Today's the day, today's the day I get moved up to the Avengers. I never thought I would be good enough for it but Fury wanted me moved so here I am about to go over to the tower to meet everyone, besides Clint and Tasha that is. I'm familiar with everyone except Thor but I haven't actually had conversations with the four super heroes. I'm sitting in my kitchen eating breakfast when I hear a knock on the door.


I open the door to see Clint and Natasha. "You ready?" Ask Natasha.

"As ready as I'll ever be." I say grabbing my bag and locking the door behind me.

"Your beyond ready for this." Says Clint.

"Just ignore Tony's comments and you'll be fine." Says Natasha.

The three of us get into the car and to my surprise Fury is in there.


"Agent Hayes".

That's all that is said on the way to the tower. When we get there the four of us get out of the car and get into the elevator taking us to the top floor. When the door opens the rest of the team is there along with another women who I believe is Pepper Potts.

"Alright everyone this is Agent Alex Hayes, the new addition to the team. Play nice." Says Fury turning to leave.

"I'm going to pretend that wasn't for me." Yells Tony walking towards us. "Tony Stark, nice to meet you." He says winking at me.

"Nice to meet you." Everyone else has joined us by this time.

"Bruce Banner, hopefully you won't meet the other guy for a while." Says Bruce shaking my hand.

"Hello Lady Alex, it's a pleasure to meet you." Says Thor hugging me.

"Thor careful she just got here." Laughs Clint.

Thor sets me down and Steve comes and shakes my hand. "Steve Rogers, nice to meet you. I've seen around before, you may have been on a mission with me."

"Yeah I think one or two, nice to finally meet you." I smile.

I meet Pepper and know we are going to be great friends and after that I get a tour of the different floors. I am tell the gym is going to be my favorite. Don't get me wrong I love using a gun just about as much as Natasha but there is nothing like hand to hand combat. The last floor we go to looks brand new.

"This is your floor." Says Tony.


"Yup, we can have some people bring your stuff over as soon as possible. A team that lives together stays together." He laughs.

"Thanks." I say.

"Well we will let you have a look around, we will be down on the community floor if you need anything." Says Pepper.

Everyone leaves and I go to the kitchen first. The fridge is fully stocked and so is the pantry. I go to the bedroom next and see a queen size bed with a desk and a connecting bathroom. It's a big room with a window to ceiling window over looking the city. The bathroom is big as well. The next door I open I see is an extra room and the one after that is a small gym with a punching bag and a few other things, perfect. I go back into the kitchen to find Natasha getting off the elevator.

"What do you think?" She ask.

"It's great." I say smiling.

"And the team..."

"They all seem great, I can see why you guys like them so much."

"Mhm, Steve seemed to like you." She smirks.

"What do you mean?" I say getting a drink out of the fridge.

"He started fumbling over his words a few minutes ago when we were talking about you, all good things by the way. He only does that when he thinks a girl is cute. I should have known he would take a liking to you."

"There's no way." I say.

"Don't doubt yourself Alex."

"I've got too much blood on my hands."

"So do Clint and I but that doesn't mean we love each other any less." She pauses. "Clint get out of the vents."

"Dammit Nat, how'd you know." He says opening it and climbing down.

"I just know." She says standing on her toes and kissing his cheek.

"Nat's right you know." He says.

" Well once he knows what's on my ledger that's going to scare him off."

"You think what you want to but I disagree, now let's go they want to see what you can do." Says Natasha.

After going a few rounds with Natasha and Clint the boys are impressed. I started out in the Red Room with Natasha, she and Clint came back for me a year after Natasha found him. The two of us are like sisters. She brought me back to S.H.I.E.L.D and helped train me along with Agent Coulson and Agent Hill. My choice to join them was easy to make. I could either join them or be hunted by them. With all the red on my ledger I needed to do some good to cancel it out.

After I'm done we all go up to eat dinner. We are all sitting around in the living room and it's pretty fun, until Tony ask the worst question possible.

"So how do you know our two favorite assassins?"


"You don't have to answer." Says Natasha glaring at him.

"If you really want to know, Natasha saved me from the Red Room after she got out, Clint was with her and I've been with them ever since."

