Author's Note: This is it! It has finally come to an end! I hope you have all enjoyed it as much as I have. :)

Chapter Twenty-Three

The day is finally here. Bayley is still amazed that they're really here. She looks out the hotel room window and beams. The sun is already shining. Today is going to be perfect, she can feel it. Turning away from the window, she sees Emma walk out of the bathroom.

"Hey," Emma says with a bright smile. "You ready for today?"

Bayley nods. "I am," she answers. "I'm nervous too."

"I'd be worried if you weren't." Emma smiles at her. "It's going to be amazing. You are going to be a beautiful bride and he's not going to know what hit him."

Bayley blushes. "He's amazing."

"I know he is. So are you." Emma claps her hands. "Okay, let's get started. Let's have some breakfast."

Bayley is surprised at how well the morning goes. Before long, they're sitting having their hair done. Just as quickly, they're returning to the hotel room to begin dressing for ceremony. Bayley turns around once her dress is on for Emma to zip up. She smooths her hands down the front of her dress as she moves to take a look in the mirror.

"Absolutely beautiful," Emma says.

"I never imagined myself wearing a strapless dress," Bayley admits. "I'm so glad I chose this one though."

"Me too."

Bayley takes a deep breath as she follows Emma out of the room. They both follow the couple of employees that they've been working with the entire week. Elei and Natia have both been amazing. They've made everything as simple as possible for everyone involved. As they reach the area where the ceremony is being held, Bayley can see Roman standing at the front.

"We're here," Emma says.

Bayley nods. "What if he changes his mind?"

"He's not going to. Look at him up there."

She does and isn't able to hold back her smile. In just the matter of time she's going to be a married woman. She's going to be Mrs. Reigns. Her heart flutters at that thought. It's an amazing feeling.

"You got this," Emma says. "He loves you."

Bayley moves to the end of the short aisle, smiling at her father who's waiting for her. She slips her arm through his as the guests stand. As they begin their short walk down the aisle, she meets Roman's eyes and she knows that this is exactly where she's supposed to be. She can see the tears shining in his eyes and the soft smile he's giving her.

Roman holds her hand as the ceremony begins. He doesn't pay much attention to what's being said; instead, he's watching Bayley closely. This is the life he's always wanted. This is how everything was always supposed to be. She's going to be his wife. He's going to be her husband. This is really it.

Bayley slips the wedding band onto Roman's finger as she repeats the vows; though the entire time her voice is cracking. Roman repeats Bayley's vows as he slips the band on her finger. He smiles down at her as the ceremony comes to an end.

"You may kiss your bride."

Leaning down, Roman kisses her softly. Bayley smiles against his mouth as she hears them being announced as Mr. and Mrs. Roman Reigns.

Roman rests his arm on the back of Bayley's chair after he finishes his dinner. He looks around at all of their guests chatting and having a good time. This is everything he imagined and more. He glances over to where Liliana is sitting with his and Bayley's parents. She's so happy. She barely slept last night because she had been so excited about today. He smiles at how happy she is. He'd be lying if he said he hadn't been worried about how Liliana would take the marriage. But from the very beginning she adored Bayley.

Bayley looks over at him and smiles. "What are you thinking about?" she asks.

Roman looks at her. "How lucky I am," he answers. He leans over and presses a soft kiss to her mouth. "I'm a lucky man."

"I'm a lucky woman." She rests her hand on his cheek. "I love you."

"I love you." He kisses her again before sitting back. He sees both Dean and Emma stand up. He frowns a little knowing what's coming. They have no idea what the two of them have planned to say.

"First of all, we'd like to thank everyone who traveled here for this special occasion," Dean says once they have everyone's attention. "For those of you who don't know, I'm Dean Ambrose." He flashes a bright smile. "Onto why we're really here. Roman and Bayley… what can I even say about these two? Roman, my friend, my brother. We've been through a lot over the last five years. Hard to believe how far we've come. In the five years, I've seen many sides of you. There's the side of Roman Reigns that everyone knows; the family man, the man who works harder than anyone else to provide for his family. There's the Roman Reigns that the wrestling fans know; the powerhouse, the big guy. And then there's the Roman Reigns that not many people see. The one no one really wants to see. We won't even go into that one though. But then Bayley came into your life and there was another side of Roman Reigns that I didn't know existed. Nothing could stop you from being with the one person who meant and means the world to you. I don't want to go on and on with some boring speech. I just want you to know that being able to stand next to you on your big day is the best thing that I've ever done. Bayley, you gotta good man here. He will love you more and more every day. Roman, you gotta good woman here. You hurt her and I will have to hurt you. Congratulations and I love you both."

Roman stands up and hugs Dean. "Thank you," he says. "I love you, man."

Dean smiles at him before turning and hugging Bayley when she stands. "You both deserve it." He steps back and let's Emma have her time.

"I may not have known Bayley my entire life or anything, but I feel like we have an amazing friendship in the short time we have had together. I've been lucky enough to share an apartment with Bayley for the last few years while in Orlando. And even though things have changed with that over the last year, I know that I will always have you by my side. Just like you know that I will always be by your side. I love seeing you simply light up just at the mention of Roman's name. You have really found your forever. I am so happy for the both of you. Congratulations." She laughs a little when Bayley hugs her.

"Thank you," Bayley says.

"No, thank you."

Roman leads Bayley out to the small dance area a short time later after the announcement of their first dance. He smiles down at her as he slides one arm around her waist while keeping hold of her hand in his against his chest. Fly Me to the Moon starts playing. Bayley rests her hand on Roman's shoulder, smiling up at him.

"We did it," Roman says, resting his forehead on hers. "You're my Mrs. Reigns."

She beams at that. When he lets her hand go, she wraps both arms around his neck as he slides both around her waist. This has been absolutely perfect. She couldn't ask for anything better than this, better than Roman. She's no longer waiting for superman.

The End