The Deed Is Done

AN: This is AU

"Listen you can't tell anyone. I have a lot riding on this. My entire career is riding on this investigation. There are bad people here Spence and this is not something silly that if it doesn't work out things will turn out fine. " He said to me as I tried to keep myself from screaming at him.

"You lied to me about everything. Your age and name. Where you came from and everything. Everything you told me was a lie. Here I thought I met a nice boy who I could introduce my family to but instead I have a married man who is a liar. I've never done anything wrong and then you come into my life and turn it upside down with your romantic poetry and sweet gestures. You ruined my life , you ruined me . " I looked away to keep myself from crying.

"I wasn't planning on getting close to anyone . I hope you know that. And you lied to me too. You told me you were 19 and that you weren't a minor. I could get arrested for what we did. " He told me and it was harder not to cry

"Well the deed is done. There is no going back now. I think it's best for all parties involved if we just forget this ever happened."

I sit with my family on the patio as my mother and sister Melissa talk about some stupid movie coming out . My dad and my sisters husband Wren are talking about some sports game that was on the night prior. The fourth of July was always a favorite holiday of my families. Melissa and Wren always tried to visit for holidays. They may not always make it for all of them but for the most part they are here enough that I don't miss them terribly. I played with my fingers as I looked at them all. The words have been playing on my lips all day today and yesterday. Ever since my sister landed , I have been worried about how my family would react to my news.

As I reached for the potato salad my sister gave Wren a look. I studied the two of them as my sister stood up.

"As always it was another perfect Hastings holiday. So to make it even more perfect Wren and I have a little bit of news." My sister began and Wren stood up and put his arm around Melissa.

"We are moving back to Rosewood." Wren chirped in and my mother started smiling from ear to ear.

"Oh my god! This is so great. What made you guys decided to move back?" My mother excitedly asked as she got up to hug my sister.

"Well we thought it would be best if our son or daughter had their grandparents and aunt in their lives." Melissa said and in that moment couldn't keep my mouth shut.

"Are you shitting me?" I asked as my jaw went slack.

"We are a 100 percent serious Spencer. We are about 11 weeks along." Melissa happily said and in that moment all the courage I had in my body forced me to talk.

"I have something I need to say too. I guess we will be pregnant together. I'm weeks 9 along." And with those few sentences the excited and joyous mood quickly turned sour.

"That's not funny Spencer." My father said to me giving me a stern look.

"I'm not joking. I had sex with someone and the condom broke. Since I'm not 18 I couldn't get the morning after pill. "

"Well who is this someone Spencer?" My mother asked as she began walking towards me slowly.

"Some guy I met at Hollis. He graduated and was long gone by the time I found out I was pregnant."

"I wish you didn't have to go back to Ravenswood. " I told him as we laid in bed together.

"Me too , but alas my sister would kill me if I missed my welcome home party. "He kissed my nose before getting up to shower.

"Hey do you have any breath mints? My breath smells disgusting. " I told him and I heard him chuckle.

"Yeah , I have gum in the front pouch of my bag. " He told me as I heard the shower begin to run. I walked over to the bag laying on the ground and opened it to see some gum . Taking the packaging out of the bag I noticed two things that were also in the backpack.

"Oh my god." I said knocking over the backpack.

Not know what to do or say I walked out of the motel room looking down trying to focus my eyes away from the bright sun and the motel room behind me. I tried not to focus on the fact that I was such an idiot to think someone like that was interested in me. I thought he was just another college guy who was taking an interest to the high school student who was taking summer courses to graduate early. I thought he was different. The police badge and ring in his backpack told me he was different in a way I didn't want him to be.

The first day of school was the hardest. Even though I would be graduating at the end of my junior year it seemed like I was the scummiest of all the people in the school. Everyone could tell that I was pregnant , if they couldn't then they needed glasses because I was a cow. But then again with the way gossip travels around this school I'm sure everyone already knew . Ever since I showed up to the the Club in a loose shirt people were talking about how princess Hastings was knocked up.

Walking through the halls I accepted the fact that I was the biggest story circulating around school since Alison Dilaurentis was found dead. My first class was with Ms. Marshall who was the schools new music teacher. She is one of the most talented people to have ever been in Rosewood. She was a music prodigy at the age of 8 and by the time she was my age she was one of the best classically trained musicians in the US. She was blinded as an infant from what I heard and got a surgery when she was older that restored her eyesight completely.

Getting to class I sat down quietly as everyone was whispering about me.

"Good morning class and welcome to a new year of school. I am your piano teacher Ms. Marshall. I only have a few rules. Rule number one I require your try your best. I understand how this could be an easy B but only those who try get an A. Rule number two , all drama is left outside when you enter this classroom. This is a positive environment and I trust all of you will keep it that way. Rule number three is that there is no shaming anyone who is going at a slower pace. Each of you have books with sheet music that you will progress through out the year. If anyone has any questions don't be afraid to ask."

After a rather productive class Ms. Marshall stopped me as I was going to leave.

"Hello Ms. Hastings could I talk to you for a moment after class?"

Looking at her I didn't know what trouble I could have already caused. After everyone had filed out of the classroom she took a deep breath and looked me over.

"I hope you know that I am always here to talk to you if you need anyone. I remember when I was the odd wolf out when I was in school because I was the blind music geek. I consider this a positive environment and if you need any counselling I am here."

