Authors note: I do believe this is the final tale in this series. I hope you have enjoyed these twisted tales of villains and heroes and how evil gets some action in the end. This was never meant to be a long series and let us end on yet another twisted pairing.

CH.5: The right fit seals the fate

Lady Tremaine sat in the main room of the house awaiting the arrival of the Grand Duke who would come with the slipper to be fitted. Her daughters were babbling away and she felt a little excitement herself but she knew how to compose herself like a lady. When she heard the horses she knew and told her daughters to properly prepare themselves. Opening the door she lets them in and ignores most of what the Grand Duke says; he is nothing but a royal bottom feeder to the top, still she puts on her best game face.

She wonders though why the Prince is not here himself, though she supposed with their country toiling over the brink of catastrophe he would be safer where he was in the palace. As the slipper was placed on Anastasia's foot it was noticeable right away it did not fit.

Drizella was the same way. It was impossible that her daughters had such enormous feet. Feeling something in her pocket she looks down and lets out a gasp. It was a good thing she had noticed or…or these mice would've take this to Cinderella herself. A cruel smile lined her thin red lips and she grabbed hold of the rodents and finding a cupboard she places them in and locks them in tight. Lucifer would have a snack later to celebrate their victory.

Still it appeared the Grand Duke was leaving and all her hopes of royalty were being squashed, smothered before they even began. While Cinderella was not here it appeared there was no one left to try on the slipper. If she had magic she could probably fit the slipper on her daughter's foot and they'd have their happily ever after. However there was no magic and she could see the Grand Duke leaving.

"What about me?" She realized she was older than the Prince and not exactly the most beautiful…but would it hurt? Plus it wasn't like they had an age limit…just someone who fit the slipper.

"Madam…I believe you are a bit too old for the Prince. I would say if you were younger perhaps this would work but-."

Lady Tremaine caste a cold green eyed gaze on the man and held up a warning finger. "You aren't going anywhere…I demand you put that slipper on my foot this instant!"

Anastasia and Drizella exchanged questioning looks and she gave them a look of her own telling them she had this. While her daughters would not have the Prince they would eligible for any other Prince of their choice and with her soon to be connections they would have the pick of the crop.

The Grand Duke exchanges a look with the royal carrier of the slipper but eventually resigns himself to the task. "Very well…please hold your foot up for the slipper."

Lady Tremaine nods her head Anastasia who then removes her shoe. While her feet are nothing dainty or yet to be plagued with age she knew she had the right size. Cinderella had small feet as did she, it was rather odd that they would have the same sized feet. It was odder though that she was doing something that if done by Cinderella would ruin her. Making herself comfortable she could read the disgust in the little man's face but she holds her tongue.

"Now hold still Lady Tremaine…this won't take long." The Grand Duke says with his nasal induced speech that she finds to be as annoying as hearing the wheel of a carriage loose. Feeling the slipper her body leans forward and of all the wondrous sights…it fits.

"It can't be…there must be a mistake…is that the slipper?" The Grand Duke asks but she does not hear as she stands up amidst her daughters yell of support.

"Hmm…it would appear I have a Prince to marry. I just have one last thing to do before I pack my things and meet you two at the Palace. Drizella and Anastasia…accompany the men and tell the Prince the good news." She waves them off as she walks up the stair wearing the one slipper. She can hear crying and as she opens the door she finds Cinderella there.

"It is too late…they are gone?" Her voice is choked up and it brings such joy to her but she keeps a somber appearance.

"Yes they are…but good news…look who is wearing the glass slipper!" She holds out her foot and sees the aghast reaction from her.

"That is my glass slipper…how is it fitted on your foot?" She tries to reach for it but she pushes her away so she lands on her bed.

"Don't you mean my glass slipper? Cinderella my daughters and I will be moving into the palace…so you may continue to live here in squalor with your rodents and smelly beasts. Oh there is the other one." She picks it up and waves at her. "Do take care of the place…I know you will take care of it well in my absence."

"Why are you doing this to me? You don't even love him-." She tries to stand but she eventually falls back down.

"This is not about love Cinderella…it is about a standing in society…something you never understood. I won't be seeing you again so goodbye." She goes to close the door and rather then lock her in she does the most heartfelt thing she did since raising the girl…she left it unlocked. Finding Lucifer she goes to unlock the rodents from the cupboard and motions to Lucifer to stay put. "When they come out you may eat them…then find me…I will have everything packed by then."

And so she takes care of things before leaving. Her time to move up had finally arrived.

She was the oldest bride ever to be in the Kingdom and she felt honored for such a title. She proved that despite age it was possible to accomplish anything. Her daughters were now royal and they made the most use out of it possible by seeking the hand of other royalty type. They had a few suitors seeking their hand, seeking not the other way around. Ever since she first gave birth to them she only wanted the best for them in life…and now they were finally getting their dues.

Much of her duties involved overseeing certain projects or tending to the people and their concerns. She handled herself well for most of these people she did know, she understood where they came from and the King was mightily impressed. Of course she did this not to impress him but to gain popularity, seal her fate in this Kingdom so it would remember her and hold her family there for generations to come.

It was a little draining so she went to her bed chambers and found her Prince staring out the window at the people below. The wedding had happened just a few days ago but it still felt recent in her mind. Much of the honeymoon was put on hold and their first night together hadn't even happened yet. She admitted there was a certain charm and appeal to this dark haired youth but it had been ages since she slept with any man…and he was just a boy.

"You've done wonders with the Kingdom…my father is impressed," he says not turning around, his hands clasped at his back in deep contemplation, more or less.

"I am pleased to heart his my husband…but…why do you not turn around?" She begins to strip off her clothing feeling insecure about herself as she has not stood naked before another man in years.

"Lady Tremaine…I mean my wife…I mean…it is just you are so much older than me. You have lived a great deal of your life already while I have just begun mine…ready to tackle the world. It will just take a little time to adjust and to…to…" He turns around then and stammers seeing her naked body.

"I see I can still leave men dribbling boys in my wake." She strides forward placing an arm around him as she begins to take his clothes off.

"I-I really should be getting dressed…oh wait I am…um…" He stammers yet again and she finds this quite adorable.

"Now don't you worry about a thing…I will teach you and groom you into the best lover yet. By the time I am done…you won't be walking straight for weeks." She then kisses him on the lips. Her hunger is not denied by her age or her lack of intimacy…she takes what she pleases. Her body leads him to the bed and pulling back the covers she leads him under and throws them back over their naked bodies. Laying on top of him she turns them around so he is on top.

"Are we doing this…in broad daylight?" He asks incredulous.

"I find the best time for two people to share their bodies is while the sun is up…cause nothing says morning quite like a pick me up." She kisses him again and her eyes flutter a bit as she feels herself floating. She still remembers how it feels and as the sunlight continues through till noon she is still not done teaching the young Prince all he needs to know…but he is a far better lover then her last man.


Authors note: Gotta love the classics. Anyway just adding this final note to say thanks for reading and have a nice day or night.