It was a quiet afternoon in England, specifically in its suburbs. In a small part of town, Privet Drive, a young woman was trying to take a walk and go unnoticed.

Her name? Mina Aino a Japanese Idol with a successful career, fruit of the effort made to achieve her dream. However, she was far from just a singer. She was also a great hero. The soldier of love and beauty. She was Sailor Venus.

She, along with Sailor Moon and the other Sailor Scouts, had defeated the threat of Sailor Galaxia five years prior, obtaining a time of peace, aside from the occasional Youma, which was nothing the girls couldn't handle.

"Two weeks and not a single Youma attack! It's so nice to finally have some peace..." Minako said.

The reason for her visit to London was for the wedding of her friends Alain and Katherine. Although she initially was in love with Alain (in her time as Sailor V) at the end she understood that whom he loved was Katherine and she decided to let him go, and not to come between them.

It was not until sometime later when Sailor Venus appeared alongside other Sailors that Katherine recognized her, and looking to talk to her and make peace, as both Alain and Katherine missed her reprising their friendship.

It was because of this that years later, Mina was invited to the wedding, and was off to meet her friends during their special moment. It really was a blessing. She loved being a singer and all, but it was hard work. It was nice to finally have some time off, and what better way to do that than with a beautiful wedding?

"I remember how long it took for Katherine to finally get Alain out on a date." Mina told her companion, a white cat in her arms. "Alain is very handsome...But so, SO clueless." Mina giggled.

"She dropped hints like crazy, and it still took him almost a year to finally get the hint!" said a cheerful Mina "It'll be so nice to see them again...And get some rest, too...That last tour was really exhausting... "She said, sighing softly.

Not that Mina was complaining. She loved her career. It was one of her biggest dreams come true, and she enjoyed every moment of it, but lately she was feeling that something was missing, despite having everything.

"Do you ever wonder how the other girls are taking achieving their dreams?" The cat in her arms, actually her faithful adviser and friend, Artemis, an advisor of the Silver Millennium, from the planet Mau. Mina was lost in thought, and didn't respond. "Mina, you've been spacing out very frequently. Are you all right? "said Artemis, concerned lately by her demeanour.

"Oh! Sorry...Um...I don't know, Artemis...I've been so busy with my tours this year I've barely had any time to contact the girls." Minako said, annoyed by this "Oh! Did Luna tell you anything about them during your last date with her? "Minako said, recovering a bit to tease Artemis, regarding his relationship with Luna, the Mau advisor of Serena, aka Sailor Moon.

Blushing, Artemis responded. "W-Well, Ami's almost completed her studies at her mother's clinic, Rei is still taking care of the temple Hikawa, and Lita just opened a small restaurant." To that, Mina's eyes sparkled in delight. Lita's food was exquisite. Mina mentally made herself a promise to make time to visit her - and eat her cooking, incidentally –

"And our future kings, Serena and Darien?" She asked.

"Darien is starting to work in a prestigious clinical and Serena was pretty worked in her career of fashion designer, and her relationship with Darien, replacing all the time lost due to Sailor Galaxia" said Artemis.

"Well, at least she can enjoy a secure and stable relationship..." sighed Mina, who had not had much luck in that regard, because her career did not give her much time, on top of the curse that made her Danburite, in her final battle. She had to put her duty as a Sailor Scout above finding love...

"You keep thinking about Danburite, right?" Asked Artemis, knowing how much it affected Mina to talk about it.

"Yes" answered Mina sadly. "I begin to think that the last thing he said were not only words of bitterness and truth...I'm starting to think they were a curse. In all this time, I still haven't found love, and it's even harder now that I'm an Idol. No one really loves me. They just want to take advantage of my fame..." Mina was crestfallen. "I guess...I'm just kinda lonely..." She explained while passing by a seemingly normal suburban neighbourhood with houses perfect and equal to each other.

"Don't worry, Mina...I'm sure there's someone out there for you." said Artemis, trying to calm her "Besides, it's not as if romance is the only kind of love out there. You can have the love of a good friend, for example." Artemis encouraged. Mina smiled.

"Thanks, Artemis. You always know what to say."

"You're welcome."

