
Title: Unplanned
Characters: Law, Luffy
Genres: Drama, Psychological, Romance(?), Angst, Hurt&Comfort
Author: The Dark Crimson Blood
Words: 882

Summary: Having someone unexpected wedge her way into his life, was something he didn't exactly plan for. Fem!LuffyxLaw
WARNINGS: Fem!Luffy (FemaleLuffy)

Trafalgar Law wasn't good with people; rather, he wasn't a people person. He didn't have hulking groups of friends, nor did he have a to-do list full of scheduled events. He wasn't the type that was good with children either; as he had sharp and intimidating eyes, a constant frown imprinted on his face, and a figure that stood over others. The tattoos certainly didn't help his appearance problems either; and so, children normally cried and turned to run after merely gazing at him. Sure, this meant children wouldn't bother him when he was busy, but could still be annoying at some times.

Even as a child he wasn't good with other children his age, or older. Having grown up in a neighborhood with no other children would be what caused his issues with communicating with other people. As a child, he kept to himself. Choosing to play various video games and study rather than go on the many play dates his mother had set up for him. In reality, she probably just wanted him out of her hair rather than trying to improve his social life. The fact that Law had been adopted into the family was far more than obvious that it should have been, as it seemed like his mother's goal was to let everyone know that he wasn't actually part of the family. This was something he never really noticed until he late teenage years, around the age of fifteen and sixteen.

However after a brief period of rebellion, Law finds himself living by himself in a fairly nice apartment while maintaining a fairly nice job. Of course, at this point he has nothing to do with his aforementioned mother, unmentioned brother, and nonexistent father. Awkward in terms of conversation and with such a small amount of people who seemed to actually like being around him, Law pretty much figured he'd live a lonely life and then die alone with no one attending his funeral. Yeah, he'd be that one guy nobody knew anything about.

At least, that's what he thought.

Today; a young woman stands at his door with a blinding smile on her face and energy levels that were so high, Law wanted to cringe. Personally, Law couldn't help but think she wasn't much at first sight. Rather, there wasn't much of her. She seemed to stand just barely over five feet and she was undeniably skinny; but she was different from others. Rather than shrinking down or rushing to finish the conversation before it even stared, she smiles even wider and stays. She doesn't even flinch, so Law immediately has to give her credit for it. "Hi." She states simply, not even fazed by the lack of interest in his complexion. "I moved in next to you, figured I'd introduce myself cuz that's what neighbors do."

Trafalgar Law raises an eyebrow at this. The type of carefree introduction this woman had given him was something he had never experienced before; hell, she hadn't even really introduced herself. So far Law knew next to nothing about this oddly cheerful girl, who seemed to be able to smile wider than a Cheshire cat. Briefly, Law wonders if she'd purr if he pet her on the head or something. "So..." She draws off, slinging an arm behind her head and shoving the other out in his direction. "I'm Monkey D. Luffy. You can call me Luffy! Or, uh, whatever you want."

"I'm Trafalgar Law" He replies, reluctantly, as he takes her hand in his. It's surprisingly nice. Something he doesn't normally experience; though it's kind of nice, holding a warm yet thin hand in his for the briefest of moments must be one of the few pleasures this thing called life held. For some reason, a small smile stretches his lips upwards as he stares down at the tiny girl. Perhaps it was from amusement, or perhaps it was because he was genuinely enjoying just a few seconds of conversation before the girl in front of him would start to undoubtedly avoid him every time she saw him. It happened to everyone, after all.

"It's nice to meet you tra..." She stops and makes a face of pure concentration that's seems to redden her face just the slightest bit. Yeah, she's very amusing.

"Just call me Law." He says, and she brightens.

"Okay then, Law. It's very nice to meet you! I can be annoying at times, but let's be friends!"

"Sure." He replies, but he knows it won't last.

Yet he smiles and goes along for the ride.

A/N: Leave a review and let me know what you think! Feel free to ask any questions, and I'll reply to them in the next chapter (If another chapter is desired) Let me know if I should continue this or not.
