
Psky: So sorry about not updating, I want to say I have an excuse or reason but I really don't.

Ash: Lazy bastard.

Psky: HEY! At least I completed the PokeDex!

Ash: Thaat is not my fault. Damn writers…

Psky: Okay. . . Continuing, I don't own Pokemon and stuff. It would be to troublesome. Damn, I've been reading to much Naruto fanfiction.


"Hi"- Normal Speech

"Hi"- PokeSpeech

'Hi'- Aura/Telepathy Speech

'What the…?'- Thoughts

An:- Author's notes

"Hello"- Computerized Speech


Scene Change


A Second Start

It's a sunny afternoon in Pallet town as it usually is but something big is about to happen. As sunlight floods into a small room with walls covered in Pokemon themed posters and plushies, we find our hero half on the bed and half on the floor.

'ASH! WAKE UP, YOU LAZY SNORLAX!' Arceus screamed.

"AHHHH! What the Magikarp!?" Ash yelled as he stood up.

'Ash, It's me Arceus. So be quiet so I can explain what happened. The truth is. . . I lied!'

'What!? Why would you do that?'

'It's because I wanted to give you another shot at life but knowing you, you would've said no. So I just sent you back. Don't waste this opportunity and don't worry about the time line, that has been taken care of.'

'Geez, I can't have a normal life can I!?' Ash thought. As Ash got up he noticed a distinct lack of weight on his chest. He looked around his room until he noticed his calendar with a note saying 'Start of my Pokemon journey.'

"INEEDTOGO!INEEDTOGO!"Ash yelled as he ran downstairs, grabbed a piece of toast and waved bye to his mom.

Prof. Oak's Lab

As Ash runs toward the lab's entrance he sees a large crowd and remembers that Gary was an ass before the Silver Conference. He decides to ignore the shout of 'Hey Ashy-boy!' and run to the front door.

Knock Knock

Oak opens the door and is slightly surprised that Ash didn't show up in lets the boy in and leads him to where the Pokemon are.

"Ah, Hello, my boy. I'm glad to see that you are now, though I don't have anymore starter Pokemon for you. But I guess you can just take my fourth Pokemon. I caught it recently, so it might be hostile towards humans." Prof. Oak says as the Poke-Ball comes out, "Go on."

Ash quickly picks up the Poke-Ball and releases the Pokemon inside it. The blinding light slowly morphs into the shape of a small rodent. Pikachu opens his eyes slowly and yawns showing off his teeth. Ash gathers a small amount of aura into his palms and goes to rub Pikachu's head and Pikachu remembers what's going on.

"Hi Ash. Guess it's time to start over , should've known this would happen with you around." Pikachu smirks as he climbs onto Ash's shoulder. Ash sweatdropped at that statement.

"Well Prof. Oak, I thinks it's time for me to start my journey. Bye!" Ash says as he flies out the door. He says his good-byes and starts walking on Route 1.

Route 1

Walking on the route, Ash and Pikachu are seen talking about food. Pikachu's ears twitch as he hears something to the side of the road.

"Hey Ash, I hear something over there and it sounds like a scream." Pikachu says while pointing in the direction he heard the scream in. Ash nods and starts running to help. As soon as he gets there he sees a familiar face. Misty was being attacked by a Gyarados.

"Pikachu use Thunder!" Ash yelled. Pikachu jumped off his shoulder with sparking cheeks and let loose the electricity, shocking the Gyarados. The Gyarados was paralyzed as Ash told Pikachu to use Quick Attack. Pikachu smashed into water/flying type.


The Gyarados fainted and hit the floor. Ash tossed a Poke-Ball and it hit the Pokemon, sucking in the Poke-Ball rocked back and forth three times before.


Ash walked forward and picked up the Poke-Ball and said, "Yes! I got a Gyarados." Misty decided to make her presence noticed at that moment.

"Umm… Hi, thank you for saving me. I'm Misty Waterflower." Misty said shyly. Ash, for one is shocked but snaps out of it quickly.

