Obviously, everything belong to George Lucas.

PS: English is not my mother language so forgive me for any mistakes.

Long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away…

Anakin Skywalker found that his great friend and mentor, Chancellor Palpatine, was the Sith Lord that the Jedi Council had been searching for years. Warned by the young man, Master Jedi Mace Windu and another three Jedi went to the Senate intended to stop the Chancellor, leaving Anakin on the Jedi Temple.

However tempted by the dark side, Skywalker believes that his wife, Senator Padmé Amidala from Naboo, would die in the birth of their child and just the dark side knowledge could save her. Divided for his duties with the Order and his wish to save Padmé, Anakin chose to go after the Chancellor to find answers.

Already considering as certain his dominion over Anakin's mind, Palpatine and the dark side had disregarded one little detail in their planes of galactic domination. Shannon Skywalker, the twin sister of Anakin.

Shannon was coming back from a mission in Kashyyyk, the Wookiee planet to where she had traveled along Master Yoda, aboard a Jedi cruiser with the clone squad that followed her in battle, when she felt a disturb in the Force. Actually, Yoda have sent her back to the capital planet earlier than expected because both of them had sense some threat for the Jedi happening in Coruscant. However, never any of the woman premonition had caused so much pain like the one she felt in that moment, so strong pain that made her faint.

In her forced unconsciousness, Shannon could see a future where the Jedi no longer existed and the galaxy was controlling for the Empire. Could see what her brother would became, one individual more machine than man, and the destiny that waited her friends. She could felt all the pain, suffer and fear from that dark future.

When she finally woken, saw that many clones surrounded her with worried faces, including Commander Rex, a great friend (maybe a little more than that if she was gonna be honest about her feelings) and a true mate in many battle along the Clone wars.

- We have to arrive in the Senate, quickly! – She shout the order, getting up with difficult. Shannon knew that, to dream stop that future became reality, she couldn't waste time.

The clones, although still confused about what have happened with the General, didn't delay to obey her. Rex, however, held her arm before she could go to the bridge.

- What's happening, Shannon? Firth you faint and now this order?

- I had a vision, Rex. – She explained hesitant, mainly because had also seen what would happen to the clones. – Anakin is in danger.

She didn't need to supplement that the rest of the galaxy and themselves were also in danger, because Rex was already shouting orders for the clones move faster and, from time to time, throw a worried look in her direction. She hadn't had to deepen herself in explanation because he knew, as the rest of the clone squad, how deep was the connection between the Skywalker twins.

Nevertheless, Shannon's face was a mask without emotions, something that years of Jedi training had taught her, even that, deep inside, the worry with her brother and the galaxy was poisoning her. Luckily, in few minutes they have gotten out from the hyperspace and landed in the Senate platform.

- Shannon, wait for us! – Rex shout seeing the woman start to run out the ship.

She obliged herself to stop and turned to the clone Commander, letting him, for the first time, saw all her emotions stamped in her big blue eyes.

- I need to do this alone.

- But…

- Rex, I know it's difficult, but I need you trust me. – She cut him, knowing that she couldn't afford to have the clone turned against her in the crucial moment. – Contact Yoda and tell him that he must protect the Jedi immediately. I really hope that we won't need this measures, but I can't risk that we lost everything.

- I hope see you again, General. – He answer, after all, he can't disobey a request from her.

- I hope see you too, Commander, all of you. May the Force be with you. – She answer, forcing a smile, before start running again.

In a short time none of the clones could see her, even that her red hair always had made her an easy target to locate.

- You heard the Genera! – Rex shout, realizing that they were still standing in the platform. – We have orders to fulfill, men.

Shannon, obviously, no longer could hear the clones movement. Her mind was far away, her legs, helped by the Force, made her run as never before in her life and her heart tighten with every step. A reminder that, in the moment, time was her biggest enemy.

When she arrived in the door of the Chancellor cabinet, she have hesitated for a brief moment, afraid that was already too late, however obliged herself to expunge every doubt from her mind and enter in the room.

Shannon had registered briefly the bodies of three Jedi close to the door, mas was on the other three figures that her eyes were focus. Anakin was holding tight his light saber in the direction of the window and the other two; ever from afar, she could see the confusion in her brother's blue eyes. Mace Windu was over the windowsill pointing, threateningly, his own saber in Chancellor Palpatine direction, who look like had olden hundreds years since the last time Shannon have seen him.

- You can't let them kill me, Anakin. I am the only one who can save your wife. – He asked Anakin, who hold the light saber tighter. - Join me, and she will never die.

- Anakin, don't listen him! We must and this once for all. – Mace warned the young Jedi, realizing that the dark side threaten take over Skywalker.

- We can't do this. Is not the Jedi way. – He retorted, even that the real reason hadn't no connection with the Jedi code.

