Chapter 1

A blonde haired boy with sparkling blue eyes gasped, spotting something heading directly for his pink haired teammate.

Pushing the loud girl out of the way, he found 21 kunai, 18 shuriken, 15 senbon, and 3 chains hitting his body hard.

He screaming in pain, glared in the direction the weapons came from.

He could see three different teams, one from Iwa, one from Oto, and one from Ame.

He gritting his teeth, said "Run with the teme Sakura-chan. I ll catch up."

Sakura his pink haired teammate with wide eyes was about to protest when he turned to her and said "Don t argue just do it Sakura-chan."

She biting her lip nodded and took off running with the third team member.

He seeing this let his eyes soften, as he whispered "Goodbye Sakura-chan, I hope you live a wonderful life."

Turning back to the three teams, he narrowed his eyes and lifted both of his arms up.

He then said "This is as far as you bastards go. I m not going to let you touch either member of my team."

He then shot forward, and engaged the three teams in battle.

He fought valiantly, but in the end only two genin were left from the entire group, both being Iwa genin.

He laid out on the ground, with a few spears made of rock, and a umbrella piercing his kidney coughed up a good amount of blood and said "Haku-chan, Mikoto-hime, Hitomi-hime, Tou-san, Kaa-san. I m done, but I fought enough that my team can hopefully reach the tower."

With his eyes loosing color, he reached his right hand into the skyline and asked "I hope I have done enough Kami-sama, have I paid for Kyuubi s sins."

The two Iwa genin, actually lowered their heads, paying respect to him.

The male of the two, walking forward asked "What is your name?"

The boy turning to regard him with a bloody smile said "Uzumaki Naru..!"

His words died in his throat as the light completely vanished from his eyes.

The female walking forward closed his eyes and said "Rest easy Uzumaki-san. Go join your precious one s in the afterlife."

What these two didn t know was that the reason the life had left his eyes, was because everything was slowing to a stop, as a divine being had decided enough was enough.

Naruto was looking around, as he could freely move for some reason. He then blinked spotting someone walking towards him. He narrowing his eyes tried to see who it was.

The figure then coming into his viewpoint revealed itself to be shrouded in a dark black cloak. The only thing visible inside of said cloak was twin glowing neon purple orbs.

The figure now directly in front of him, said "You will not be dieing today Naruto-san."

Naruto narrowing his eyes further asked " How do you know my name, and who are you?"

The figure smirked revealing large glistening fangs. She then said "I am the goddess Kalos, mother of all monsters, progenitor of the extinct great demon dog clan, progenitor of the extinct cold clan, and eldest sibling of the four goddess."

She then removed her hood to reveal a stunning face. She had long spiky silver hair, with two bangs hanging over her face. Her skin was literally white. In the center of her forehead was a round purple jewel. On each side of her face was two thick black lines. Her eyes had several tomoe forming a full moon.

Naruto was finding it extremely hard not to blush. She smiling at this said "As for how I know your name. Perhaps you remember the voice that would guide you to safety when you were little, or the voice that confirmed your motto when you were deciding if you wanted to become a shinobi or not. Also how about the voice that pushed you to carry on after Haku s death."

Naruto remembering said voice gained wide eyes and asked " That was you?"

She smiling said "Yes that was indeed me. The reason why is because I want you, as my child. Yes you and the reason why I want you as my child, is because you fight not for yourself, but for those that you hold dear to your heart. You carry your head high, even with the heavy burden forced on your shoulders. You believe in true love, and that the impossible is possible."

She smirking at his stunned face said "Plus you are the only one who will use the power I m about to give you to stay as you are. Not for evil, nor for good. You will inhabit the gray area."

Naruto was about to say something when he found his body free of it s chains and the many weapons in it. She taking off everything, including his boxers, started making delicate, intricate, and small seals all over his body. She then applied small shallow cuts along parts of his body. The last thing she did was place a very large seal over the one keeping the Kyuubi at bay.

She looking him in the eyes smiled and said "Prepare yourself to become pure power incarnate. Oh and by the way this procedure will turn you mostly female, but you will gain both sets of the reproductive system."

Naruto hearing this was about to say something again, when she activated the seals, and let some of her blood pour into the cuts. Naruto found himself back in his body, which was burning. He then started to scream as his body started to change. He shot up in height from a short 4.9 until he was easily 6.4 feet tall. He then felt his hair grow out, until it was to the middle of his back.

Feeling thick powerful horns grow from his head, he screamed even more as something burst from his tailbone. Feeling his the muscles on his arms and legs get stronger, he gasped at the pure power his body was putting out. His eyes landing on his hands, watched as they tripled in size, his hands now being the size of three human heads. Thick black curved claws appeared on each finger. He then felt his chest expand, until it felt like two watermelons were hanging from his chest. He then felt his still naked body be covered in thick armor, and could feel some spikes grow out along the forearms, shins, and shoulders. He then felt some clothing being placed on him.

