My story begins with two certain aristocrats of the Goa Kingdom who shall remain unnamed for a couples reasons. One is I happen not to like them very much… But personal feelings aside, they were one of the highest ranked aristocrats in the whole kingdom and planned to keep it that way.

Except, when these two had children, they produced no boys.

Now, this wouldn't have been a problem, but women couldn't inherit property in the Goa Kingdom. Needless to say, they needed to marry off their four girls as soon as possible for the family name to continue.

All of the children had blonde hair and either blue or green eyes. The eldest daughter of twenty one years old, Eleanor, was the only nice girl in the family with blue eyes. Eleanor was married off easily to another aristocrat.

The next oldest is Estelle of nineteen years old, was haughty and jealous with green eyes.

Evelyn and Ester, age sixteen, were twins who were similar in every respect. Both were incredibly rude to others, but angels in the eyes of Mother and Father. The only way you could tell them apart was by their eyes. Evelyn had blue eyes and Ester had green eyes.

These daughters weren't old enough to marry, but our parents had already made arrangements with other parents and had planned out their lives before they even lived them.

And they were completely fine with it! It seemed that everyone thought this was ok. It was our culture, as aristocrats, to plan out every single second of our lives up till the day we die.

Everything was fine until I came along. It had been sixteen years since my parents had the twins and then out I popped. I highly doubt I was planned, but you can't undo a pregnancy. So, late as it was, I joined the family with a sea of older siblings and expectations to live up to.

Eleanor was the only one who really loved me. All of my other siblings were jealous that I got all the attention. I was jealous they got no attention. If only our roles were reversed… Maybe things could've been different.

Well, despite being born lucky, I hated being an aristocrat.

"Children, especially girls, should be seen and not heard," my father scolded. He said this every time I tried to have an opinion on something.

Reluctantly, I would swallow my pride and nod my head. "Yes, Daddy," I would say.

My mother tried to love me, but she was too busy trying to find someone to marry me that she practically failed at being a mother.

Despite Eleanor being married already, she and her husband lived in our mansion. Whenever schooling had me down or my other sisters were being mean to me, I would go to Eleanor and she would always have open arms and a warm smile.

I began to think that she was the only normal one in our family.

I remember one time when I was seven Mother and Father were away on a vacation and Eleanor and her husband were visiting some friends. I was left alone with Estelle, Evelyn and Ester for the whole weekend.

I was woken up by one of our maids opening the curtains as always. "It's time to get up, Miss Emily," she would say every day.

I rolled out of bed and said robotically, "Good morning."

I was dressed in a tight and itchy dress and went downstairs for breakfast.

Estelle and the twins eyed me as I walking into the dining room.

"Good morning," I said again.

The three rolled their eyes simultaneously, but I shook off the obvious hatred.

I took my seat next to Estelle and waited for the cooks to bring out breakfast. No one spoke a word while they served us. I could almost feel the animosity in the air.

"Say, Emily…" Evelyn said, smirking. "Do you want your toast?"

"Yeah, I do," I said, protective of my food.

"Here, let me put some jelly on that for you," Estelle said, taking the piece off of my plate.

Estelle started spreading the jelly on the toast. When she was finished, she held it up and said, "Here you go!"

She shoved it in my hair and gasped.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" she lied. "My hand slipped.

The twins giggled and said, "Looks like you've got a little something in your hair, Emily!"

I peeled off the piece of toast with a calm expression on my face and smeared it on the front of Estelle's dress.

I stood up from the table and walked out of the dining room, furious inside.

"How dare you!" Estelle shrieked. "Mother just bought me this dress!"

"Like I care," I said, heading up the stairs towards my room.

All three of them sprinted out of the dining room and up the stairs to catch me. When I heard them coming, I tried to run, but they were much faster than me. The twins grabbed each of my arms and dragged me down the stairs. I started kicking and screaming, but their grip was too strong for me.

At the end of the stairs, they stopped. Estelle looked murderous.

"You little bitch!" she said. "You'll pay for this!"

She slapped me across the cheek as the twins laughed and giggled and she continued slapping me.

When I finally broke free, I raced up the stairs and into my room. I only forgot that my door locks on the outside, not the inside.

The twins got the key above my door and locked me inside my room. I didn't even care at that point. At least I wouldn't have to see them.

I cried in my pillow, getting jelly all over it, until one of the maids finally let me out when she realized I was locked in.

