I promised a sequel so here it is. Before you start reading I want to give you guys a little warning first. Christian and Ana are going to have some struggles. You'll see what I mean at the end of this chapter and the next coming chapters. There will be NO cheating. And as for updates I'm going to shoot for once a week.

This is mainly a fill you in type of chapter of what has happened in the last 11 months. Next chapter I promise is much better. Please, please, please leave a review.

(11 Months later. APOV)

11 months! Christian and I have been married for 11 months today. Which means in a month we will be celebrating our 1-year wedding anniversary. Can you believe it? I already have a feeling Christian is planning something big for the two of us. At least I hope he is.

Things between Christian and I haven't been going as well as we thought they would. We thought by now we would be dealing with a one month old. But that's not the case. The case is no matter how hard we try, and let me tell you we have tried. We pretty much go at it like rabbits at every chance we get.

The first couple of months we didn't think anything of it. Dr. Greene told us that it might take a while for the Depo shot to completely be out of my system. When we asked about how long a while is going to be? She replied with, "Anywhere from one to three months"

Christian and I were ok with that. We had no problem waiting those few months either.

During those couple of months Elliot and his crew remodeled the shop that Christian had gotten for me as a graduation present.

I'm so pleased with the way it turned out. It took Elliot and me several lunches and one or two dinners but we finally came up with something we both agreed on. I wanted the shop to look modern on the outside but have that rustic country feel on the inside. Almost like when you walk into one of those Crackle Barrel restaurants.

Hardwood floors throughout the entire shop. Wood shelving from floor to ceiling. Hand crafted wooden tables place all over the main floor. The kitchen or as some would call it "The lab" is all stainless steel.

In the beginning when the shop first opened everything was crazy. It was nonstop customer after customer. I never had a chance to stop and take a break for anything. After the first few weeks of coming home exhausted Christian demanded that I hire at least one to two people to help me out around the shop.

The one girl I hired. Holly, she was sweet. A little too sweet. I fired her ass so fast it made her head spin. On one of the nights that I stayed open late, Christian was there to pick me up. Well while Christian was waiting for me, Holly slipped a note into Christian's jacket pocket as she was leaving for the night. Christian had no idea she even did it. But I sure the fuck did.

I quickly walked over to Christian and took the note out of his pocket. It's said and I quote "When you're in the mood for a real woman give me a call, Holly" I ran out of the shop so freaking fast I think it gave Christian whiplash. I ran about a block and a half before I caught up to her. I held the note in my hand and she stood there wide-eyed trying to apologize between sobs. Yeah I wasn't having it. I fired her right then and there. Haven't seen her since. Now Mia works full time and Kate works part time.

Oh and as for Mia and Sawyer. Christian finally came around to the idea that Sawyer was dating his sister. He is never going to like the idea that someone is dating his baby sister. I told him that his sister is in love, and that Sawyer is a good man. And I might have said that if Sawyer breaks her heart he'll never see the light of day again.

Around 2 o'clock Christian is coming to pick me up for my appointment with Dr. Greene. I'm hoping that when we get there she'll have good news for us. For the past week I have been feeling a little sluggish. Not quite myself. I'm always tired and when it's time for bed I start feeling sick to my stomach.

On the first night I started feeling sick I thought nothing of it, maybe just a bug. The next morning I woke up fine, feeling right as rain. The next night it happened again. It wasn't until the third night that Christian had suggested that I may be pregnant. So we looked up online about morning sickness and found out you can pretty much get it at any time during the day. Morning, noon, or night. It didn't matter.

The next morning Christian called Dr. Greene's off and made an appointment. So here I am waiting on my husband to arrive to take me to my doctor's appointment to see if we're pregnant.

The only person we have mentioned it to that we might be pregnant was Grace. Christian called her right after calling Dr. Greene's office. He wanted her to come and look me over to make sure everything was fine.

When Grace walked out of the elevators Christian was standing there to greet his mother with a hug, she completely ignored him and ran to me with her arms wide open crying because I might be pregnant with her second grandchild. You should have seen the look on Christian's face. Priceless.

Grace stayed for dinner that night and explained to me what to expect during my pregnancy, what to eat, what not to eat. How my body will start to change. We asked Grace to promise us that she wouldn't spill the beans to anyone. At least not until we were 100% sure we are pregnant.

"Hey beautiful" Christian's velvety voice brings me back to the now. Looking up from my paper work I see Christian standing there with his sexy as sin smile plastered over his face. He is just as excited as I am right now.

"Well hello to you too" I lean over the counter and meet his half way for a kiss.

