I do not own…

A few months have passed, after what happened at the farm. During that time winter came fast. For most of them the weather was almost unbearable as the group weren't prepared for that . It took a few days for them to find some proper clothes for the weather. Trying to find food with meat was hard as some of the animals were in hibernation. They were on the move a lot because of the walkers so it was hard to stay in one place for long. Not to mention vampires were still after them. Those hex bags that Creed gave them really did through the vampires off their trail. Though they weren't always going to rely on them as they knew Drake would find a way to find Kagome and Erica. So Blade, Kagome, Sesshomaru, Shippo and Creed were able to keep their senses on alert everyday.

During those few months Blades' group had finally been able to teach Rick and the others how to defend themselves and how to track animals. After a few weeks Whistler was able to translate the book and Sesshomaru was able to get his body back and Kagome was able to have total control of her vampire side. Carol was one of them few out did herself. The once shy and helpless woman became a strong warrior. The four kids no longer felt helpless with the group and were able to protect themselves now. Beth was still not sure of herself as she does hesitate at times but Jet (who was teaching her now) was patient and believes she has it in her.

Kagome and Daryl's relationship had become official during those few months. It took Rick, Blade, Sesshomaru and Shippo a while to be okay with their relationship. After seeing that the Hunter truly cared for the Priestess they gave him their blessing, along with a few death threats if he ever hurts her. Even though it was hard to have some privacy the two were able to be affectionate towards each other. Not to mention they were great parents towards Alex and Erica.

Everyone in the group had a job. Daryl, Kagome, Creed, Shippo and Sesshomaru were the main hunters to hunt food. Glenn, Maggie, Amy, King, and Susan were the runners to scavenge and scout for things for everyone. Beth became the caretaker of Zoe, Alex and Erica and helped out with Suki and Carol. T-Dog, Blade, Abigale, Whistler and Jet were the watchers as they stood guard. Hershel was their doctor, with Carol under his wing. Rick was still the leader of their group but became harder. After the second death of his brother something changed him. He wasn't going to take changes anymore and will do anything to protect his family.

Sukie's belly has become a lot rounder as hers and Rick's baby is growing. It was harder for them to move as she needed to rest at times. Kagome, Rick and the other ladies do everything to try and not make her feel stressed but it was kind of hard when they were on the run. They were always surprised that she hasn't complained one bit. This just showed them where Kagome's gets it from.

A few days after spring finally showed the group had rested in a house. There were only three Walkers inside and they quickly took them down before resting a little. Daryl was able to find and shoot an owl that was inside the house. Souta and Carl looked around to see what they could salvage, sadly nothing but dog food. They were tempted to try it as everyone was hungry but Rick stopped them.

Kagome sat next to Daryl while showing Alex how to pluck feathers off the owl he killed. She smiled a little as he glanced down at Erica, who was sleeping her arms. The little one looked to be about 1½ years old now. She was walking on her own and was a smart one. The baby knew not to make a lot of noise as she could sense the danger around her.

After a few minutes Sesshomaru and Shippo stood up and warned everyone that a herd of walkers was heading their way. Everyone quickly got up, gathered their stuff and rushed out the door. Carol and Amy quickly helped Sukie up and helped her move fast towards the cars.

"We can't keep doing this." Kagome sighed, as she sat in Blades' car with the kids.

"We don't have a choice, kid." Blade said as he sped down the road.

After a few hours of driving Rick honked his horn for everyone to stop. When everyone got out of their cars they listened to their leader's orders.

"You know your jobs. Fifteen and sixteen, you're on point." Rick said to Jet and T-Dog to keep a lookout. "Kagome." He turned and gestured towards Suki.

"Got it." She smiled and hurried towards her mom with Erica behind her.

Alex stayed with Daryl as he and Amy and King went to get water.

Over the months Kagome has been able to find a lot of herbs for affections and other healing ways. Thankfully she still remembered her lessons from Kaede. One plant she found was for expecting mothers so after making it into tea she gave it to her mother. The taste wasn't good but Sukie drinked it for the baby.

"Thank you sweetie." Sukie said and then looked over at Rick. "How is he?"

"Same as always. Still have a lot of weight on his shoulders." Kagome said

"I really wish he wouldn't." Sukie said

"Mama." Erica smiled and she held up her arms, wanting to be picked up.

The two Higurashi smiled down at the little one before Kagome picked her up.

"I'm glad she stopped growing. I think it would break my heart if she continued on growing at that fast rate." Kagome said

"She's looking like you everyday." Sukie smiled and tickled her granddaughters' chin.