"Miss Emily, are you alright?" she asked. It was the same one from that morning.

I put my hands over my red cheeks and said, "Yes."

"What happened to your hair?" she asked. "You need to bathe immediately! I'll get the water running."

"Thank you," I said.

Eleanor… Why did you have to go too? I asked. If you were here, they would have never tried anything like that…

When the bath water was at my preferred temperature, I undressed and hopped in. As the maid washed the jelly out of my hair, she said, "You know, Miss Emily, you can tell me what happened."

"It won't make a difference…" I said pessimistically. "They'll just run to Mother and Father and blame it all on me if you tell."

"I can vouch for you," she said.

"No offense, but if it's our word against them, we don't stand a chance," I said. "I mean, I'm just the youngest and you just work here."

"You might be right, but you can still tell me," she said, smiling.

So I told her. I told her everything. Not just about that day, but all the times they pulled my hair, tripped me, ganged up on me, and bullied me relentlessly.

"That's just awful, Miss Emily…" she said.

"But don't tell them I said anything," I said. "You could get fired."

"You're so strong," she said. "Putting up with all that and you've never shed a tear!"

"Well…" I said, sheepishly. "No, that's not true."

"Oh?" she asked.

I hated talking about the times I've cried… It made me feel like I was weak, so I dismissed the subject.

She was fired the next week.

When I grew older, Eleanor and Estelle moved out with their husbands, so I was l stuck with the twins until either they died or they got married.

I was secretly hoping for the first option.

Mother and Father homeschooled me till I wanted to poke my eyes out with a number two pencil! It was incredibly boring material.

The only thing I actually enjoyed were the self-defense classes Father had made all of his daughter's take. I was by far the best in the class. All the other girls were dainty and didn't want to break their nails.

Every time I would complain about school, I would always be scolded.

"This is what a proper lady needs to be educated in nowadays!" my mother would say.

"You'll never get married if you have a reputation like this!" my father would yell.

"Well, maybe I don't want to get married!" I shouted finally.

My parents looked taken aback for a couple seconds, and then burst out laughing.

"Well, it's already planned," my mother said. "There's a handsome young man a couple doors down for a distinguished family. His name is Clarkson."

I'd rather die! I thought.

"You'll be quite happy with him, Emily," my father added. I rolled my eyes at the thought. "His family has more money than we do!"

"I hate you all!" I screamed and ran out of the room.

I was grounded for the next week for talking in an 'un-ladylike manner' towards my parents.

When I was eight, my father was reading the newspaper in the drawing room while my mother was sipping tea on the couch with my sisters.

I glanced over to see some of the headlines on the newspaper.

"'Pirate'?" I asked, reading the term aloud. "What's a pirate?"

"Don't say such ugly things, Emily," my mother said. "Pirates are the scum of the earth. Don't even bother learning such words."

My sisters giggled.

I narrowed my eyes and walked out of the room. Back in my room, I asked one of the maids more about pirates.

"Pirates?" she asked, surprised. "Why would you want to know about pirates?"

"You know about them, then?" I asked.

"Yes…" she said hesitantly. She looked around nervously and said, "If your parents knew about this…"

"They don't have to know!" I urged. "Please, can you tell me, please?"

"Alright, Miss Emily…" she said.

She told me all about how pirates could do whatever they wanted on a ship out in the sea. They plundered towns to get rich and had adventures while escaping from the navy.

Why had my parents never told me such exciting things?! I asked.

"And there was a King of the Pirates," she continued.

"A king?" I asked, intrigued. "Of pirates?"

"Yes," she said. "Gold Roger, the former King of the Pirates. He was executed in his home town a couple years ago. Some people think he left his legendary treasure, the One Piece, at the last island he visited."

"Where is it?" I asked.

"At the end of the Grand Line there's an island only he and his crew have gone too," she said. "It's called Raftel."

"I wanna go!" I said, having an epiphany. "I wanna be a pirate, too!"

The maid laughed and said, "I'm sure you'll grow out of it, Miss Emily. Pirates are bad people."

"I don't care," I said. "I wanna be the King of the Pirates!"

Then, something happened that would change my life forever. I was outside one day, in the apple orchard in the backyard picking some apples in secret.

As soon as I picked one, I ate it quickly so no one would know I was out there.

Then, I came across a strange fruit. It was pear shaped and brown in color with a weird design on it.

"What's this…?" I asked, picking the fruit.

