Hey guys! I should have posted this yesterday I know I know… butttt… I was super super busy yesterday. I was out doing a rehearsal thingy from pretty early to mid-evening. Then I went to church and had a sleepover. So yeah, I just recently got back. Well, I hope you enjoy the final chapter of Finding Lucy, and don't forget! My new account is MissCelestialHeart.


Lucy POV (Before Natsu woke up)

I'm surrounded by white. A white floor, a white ceiling, and white walls. Not a single speck of color.

What is this place? What's my objective? What's my name?

That's right. My name is Alice. My objective is to kill Fairy Tail. But my sister changed that. I can't destroy Fairy Tail because my sister died to protect it. My little sister, the one I swore to protect, the one that died right before my eyes. Mavis Vermillion. I'm Alice Vermillion, the one who failed.

I failed to kill all of Fairy Tail, I failed to be the perfect daughter, and I failed in saving my sister. The worst part is, I didn't just fail once. I failed twice. Two times I saw my sister die, and I couldn't do anything about it.

I'm just a weak little girl with no hope, no purpose, and no family left. That was all shattered in one split second by one blade and a few words.

"You're not weak Alice" Someone spoke, startling me, for I thought I was alone in the white area.

"Who's there?" I shout.

"How could you forget me?" The voice giggled. I know that giggle anywhere. Am I dead? No, I wouldn't be anywhere near her if I were.

"Onii-chan?" I whisper, afraid that if I say it aloud, it'll all be a dream.

"Finally you remember!" Mavis huffed.

"How? You died! And if I died, I'd be nowhere near you!" I exclaimed.

"I'm not fully dead yet. I still have some existence left. That's why we're talking in your head." My sister told me.

"Existence?" I ask.

"Look, I don't have much time. This place we are in is your mind. Your mind is a large expanse of memories created over hundreds of years. The problem is your memory has been altered."

"What are you talking about hundreds of years? How is it possible to be in my mind? And I'm pretty sure I'd know if my memory was altered."

Mavis sighed before continuing, "As I said, I don't have much time. This sphere." She held out a slightly large circular black swirling mass "This sphere, is your current memories. It's also the dark part of you, but that doesn't matter. What matters, is all that you remember are your dark memories, and some good. They've been altered so you can remember just the right things, but nothing else. Nothing that could turn you away from them."

"Them?" I butt in.

"Kyoka and Feridan. They pretended to be your parents. They added in the memory that they are your parents, and they tampered with the ones of you going on missions. With the last of my magic, I'll unlock your memories." Onii-chan explained.

"What if I hate them?"

"You won't. Your past may not be the best but…" Mavis started, before I interrupted her.
"Well then don't let me remember my past!" I argued.

"We already tried that Alice. It didn't work. The mission failed."

"Well I don't want to remember a past if it sucks!" I snapped.

"I know Alice. But you have to unless you want this happening again. And I won't be able to save you if it does."

"But what about you? I can't live without you! You're my little sister. My best friend!" I cried out.

"You can. At Fairy Tail. You have a new best friend, and his name is Natsu." Mavis gently said.

"But I don't want a new best friend!" I said, starting to bawl.

She just smiled and continued, "Now, I'm going to give you your memories, but it'll take a good bit to remember all of them. I'll make sure you remember Natsu and your beginnings first. Goodbye Alice. Live a wonderful life and don't ever give up hope."

"Mavis!" I screamed, as she flickered and vanished from sight. My vision blurred as tears don't bother to hold back from falling down my cheeks.

Spots of color begin appearing in the room, and I momentarily stopped crying from awe. All kinds of shades danced through my vision and warmed the room.

No, that doesn't sound right. The warmth was coming from behind me.

I turned around and see the one and only Natsu, holding out his hand. For some reason, my tears decide to start back as I grabbed his hand and smiled (Which I have no idea as to why I did).

The room started to fade, and I suddenly became tired, so I laid down and my mind instantly went blank.


"Hold her down! She's about to wake up!"


"Can I help hold her down?"

"No, it's dangerous for someone who was close to Lucy hold Alice down."

'My head seriously hurts, do these people ever stop yelling?' I think, as I feel something press against somewhere. I don't know where, I'm too out of it.

"I think Natsu's waking up too!"

Natsu? Why does that sound so familiar…?

Is that my name? No… Lupier? Abalon? Alowe? Lucielle? That almost sounds right… Lucy? That sounds right, but I feel like it's not also. L… what has an L and A? Because those two letters sound right. Alice? That feels just like the name Lucy does. Maybe they're both my name? Ya, that sounds correct. So why do I have two names?