"So that's why you're such a great fighter." Says Tony.

"They have done nothing for me except rip away everything I ever had. Their so called training made me kill innocent people. I wanted no part in that but when people brainwash you, you don't get a choice."

"Tony." Groans Clint.

"You moron." Says Natasha.

I grab my beer and stand up to go outside and get some air to calm down. I walk over past the pool over to the railing and look out over the city and take a deep breath. Five minutes later I hear the door open and I look back to see Steve walking over towards me.

"Sorry about Tony, he doesn't know boundaries sometimes." He says.

"It's fine, if I didn't tell him I figured he would snoop anyway plus it's good to talk about it I guess. It gets easier every time."

"That's a nice way of looking at it." He says smiling at me.

"Gotta be positive sometimes." I say taking another sip of my beer.

"How long where you in there, if you don't mind me asking."

"I was five when they took me so...twenty years. Natasha is the only reason I survived."

"That seems to be a recurring theme on this team." Laughs Steve.

"Never underestimate her." I laugh.

"From the looks of it the same could be said for you."

"Trained by the best...Shield that is."

"Paid off." He says.

We stand there a little while longer and then I decide to go in.

"Night Steve." I say walking to the door.

"Night." He says opening it for me.

Clint and Natasha are the only ones in the living room when we walk in there. I go and sit next to Nat and Steve goes to leave.

"See ya in the morning for workout." Says Natasha.

"Yup, night guys." He says walking out. Both Clint and Natasha look at me.

"Told you." Says Natasha.

"Yeah whatever." I laugh.

"You training with us in the morning?" Ask Clint.

"Sure, sounds fun." I say standing up. "I'm headed to bed, see you guys in the morning."

I take the elevator up to my floor and once I get up there I turn the lights off, shower, hide my gun under my pillow, and go to bed.

Steve's POV

The next morning I'm the first one in the gym so I get started on a punching bag. Natasha, Clint, and Alex walk in at the same time and we get started. Alex, she seems like a great girl. I seem to get nervous every time I'm around her. I will admit I think she is cute but I don't want to scare her off.

Clint and Alex fight first and then Natasha and I go. When that's done Alex looks at me.

"You and me Cap."

"You sure?" I ask smirking.

"Let's go." She laughs.


In the end she actually ends up getting me.

"You were saying?"

"You put up quiet the fight, nice job."

"Thank you, you're not too bad yourself." She says getting off me.

She winks at me before walking away. I get up so that Clint and Natasha can go and after that we go up for breakfast. When we walk in the kitchen everyone else is there and we all sit down after grabbing some food.

"Alex I would like to apologize for my behavior last night." says Tony quietly.

"I'm sorry could you say that again, I don't think I heard you." she laughs.

"I'm sorry." he says again.

"That wasn't so hard now was it." says Pepper kissing his cheek.

"Shut up."

Just then Natasha's phone rings and she gets up from the table. Ten minutes later she comes back and looks at us.

"Clint, Alex, and Cap suit up. We are being sent to Germany. Details are waiting for us at head quarters, we should be gone a week."

"Aw no fun I want to go." says Tony.

"Get a job at Shield and you can." says Alex.

"Pack up and meet in the lobby in 10." Says Natasha rolling her eyes at Tony.

"Be safe guys." says Bruce looking up from his work for a split second.

I take the elevator up to my floor and throw some stuff in a bag before grabbing my uniform and shield and heading downstairs. The other three are already down there

so once I arrive we get in the car. Once at headquarters Fury gives us the low down.

"There is some small Hydra activity going on in Germany. I want you four to go down there and take care of it. Alex, you'll be posing as a lab tech in their lab, do you think you can do that?"

"Yes Sir."

"Good, I want the rest of you covering her tail, get as much info as you can. I want minimal damage done and I want you in and out."

"Is it just the lab we are taking care of?" I ask.

"Yes, I don't care what you need to do just take care of it. If that's all I will let you go." says Fury leaving the room.

"You guys ready?" ask Clint.

"Let's do this." I say

The four of us load up on the quinjet and buckle in before Clint and Tasha get us in the air. This mission could go either way, lets just hope it's the better turn out.