"Hi. My names Ash and this is Pikachu." Ash said while petting Pikachu's head. Misty looks around for her bike when she notices the broken metal heap. She starts to walk towards it but stops when she feels her ankle hurt. As notices it and walks over to he and asks, "Do you want me to carry you to Viridian City, we aren't to far from there."

Misty wants to say no but she doesn't have any other way of getting to Viridian. Misty gathers up enough wit to say yes. Ash picks her up bridal–style and starts to walk towards Viridian City with Pikachu on Ash's head.

'Woah… He is really nice and reliable. I wonder if should keep traveling with him.' Misty thought as she looked over at Ash. What she didn't know was how lucky Ash can get as well as unlucky. Misty was broken out of her musings when she noticed they stop moving.

"Hey Ash, what's the matter wh-"

Ash just pointed up as she was speaking. When she saw the golden bird Pokemon flying in the sky she became mesmerized at the sight.

"Huh… Guess this is a sign of good luck. Seeing a rare Pokemon like that. Well lets' get going." Ash said as Pikachu jumped of Ash's head and pIcked up a Rainbow Feather. Ash sent a telepathic thanks to Pikachu and kept walking on the road to Viridian.

Viridian City

"You there! Stop in the name of the Law." Officer Jenny ordered. Ash stopped walking as Jenny asked him for an ID and Ash handed his Poke-Dex.

" You need a lift? I'm sure I could get you there fast enough."

"Thanks Officer Jenny but I do have one question. Is Jenny your Family name or your first name?"

"HAAAA HAA HAAA! I can't believe it you're the first person who has figured it out. Yes, I do have a first name it's Emmei.(AN: It's suppose to be like emerald because Viridian is a very green place and the same goes for the Joys ex. Viridian- Nurse Viridi Joy) Let's ride Ash! WOO WHOOOO!" Misty was dumb founded for finding out that Jenny wasn't their first names. In the time it took her to process it she noticed that the were already in the Pokemon Center.

"Em what have I told you about driving motorcycles into medical treatment buildings." Nurse Joy scolded lightly.

"Not to do it, especially here." Emmei mumbled back the answer. Viridi nodded content with the answer before turning towards Ash.

"Hello! Welcome to the Pokemon Center. Do your Pokemon need healing? Yes? Okay place your Pokemon/Poke-Balls here and they will be healed shortly. Em, here, will go help your friend." Ash nodded and sat down as Misty was helped by Emmei.

'Wait! I need to call mom and tell her I made it to Viridian safely.' Ash thought as he got out his Poke-gear and dialed his mom.


"Hello. Ketchum residence, this is Delia Ketchum speaking."

"Hi mom. I made it to Viridian safely and I meet a new friend on the way."

"Really? It took your father a week to get there but then again he wasn't the best at reading maps or really just going in a straight line."

"Yeah. Can you tell me what Dad looked like?"

"I-I suppose I can. He liked the color red so he wore I a lot so he might be wearing his Red collar shirt, shoes and hat with blue pants. He had black straight hair, black eyes and he became tanner as he aged but last time I saw him he said he was going to the top of a mountain so he might be paler."

"Thanks mom. I love you, bye!"


"I think it's around now that Prof. Oak called." Just as Ash said that the videophone started to ring. Ash walked around the counter and answered the phone.


"AH! Hello. Ash why did you answer the phone? I was calling Viridian City."

"Professor, you should fix the camera first. To answer your question this is Viridian."

"Ah well then, have you caught any Pokemon yet?"

"Yeah. I caught a Gyarados… why?"

"Ha! Now Gary owes me 1000 Poke-Dollars."

"Prof., really you bet money on whether or not I would catch a Pokemon. Oh and I also saw another Pokemon. It was a golden bird Pokemon but I don't think it was from Kanto."

"Hmm… Interesting. I think I'll call a colleague of mine in another region. Be sure to keep me updated on the Pokemon you catch. Good-Bye"

"Bye Prof. Oak."


