Keeping Old Promises
Chapter 9

A.N.: Sorry for the long update everybody. I told myself I'd never do it but I couldn't figure out where to go on this story after the last chapter. This is the last chapter so it'll free up my hands to continue with other projects.

5 Years Later
Soul Society: Squad 13

"Captain Kurosaki!" Ichigo turned around and saw Kiyone and Sentarou running toward him. He waited a few minutes to let his third-seats catch his breath. Instantly they started speaking simultaneously, each trying to speak up over the other. Ichigo had to calm them down before telling Kiyone to speak, then Sentarou. It was a little thing he had to put up with ever since he became the captain of Squad 13. He'd no idea how Rukia or Ukitake put up with it.

"Your wife Captain!" Kiyone spouted out.

"She's going into labor!" Sentarou chimed in.

"RIGHT NOW!" they both shouted.

Ichigo's eyes went wide at the declaration and headed straight for Squad 4. The third-seats barely had enough time to register his quick exit before he flashstepped away at top speed. They both looked at each other then headed off to go find Rukia to tell her the good news.

After Ichigo had graduated he and Retsu had moved to her place in the Soul Society. Though she had her own quarters Retsu had a little help in getting a house near Kukkaku's for them to live in. Ichigo had to admit he enjoyed life with his wife there. His friends had all given him a fare-thee-well but not before Unohana gave them all, including Ichigo's human friends, passes into the Soul Society to see Ichigo whenever they wanted. More often than not they would be graced by Orihime and Tatsuki showing up to say hello. Judging by how friendly the two had gotten towards each other Ichigo figured that there was something going on between them but didn't' push the issue.

At first Ichigo would make regular trips to Karakura Town to exterminate hollows to complete his substitute duties but that changed 2 years into his stay. Captain Ukitake's health had deteriorated to the point where he could no longer maintain his responsibilities as captain and they needed a suitable replacement. While Ichigo didn't think he'd be cut out to being a captain he was surprised when nearly every captain, with the exception of Kurotsuchi, gave their recommendation. It was hard at first but Rukia helped take some of the load off his back and Retsu helped show him the ropes.

Right after Ichigo had gotten accustomed to his role as a captain Retsu dropped the bomb on him: she was pregnant. Ichigo wasn't all that surprised to be honest; he did fill her up with his sperm every time they were intimate so it was only a matter of time. The healer had talked about it with Ichigo and they decided to add to their family about a year ago, so Retsu had stopped using the contraceptive kido keeping her from being impregnated. When he'd told his family the good news they were ecstatic. Well, Yuzu and Isshin at least. Karin had kept her tomboyish attitude and shrugged the news off like usual. As for the Soul Society, if news of their wedding had sparked like wildfire then this was like a solar flare. Isane had almost fainted when she heard the news, never actually thinking of the woman she'd revered like a mother being pregnant.

Kenpachi had laughed his ass off when Retsu told him. Taking Ichigo aside after a captains meeting, the bloodthirsty captain told him that whenever the kid was old enough he wanted to see if it was as tough as Ichigo and Retsu. On a side not Ichigo had found it bizarre how Kenpachi kept showing up at their place to have a barbeque….

Ichigo reached the medical squad and kicked in the door. As he dashed down the halls squad members would point to the direction Retsu's room was. Hanataro saw him and led him to the room Retsu was in. Opening the door he saw his father and Isane with her. This was the first time in Ichigo's life he'd seen his wife look like she was in such pain. Rushing up to her side he took her hand as she pushed. The substitute cringed as her hand tightened around his in a crushing vice. "Push Retsu!" Isshin told her, "you're almost there!"

Retsu threw her head back and threw out several obscenities that are too shocking to be put to words. Many of the lieutenants gathered outside the room looked at each other in shock. Ichigo and Isane did their best to comfort Retsu as she went through the last throes of childbirth. Isshin held up the baby as it was born.

"It's a girl!"

Isane cut the cord and passed it Retsu. The woman smiled at the little pink bundle in her arms and turned to Ichigo as it gave its first cries of life. "Look Ichigo! She has your eyes!" Ichigo knelt by her side and looked down at his newborn daughter. Looking into her brown eyes Ichigo silently blessed his father for agreeing to that marriage agreement. Looking up and seeing Retsu get some color back in her cheeks.

Turning to her husband Retsu asked him "So what should we name her? We both agreed that if it was a girl you'd name her." Ichigo thought about it for a moment before looking to his father and smiled. "I think we should name her Masaki, after my mother." Isshin nodded in approval and so did Retsu. "I like it. Masaki. Our sweet little Masaki." Retsu said as she held her baby.

Yuzu and Karin came in a squealed in delight at their new baby niece. "Oh my god she's so adorable!" Yuzu cried out. Outside Rangiku and the other girls smiled as they peaked into the room.

The Kurosaki family gathered around their newest member, feeling the happiest they've felt in a long time. As Retsu handed little Masaki over to Ichigo he smiled at the little baby in his arms. "Hello there Masaki! Welcome to the family."

The End

A.N.: And done! For those of you wondering: if I had decided it to be a boy then Retsu would've named him Zaraki, after Kenpachi. Now that this is over and done with I can get started on my time-travel fic. Ciao!