Disclaimer: Rurouni Kenshin doesn't belong to me, for if it did, no one would like it and that would just be horrible. Rurouni Kenshin belongs to Watsuki Nobuhiro. I also do not own "Death Becomes Us," by "Evil Adam".

A/N: Konnichiwa minna-san!! My, it's been awhile since I last updated in the Rurouni Kenshin section hasn't it?

Well this time it's with a new story, and this story needs some explanation.

The lyrics to the songs that I choose won't REALLY fit the stuff going on in the chapter, it will kind of fill in the holes and hey, it inspired me somehow so it must kind of fit!

This will also be another series fic with a song background.

Normally I won't use all of the lyrics of the song in one chapter, so the song I'm using right now will probably take up two chapters. (FUN!)

Well anyway, enough of my stupid rambling, I really hope you enjoy this fanfic. (Also this is my first attempt at Battousai/Kaoru…I might stink but I hope I do good enough for you.)


~ Ayumi = Because she has a great Battousai/Kaoru already up and because she is a good email bud. You rock, Ayumi-dono! Please R&R! Enjoy this fanfic! Oh, and when are you gonna update? I'M DYING TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS!!!

~ Gypsy-chan = Don't we all know her? Gypsy-chan, I love your stories so much. I hope you read this one and review. I hope you like! Oh, and when are you going to update "My Roomate the Spy?" I enjoyed that fanfic and I want you to continue. Hehe.

~ The RK BISHIE SODA CREW! = DarkFairy, Tateoka Demonica, I hope you like this story! We rock together! Let's have another round of Bishie Soda again soon!

Shifting in the Wind

By: Spellcaster the Diamond

Kenshin Himura. He was the only one left who knew that this was his real name.

To every other soul he was Battousai, the soul hidden in the shadows. "I've accomplished what I've always wanted," he said softly to himself. "I'm extremely powerful. Though I never thought that it would come down to this…"

He stood up in the dark room, hidden from everything else and pulled out a sheath to a sword. He unsheathed it as the light of the moonlight slowly seeped ghostly into the room. "Murdering is a crime nowadays, but if the police can't even stay alive to report me, then it really doesn't matter now does it?"

"Just wait until one o'clock, Kenshin. One o'clock moonlight," Kenshin said and let out a small, bloodthirsty chuckle.


Anatomic dolls move

Shifting in the wind.

Waiting on line

For their first chance to sin.


Three, two, one. The clock left the twelfth hour, and Kenshin stepped outside, assuming his role of Battousai once again.

He ran down through the streets, knowing that a bunch of worthless people would still be wandering about at night. 'Such idiots, though. They should know by now.'

He slowly crept through the shadows, the darkness between two buildings, it was a perfect place to hide and wait. His shadow combined with the shadows of the fading moon.

Suddenly, he saw a line of feet. Running away. They knew, they knew that they had stayed out too late.

Battousai ran out from behind the buildings, still staying behind them so that they couldn't see or hear.

Then, he struck out on his prey. The men that he was attacking didn't even have time to think, or fight back with their fists. It wouldn't matter, they didn't have a sword. They wouldn't be able to beat him even if they had time to move.

Once he knew that they were all dead, he began counting what his prizes were today.

"Hmm, only sixteen today. I should take a break so that they might let their guard down…"

Just thinking about a break was a bit painful for him, but it would only be a week.

"Battousai…" came a small whisper from behind him. He swiftly turned only to see a young girl standing behind him, still in her school clothes. She had stunning blue eyes and raven hair, tied in a high ponytail with a blue ribbon.


Ganglia shroud my brain,

And hide it from the sun.

My eyes blink simultaneously

Until they become one.


"Who are you?" He asked, beginning to raise his sword again.

"I can't tell you if I know that I'm going to die and my name will be lying in your mind,"

she hissed back at the man.

'Wow, this girl is tough…'

"Alright then, maybe I'll just have your blood as my memory of the strange yet beautiful girl I met one night. While you can take the blade as your ticket to death, how does that sound?"

The young woman snarled, "Over my dead body." She responded to him, raising her fists.

"I can arrange that."

With that, he pointed his sword towards her and lunged.

What he saw amazed him. She wasn't dead. The only part of her that hurt was her hands, for they had caught the blade.

'Impossible! How did she catch my blade like that?'

"You aren't using your full strength, Battousai! I can tell! You used more strength than that on those men that you killed. Is it because I'm a woman?"

"No, that's not it at all…" he growled out. "I've targeted every gender without any regrets. I've never held back before."

"Then why now?" She asked him.

Battousai shook his head in shock, "I don't know!"

He pulled the blade out from between her hands, turned, and gave a good, hard thrust, making the air churn. The bodies of the sixteen men swirled inside it and then turned to dust.

'What is it about me that's causing him to hold back?' The girl thought to herself.

"Battousai, my name is Kaoru Kamiya. Remember it, alright?"

He turned to her. "No, it's not alright." He went over to Kaoru and grabbed her hand.


Life becomes

Death becomes

Life becomes

Death becomes

Us all waiting patiently

For our last breath.


"I have to get to know you, Kaoru. Why I couldn't kill you instantaneously."

Kaoru tried to wriggle free from his grasp, but now he was using as much as he could to keep her exactly where she was.

'Darnit, I'm a fighter, not an escape artist! I can't free myself from him!' Kaoru thought.

"Look, I've never been good at keeping promises, but I'll attempt to keep this one. I promise you I won't kill you if you come back with me, I just want to find out why!"

"I DON'T EVEN KNOW YOU!" Kaoru screamed at him.

"What if you became the second living person on the earth who knows my real name?" He added hastily.

Kaoru gasped.

"You can't tell anyone, though, once I say it."

"Alright…I…agree." She slowly stated.

"Alright then. You will now reside in my home. In the home of Kenshin Himura."

A/N: Dammit! I know I'm going too fast with these two but they still despise each other. Or the matter is Kaoru can't trust Kenshin yet. Hehe. ^^;;;;

Well I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please let me know if you want me to continue or remove the story. ^^;;;

Personally I hope you enjoyed it!

Oh and if you've never heard the song and want to, feel free to AIM me, (I'm "spellcasteriira"), and ask for it!

Arigatou for reading! Please review!

**Takes out yo-yo** You will click on Submit Review, you will leave a review. You will click on Submit Review, you will leave a review.


~Spellcaster the Diamond~ (One of the three RK Bishie Soda Crew members!)