"Hey Ash! Thanks for helping me get here." Misty Said as she walked on crutches."Nurse Joy said that if I had tried to walk on it, I might have been worse off." At this point Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny came out and handed Ash his Pokemon.

"Hi Ash. We should probably get ready for the idiots." Pikachu said before he yawned.

"Nice to see you're all better now Pikachu." Ash said as Emmei started to leave without a word.

An hour later


"Dear me! What was that!?" Viridi franticly shouted. Ash and Pikachu quickly ran to the front desk and got ready for a battle.

A laugh echoed through the room as the smoke clear out. What was left in the place where the smoke was a woman with long red hair and a white Team Rocket uniform, a man holding a rose with blue hair a bit above his shoulders and white Team Rocket uniform, and a Meowth.

(Insert Team Rocket Original Motto)

"Pikachu use Thunderbolt!" Ash ordered. Pikachu jumped with his cheeks sparking.

"Wait! Hold on! This isn't fair at all!" Jessie cried out as the Thunderbolt struck. All three bumbling buffoons were sent flying.

"AHH! WE'RE BLASTING OFF FOR THE VERY FIRST TIME!" Jessie, James, and Meowth screamed as they disappeared with a twinkle in the night sky.

"Thank you Ash, Pikachu for keeping this place safe. Come over here for a sec." Viridi said and Ash walked over. What Ash expected was not what actually happened. Viridi kissed Ash on the cheek and gave him a piece of paper. Ash looked at the paper and saw it was her phone number. Ash blushed as he went to his room an went to sleep.

The Next Morning

Ash groggily got up and stretched with Pikachu doing the same. Ash changed into his normal traveling clothes and gathered his things walked to the main hall and saw Misty sitting their waiting for him.

"Hey Mist. Ready to head out." Ash said as he walked up to her.

"Who said I was going with you?" Misty said as she looked away from him.

"Well unless you want to go through Viridian Forest like that. Alone. With bugs. Not being able to get through it fast enough." Ash countered playfully. Misty paled before blushing in embarrassment and mumbling a 'fine'.

"Great! Let's head towards more adventures!" Ash yelled as he got outside of the building. Misty trailing a bit behind with a small smile. She could tell that traveling with Ash would be exciting.


Psky:Well this should do for a Chapter. What do you think Luca-I mean Riolu?

Riolu:I think you could've done better but it is your first legit story. It feels a bit rushed don't ya think.

Psky:Yeah but well- whatever I just want to get through the boring bits. Fine *sigh* Here have an omake for making you what for so long.

Riolu:Really you're giving them an omake for that? Most authors just offer an apology. Well I definitely won't complain. Let's get on with it!

Omake:If Ash wore his Aura Guardian Outfit

Misty was not having a good day today. First, she left all her best Pokemon with her sisters. Then, she lost her good lures so she had to fish with the basic lure and that brings us to now where she is being attacked by a Gyarados. The Gyarados lunged toward her and she barely jumped out of the way. Her ankle twisted when she landed and she fell down. The Gyarados started to charge a hyper beam and she closed her eyes knowing she couldn't get away in time from the attack.

When she resigned to her fate, she heard a yell of 'Aura Shield'. She opened her eyes to see a young teen in front her with a blue transparent barrier in front of him.

'Mmm. He looks good.'she thought as the young man ordered the Pikachu to attack. She watched him battle the Gyarados and capture it. The young teen picked up the Poke-ball and walked toward her.

"Hello. My name is Ash Ketchum or if you want to be formal Sir Ketchum." The newly dubbed 'Ash' said with his right hand on his heart and the other arm behind his back and a slight bow.

"H-h-hello. My name is M-Misty Waterflower." She stammered out. Ash gained a small smile and picked her up bridal style as Pikachu jumped onto his shoulder.

Misty didn't even question him as she was in a deep trance with his loving, carefree dark brown(or was it black?) eyes, lightning-bolt birth-marks, and spiky black hair. She didn't know what it was but there was one thing she was certain about.

It was love at first sight.


Psky: How'd ya like it? I think it was good but a review would be nice. BTW Ash looks like an above average 14 yr old.