Chapter 1

New Mind, Old Memories

A/N This is a Time Travel fic where Luffy sees his older self's memories, and has his haki awakened and his strength increased at the age of 7. He also gets his scar and something else that would be a spoiler to tell you. As Luffy is going to be training Haki and already has knonwledge of Gomu Gomu, as well as a bit of strength, there is not going to be much that can stand up to him, at least until Crocodile, maybe further. Either way, I am not a fan of copying down things that happen exactly the same, so I will either make my own dialogue up, or edit scenes to change characters' thoughts and motives, while keeping actions the same. Time delay is also going to come into effect later. You know how Luffy sometimes escapes due to sheer luck of timing? What if he waited an extra hour before setting off? Would he still survive? Find out!

Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece. Take this as read for other chapters unlesss I tell you otherwise. Which I won't. Because I don't own One Piece.

"A toast! To Luffy's great bravery and his mighty pistol punch!"

In Makino's bar, currently occupied by the Red-Hair Pirates, the revelries reached new heights. Again. Luffy didn't appreciate the latest joke being at his expense, like most were, but he was OK with it because Shanks was a cool pirate, and Luffy was going to be on his crew for sure next voyage! After all, he'd shown them how strong he was with that knife. They couldn't turn him down now! Shanks kept cracking jokes as Luffy screamed indignantly:

"I'm not a kid anymore Shanks! It didn't hurt at all and now you HAVE to take me on your next voyage, Ok?"

"I'll drink to that!" Lucky Roux exclaimed with a grin on his face. "Come on boss, be nice here. Let's just take him on a short cruise!" Shanks grinned evilly. "Alright, if you insist Roux, but only if one of the crew agrees to stay here in his place." Instantly the offer was retracted as various pirates muttered "Sorry Luffy...". Luffy frowned as the rest of the crew returned to their drunken games.

"A toast! To pirates' selfishness!" Shanks took the opportunity to teach Luffy a pirating lesson. "Luffy! listen carefully. The reason I am a pirate and not just a sailor is because I am selfish! A good pirate is selfish! If you have a pile of meat, do you share it?" "Gramps says I should share it with the hungry people," muttered Luffy, still sulking over not being allowed on the voyage. "But I want ALL the meat!" Shanks cackled loudly at Luffy's betrayal of his grandfather.

"BWAHAHA! You'll make a great pirate then! What an amazing kid!"

An irked Luffy replied stroppily"I told you already, I'M NOT A KID!"

"Calm down, calm down Luffy." Shanks soothed Luffy in a non-confrontational tone. "Have some juice".

"Ok, thanks!" Luffy drank happily, not realising he had been tricked until too late.



"ALRIGHT! I'm not here for trouble, I just want some sake. A few barrels should do it." A smirking mountain bandit burst in, surrounded by cronies. He wore a grey undershirt under a dark brown travelling cloak, which was decorated by a vertical black strip down one side with a golden pattern of number 8s down the strip. Around his tanned neck hung a chan of bright orange flowers and a self-assured grin to match. His weapon appeared to be a normal green katana, but Luffy could have sworn it was glowing slightly. The bandit began arguing with Shanks and Makino over alcohol but Luffy was no longer interested. He had discovered his first treasure chest. In it was a small purple fruit covered in swirling patterns. 'Looks delicious!' Luffy thought but as he examined the fruit, scanning for indications of poison like his grandpa had taught him. Or more accurately, forced him to learn, from experience. Luffy had built up a nominal resistance to some poison just from the times he 'hadn't been careful enough'. As he looked at the fruit, he noticed an x-shaped chunk of the fruit that was not the same colour as the rest. What did the X mmean?

'Danger: do not eat? Or maybe X Marks The Spot!' Luffy grinned as he remembered the type of box he found the dessert in. 'Treasure fruit!'

Luffy opened his mouth to take a succulent first bite but he was distracted from his delicious mystery treat when he heard the sound of a bottle of sake smashing over Shanks' head. The fruit forgotten, Luffy's attention was on Shanks as he laughed it off and helped Makino clean up the bar. Higuma laughed at the Red-haired pirate before making a remark about how he expected no better from pirates. Luffy was outraged at Shanks' response (because it is in no way manly to behave like that when somebody disrespects you, and then every pirate ever, including Luffy's dream, especially if they are weaker than you) and stormed outside still clutching the chest and fruit. As he realised Higuma was still stood outside he had an idea. He would give Shanks one more chance, and if he didn't see fit to defend his own honour from this bastard then Luffy would do it for him!


