprised Imogen, and herself, by holding hands. The beautiful ring gleaming in the autumn sun. As they crossed the road by the Village School Mrs Coppertwine and Mr MacPherson were entering said building.

"Drill." The two women turned to see Imogen's ex-colleagues "How is your new job going then?" the geography teacher asked blanking Constance completely.

"Really well, the students are enthusiastic young women. Brilliant school. I have to get to work so I might see you later" as Imogen dragged Constance away the two teachers looked at each other.

"Is Drill queer?" MacPherson pondered out loud

"She does seem the type to be queer, c'mon we are going be late for this bloody meeting." Coppertwine reminded her greasy colleague


As the happy couple reached the gates Imogen stopped dead in her tracks.

"Connie, do you want me to take this off until there is a more appropriate time to announce this"

"You don't have to take it off but…maybe you should go for a run, I think us turning up at the same time. Also Mildred saw me last night" Constance looked sadden.

"Alright, when you are ready? I'll wait forever" she kissed the taller woman before running off in the other direction.

Constance appeared in her own room not even wanting to see any colleagues right now. She smiled at her reflection she had done it and was to be married to the one.


It took Imogen almost an hour to have her run, she had stopped to look her engagement ring several times, to make sure it was real, and of course it was.

Reaching the gates she ran into the school to crash into none other than Hecate Broomhead 'Mention the devil and she will appear' Imogen thought remembering Connie mentioning her last night. Slipping the ring off she held it tightly in her palm as the viciously scary witch turned.

"You! I was under the impression that you had resigned" she spoke her lips shrivelling like they always had.

"Well I did but Miss Cackle was in need of a Physical Education teacher and I live in the area. It was convenient, Imogen knew it best not to mention Emerald. "Let me escort you to the staff room." The blonde woman moved carefully around the witch and led her to the staff room where she met Miss Cackle and Mrs Blossom.

"It is sincerely laughable that the likes of Mildred Hubble not only became a teacher but also got married, you if I remember were a waste of space during your time here" Hecate criticised the young witch. Taking this opportunity she ran upstairs to Constance.

Connie sat on her bed, why was she here, thing were going so well. She lept into Imogen's arms when her lover entered the room.

"She can't know about us, so here" she gave the blonde woman a chain which she thread through the ring and tied around the tan neck, the ring was tucked under her sport shirt and became barely noticeable.

"Ah Constance, How good of you to grace us with your presence. I will be observing your class first, this morning. Second years I believe." Hecate announced as the bell sounded.

Sitting Ram-rod in the chair she announced to her class of Broomhead's presence.

"Maggie" she began the register making sure not to call surnames, if Broomhead were to find out Emerald's it would condemn her to something terrible. She also decided it best to work on theory so she herself couldn't be corrected.

"You Child, what is your name?" Hecate pointed to emerald in the middle of the lesson

"I'm Emerald, miss" she answered, not looking up from her work. She had yet to tell anyone but had had great difficulty breathing last night

"Well Emerald Miss I believe you should learn some respect." Hecate physically turned the young girl.

"My name is Emerald Drill, and it is a strong belief of mine that respect is to be earned not demanded" she turned back to her work.

"Are you going to let this child talk to me like that Constance" the ex-tutor screeched, Constance opened her mouth to speak "no you wouldn't you were always useless" the evil witch snapped an in-sync 'OOOH' was heard.

"That is clearly your own opinion, Mistress Broomhead. However I am inclined to disagree. I have many friends and have expanded my skills both professionally and socially" she replied in an almost calm tone. The other witch stared, well what else could she do in a room full of students. This was only the start of the drama it wasn't until lunch that all hell broke loose.

Constance had been so happy that morning, she was newly engaged to a wonderful woman, they were going to tell their daughter and the rest of the school, she would be able to be a mama, in full, in public and now she was sat as straight as she could manage in the staffroom, in dead silence.

Imogen got up and left she couldn't bear it in there any longer, she could just set up her next class. As she crossed the courtyard she realised that Broomhead was following her, before she could turn a spell was being hurled at her, but it never hit her turning she saw the steely eyes of Hecate Broomhead, another curse was sent her way but just as before it filtered away as it flew towards her. The disturbance had called everyone to a spectator's stance.

"Constance!" Broomhead shrieked, bursting at least one eardrum, the black-haired witch did not appear "I know what you have done" Miss Cackle stepped forward heroically, and a little stupidly, cast a spell which knocked the evil witch back.

There was a flash of red light and a scream as the majority of students watched their head teacher fly through the air, only to land in a heap the other end of the courtyard. As Hecate looked at what she had done, Mildred and Constance took this chance to cast a locking spell making the old woman immobile.

"Constance, I'm sorry. If you hadn't given me that ring it would have protected her instead of me" Imogen apologised as Mildred and the school crowded round Amelia.

"I would have done nothing of the sort, my heart belongs to you and that is the only person it can protect" she softly planted a kiss on her fiancée's forehead, not caring if anyone happened to see.


72 hours later Amelia was removed from the damaging spell unit to another less critical ward. Constance and Imogen had been there a lot of that time, it was at these times that Imogen saw Constance so vulnerable. Authorities had taken Hecate away, she would most likely be convicted and a magical drain performed before she was moved to a secure location. The doctors were now going to wake Amelia.

"Amelia, can you hear me, it's Constance" Constance tried as the older witches eyes opened.

"What happened?" the voice that replied was weak.

"You were hit by a spell which Broomhead cast. You are now in hospital." Imogen explained, the older witch turned her head and looked at the bright green eyes and smiled without turning her head she spoke.

"What did she say, Constance?" the other women smiled as Imogen revealed the ring hidden under her shirt. "Congratulations, when do I go home?"

"The doctor plans to keep you a few more days it was a very dangerous spell, you had several fits in the first few hours of your arrival here. I just want you to be okay, so I asked the doctor to keep you here." Constance explained in a rushed tone.

"Alright dear. Now then if I am okay then you can leave and look after our girls I'm sure Mildred can't handle them all" the grey haired witch joked.

"There's also a few more things we need to discuss Amelia" Imogen and Constance both exchanged guilty looks.


Both women were exhausted, emotionally and physically, when they returned to Cackles that evening. An impromptu assembly was given to update the pupils of their headmistress' progress. Then it was to bed with them all. It was looking as if the next few months would be long and tiring for everyone


Author's note: How dramatic was that. Please let me know what you think and I will update, hopefully, within the next week.

Coming soon: With a little help from my friends, guess who's coming back to Cackles to lend a hand, it rhymes with Shamina Mat (also featuring Fenny and Gris).