And why does the name Natsu sound so familiar? Does this Natsu person know my name as Alice, Lucy, or both? For some reason, the names Lucy and Natsu strike a chord. Natsu and Lucy, Lucy and Natsu, Natsu, Lucy… hm…

"Urg" I groan aloud, wondering when it's going to make sense, but only to get whatever is pressing into me to press harder.

"Urg" Another person groans. Is someone copying me?!


"Natsu" The voice repeats after no answer.

"NATSU!" The person screams, agitated from having to repeat herself. Well at least I think it's a her. Sounds like a girl.

Right when I'm about to snap back in annoyance at the girl, someone does it for me by bellowing a loud, "WHAT!" Can I just say, that person who yelled at her is awesome.

"Finally you're awake! You've been out for hours along with Alice!" The girl complains.

Alice? Me? Oh, that makes sense. I must be waking up. The headache must be from a hangover or something.

B…but you… you died! Everyone died!" The new voice, I'm assuming is the boy Natsu. Well, that disproves my hangover theory. But what's this about people dying?

Suddenly, a memory of blood flashes into my mind. Next of a sword impaling a little girl standing in front of a pink haired boy, that for some reason I want to call Natsu. Probably because it's the only boy name I can remember at the moment. Then my hand on that same sword, making my flinch in horror. After that the same girl in a white room talking to me. But I can't hear what she's saying. Finally that pink haired boy again. I'm kissing him. That memory is what brings it back.

I hear someone say my name and someone say something angrily, but I ignore that as I shoot up and search for him. Him being my best friend, the boy I love, and someone I almost killed. Natsu. Natsu Dragneel.

I realize the reason I'm not on my feet right now is because someone's holding me down. That's not going to work people.

"LET ME GO!" I yell at the people.

"Why? So you can kill all of us again?!" A person spat. Oh god. What am I thinking? There's no way Natsu's going to forgive me.

"Let her go" Someone said, in an eerily empty voice. I forget to breathe when I realize Natsu said that. Does that mean he forgave me? No, he obviously didn't. Who'd forgive someone who almost killed them? The thing that scares me the most about what he said, was how he said it. It was colder than being stuck in an ice freezer with Gray for a thousand years. Wait, who's Gray?

"She'll just kill us again!" I wince at that.

"Mavis kept her sister alive for a reason. Now let go of her." Natsu says in the same scary voice. I never meant to hurt him. I didn't know what I was doing. But none of that matters anymore. I tried to kill him. That's what matters.

"Mavis?" The girl asked. I turned my head to the girl, earning a growl from the people holding me down. They probably think I'm trying to kill her.

"This isn't Alice's sister. This is Alice and-" Some blonde guy with a scar started to say before being interrupted.

"Since when has she had a sister?" Some black haired boy asked. I almost laughed when the blonde couldn't find out who said that.

"Eh, who interrupted me and stole my line?" The scarred man asked in anger, making the poor dark haired boy shy away.

"Not important" A girl, who looks strangely like the first girl, said.

"I mean Mavis is Alice's sister you idiots" Natsu grumbled. I have a sister? The blonde girl. Mavis. That's right. I killed my little sister.

"WHAT?!" Everyone yelled. I so badly wanted to hold my ears but this person is holding me down, so I can't. I think my arms are going to bruise from this.

"And how do you know this flame brain?" A black haired guy asks. For some reason the name Gray, from earlier sticks to this guy like a fly and syrup.

"Because I do, so shut your ugly face ice prick!" Natsu snapped back. Oh yeah. Natsu and Gray are always fighting. No wonder I remembered Gray after Natsu.

"What's that supposed to mean ashy?!" Gray snarled.

"How about you figure it out yourself Elsa?!" Natsu mocked.

"Did someone call my name?" A redhead asked, appearing out of nowhere.

"No ma'am!" Natsu and Gray squealed in unison. Is this normal? Yes. Erza's always there to break up their fights.

"Okay" Erza said in a confused manner, walking off to eat her cake. I feel like it's strawberry. Maybe she always eats strawberry cake? Yup, that sounds right. The end of the silliness makes me remember about the fact I have to get to Natsu.

"Let go of me!" I snap again.

"Don't ever come back" The man holding me down growls out, throwing me into the rocky ground.

"If you ever come back, we won't hesitate to kill you." Natsu snarls, turning towards me. My eyes widen, and time practically freezes. My best friend just threatened to kill me. Oh wait, that status was completely and utterly destroyed when I tried to kill him.

I start to apologize, but all that comes out is a weak and pitiful, "Natsu". His stony mask falls in surprise for a moment, but then it hardens.

"Leave now" He warned.