Before anymore could be said Daryl walked up to them. Kagome was surprised to see Alex drench wet and holding a big catfish.

"What happened to him?" She asked with amusement.

"I saw a few fishes in the water and I jumped in to catch them."Alex smiled and held up a fish. "Look, I managed to catch one."

"I can see that. Why don't you take that to Carol so she could cook it for us." She said

Alex nodded with a smile and hurried over towards Carol and Whistler.

"Almost scared the hell out of me when he jumped in like that." Daryl huffed

"I bet." Sukie chuckled

"What's going on?" Kagome asked

"Gonna head out and hunt with Rick." He said

Kagome knew that this was his code that Rick wanted to talk to him.

"Be careful." She said before kissing him.

"You too." He replied before walking away from her.


After 30 minutes Rick and Daryl return with a big surprise. They took them down the road and showed them what they found.

A prison.

It had stone walls, tall fences and a lot of yard. The place would be perfect if it wasn't for just one problem. There were walkers on the prison grounds. All of them were wearing prison jumpsuits. So the first thing to do is to clear the yard.

Rick pulled out the cutters before creating a hole in the fence while everyone kept watch for Walkers. Sesshomaru lifted Sukie bridal style before jumping the fence while everyone shimmied inside the gap of the fence. Once everyone was inside Daryl and Glenn tied off the hole with strong wire. The group kept together as they jogged down to where the fence opened up to the prison yard.

"It's perfect. If we can close that gate, prevent more Walkers from coming in. We can take out these Walkers. We'll have the field by tonight." Rick said

"How do we shut the gate?" Hershel asked

"I can do it. You guys cover me." Glenn said

Blade, Sesshomaru, Creed and Shippo glared at him.

"I meant that I'm the fastest human." Glenn said "Blade and Creed could cover me."

"No. It's a sucide run." Maggie stated

"No, you, Maggie, Amy, Jet and Beth draw as many as you can over there. Pop 'em through the fence. Daryl, Whistler and Abigail go back to the other tower." Rick ordered as he pointed to areas. "Carol, you've become a pretty good shot. Take your time. We don't have a lot of ammo to waste. Hershel, you, Susan, Carl, King and Souta take this tower. I'll run for the gate."

Everyone nodded as they took out their weapons and went to get the walkers attention. Sukie walked over, with Kagome, to the door gate to open it for Rick. After kissing him good luck she opened the door before closing it behind him, Blade, Creed, Sesshomaru and Shippo. They quickly ran towards the main gate while killing any Walkers that got near Rick. Those that were on the tower did the same as they kept the path clear. When Rick got to the gate he quickly closed before locking it some wires and that's when everyone started shooting their guns at the rest of the Walkers.

"Way to go guys!" Kagome smiled as she opened the gate. Then she turned to her mother. "You okay, mama?"

"I haven't felt this good in weeks." Sukie smiled

Alex quickly ran into the yard with Zoe, Sophia, Carl and Souta. Erica would have too but Kagome quickly grabbed her before she could. Daryl smiled at the space that they had and wrapped an arm around Kagome's waist.

"We haven't had this much space since we left the farm." Carol smiled over towards Whistler.

"Damn right." Whistler smirked

"Whoo." T-Dog laughed


Night came when the group finally settled down. They had moved the cars close to the gate, where (thanks to Sesshomaru) a tipped over bus was blocking the entry way. They placed all the dead Walker bodies to a corner of the yard where Shippo burned with his fox fire.

Now they were gathered by a fire and ate the fish that Alex caught and squirrels that Daryl and Rick hunted. Rick was scanning the fences while Daryl stood watch at the gate.

"Just like mom used to make." Glenn commented

"Now, if we can dig a canal under the fence, we'll have plenty of fresh water." T-Dog explained

"And this soil is good. We could plant some seed, grow some tomatoes, cucumbers, soybeans." Hershel said before looking over where Rick was. The farmer shook his head. "That's his third time around. If there was any part of it compromised, he'd have found it by now."

"I'll talk to him." Sukie said

With the help from Kagome and Beth she got up and walked over towards her husband. After placing some food on a bowl Carol handed it to Kagome before taking Erica in her arms.

"Here you go. Lord knows he'll listen to you." Carol smirked

"Thank you." Kagome smiled before heading over to where Daryl stood watch.

Daryl saw her coming and helped her up.

"Here, you need to eat something." She said

On the run Rick and Daryl always starved themselves so that the other, mainly the women and kids that they love, had enough to eat. Daryl was about to decline it before Kagome glared at him and started tapping her foot.

