Over four hundred letters were exchanged between two people over the course of two years, most of them love notes or simple, nonchalant exchanges of friendship. However, others hold a much deeper meaning- sent from all places, times, and moods. In order to understand these letters, we must know the people who wrote them. First, Lucy Heartfilia- the only daughter of Jude and Layla, patrons of the wealthy Heartfilia Konzern. Layla died shortly after her daughter's fifth birthday due to health complications, prompting her husband's addiction to business and alcohol, two things that did not agree with Lucy. At just sixteen she ran away from home, bringing only her magic and hiding wherever she could. In contrast, Natsu was raised by Igneel the fire dragon in the wilderness, learning dragon slaying before he could talk and becoming a Fairy Tail member at seven.

The first time the two met was Haregon town, where Natsu accidentally dispelled a love charm that had been cast by an imposter to convince Lucy to board a slave ship. The two mages went back to his guild together, making Lucy a member not long after meeting and quickly formed a world-renowned team, which you can learn more about in other articles.

Because these are personal letters, we suggest reader discretion.

Each chapter will be a new letter, and I don't know how long this fic will be. Pls R&R if you like the idea!

I don't own Fairy Tail.