Word Count: 2,563
Characters: Luffy, Law
he Dark Crimson Blood
Story Title:
Unplanned Surprises
Genres: Genres: Drama, Psychological, Romance(?), Angst, Hurt&Comfort
Summary: Having someone unexpected wedge her way into his life, was something he didn't exactly plan for. Fem!LuffyxLaw

Law tries to resist smiling as he holds Luffy in his arms. She's curled into a ball with her head resting against his chest. Never once does her tiny body fall outside his range. At the same time she holds his hand in a death threatening grip. It's almost as if she making sure that he stays, as if she's afraid he'll leave. Her fever isn't life threatening; in all actuality it's minor, which is relieving for Law.

"I'm a doctor, Luffy. If there's something wrong, I need you to tell me okay? Even if it's just a minor cold, I still want to know about it. Okay?" He questions, and she silently bobs her head up and down. "But… I… I'm also you're friend, so if you need someone to talk to…"

"I'm sorry... It's not that I don't trust you or anything…" She whispers an apology while letting a sigh to pass through her lips. "I was really little, three or four years old when I got really sick. It seemed okay the few days, and they told me to stop making a big deal out of it. I ended up staying in my room; I really couldn't move at all, so I was just stuck in there- until my fever disappeared…"

"No one came to help?"

Luffy rapidly shakes her head no. "After it happened a second time, I started pretending not to be sick." She sighs. Her gaze shifts away from his and she forces herself onto a more positive note. "But that's the past, and it really doesn't matter anymore. Y'know I'm kinda hungry!"

She grins widely. Law wants to face palm at her one track mind, but really all he can do is smile and laugh alongside her. He feels that's how it should be; maybe this is where the term 'Blissful ignorance' comes to mind, he wonders. Yet at the same time he can't help but wonder what kind of parents Luffy lived with as a child, as well any other fears or traumas that may or may not accompany her today. He sighs.

Perhaps he's thinking too hard, or perhaps it's Luffy just being devious again; as he soon finds himself being blinded by the morning light.

"It's so bright out today!"

Yeah, it's definitely Luffy being devious again.

She grins mischievously.

The words 'Luffy' and 'serious' just don't fit in the same sentence.

"I'll cook, since you can't cook to save your life." She jokes childishly. "But I'm sure if you were food, you'd be delicious."

"I'll go set the table then," He playfully pushes her head aside before making his way out of the room. "Since I can't cook to save my life." He winks confidently, but the second the door closes behind him his face heats up and his back presses against the wooden object. He slides down to the ground and curls his knees into his chest, trying his best to cool his overheated face. He runs two hands messily through his hair.

Honestly, Luffy's too much.

On the other side of the door, Luffy sits in a similar position.

She hides her red face with her thin hands.

Law's just too much.


Luffy was anything but oblivious when it came to realizing the way she treated Law. She treated him like a child that needed to be cared for, because that's the way she was used to treating everyone.

Having grown up in an orphanage with a caretaker as a role model was what most likely caused this. Luffy remembers wanting to be like her; this green haired woman who took care of everyone, and was loved by had only been four years old when the woman left, and yet Luffy remembers her words easily. 'Take care of everyone in my stead,' she had been told, and that's exactly what Luffy tried to do. Unfortunately; not everyone was like this woman, they weren't as nice or caring or as loving as she was.

They were abusive with their power.

The orphanage was small, after all. Even so they believed that it would be easier for them dump their jobs onto her. As years passed Luffy gradually learned to take care of the other children; the fact that they were either older or younger than her never came to mind, and thus she was seen as a mother figure to the children who didn't have one.

However, all things must eventually come to end and this was one of them. The children were gradually adopted over the years, and before long it was just Luffy. The little boy who said 'I'll never leave you' disappeared with them. At fifteen years old, Luffy finishes High School and works three jobs in order to finally move out a year later. Then she met Law.

Law was… Law was amazing. She liked being around him; spending her time with him while talking about everything and nothing at all. Even the mere thought of Law left a warm fluffy feeling in the pit of Luffy's stomach that she tries not to acknowledge. The fact of the matter is that she likes him, more than a friend should like another friend. However, she doesn't want to like him.

She doesn't want to love him.

If she does, then he'll disappear along with everyone else.

Perhaps this was because she didn't belong. The fact she was alive; living and breathing on earth right now, was a mistake. Her birth mother cheated on her husband, and Luffy had been the end result.

"I love you," She never had the chance to tell her birth parents.

"I love you," She had told her adoptive family. They abandoned her days later

"I love you," She had told her favorite caretaker. She left her behind.

"I love you," She had told her best friend. He disappeared even though he had promised to stay.

"I love you," She'll tell Law one day, and then he'll disappear too.

Deciding whether or not she should confess to Law was a hard decision.

She liked him, though.

She really liked him.

But she didn't want to.


At first Luffy wonders how she should act around Law now, but it's obvious that's not the answer.

So she continues to act like Luffy. Childish, clumsy, and giddy Luffy.

"Hey, hey, if I have two hundred pieces of meat and I eat them all, how much meat do I have left?" She hums. Law gives her a look that reads 'Are you serious?' as he stares at her.

"None. You ate it all."

Then all of a sudden that idiot makes a loud beeping noise while crossing her arms to make an 'X'. "Beep! Incorrect answer!"

"Hm, really?" He carefully deters her from bumping into yet another person as they make their way down the street. Law worries he'll lose her in the crowd if it gets any thicker. "Why's that?"

"Because after I finish my two hundred pieces of meat, I'll get Law to buy me more!"

"Then how much would that be?"

She shrugs. "X."

He pulls her back in his direction as the crowd shoves her away from him. "Try to stay close. It'll get difficult if you... either of us get lost."