- Anakin, Padmé will die if you trust Palpatine! – Shannon yelled, recovered from her initial shock with the scene, and three pairs of eyes turned surprised in her direction.


- Skywalker? – Mace asked simultaneously to Anakin, both followed by Palpatine.

- You?

- Honestly, don't you three have a better question? – She asked, hiding behind the sarcasm her real emotions. – What you think? That am I a Force specter?

- What are you doing here? – Anakin was the first to question, have shortly forgotten about Mace and Palpatine.

- I came to prevent you to make the biggest mistake of your life. – She answered removing a lock of her red hair from her face.

Friends and enemies look at her in shock; none of them truly understanding what was she doing there and how have she appeared so fast in Coruscant.

- She lie! – Palpatine yelled, realizing that could lose his control over Anakin if didn't act fast. – You will lost everything if believe in this child.

- Am I liar? – Shannon also yelled in disbelief. – I wasn't the one who lie for him along all doses years, hiding be a Lord Sith. Wasn't me who have just reveled his secret for the world. IT IS NOT ME, WHO WILL DISTROY HIM! You may think that I am only a kid, even its ironical because you are trying to use my twin brother, but I gonna protect my family, no matter what will cost.

- Shannon, that the hell is going on here? – Mace asked in an attempt to understand what was really happening in front of him. He had gone there to destroy a Sith, but now he could see that there have been many more things behind it.

- I need you to trust me, Master Windu. I know what I'm doing. – She requested without divert her eyes from Palpatine.

He nodded, after all, he had already seen her in action times enough to learned to trust in her judgment, even he couldn't say the same thing about her brother. Obviously, he didn't stop to threaten Palpatine with his light saber, but agreed in wait to kill the Chancellor and give some time to her, even it was not what he wished.

- She don't believe in you, Anakin. Don't you see that she wish to you lose everything you love? – Palpatine argued ignoring Mace and his light saber. – You have already lost you mother because of her, don't you remember?

- Your viper. – She murmured, realizing that Palpatine was trying to turn Anakin against her by remember that Shannon had not believed in her brother's dreams about their mother suffer as a true. – Anakin, I can prove what I say.

- Just more lies.

Ignoring his provocations, she sited on the floor and started to whisper a chant in an old language. Palpatine have already realized that this action made her venerable and that he needed kill her soon if want to fulfill his planes. He could take care of Mace Windu easily, was just playing with the Jedi, made him believe that was winning; but Shannon still had a great influence in his new apprentice for him take risks.

It was in this moment that he saw the white light radiated by Shannon. A signal that has made the Lord Sith considered, for the first time, that he wasn't invincible.

He was right in fear her.

Since Shannon always had a too strong mind to be deluded by his promises of friendship, unlike her brother, Palpatine had not given himself the work to watch for her in the same way he did for Anakin. After all, just exist two Sith, a master and an apprentice, he didn't need Shannon if he already had Anakin. If he had watched her, maybe would have realized the reason why she resisted his manipulations and wouldn't have been surprised for the woman potential so many years later.

The truth was, Shannon had, since was a little girl, an ability that the Jedi call Pure Aura. People like her were so unconsciously good, to the point to naturally forget about themselves to protect others, and had one connection so intimate with the Living Force that could not be hit by the dark side unless they put themselves against dark powers voluntarily.

Yoda had suspected of the girl potential on the day that Qui-Gon brought the twins to the Temple, even that, because thought that was unwise train the boy and fear to split the twins, her training was refused in the beginning as well. However, his suspicions were confirmed when Dooku force lightning couldn't hurt her during their confrontation in the Battle of Geonosis. Since then, the Great Jedi Master has been training Shannon in secret, so her abilities didn't become a target, every time she came back to the Temple.

However, this ability was so extremely rare that was nothing more than a legend for most of people. Shannon, herself, has been the first person in millennia to born with the Pure Aura.

- It is not possible! – Palpatine yelled, hate and astonishment clear in his voice, while he realized the true about her.

Continuing to ignore him, she proceeded with the chant while a sphere has started to form in front of her.

- See what I saw, fell what I felt. – She said, returning to the conventional language on the galaxy.

This made the images of her last vision have started to be showed in the sphere, as if was a movie. All the destruction that Shannon had seen in her mind was now in front of the other three. Not that she had reveled everything, because some parts were too painful to relive, but was enough for they understand. Obviously, even the content she chose to show hurt her deeply, and yet she didn't allow any tear felt down her cheek, saving the Republic was more important than her personal feelings.

With the end of the images, the sphere disappeared, but she wasn't ready to envisage her brother and the horror that he felt for his own actions in that future.

- Are you really going to believe in this girl? – Palpatine questioned with a dry laugh and both Shannon and Mace had to admire the Chancellor persistence to fulfill his goals.

- This girl, Chancellor, is my sister and she would never lie to me. – Anakin defended her. Shannon's vision had shown him that the dark side was not the answer for his problems.

