Sniper was in a foul mood. His earlier prank on the Spy had backfired on him, and ended quite poorly. He was only trying to have a little fun with the Spy's fear of spiders, but he had overestimated the Spy's appreciation of his humor. Now, he sat on the couch in the Rec Room, clutching his shoulder and trying to keep it from bleeding while the Scout next to him held a bag of ice to his head.

"Sheesh," the Scout said, breaking the silence, "I didn't think he'd be THAT mad…"

"Sorry, Kid," the Sniper replied, "Oi'm the one who got us inta this mess."

"Eh, it ain't your fault. Spy's got a stick up 'is rear, and it ain't our problem. Sorta. The least 'e coulda done is at least send us through Respawn. Whe'd 'e hafta leave us like this?"

"Ain't that bad, quit complainin'," the Sniper countered, "Just keep an oi open for Medic. Last thing Oi want is ta be stitched back together boi that loon."

"DUDE! He almost cut your arm off!" the Scout shouted, referring to the Spy and the current state of his companion's shoulder, "Pro'bly gave me a concussion…"

All in all, both agreed that Sniper had taken the brunt of Spy's anger. With a nearly severed arm, two black eyes, a broken and bleeding nose, and several other scrapes and bruises, he was in poor shape with his blue uniform dotted with red patches. Scout had got away with firm whack to the head and a few cuts and bruises. Both should have gone to see Medic immediately, but neither of them wanted to be in the same room with the man.

"You two look like hell."

Both looked up to see the Engineer standing in front of them, hands on his hips and an amused look on his face.

"Yeah, well, yer not exactly an angel yerself, hardhat," snapped the Scout.

"Behave yourself, Scout," the Engineer replied, "I'm guessin' the two of you did somethin' to set off Spy?"

"What makes ya say that, Trukie?" Sniper asked as he adjusted his arm so it didn't bleed on the couch.

"Well, he's mopin' around in the Kitchen, eatin' anything he can get 'is hands on that's made o' chocolate."

A look of panic crossed the Sniper's face before he shouted, "MOI OICE CREAM!" and dashed off toward the Kitchen. There, he found the Spy eating the last of the Sniper's chocolate ice cream right out of the carton. The Scout and Engineer soon joined him, staring as the Spy licked his spoon clean. The look on Spy's face was along the lines of "the cat that ate the canary". Such satisfaction.

"You… You monster!" shouted the Sniper as he lunged for the Spy. But the Spy was quicker in his uninjured state, and easily dodged the Sniper who instead crashed to the floor.

"Now, now," the Spy crooned down at the Sniper, with a grin to rival that of the Cheshire Cat, "Behave yourself, Bushman. You seem to be bleeding quite a lot zhere, hmm? Perhaps I should call zhe Medic for you?"

"NO!" shouted both the Scout and Sniper at the same time. This got a chuckle out of the Engineer, who had walked over to help the Sniper off the floor. Spy tossed the empty carton in the wastebasket and left the dirty spoon in the sink as he exited the kitchen.

"Yo! Couldya at least wash yer spoon, French Fry?" shouted the Scout, but he received no reaction.

"Oi can't believe that wanka ate the last a moi oice cream…"

"S'all right, Sniper, I'll get ya some more when I go into town next."

"Thanks, Truckie."

It wasn't long before the Spy returned to the Kitchen. It seemed as if his grin had only grown since his departure. He stood in the doorway, blocking their view of the rest of the base and trapping them in the Kitchen.

"Whaddaya want, Spoi?" barked the Sniper as he leaned heavily against the counter near the sink.

"I zhought you might like to know zhat I took zhe liberty of ensuring you live to fight anozher day," the Spy said, as both the Sniper and Scout's eyes grew wide. Their faces both paled, and the Spy's face just lit up in joy.

"Get out of my vay, Herr Spy."

No one had seen the Medic behind the Spy, but now that he had pushed the Spy aside revealing the perturbed look on his face, the Sniper and Scout instantly clung to the Engineer.

"No, no, no, no! Don't let 'im touch me, Engie!" shouted the Scout as the Sniper just stared ahead in fear.

"Oh don't be such a child," chided the Medic as he attempted to remove the two from the Engineer, "I promise I'll be gentle!"

When the Medic realized that neither of his BLU coworkers would be coming quietly, he retreated to the kitchen doorway, where he shouted something to someone else who was apparently waiting outside. The appearance of the Heavy in the doorway meant that both the Sniper and Scout were in a lot of trouble. In seconds, the two troublemakers were slung over Heavy's shoulders.

"I blame you for this!" hissed the Scout as both of them were carried unceremoniously through the halls to the Infirmary.

"Oh hush now," the Medic barked at the irritating Scout, "Both of you are acting like children."

"Why do I hafta come?!" shouted Scout, "What'd I do? Snipes here is the one who's been terrorizin' Spy! Not me!"

"Zhat doesn't matter to me," Medic said with a shrug, "Both of you are hurt, so both of you are coming vith me."

"No, no, look Doc! Oi'm foine," said Sniper as he tried to wiggle out of Heavy's grasp, "Never better! There's no need…"

"Nein, Herr Sniper," sighed the Medic as he locked the Infirmary doors behind him, "You are going to be here for a vhile."