"Don't even think about saying no, I will shove this down your throat, mister." She glared

He couldn't fight off the smirk that crept on his face and took the bowl from her. After hearing the double mean to what she said, Kagome rolled her eyes with a blush.

"You're such a perv." She said

"Hey, you said it, not me." He smirked before eating some meat. "So what do you think?" Gesturing towards the prison.

"It's the best place we found in months. This should be the last place Drake will find us in." She said

Daryl was hoping that was true but no one could be sure. Luckily the dream connection between her and Drake had stopped when Kagome got full control of her vampire side, so the vampire king would no longer have the avantage.

Sesshomaru came by to revive Daryl from his post so the couple could sit down with the kids. To their surprise Rick was among them as well. Just like with Daryl, Rick will only listen to Sukie. Shippo noticed this and once called them whipped before he got a few smacks to the head from Kagome, Rick and Sukie.

"Better all turn in." Rick said after Beth and Maggie's singing. "I'll take watch over there. Got a big day tomorrow."

"What do you mean?" Glenn asked

"Look, I know we're all exhausted." Rick sighed "This was a great win. But we've got to push just a little bit more. Most of the walkers are dressed as guards and prisoners. Looks like this place fell pretty early. It could mean the supplies may be intact. They have an infirmary, a commissary."

"An armory?" Daryl asked as he held Erica in his arms.

"That would be outside the prison itself, but not too far away." Rick stated "Warden's offices would have info on the location. Weapons, food, medicine. This place could be a gold mine."

"We're dangerously low on ammo." Whistler said "We'd run out before we make a dent."

"That's why we got to go in hand to hand." Rick said "Kagome, Blade, Creed and Shippo we're gonna need your help in this. With your speed and power we might be able get in. Just don't over do it."

The three nodded in agreement.

"These assholes don't stand a chance." He said

With that said Rick left to stand guard by the fences. Daryl looked over at Kagome with a stone look but his eyes held worryness. The priestess saw this and placed a hand on his.

"I'll be okay." She said

"You better be." Daryl said "Red and Wolf boy. You better keep an eye on her. Or I'll have to put an arrow in your asses."

Two looked at each other before chuckling. Susan rolled her eyes and jabbed Creed in the stomach.

"Shut up you two." She glared

"Bloody hell, love. Why did you just hit me?" Creed groaned

"You're right." She smirked before smacking Shippo's head.

"Ow." Shippo whined before muttering. "Asshole."


The next morning Rick woke everyone up and gathered them by the entrance. Going with them were Daryl, Glenn, T-Dog and Maggie. While the humans stayed in a circle and stabbed the walkers that were near. Blade, Kagome, Creed and Shippo quickly down the ones in riot gear as they were the hardest. Rick and Daryl were able to close and lock one the gates that more walkers were coming from. So far this area was secured.

"Well, it looks secure." Shippo said

"Not from the look of that courtyard over there." Daryl stated as he pointed towards the close gate and then pointed to the female dead walker. "And that's a civilian."

"So the interior could be overrun with walkers from outside the prison." T-Dog said

"Well, if there's walls down what are we gonna do?" Glenn asked "We can't rebuild this whole place."

"We can't risk a blind spot. We have to push in." Rick said

They went inside and carefully searched the block. So far it was empty. Rick went into one of the watch rooms and managed to find the keys to the place. Just like in the visiting hall the place was empty minus some dead, dead corpses in the cells. There were only two Walkers in their closed cells and Daryl and Rick took care of them.

It took a while to clear out block C of the bodies but they managed. Everyone began to grab their things and started picking out a cell.

"What do you think?" Rick asked

"Home sweet home." Glenn joked

"For the time being." Rick said

"It's secure? Sukie asked as she looked at the cells

"This cellblock is." Rick answered

"What about the rest of the prison?" Hershel asked

"In the morning, we'll find the cafeteria and infirmary." Rick explained

Beth looked at the place as she was still unsure about it.

"We sleep in the cells?" She asked

"I found keys on some guards. Daryl has a set too." Rick said

The kids looked at the cells with interest.

"I call the top bunk." Souta shouted as he ran into one cell.

"What? No fair." Carl glared

He ran into the same cell and playfully tried to pull Souta off the top bunks.

"Too late I'm on it. Ha." Souta gloated

"Boys, behave." Sukie scowled

Sophia and Zoe laughed as the two decided to share the same cell as well.

"I ain't sleeping in no cage. I'll take the perch." Daryl said

While he went to grab a cot and a mattress Kagome just shook her head with a smile.

"Why did we fall in love with stubborn men, mama?" Kagome asked as she helped her mother up the steps.

"Because we're stubborn women, dear." Sukie laughed