I inspected the fruit, thinking it was rotted and sniffed it.

"It doesn't smell rotten…" I said.

I shrugged and took a bite of the fruit.

It was by far the most disgusting thing I'd ever tasted in my life. I threw the fruit to the ground and gagged.

My heart pounded all of a sudden.

"Goku-Goku no Mi…?" I said. (The Glub-Glub Fruit?)

I widened my eyes in realization. I had just eaten a Devil Fruit! I'd heard about them before, but never thought they were real. It seemed too good to be true, eating a fruit and gaining great powers.

"But… But… It's a fish!" I said. "What happened to cool powers?! I don't wanna be a fish! And a puffer fish at that…"

I looked at my arms and saw them change into scales. I tensed up my arm muscles and the scales enlarged with venemous spikes protruding out from the balloon-like skin on my arm.

I turned my arm back to normal. I bit my lip and said, "I've got to tell my parents…"

I gulped and walked inside the house.

"Emily?" my mother asked. "What were you doing outside?" She gasped. "Were you in the orchard again?!"

I averted eye contact with her and said, "Mother… I need to tell you and Father something."

She looked at me, confused. "Something to tell us?"

I gathered all of my family members in the living room and said, "I was out in the orchard and I came across a weird fruit…"

"Don't tell me you have mushrooms growing out of your ears…?" my mother asked.

My sisters giggled.

"No," I said. "It was a Devil Fruit, but I didn't know that, so I ate it."

Everyone blinked a couple times, digesting what I just told them.

"You're so funny!" Father said, laughing. "You really had me going there!"

I held my breath and my whole body puffed up like a puffer fish. "See!" I said. "I'm a puffer fish!"

My mother screamed and my sisters were giggling hysterically. As I shrunk back down to my original size, my father seized my hands angrily.

He slapped me and said, "You must not do that ever again! How disgraceful! You'll ruin your chances of getting married now that you're a… you're a freak!" He turned to the rest of my family and said, "No one speaks about this ever, alright?!"

Everyone nodded.

"Father, I-"

"Go to your room," he demanded.


"GO TO YOUR ROOM!" he yelled.

I raced up the stairs, wailing with rage.

I stayed in my room all day until one of the maids came in to run the bath water. Apparently, Father had told the whole staff about my 'condition' and that if anyone spoke about it to other people, they would be fired immediately.

The maid walked in hesitantly and said, "Miss Emily, it's time for your bath…"

I wiped my eyes and nodded.

When I got into the bath, I turned into a puffer fish on accident.

The maid screamed and ran out of the room.

How was I supposed to know when I went in water, I'd turn into a fish?!

It was surprising to me that this was probably the only Devil Fruit where you could be fully submerged in water and not feel weakened. Instead of taking my ability to swim away, I could swim so much better!

It was fun swimming around in the bathwater as a puffer fish. I never needed to surface since I had gills and seeing everything in the water was so cool!

When I finally got tired of swimming I surfaced and turned back into a human.

Right around that time, my mother ran in and told me to get out immediately. I changed into my bath robe and asked what was wrong.

"Your curse is what's wrong!" she hissed. "Your father told you not to do whatever it is a demon like you can do!"

"How what I supposed to know that I would change in the water?!" I asked. "This is as new to me as it is to you!"

She paused for a long second. "We just lost one of our maids because of you," she said, shaking with anger. "I hope you're proud of yourself!"

She slapped me and walked out of the room.

Over the next two years, my family and the staff pretended like nothing was wrong with me. I was strictly told never to use my powers, but as I became friends with the new maid, she let me play around in the bath sometimes.

When I turned eleven, both of the twins were married and out of the house. Their reign of terror was finally over!

It was a particularly sunny day outside when my mother and I were out shopping.

"How do you do?" she asked to everyone we met.

"Very well, thank you," said the other person. "And how about you?"

We would reply with the same, "very well, thank you" and keep on walking.

It began to get annoying after the seventh time.

When we finally reached the shop my mother wanted to go into, I saw two boys running through the street.

My mother narrowed her eyes as she watched them run off. "Miscreants…" she said, disgusted. "Don't affiliate yourself with whimsical boys like that, Emily."

"Yes, Mother," I replied robotically. I watched as they ran off while laughing with each other.

I sighed and wished I could have fun like that.

When we finished out business in the store, Mother gave me a package and said, "Here is a present for you. You haven't done anything embarrassing to our family for a long time."