The two passed by Number 4 Privet Drive...

What none of them suspected, is how right Artemis was... Mina was about to find the most important person in her life, though not in the way she would have expected...

Suddenly, passing by in front of the seemingly ordinary house, Artemis' instincts as magical animal and the Sailor skills of Mina let them know there was something wrong there...

"Huh? What in the world is that?" Artemis said to Mina, feeling the air felt quite a bit heavier in front of Privet Drive 4 He looked up to Mina, who seemed rather dizzy just being near the area. "You feel it too?"Artemis asked, seeing her reaction.

"Um...Am I not supposed to?" Asked an astonished and dizzy Mina. Artemis closed his eyes.

"Near this house there is a kind of magical barrier, protecting the place, but I'm surprised it affects you because ..." Artemis silently opened his eyes, surprised when he realized what it was.

"Artemis?" Asked a worried Mina, concerned by the reaction of her friend.

"It is not possible that they still use such a heinous barrier!" Said Artemis "That barrier is a Blood Ward, and it especially affects you, as the Warrior of Venus, because they are based on love, among which inhabit the home the barrier surrounds, but seeing your reaction is the opposite, indicating a buildup of hatred and resentment toward the person who the barrier is anchored for. "said a worried Artemis" and that one may be in grave danger!"

Before Mina could say anything, they hear a piercing cry of pain coming from the house. It was a child...Mina gasped in horror at the terrible sound...and her eyes narrowed dangerously. It was time to transform...

"Venus Crystal Power, Make Up!", In a flash of light, Mina became the stylized form of the Soldier of Love and Beauty, Sailor Venus, who along with Artemis, ran to the house to see what was happening. Venus peeked through a window, and froze to the spot in horror at what she saw.

When the blonde young woman looked through the window, the sight she was greeted with filled her with all sorts of emotions, not one of them positive. Anger. Heartbreak. Confusion. Pure, undiluted hatred.

Hatred directed at the man who was currently in the process of beating a little boy, who looked to be around his toddler years, with a board full of rusty nails, drawing blood with every blow.

Being the sailor of love, Mina had a very kind heart. Seeing a child so young suffering so much awakened something inside her. Something more powerful than the powers of any sailor scout.

"M-Mina...?" Artemis breathed at his charge's demeanour.

Sailor Venus wasted not another moment. With an enraged roar, she leapt at the window, and with one swift kick, it shattered, allowing her to sail through and land on the floor in a crouching position, getting the attention of the obese man.

Vernon was in the process of his daily beating of the freak, because Dudley had told him Harry had failed to complete his chores. Harry had tried to explain that Dudley had ruined all of his hard work. That was a mistake, as the angry Vernon decided to "give him his due".

Vernon had started to grow bored with the board, and was about to start hitting him with a cricket bat, when suddenly heard the window shatter. Vernon whipped around, and went pale, recognizing the figure that came through it.

"YOU! MONSTER! HOW DARE YOU HIT A HELPLESS CHILD!" Mina shouted. She was angry. It seemed impossible for her to be this angry... neither Negaverso or Sailor Galaxia had provoked a strong reaction from her...

"S-ssailor V?!" stuttered a surprised Vernon.

"I'm a Sailor Scout fighting for love and beauty. I am Sailor Venus and I'll kick your ass in the name of Venus!"

Normally, Sailor Venus would have used one of her energy attacks. Against scum like this man, though, it wasn't worth the effort. That's why she instead opted to pounce on him and barrage him with a series of powerful punches to his meaty face.

Artemis knew what she would want him to do, so he ran to check on the child, unsettled by the brutality of the sailor scout's demeanour.

When he got to the child, he felt disgust flow through his veins and thought that Mina was entirely justified in what she was doing to Vernon.

The little boy's limbs were broken, bent at odd angles. His body was leaking blood, and was covered in bruises, puncture wounds, lacerations, and he swore he even saw some raw muscle and even a little bone sticking out.

Mina would be devastated to see the extent of the injuries...

Usually, Artemis would keep to his shape of a cat, to avoid attention. However, due to circumstances, he decided to use his human form to help the poor creature before his eyes.