- I used to think that you were more intelligent, Anakin. – He retorted with disdain while turned in Mace's direction.

- No! – The twins screamed at the same time.

Both of them had realized what would be the next step of the Sith Lord, but Mace understood the young's warn seconds later, when the purple force lighting were already reaching him. He let himself distracted by Shannon's vision. The same one that had saved Anakin, had put the Jedi Master in danger and the young woman realized this.

The two Skywalker saw the attack hit the Jedi Master who, in the middle of the pain, lost his balance. Without stop to think, Shannon threw herself and, with difficult, could hold Mace, even he was hung outside the window.

- You know that have just expose yourself to my power, don't you? – Palpatine questioned with a victorious smile. If he couldn't have an apprentice, at least would have the pleasure to kill everyone in that room, including her.

- I'm not afraid of you. – She answered with determination shining in her blue eyes while she tried to find strength for bring Mace back to the "security" of the room.

- You should have. - He spoke darkly, made the force lighting reached Shannon

Never before she had felt so intense pain as the one she experimented in the moment, but she didn't scream or talk. She could die, but she would never give Palpatine the delight of see her suffer, Shannon had much of the same pride and stubborn of Anakin.

She felt her vision become dark slowly and knew that were only a matter of time until her body couldn't resist any longer, however Shannon didn't let Mace go.

Then everything stopped.

"Was this what my mother felt when she die?" She thought depressed while felt that the weight in her hand disappeared. "It's seems that another person will need to take care of Ani, mom. You asked me to do this when we left you, but I can't any more. I'm so sorry."

Ironically, she didn't call her brother for the child nickname since their mother death, when in an outburst of anger Anakin had slaughtered the tuskens and let her unconscious for have tried to stop him. But, just like on that day, she had accepted the ideal of death, had been the death of her mother or her own.

However, in middle of emptiness, she started listening a voice that was by her side since she was a baby:

- Shannon. – The voice called again with urgency and, for the relief of her owner, the woman's blue eyes started to open.

- Anakin? – She asked as soon as she could identify that was laid with her head in her brother lap. – What happen?

- I killed Palpatine so I could save you and Master Windu, than I pulled you into the room. Was for a narrow escape that you didn't let him fell. – Anakin explained pointing for the ex-Chancellor body with had a light saber cut in the chest. – He could have killed you, Shannon! Don't you know when the time to retreat is?

- You taught me to never retreat. – Shannon retorted with a weak voice, but, despite the provocations, Anakin was to glad to get angry with her.

- Good job, Skywalker's. – Mace told the twins while rose with difficulty. Palpatine attack injured him as well, but he knew that had suffered a smaller charge than her. – I need to contact Master Yoda and tell what happed here.

- He must already be on the way. – Shannon warned. – I asked my clone squad to let him know about the situation before I came here.

- You two must rest. – Mace spoke nodding, so she would knew that he understood, and started to leave the room with slow steps. – You have already made enough for a day, mainly you, Shannon. However, we have a lot to talk in the Council latter.

Shannon e Anakin looked at each other, both knowing that in the middle of that mess Mace had found about Padmé. Not that the Council haven't already had a suspicion about something happening between them, but without the possibility to spoke encrypted if wanted to save her brother, the Council ended receiving a confirmation.

- I'm sorry, Ani. I didn't want them to discovered about you two.

- You did what you needed to protect our family. I understand this and I'm sure that Padmé will understand too when discovery that you prevented me to transform the galaxy in a dictatorship. – He ensured her while caressed her red hair to calm her. For the first time in life was Anakin turn to take care of Shannon. – What matter is that both of us are alive. I swear that for a moment I really thought that I had lost you, Shan.

- We are together Ani, always had and always will be. – She answered. Tears running down both of their faces.

Although they had grown up together; even when were saved from Tatooine by Qui-Gon to become Jedi; and during a long time had been each other confidant; in a way that Shannon was the only human witness of his wedding; they had become distant in the last years. Anakin's aggressiveness when fear the loss of his loved ones, as well as the Chancellor stratagems, had made him distrusted the Jedi and consequently Shannon. He had not trusted in his sister in the way he use to did and, deep inside, he resented the way she was recognize and respected among the Jedi.

However, hugging each other on the floor, they weren't any longer the great Jedi Knight Anakin and Shannon Skywalker. Weren't the Hero With no Fear and the Balance. The Chosen One and Pure Force, that must guide him among the paths of the prophecy.

They were, for the first time in many years, just the twins Ani and Shan, in the same way they have been when were children slaves in Tatooine and just had one another. The worries with future no longer mattered. They were alive and together once more, this was enough for both.

I hope you had liked the chapter and Shannon. Once again I apologize for any mistake.

About the ability of Pure Aura, it was something that I invented and didn't exist in any Star Wars movie or expanded universe, so if you had any doubts fell free to ask.