Kalos smiling then produced a full body mirror. Naruto peering into the mirror, gasped spotting his new look.

He had long flowing spiky silver hair, his skin was no longer tan, but was pale. Huge thick black horns could be seen poking from his skull. His face was heart shaped. On each side of his face were three thick purple marks, and in the middle of his forehead was a purple full moon. His once blue eyes, were now golden, with several tomoe forming a crescent moon. His arms were muscular, some veins visible on each side. Said arms were covered by the sleeves of a purple kimono, with green vines splashed on the front. Under that black plate armor could be seen. Over his left shoulder connected by a silver pauldron was what looked like silver dog fur. This kimono was slightly untied revealing very large breast, garbed in black plate armor. His legs were just as muscular as his arms, but power could be seen coiled in each muscle. The final touch was the long pale tail swaying behind him. The tip of said tail covered with black plate armor.

Naruto opening his mouth, could see the four fangs his mouth now contained. Softly touching his face, he asked "What the hell Kaa-sama?"

Kalos smiling said "This is your 2nd form baby. In this form you are 10 times more powerful then the Kyuubi. You may also gain a slightly psychotic and sadistic personality. You also now have the Mokuton, Yoton, Hyoton, and Ranton bloodlines. You also have a daiyokai form."

She then reaching into her cloak, pulled out a sword in it s sheath and handed it to him. She smiling said "I m also giving you this sword custom made for you, with the tears of a phoenix, flames of the sun, blood of a dragon, dying light of a star, venom of a Basilisk, and the souls of billions of humans. This sword is called Majin Juubi."

She handing Naruto the sword kissed him on the forehead and said "Have fun baby, and know that Kaa-sama loves you very much."

She was then gone. Naruto closing his eyes whispered "Sakura and teme have stopped near the tower. Most likely waiting for me to catch up."

Opening his eyes he said "I will let them wait as I need to test my power."

He then creating the ram handsign called out "Shadow Clone Jutsu!" A huge poof of smoke obscured the clearing. When it cleared, 350 Naruto's could be seen. Smirking he said "Go my clones, destroy all that you come across, gather scrolls, weapons, do not lay an finger on any Konoha genin."

The clones nodding, vanished. Naruto himself, vanished also on the hunt for a genin to slaughter.

Chapter 2

Two days later, and Sakura was wondering if Naruto was still alive or not.

She was also wondering what was the cause for the forest to be shaking so badly.

She turning her head, whined spotting the still in pain Sasuke.

She was getting really tired as she hadn t gotten any sleep in the past two days, and was running ragged.

Suddenly something shot out of the bushes.

Tossing a kunai at it, she blinked spotting a dead squirrel with an explosive note on it s back.

This made her tense up, just as the team from Oto jumped out from the bushes.

Sakura pulling out another Kunai took up a defensive position in front of Sasuke and asked "What do you freaks want?"

Dosou sneering said "We want the Uchiha wake him so that we may kill him."

Sakura hearing this asked "Why do you want to kill Sasuke-kun?"

Zaku rolling his eyes said "It s none of your business wench."

Sakura scowling said "It is my business freak. I won't let you harm my Sasuke-kun."

She then rushed the oto genin and proceeded to get the stuffing beat out of her. She was soon being held by her hair by Kin, as Zaku and Dosou approached Sasuke s hiding place. Then a green blur burst from the tree lines, and Zaku was kicked square in the jaw.

The blur was revealed to be Rock Lee, who after shouting about the flames of youth attacked the two male sound genin and got the stuffing beat out of him too.

Ino and her team tried to help, but they got beaten also. Finally Neji and Ten-Ten appeared, and Zaku was getting really tired of Konoha genin.

Sasuke then woke up and proceeded to attack the sound genin and everyone else he could get his hands on, not caring who it was.

He was about to kick Ino again, when he was suddenly hit by something harder than a cement brick.

He looking at what it was, gasped spotting the changed Naruto s fist.

Naruto looking down at Sasuke, shook her head and said "Arrogant trash. I did not risk my life for you to go on a rampage resulting in you almost harming two of the possible many mates for me."

Sasuke getting to his feet barely snarled and asked "Who are you, and how dare you touch an elite like me."

Naruto hearing this started to laugh, at first it was short and pleasant, but soon it was maniacal and loud

. She ending her laughter said "You fool. Compared to me, you re nothing but trash." She cracking her knuckles said "I do believe it s time I put you in your place."

She then vanished, and the next thing anyone knew, Sasuke was being beaten like he stole something and was a runaway slave. Sasuke hitting the ground, revealed himself to be unconscious.

Naruto appearing turned to look at the others around her and said "So done."