Luffy growled and stomped up to the very surprised bandit.


" what"

"Apologise for what you did to Shanks right now!" Luffy yelled threateningly. His eye was twitching from a mix between anger and fear as he stood his ground against a ferocious bandit twice his size.

Higuma smirked.

"And why should I listen to a squirt like you? If you support that red-haired idiot wimp than you must be like him. A stupid wannabe who thinks that dreams come true!" Glaring down at the pint-sized pirate he noticed the child held... something purple. "Hey squirt, what's that in your hand? Give it to me!"

Even as unknown as these fruits are in remote places such as Foosha Village, one of the bandits recognised what the purple fruit was.

"Higuma! That's a legendary Devil's fruit! They are said to taste horrible but to grant the eater amazing powers. Also, they will take away your ability to swim. Are you going to eat it?"

The bandit leader scowled.

"Do I look like a moron? I don't want to be a freak. It can't be worth much. Nobody would want to be singled out and be a monster." Then, he grinned. "You know what the Celestial Dragons do with these? I'd thought they were just a legend, but I heard that those on Holy Marejois like to feed these fruits to their slaves just for their own entertainment. And here we have a little squirt pet of our own!"

Two bandits held a struggling Luffy down as Higuma forced the fruit into his mouth.

Luffy's last thought before the devil fruit took effect was 'No! They said it tastes horrible! Don't make me eat it!'

As Luffy's mouth was forced closed and he swallowed the fruit whole a searing pain flared in his torso as an X shape carved itself into his body for the first yet second time as half-formed memories burned into his mind repeating one word over and over as panic took over and

Marine Admiral... stepped into the forest clearing.

"I've kept training..."

"Pirate King Luffy : I've come to capture you... Haki!"

A blue wave burst outward, passing all of Higuma's bandits and dissipating just short of a terrified Maikino, who had rushed out of the bar to see why Luffy had shouted. The bandits seemed frozen in time as the terror and pain Luffy had just felt was released as a mind-breaking wave of Haki. Shanks appeared behind her as the bandits, one by one, keeled over and slumped to the ground. As the last crony of his fell Higuma dropped to his knees, gasping and struggling to breath, before somehow recovering himself and forcing his body to stand up. He scooped up the prone body of Luffy and threw down a smoke bomb, escaping from the confused and angry mob of pirates, and disappearing from view.

"Dammit! Shanks hissed and focused his mind to the entire island, searching desperately for Luffy's familiarly strong mind. For a second he felt nothing and began to panic but then he noticed it. Weak, but there. It was being masked from him, he realised. "Just who is this guy!?"

Luffy was slowed to the point of Foxy's Noro Noro Beam

haki... damaged by the hit... Luffy's fist descended..."Armament: Hardening!"

Kill him like... put down his brother!"


"Haha! They'd never think of looking for a mountain bandit on the sea, would they? ... Look, it's no fun taunting you if you're unconscious!" Higuma smirked as he remembered just how badly he had been underestimated by Red-Hair. From his research he knew couldn't take on Shanks, but he knew that once he had got hold of the 'squirt' he had no reason to go near him anyway. Soon he would return the kid to his master and he would live a rich life.

As Higuma commenced his long row towards the west, a giant sea king burst out of the water baring its teeth like the pet from hell.


And Higuma was gone. As he died the sword flew out of his sheath and flew in an arc towards the small boat. Maybe it was coincidence. Maybe it was the last act of the bandit. Whatever happened, the sword landed on Luffy's unconcious body and as the blade curved around his body blunt side first, impaling itself next to Luffy without harming him, Red Haired Shanks swam towards the boat.

only righteous power in the marines...killed...déjà vu "lost your will to live..."

power exploded outward... he was the bad guy... pink blur... dead.

Shanks appeared next to the boat, scaring the sea king away with a flash of Haki. As he did Luffy slowly opened his eyes.


"It's ok now Luffy, you're safe." Shanks murmured comfortingly as Luffy sobbed in his arms.

"But Shanks! Your arm!"

"What are you talking about Luffy? My arm's fine!"

Luffy jolted. The half formed memories he had confused with reality conflicted, fighting for dominance in his mind and exhausting Luffy beyond belief. After that... Blackness.


A/N: Just overhauled Chapter1 massively because I wasn't too happy with the pacing, or the general writing. Also it felt a bit too short. How's this in terms of length? Too long? good? not long enough? let me know with a review!