By embarrassing, she obviously meant turning into a puffer fish.

I almost laughed, but kept my composure as I took the package.

I did it last night… I thought.

"Thank you, Mother," I said. "May I open it?"

"Yes," she said, smiling. "Go ahead."

I ripped off the paper and found inside a box a small coin purse.

I smiled and said, "Thank you, Mother! I love it!"

I emptied the contents of my old coin purse and put it in the new one. Mother snatched the old one and said, "This one was so last year…" She threw it in the trash can nearby.

It was a shop on the outskirts of High Town. I'd never been outside of High Town before. My parents never spoke about what was beyond the gate.

All of a sudden, one of the two boys from before had grabbed my coin purse and sprinted out of the gate.

"W-wait!" I said. "That's mine!"

My mother started hyperventilating. "We've been robbed by hooligans! Police! Call the police!" she shrieked.

I started sprinting after the boys, determined not to let them take away my new coin purse.

"Wait!" I called after them. "Please wait!"

As I entered Edge Town, I tried not to look around much because I was determined to catch the two boys. When we came towards the end of Edge Town, there was this really gross-looking garbage dump. I was relieved when they ran into the foresrt and not further into the dump.

I kept following them, only a couple paces behind as they ran around trees, trying to lose me. I was able to keep up with them thanks to my self-defense classes and the stamina gained from attending.

I heard one of them whisper to the other, "She's still right behind us!"

"Please give that back to me!" I yelled, trying to run even faster.

I finally was on their heels and tackled the one who stole the coin purse. We both tumbled to a stop, me on top of him as I pinned him down.

"Give it back," I said, panting. "Please.

The other boy tried to pry me off and the one I had pinned down struggled relentlessly, but I held my ground and stayed on top of him.

"Jeez!" he said. "Fine, I'll give it back! Just get off me!"

The boy had black hair and freckles. The other was blonde and had a tooth missing.

"Thank you," I said, getting off of him. I patted the dirt off of my itchy dress and held out my hand sassily.

He tossed me the coin purse.

"Just take it and go back," he said blushing from the obvious embarrassment.

"You're giving it back to her?!" the blonde one asked.

"Well, she followed us this far!" he said. "We couldn't shake her off. And it's not like I wanna show her where it is."

"Oh," he said. "I get it."

They both turned to me and looked angry. "Don't follow us anymore," the freckled boy said.

"I'll do what I please," I replied, raising an eyebrow and straightening my back to look taller.

"I'm warning you…" he said, holding up his fist. "Just because you're a girl doesn't mean I won't hit you."

I put my hands on my hips and said, "I'd like to see you try."

The blonde one laughed and said, "Teach her a lesson, Ace!"

"Count on it, Sabo," the boy said, smirking.

He walked towards me, holding his fist in the air. He suddenly sprinted and went to punch me in the face. I dodged easily and kicked his feet from under him.

He tumbled to the ground, in shock of what I'd done. His friend, Sabo, was shocked as well.

Ace jumped up, refusing to be defeated so easily and said, "Beginner's luck."

He ran for me yet again, this time going for a punch-kick-combo. I dodged both and punched him in the face while he was recoiling.

"This girl's crazy!" Sabo said.

Ace looked befuddled and nervous. "I'll… I'll never be beaten by a girl!" he yelled.

I rolled my eyes and kicked him in the gut. He flew into a tree and slid to the ground.

Sabo ran over to his friend while looking at me with scared eyes.

"Ace, are you ok?!" he yelled.

"Y-yeah…" he said, wiping blood from the corner of his mouth. He walked up to me and said, "You're pretty strong for a girl."

"You're pretty weak for a guy," I scoffed, looking him over.

Ace had ratty and dirt covered tank top with dark brown shorts with even more dirt on them. Sabo had on a top hat with goggles on them and somewhat-aristocratic clothes on. They really did look like hooligans.

My look-over made Ace really angry, but he didn't do anything about it. "Just don't follow us, or I will kill you," he threatened.

"Why don't you want me following you?" I asked.

"Just don't," he said, walking away with his friend. "You'll regret this when we become notorious pirates."

"P-pirates?" I asked. "You want to be pirates, too?"

Ace turned around and said, "Yeah, what of it?"

I smiled and said, "I think we got off on the wrong foot. My name is Emily and I wanna be King of the Pirates!"

(I don't own One Piece or any of the characters. This was made for entertainment and no copyright is intended.)