Authors note: Anyone ever wonder about the villains and their true endings, I mean like if things went their way in the film instead of the kiddy ending? I will be putting a spin of my own on this in a tale that is as twisted as it seems. I will examine five Disney films or more and come up with a twist I hope none of you see coming or get you turning your heads. Again if you see my name I am sure you are already somewhat familiar with my work and its pairings. If you are ready to get twisted with me lets…if not and you want to hold onto happily ever after and not mar your memories of these classics by all means take the first right you see. Also each of these will in itself be a tale so sort of a one shot. No continuations so chapter two will be a new tale focused on another film. Ok so let us begin.

Twisted Disney

A tale of Villains and the heroes

CH.1: Sea witch and the Prince

Ursula stood at the altar ready to be married. She of course was not herself for she appeared to be a normal looking girl with a figure to make a guy melt all over. She felt quite content about her appearance until all the mayhem broke out. Animals were all over the place and they were attacking her and making her really fume. How dare these sea creatures and seagulls ruin her perfect moment? And to make matters worse that blasted Ariel was here, mute as she was she was still proving to be a thorn in her keister.

If her seashell amulet was broken Ariel's voice would be returned to her and her plans would be undone. She could not let that happen…also Eric was under her spell and if he realized what was up it was all over for her. She had to do something quick…but what? While she did not actually want Eric she knew she didn't want Ariel singing, oh that singing, such horrid sound.

"Skip…to…the…I do!" She said through a hiss of her teeth. She threw off the sea creatures with as much fury as she could and struggled to keep her amulet on.

The minister looked frazzled by all that was happening but did as she asked. Looking at Eric all under her spell long as he was under it he would never be the wiser of what was happening. "I do," she said nearly missing her cue.

"And do you Prince Eric take-." It wasn't really important to her and as she saw Ariel drawing nearer she had to get that kiss in, seal the deal and break some hearts.

"I do." That line, ooh how it made her heart sing. Looking over she sees the defeated look on Ariel's face as all that beauty crumbles revealing a Princess without true love. Truth be told had things continued to unravel the red haired Princess would've got her happily ever after and she'd likely be dead, just like that girl's mother.

"I now pronounce you man and wife…you may kiss the bride." The line sealed everything in place and as she kissed Eric she kissed him roughly, it was a wild and unruly kiss not really meant for public but she didn't care. The entire time she made out with him she watched as Ariel broke down crying, her feet vanishing as her tail emerges. People yell out in surprise and as she pulls from the kiss leaving a trail of saliva parting from their kiss she listens to Eric's annoying butler.

"She is a mermaid…but how can this be?" He seems shocked, as he should be and his next question brought a perfectly acted smile. "What do we do with her?"

"I say we toss her overboard and send her back where she came from. Mermaids have no place among us humans…am I right?" She looked around at everyone and they all seemed to be in agreement. The Animals of course continued to make a fuss but she caught the Seagull by his beak and threw him overboard. "So…anyone going to save the poor birdie?"

Ariel was aghast at this and looking around at everyone and then at Eric who didn't even seem to recognize her she dove overboard. Disappearing under the sea she vanishes without a trace…but not before sending her friend flying. All around the deck clean up begins and Ursula thinks of her plan to go after the Trident that Triton held. Of course that was all but impossible as she found Eric pulling her onto the dance floor.

"Let go of me human…I don't dance…" She tried to fight against his hold but in this body she was not as strong as she thought she was. In fact her body was responding in ways she never knew possible with her heart thundering in her chest and legs she wasn't used to moving in sync with his.

"It is easy my love…look you are doing wonderfully." His voice was so soft and charming and it made her sick. Music began to play and even with the wedding scene not idealic for most it seemed like everything was hum drum among the guests.

"I-I can't be doing this…I won't…stop!" She pushes him away feeling flustered. All around her people look at her in concern. Her Husband as he was just that now approached her and she held out a warding hand.