Luffy puts a finger to her pink lips cutely, and it's almost as if a light bulb pops up above her head. Her eyes light up and she smiles. "How's this?" She offers, taking his hand and intertwining their fingers. Law flushes deeply. "There we go. Hold on tightly! We don't want you getting lost, huh, little guy?" Luffy grins as she pats his head.

The blush on his face reduces, but he feels strangely conscious of the tiny little hand in his.

Why did he have to discover such a childishly innocent person?

"Law, Law, Law!" She interrupts his thoughts. "Let's get ice cream!"

"Okay..." He mumbles. He doesn't even bother trying to prevent her from dragging him towards the ice cream stand. "I want Vanilla. You'll be getting Strawberry, right?"

"Yeah!" She pushes him towards a free bench and gives his hand a reassuring squeeze before letting go. "I'll be right back!"

She's surprisingly quick when getting the ice cream. Her's is completely covered in sprinkles, while his has a simple cherry resting on the top. She hands it to him carefully. "Don't get it on your shirt," She teases. A cocky grin lights up her features, he glares childishly at her as he watches her sit down across from him.

"How did you know I didn't want sprinkles?"

"Because you don't like sprinkles on your ice cream, so I asked if they could give you a cherry instead; you like cherries." She replies. Her tiny, catlike tongue runs up the side of the cone in an attempt to catch the falling pink liquid.

"But... I don't remember telling you that."

"Earlier you knew that I was going to get Strawberry-"

"Because your favorite flavor is Strawberry."


They eat in silence for the next couple of minutes; Luffy is cutely licking her fingers clean when Law notices a sprinkle on the side of her cheek. "There's a sprinkle on your cheek." He explains, and somehow her fingers run over every area the sprinkle does not exist on. He rolls his eyes and leans reaches over, using the back of his finger to retrieve the bright pink sprinkle and drop it in his mouth. Normally they tasted too sweet for him, but for some reason he really wanted to eat this one.

Probably because it was on Luffy.

It was on Luffy.

He flushes again. She brims.

It might just be the sun, but her cheeks look to be just as red as his are.


"You owe me now."

She stands up and reaches over the table; her hands are occupied with balancing her, so instead of removing the small drop of ice cream with her fingers she puts her lips on his collarbone and literally licks the ice cream off of him.

"Now I don't." She licks her lips.

Law sits there like a statue, eyes wide and mouth agape; he doesn't quite now how to respond to what just happened.

"Are you okay?" She places her forehead against his. It should've been impossible for his face to get any redder than it was already, and yet it happens anyway.

He quickly leans back. "L-Let's go!"

"Okay!" She takes his hand once more.


"Byebye Law! Let's play together again sometime!" The door to his apartment closes and Law feels himself collapse from exhaustion. It wasn't just her level of energy that tired him out, it was the way she approached things so innocently. Having his collarbone licked by the girl he liked in public was defiantly a surprising experience.

He removes his shoes and drags himself through his apartment. He doesn't even bother turning on the lights as he makes his way through the halls, and when he reaches his room he just plops down onto his bed without even taking the time to get changed. He brings his hand up to his face; when he held Luffy's hand, it almost felt as if it was burning- yet he didn't want to let go.

Luffy herself, was a very warm person.

He smiles.

When he opens his eyes again, it's morning. He's comfortably tucked into bed, and he's alone. It's been awhile since he's been alone in the morning. Luffy's not magically there to wake him up or tease him in some way, at least, that's what he tries to think until he stands and finds a horrible drawing on the nightstand beside him. The wording next to it reads, 'Law! Miss me already? I'm working really early today; seeing as you haven't even tucked yourself into bed properly, I've deemed you unfit to take care of yourself!' Law quickly rips up the note.

Only to find a second underneath it. 'Don't rip things up! Bad boy! Anyway; I made you a proper breakfast and lunch, so be absolutely sure you eat that. Or I'll bite you. Okay? Okay. Even if you don't plan on going out, get some fresh air. I'll be back by dinner!'

Law sighs while trying not to imagine Luffy biting him.

He starts to wonder why he fell in love with such a troublesome woman.


True to her word, Luffy is home for dinner.

Though as they eat together, Law can't help but wonder why it feels as if they're an actual couple siting down for dinner. He flushes just a bit at the thought. "Law! Your face is red!" Now he wonders why she notices all the things that he doesn't want her to notice, but she remains oblivious to obvious things. Like how much he likes her. "Is it too hot? Do you want me to feed you?"

She moves to his side of the table and picks up a piece of meat with her chopsticks, "Say ahhh~" she says. Not really wanting to get even redder, he closes his eyes and obeys her. He tries to count seconds as he waits; an entire minute passes, but the food never makes it way into his mouth. He opens his eyes. The criminal has eaten it for him.

"Luffy!" He shouts jokingly; he should've known better not to trust her with his food. She giggles hysterically and manages to nab another piece of meat before he tackles her to the ground, tickling her nonstop. With a free hand, he reaches over and eats the last piece of meat on her plate.

"H-Hey! Lawww," She whines. "That's not fair."

"It's fair."

"Is not!"






Luffy crosses her arms over her chest and pouts. She lightly pushes away from Law, her fingers accidentally slide across his midsection and he lets out a small 'Hm'. She does it again. He repeats the same motions. Law sweat drops as he watches a devious grin spread on Luffy's face; her eyes seem to grin with mischief. He stands up faster than he thought was possible.

She stands up too. "Where are you going? I want a hug!" Her fingers are making weird motions as she holds them out.

Law turns and runs.

"Come back!" She skips after him.


A/N: Making chapters longer now. So I consolidated in the chapter before this, and made this one longer.

I hope you enjoyed.

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