"Mm. I could kiss those lips all day," He tells me.

"You have"

"And I plan on doing it again as soon as we get home from Dr. Greene's office too. Among other things" He winks.

"Oh you sure know how to sweet talk a lady don't you Mr. Grey"

"Only to my wife" He leans over the counter to steal another kiss. "Come on baby, Taylor is waiting for us outside"

"Ok let me grab my purse and tell Mia I'm leaving. I'll meet you out front," I tell him, and he turns on his heel and walks to the front door. I go into my office and grab my purse then into the kitchen where Mia is wrapping a few bars of soap.

"Mia, Christian's here so I'm leaving"


"Call me if you need anything. I'll have my cell phone with me"

"I'll be fine. Besides Kate will be here in about an hour anyways. I think I can manage an hour alone"

"Ok see you tomorrow"

"Bye" She waves and I wave back as I walk out the front door and met with my gorgeous husband who is leaning on the SUV with his arms crossed and with a smile of pure happiness on his face. Christian pushes himself off the car and walks over to me. We are both giddy as can be. We are less than an hour away from the doctor confirming we are pregnant.


Taylor pulls into the main entrance of the hospital. My stomach is doing flips right now I'm so excited. The entire car right to the hospital Christian kept his hand on my stomach rubbing small circles with his thumb.

Walking into the hospital with check in at the information desk. We inform them that we are here for an appointment. The older woman behind the desk hands us each a pass and wishes us a good day. We walk down the long hallway to a set of elevators.

We get off on the second floor and follow the signs to Dr. Greene's office. The hallway walls are covers in pictures of newborns as well as framed baby blankets. Wooden and metal bassinets are spread out throughout the hallway as well. The only thought that comes to mind is that we must be near the nursery.

We check in with the nurse behind the desk at Dr. Greene's office. She tells us to have a seat and that we will be called shortly. While Christian picks up one of those parenting magazines I look around the room. There are only three other couples in the waiting room with us. Each of the women is heavily pregnant.

Christian nudges my side and with a smile he says, "That's going to be us soon" I shake my head.

"Mrs. Grey?" I hear my name being called.

"That's me" I raise my hand and get out of my seat. Christian stands as well and we walk over to the door where a nurse is standing with a plastic cup and a clipboard in hand.

"Follow me please" She opens the door and we follow. She stops just outside a bathroom door and hands me the plastic cup and three small pouches.

"Please make sure you use these to clean yourself before urinating in the cup. They will help remove any surface bacteria so that the sample isn't contaminated"

"Oh ok"

"When you're finished you can go right to exam room 3"

"Thank you," I tell the nurse.

"I'll wait right here for you baby"

"Be out in a minute" I kiss him before opening the door to the bathroom. Locking the door behind me I begin my task. Sitting on the toilet I use the wipes to clean myself and drop them into the toilet when finished. I take the cup and hold it in place.

When I believe there is enough inside the cup I remove it and place it on the counter. I finish my business, dry myself off, flush the toilet, place the lid on top of the cup, and wash my hands. Across from the toilet is a small metal cabinet that says leave samples inside. So that's what I do.

Just like he said Christian is standing near the bathroom door when I open it.

It doesn't take us long to find exam room 3. He holds open the door and places his hand at the small of my back and leads me in. Christian takes the seat that's next to the exam table while I take the other.

"This is it baby. Are you excited?" He squeezes my hand.

"You have no idea" I squeal. We sit there for about five minutes until Dr. Greene lightly taps on the door.

"Evening Mr. and Mrs. Grey" She smiles at us.

"Evening" We both reply.

"So what brings the two of you in here today?" I turn my head to look at Christian and smile.

"We think it finally happened. We're positive that we're pregnant"

You're sure?" She questions while looking at the folder with my name on it in her hands.

"Yes. My nipples have been extra sensitive. I've been getting morning sickness…well not in the morning, more towards the end of the day. I'm starting to become more tired throughout the day. And…"

"Mrs. Grey could you excuse me for a moment?"

"Sure" I say confused. Dr. Greene gets up from her chair and walks to the door.

"Teri. Did you have Mrs. Grey give a urine sample?" I hear Dr. Greene ask the nurse from behind the door.

"Yes Dr. Greene. Here are the results"

"Thank you" Dr. Greene reenters the room while studying the sheet of paper.

"Mrs. Grey"

"Please call me Ana"

"Ana" She lightly smiles. She takes another look at the paper and lets out a sigh. "I'm sorry Ana you're not pregnant"