"Honey relax…we'll take it slow if you want." His tone was compassionate and patient…his body was something she had never really noticed and she found herself craving him. Her body was on fire and the sea called to her…it told her to be herself. If she revealed her true form she would be free of this blasted wedding and continue on with her plan.

"I am no one's honey…I am Ursula the sea witch and you will call this whole wedding off once I reveal who I really am." Ursula was dead serious and she could see many people exchange looks. Now she was getting somewhere.

"Master Eric I think it is better if we take the guests off the ship for you and your wife to have some alone time together." He excused himself and escorted people off the ship.

"Vanessa please…tell me what is wrong…" Eric implores and she wished he would not. He was too clingy all of a sudden and it made her skin crawl.

"You want to know what is wrong…this…all of this. You fell for a cheap imitation, an illusion Princey and it is time I show you what you really married." She then transformed out of her human shell, the skin and meat package as she became her real form and ravishing beauty. Tentacles pooled out under her and her busty self; yeah her girls were back full and proud, became covered by that black form of clothing she always wore. Her hair became white and her skin darkened instead of that drab and sunlight exposed white. "Now do you see what I am," she says as her rich clear Princess voice fades.

She expects Eric to falter in step or flee in terror. This is how people reacted around her and she was used to it…she had never really had a man in her life so why start now? She just waited as her tentacles moved about under her and she heaved a sigh wondering why he stood there with a blank look on his face…oh right…he was still under her spell. Now she got it and then with a snap he was awake.

"Huh…what…whoa!" Eric took a step back nearly tripping over a fallen chair as he looked at her, like really looked at her. "You're an octopus…and…did we just-?"

"Yes doesn't that just appall you? I know it sickens me so how about we divorce this thing or whatever you humans do and go our separate ways." Ursula still had to catch up to Ariel and pay Triton a visit.

"Why do you want me to divorce you? I don't seeing anything repulsive about you, I mean sure you took me by surprise but you can't quit a marriage without working through it." Ursula nearly did a double take expecting him to be all up for ditching her…as she was of him.

"Stupid human…don't you get I don't belong in your world-?" Ursula reached for him then as she pulled him close to her…like so close their bodies were pressed together. "-I am evil, dastardly, I came between you and true love all to keep that ditz of a red head away from getting back her voice-."

"Evil you maybe…but…something resonates within me I just can't ignore. That girl…she was great and all and we had fun…but I'm more interested in a mature relationship." He runs his hands through her hair and she finds herself speechless.

Just what did it take to change his mind…drowning him? She stared at him for a bit now unsure what to do with him. And then she felt his lips on hers. Her eyes widened and she went to hang him over the ocean. "Bleh…what did you do-?"

"I kissed you…the real you that is. Entrenched in evil you may be but I see something inside you I can't be turned away from. Drown me if you must…you can't change how I feel." Eric told her and she was so tempted to drown his human self.

"Ugh…this will never work…I can't live in your world for I need the sea." Ursula finally set him down and had her back to him. "Go back to your palace and your servants…let me be."

Ursula then felt his arms around her body. His front pressed into her and she felt her heart jump. "Change me then…take me with you…I am done being Prince up here…I shall be your Prince down below."

Ursula knew she had snapped him awake…so why all of this? "What if you go seeking her?"

"Change me and if I should go…you may kill me as you planned." Eric seemed dead set on it so she dragged him into the waters with her and began the spell to take away his legs. His word was as good as Ariel's signature…that is all she needed. Once under the sea she turns around and expects to see him gone.

However as she floats there he is there as well with his blue tail. She does not know where to begin till he kissing her again. Their bodies are tight against each other as they make out, their tongues working inside each other's mouths while his hands explore her backside. Her tentacles keep him close and they spin in the water in a slow dance. Their kiss becomes rather hot and she feels herself picking up that heat. The Trident and Ariel would have to wait till another day…she had her Prince and that was all she needed…for now.