"Are you sure that the answer is 24 because some strong feeling I have is telling me the answer is 19. " He said to me as he looked over my exam that he was examining with a devilish look on his face. Even though we both knew I was right he still wanted to poke fun of me. With the class being over and I finally had several mandatory credits to help me.

"You are unbearable sometimes. " I told him sticking out my tongue at him.

"Well you have to admit , my unbearableness is one of my most redeeming qualities ." He gave me one of his goofy grins.

"So where should we celebrate both of us being smart enough to pass ? Your dorm or the pub?" I asked him and he rubbed the back of his neck.

"I actually am staying at a motel tonight. I have to go back home to Ravenswood tomorrow. I decided to be closer to the bus station in case if there was traffic. I haven't been home in months and my family is getting worried. They even are planning a party for my return I guess." He explained studying my face.

"Well then I guess we will have private party then." I winked at him.

Staying late after school once a week to work on extra assignments was my saving grace ever since I hit the six month mark. I usually needed to get in some work if I wanted to continue to graduate early.

"You know if you overwork yourself it is going to be bad for the baby." I heard from the doorway and I turned to see Ms. Marshall who was smiling at me.

"Well I already messed up by getting pregnant. I don't see how working at the same level I was before is going to hurt me. If I want to have any hope of a good future I need to work hard. " I told her like she should already know.

"Spencer take it from me , I know this baby is a problem now but after he or she is born you will realize that you have never loved anyone more in your entire life." She assured me and I wanted to roll my eyes.

"How would you know?" I asked her.

"I have a son with my college boyfriend. He has custody of course. I needed to focus on my career and didn't have time for a baby. I get to see my son on the weekends and during most of the summer. He was the best thing that ever happened to if I don't always see him." Ms. Marshall explained and I thought about it for a second.

"How was it the best thing to happen to you?"

"Easy , he grounded me. I used to be a free soul and lived for every show. I didn't care about anyone else but me. Malcolm made me think about my decisions. I owe everything I have now to having him." She smiled.

"I'm having a girl. I don't even know if I want to keep her. I wanted an abortion but my sister talked me out of it. My sister is also having a girl so she said that I would be killing my nieces possible best friend. All I know is that my world is crumbling around me." I told her.

"What about the father?" She asked and I looked at her and shrugged my shoulders.

"I barely even know him. I had a crush on him and he played with my feelings. That is all there is to it really. " I confided before I started to work on my assignments. Not knowing that Ms. Marshall made it a note to check in on me whenever I stayed late.

"Hey I was wondering if you could help me out with my homework. You seem to be really smart. I could give you money and delicious treats in return"

"Really what kind of treats do you have to offer me?" He asked with a giant smile on his face.

"Maybe coffee cake or cupcakes. I make the best cupcakes. " I smiled as I got my things together to leave for home.

"Well if you put it that way. Then I guess I would be an idiot to refuse." He chuckled which caused me to blush.

"I think you are an idiot either way. " I joked.

"That hurt. If that is the case then I guess I wont help you then." He joked and I smiled.

The pains started at 6 am one early December morning. I took a moment to evaluate my options. The easiest seemed to just leave and lately the easy way seems like the best way. Walking aimlessly in pain as I reached a coffee shop where I set my bag down and ordered a cup of tea. After a while I sipped on the now cooling drink for what seemed like forever. Thinking about everything I've done to get to this place I felt my heart drop. I seriously messed up my life.

As the hours passed my pains were getting more intense. I cried whenever a big wave hit which seemed to be every 4 or 5 minutes. No one paid attention to me though. I was just some mess of a teenager who wasn't important. Then looking down at my dress I felt like it was becoming increasingly wet.

"Hello this is Jenna speaking. "

"Hi Ms. Marshall , this is Spencer Hastings. " I cried into the phone as I felt a pain in my side.

"Spencer what is wrong , is it the baby?"

" I'm in labor. I ran away from home and now I don't know what to do. " I cried louder and almost choked when another wave of pain came.

"Listen to me Spencer. I am going to send my husband to come and get you. Now tell me where you are. He is working but he is supposed to be coming home soon anyway. He should be there in a few minutes." She instructed me.

"I'm at the Brew." I cried even harder as more pain waved through me as well as my head felt terrible

"Just hang in there." She told me and I hung up.

It didn't take long for me prepare to leave . Going up to the register my steps were slow and filled with pain.

"Spencer?" I heard a familiar voice that could only belong to one person. I turned around to see him standing there before me in a police officers uniform. His eyes went straight to my abdomen . The fear in his voice was also in his eyes.

"Toby? What are you doing he-" I asked as but was cut off by me looking down as I felt something strange. Red is what I saw. Red was the last thing I saw before I saw black.

I walked into my new advanced algebra class assessing where to sit. Everyone looked like they already all knew each other as they chatted while the professor set up for class. Then I noticed one person casually looking around the class watching everyone before his eyes landed on me trying to calculate what I was about to do. I then motioned my eyes to the seat next to him and he nodded for me to come over. I slowly walked over to him giving him a small smile the closer I got to him.

"Thank you." I say meekly.

"It's no problem." The person said casually.

After sitting down we didn't talk for a few minutes . We would look at each other every once in a while catching the others eye.

"I'm Spencer by the way."

"Toby, nice to meet you."

This story is kind of vague and non descriptive for a reason. Hate on it all you want but I am proud of my work. I wanted to show moments because the little moments say the most sometimes. I might do a sequel from Jenna or Tobys POV.