"Don't listen to her! She's just trying to trick you again!" Gray shouted out, making my eyes fill with water.

"I told you we need to kill her!" The blonde haired man shouted.

"Someone get a weapon!" Someone yells. (A/N: Much repeat, so lame. Is that how you say it?)

"Shut up!" Natsu yelled, making me jump, and shocking everyone into silence. Everyone starts whispering as different emotions flash over Natsu's face.

"Natsu. I'm so sorry" I whisper, as I see the hurt fall on his face like a heavy stone.

"You hate rainbow cherry blossoms don't you?" Natsu asks in a surprisingly non-hurt and non-angry voice. Rainbow cherry blossoms? Words come spewing out of my mouth before I even notice.

"What are you talking about? You know I love them! You know that so well, that when I was sick after going to Mt. Hakobe, you sent a tree floating down the river on a boat. Just so I could see it!" Hope and distrust fill his face even more as he falls into confusion.

"Name one time Happy was unhappy" Natsu demands. An image of an arrow pierced through my chest appears, and I suddenly can't breathe again.

"W-when I died. Why?" I manage to get out.

Before I know it, I'm in Natsu's arms. The one place where I feel completely safe. I forget all my mistakes, and just stay there in his arms.

I breathe in his scent of cinnamon and firewood. That's defiantly my favorite smell.

But my comfort is shattered when water falls on my head. Or rather, tears. Why's Natsu crying? Did I do something wrong?

It's almost as he senses my worry, because he just holds me tighter. In response, I wrap my arms around his back and start crying too.

I feel a hand wrap around my arm, and I'm thrown away from Natsu. I gasp in pain as I hit a rock, and black out.

Natsu POV

"What was that for?" I yelled in rage.

"She was controlling your mind or something so she could kill you!" Gray shouted back.

"I'd know if that were the case! Lucy's back and you just go and hurt her!" I screamed at the idiot.

"No she's not! She's controlling-" Gray didn't get to finish because I had already punched his sorry butt halfway across the world.

I spit in the direction I punched Gray, and run over to Lucy. It doesn't looks too bad. Just a cut and she's unconscious. Thank Mavis. I better take her to the infirmary.


Lucy POV

My head hurts. Yet again. Why has my head been hurting whenever I wake up? First memories, then ah yes. That's right. Someone threw me into a rock.

I try to sit up, but there's something on my chest. I look down and see the least expected thing after me trying to kill everyone. Natsu, holding my hand, asleep by my side. Not only that, but a few single flowers on the table beside me, and a balloon.

"Lucy" Natsu mutters, startling me.

"Ya?" I ask, making his eyes shoot open and his head turn towards me.

"Lucy…" He repeats.

"Yes Natsu?" I say in amusement.

"Is it really you?" Natsu asks, making me look down at the blanket.

"I guess" I mutter.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Natsu asks me.

"I killed all of you. And almost killed you." I whisper.

"But you remember us now right? You didn't remember us then, you were tricked into thinking you should kill us. It wasn't your fault. It was Alice's fault, remember?" Natsu assured me.

"But I am Alice" I tearfully say.

"Hey, don't cry. You're not Alice." Natsu said, reaching up to hug me.

"But, Natsu. I am. The person I'm not is Lucy." I mumble.

"What?" Natsu asks, pulling away.

"My name isn't Lucy. It's Alice." I say, already missing the warmth of his hug.

"Your name is Lucy. There must be some of those lies still in your head." Natsu said with a frown.

"No Natsu. My name isn't Lucy. It's never been Lucy. That was just the name I thought was mine. I'm Alice, Guardian of the Stars." I tell him.

"What?" Natsu asks in confusion.

"My name is Alice Vermillion. One of the Guardians of the Stars. Before humans were created, a race was created called Akarui. It means opposite of dark. The Akarui were the opposite of the dark forces that ruled over the lands. The ones that fought the darkness. They failed in destroying the darkness, so only a few managed to flee the land. Instead, they created a new land. Eventually a world was created from the separation of light and dark being unstable. The light and dark forces had to decide what to do with this land, and after much fighting, decided to make it a place for both forces. A very powerful Akarui made humans and were loved by all Akarui, but the dark forces hated the humans. They polluted them, filled their hearts with evil. This started another battle, weakening the Akarui even more than they already were. All the Akarui were killed off, except for two children of the Akarui who created the humans. They were hidden in the human world. They were scorned for their difference by the humans who's hearts were taken by the darkness. The dark forces were angered by the fact they couldn't pollute the two children. By the time the older child was 16, the darkness figured out who the children were. They attacked, but the children's magic was so strong, it took over the Akarui children's bodies, and wiped out most of the dark forces. They were feared by the humans, and so the two Akarui fled, and went by their Akarui names rather than their human names. Mavis and Alice Vermillion."