Given what he began to change shape, with the white cat disappearing and appearing a tall, slender man with white hair, a crescent symbol on his forehead.

Artemis approached Harry and picked him up, trying to hold him without hurting him, and began to treat the injuries with the little healing magic he knew, surprised to see how quickly it took effect. He watched as the more serious wounds disappeared. He would live, but he was still in need medical attention.

Depositing him gently on the ground, Artemis turned to grab the attention of Sailor Venus, who was in the process of giving the whale with feet the beating of a lifetime.

Artemis couldn't help but grimace. The fat man was already in almost as bad a shape as the unconscious child was...

"YOU'RE EVIL!" Mina screeched as she continued to beat Vernon. "YOU'RE ONE OF THE MOST EVIL MONSTERS I'VE EVER FOUGHT!" Vernon was unconscious at this point, and unable to hear her. "YOU'RE GONNA PAY-"

"MINA!" Artemis called out. Mina froze.

"What is it?" She all but spat.

"I understand your anger...But he's had enough now. What's important is the child." Mina took a deep breath, then rose to her feet and approached her guardian. Her expression of anger faded, and gave way to a teary-eyed, worried one.

"...Can I hold him?" She asked softly. Artemis smiled.

"Well, of course. I tried to heal his wounds as best as possible." Sailor Venus looked down. If Artemis had reverted to his human form, then the child's injuries must have been abysmal...

"Although I am surprised how quickly it worked, you still have to get him out of here, to get better treatment." Mina nodded and accepted Harry when Artemis handed him to her.

Carefully, Sailor Venus collected little Harry in her arms, surprised at how light he was. Tears in her eyes, she began stroking his face and hair, feeling a peculiar lightning-shaped scar on his forehead.

The gestures jarred Harry from his unconscious state. Weakened, Harry looked up, and was surprised to not feel much pain. Then he realized that he was in someone's arms...He looked up, and saw the gentle and beautiful face of Mina. He blinked, then softly asked one question. "Are...Are you an angel?"

Mina's eyes widened, and she teared up, smiling warmly at the little boy.

"No, sweetie." She said gently, holding him tighter. "I'm not an angel."

"Oh...Um...Are you sure? You're pretty like an angel..."

"Awwwww...You're sweet..." Mina giggled softly. "And sooooo cute..." Harry blushed.

"I-I'm not that cute...Uncle Vernon says I'm ugly..."

Artemis shook his head, seeing that the poor child's abuse was not only physical but also psychological. Mina bit her lip and held Harry as tightly as she could without causing him physical harm.

"The fat pile of blubber over there is your uncle, right, sweetheart?" Mina asked Harry, who nodded shyly in response. Venus smiled gently. "Please don't think such horrible thoughts about yourself. You're the most beautiful little boy I've ever seen in my life." She gently held Harry's head against her chest.

Overcome with fatigue, Harry snuggled deeper into the warm arms of Mina, hoping that this was not a dream.

"Go ahead and rest, sweetie." Mina cooed softly. "You need it."

"B-But...My chores...I have to redo them-"

"Shhhh." Mina replied softly. "No. You don't. You don't have to these peoples' chores for them ever again. Do you wanna know why?" Harry looked at her nervously.

"Wh-Why?" He asked softly. Mina smiled and gently held her forehead against his own.

"Because I'm going to take care of you from now on." She replied in a soothing tone of voice before planting a gentle kiss on the little boy's forehead.

Harry blushed slightly at the kiss, before fully relaxing and falling into a peaceful slumber. Mina turned to the door to get him out of this horrible place, but not before she cast a look of hatred and deep resentment toward the unconscious body of Vernon.

Artemis, to guess her intentions advised "I'm tempted to allow you to go through with it, but this is probably best left to the legal authorities." Mina sighed, then ended her transformation of Sailor Venus. Careful not to wake Harry, she pulled her cell phone from her purse.

"I see you're asking Alain and Katherine for help." Artemis observed. Mina nodded in response and dialed the number.

"Hello?" Came the reply of a female voice.

"Katherine, it''s me...Mina...I'm so, SO sorry to ask this during your honeymoon...But I need your help. Both you and Alain..."