Natsu was too speechless to say anymore, and I noticed most of the guild was standing at the infirmary door, unable to say anything, just like Natsu.

"So basically in human terms, I'm an Angel." I finished.

Still silence.

"Are you all going to say something?" I said with a sigh.

"How come you never told us this before?" Wendy squeaked.

"My sister died in an accident. So I wiped my identity and memories. I used my magic to turn myself into a child, and stayed with the Heartfilia family, for they couldn't have a child. So I didn't know my past." I explained.

"Just how old are you?" Gray asked, still dumbstruck.

"Uh oh" Cana slurred.

"Never ask a girl her age…" Bisca sighed.

"Tsk Tsk Tsk" Juvia said.

"Juvia you too!" Gray exclaimed.

"Gray…." I growled, earning a shriek from all the men nearby. I took a deep breath and put on a smile. "I don't know. But next time you ask my age. You'll be roasted turkey in less than a second. Got it?" I threatened.

"Y-Yes ma'am!" Gray squealed.

"Gosh, Lucy, you're scary as hell…" Natsu said in fear.

"Wanna try me?" I asked evilly.

"NO-NOPE!" He squeaked.

"Okay!" I said cheerfully.

"Oh, by the way Lucy. We're sorry about earlier. We should have given you a chance. If it weren't for Natsu, we would have pushed away the guild's spark." Gray admitted.

"No. You shouldn't have given me a chance. I still could have been different. But thank you for apologizing." I said.

"We said all those mean things" Juvia said apologetically.

"No no, you had every right to. I killed you all!" I told them.

"No, Lucy. We didn't have a right." Natsu butted in.

"Natsu's correct. We shouldn't have been so mean and untrusting. Most of us didn't even trust Natsu when he told us you were better. Only a few like Wendy, and Levy did. We should have believed you and Natsu. Now, let's go ahead and get that apology party started." Gajeel grumbled.

"Wait wha-?" I asked, as I was pulled off to the party. Into another adventure with Fairy Tail.



I sat outside staring at the stars, while the cool night sky blew against my face. It was a cloud free night, so it was perfect for star gazing. I could easily spot multiple constellations in the sky.

I was at the party, but it was too loud, and I needed to think. Merging three lives together is really hard believe it or not.

"There you are!" I spun around to see the one and only pink haired pyro.

"Natsu!" I said, returning his huge grin.

"So, the guild throws you this huge party as an apology, and yet you're out here… stargazing?" Natsu questioned in humor.


"Wow" "Can I join you?"

"Of course" I exclaimed, patting the grass beside me. But no. This is Natsu Dragneel we're talking about here. He sat on my lap.

"N-Natsu!" I whined, lightly slapping him on the back of his head.

"Ow, Luce what was that for?!" Natsu complained.

I just grinned and pounded his head.


"Why are you sitting on my lap?" I asked, puffing my cheeks out.

"Cause. I want to." The pinkette argued. Typical Natsu. Should have known he'd say that.

"And why do you want to?" I teased, ruffling up his hair.

"Cause I like sitting in your lap!" He whined, earning a sigh from me.

"Hey Lucy?" Natsu asked, breaking the silence.

"Yeah?" I replied.

"Does your previous life change anything?" Natsu asked, quite nervously I might add. Now I have no reason as to why he was nervous, but he was.

"Well, except for my past, no." I told him.

"Does that mean I can kiss you?" I froze. He wants to kiss me? Well… that makes sense, because we've kissed before. Three times actually. That is if the first one counts.

The words left my mouth before I even could blink.

"Yes Natsu. You can kiss me."

And Natsu Dragneel, the salmon haired idiotic pyro, kissed me.

The End

So, did you like it? I'm really proud of it. I might not be when I re-read it, but I'm proud of it right now xD.

What do you think about me doing a prequel to this story? Like a story about Lucy and Mavis's life. I think it would be fun. I didn't want to go too off track from what was going on in the story, and so I only told the basis of her past. I really wanted to get into more detail. I have a really big background story for Alice/Lucy, and I want to make it a story. So I might just do that.

Explanation time. If there's missing dialog, that's cause Lucy was so distracted in her thoughts that she didn't bother to pay attention.

Omg. This is the longest chapter I've ever written xD. Fyi, I will be re-writing the beginning chapters, then posting it on my new account. Not too much, just so it's better written. Well, I hope you enjoyed Finding Lucy! Leave a review on what you thought of it!

Tysm xoxo

NEW ACCOUNT: MissCelestialHeart