Ridley felt a new kind of nervous fear as she allowed Calleigh to brush through her lank hair. Today was checkout today, today was face the press day and today was think about the future day. Ridley wasn't sure which of the three seemed more daunting to her.

"This is your victory," Horatio addressed her warmly as he held out his right hand; palm up to show her stolen badge glinting in it on a loose, silver chain.

Ridley looked down at the silver shield taking in the NYPD logo and her badge number, it seemed foreign somehow, and she was reluctant to touch it, it had done her little good after all.

"You're a detective," the redhead reminded her, "and that is how they should see you."

She reached up to accept the badge with a bandaged hand but the ever present tremble in her hands seemed to worsen, prompting her to frown and drop her palms into her lap harmlessly. The doctors said it was a combination of the damage done to her fingers and shock and assured her that with time and the prescribed painkillers it would eventually pass. Nothing would be permanent according to them except some scarring of course and they expected a few muscles would be stiff now and then, and then there was all mental damage, no one knew when that would pass, if it would. There had been murmurings from the hospital staff about psychiatry but Horatio had quietened them stating the CSI had their own staff for that. No one had pressed Ridley about it since, she imagined because there was complications with Miami versus NYPD, the damage had been done in Miami but Ridley was a New York detective, the NYPD was liable for her not the Miami-Dade CSI.

Horatio leaned forward and slung the chain over her head to hang loosely at her chest. Ridley gave a silent nod of thanks. She was in a wheelchair as was hospital protocol but Horatio had given in to her request for crutches, persuading the hospital staff to provide them at the main doors despite their misgivings. Ridley had insisted that she was going to face the press on foot, determined that she wouldn't completely look like a victim to them. Right now though a victim was exactly what she felt like, small, tired, weak and crippled, helpless in a wheelchair with trembling hands, one of which tried to clutch at a giraffe teddy in her lap.

"There," Calleigh said proudly with a smile as she sat down the brush and came round to Ridley's front to face her. She had brought an outfit in for the woman and helped her dress. Now Ridley wore a silk, cream shirt with gold buttons with a smart, navy blazer and matching trousers, one of only two pairs that Ridley had bothered to bring with her to Miami. The outfit hid most of the bandages, stitches and scars but there was little to be done for the marks on her face despite Calleigh's best efforts with make up or the scarring at her neck. Ridley had pawed at her throat constantly in the hospital like a nervous habit, it was obvious she felt exposed without her necklace but there was nothing to be done about it, they had only recovered two of the gold coins and they were now in a box in Ridley's possession.

The door opened and Eric stepped in followed by Speed. It had been just over two weeks since they had finally caught and eliminated their killer and though their wounds had improved the pair looked shabby, exhausted and fed up. They had been interviewed numerous times by their superiors, stalked by reporters and plagued by calls from New York. Horatio had taken the brunt of the harassment, accusations and demands but of course he couldn't stop Eric and Speed from being questioned about the day in question. No one was willing to risk another screw up over the suburban legends killer; the facts had to be a hundred percent accurate before anyone was willing to accept that the case was closed. It had gotten to the point of Speed storming out of two interviews and threatened with discipline and Eric offering up some choice words of irritation, resulting in similar threats of discipline. Horatio had banished the threats by coolly reminding his superiors that his officers had been injured during the ordeal and deserved some slack.

"Looking good Ridley," Eric praised jovially as he gave a tired smile. He and Speed had come through the side doors of the hospital hoping to sneak in but to no avail, the press were everywhere despite no one allegedly saying that today was the day Detective Moon was going to be checking out.

"Are they out there?" Ridley quipped anxiously.

"Yeah but don't worry," Eric dismissed her fears, "they're not as bad as the New York press."

Speed rolled his eyes before he took a step towards the woman. Horatio stepped back instinctively, allowing Speed to take his place. "I...er...I got you something," Speed muttered awkwardly as he held out an object. It looked a bundle of cloth, thin, finely made and a warm turquoise in colour. As Ridley leaned forward to see it she realised it was a silk scarf with images depicting carousel horses patterning around it.

"Is that a Hermes?" Calleigh gaped as she couldn't resist nosing. "Did you sell your car to pay for that?"

Speed's frown deepened as he shrugged uncomfortably. "It's a scarf," he muttered, "who cares what kind? They all serve the same purpose don't they?"

Calleigh giggled as she remarked, "well it's beautiful."

"It is," Ridley murmured in awe, "thank you. I'd like to wear it," she added quietly as she glanced up at him.

He nodded and fumbled to put it on, scowling when Calleigh laughed as he was incapable of wrapping it properly and seemed to knot it leaving the ends to hang untidily.

"I can fix it," the blonde offered warmly.

"No it's fine," Ridley said quickly as she gave Speed a faint smile. At least she could still keep Hawkes' scars hidden from the world.

"Are you ready to go then?" Horatio queried calmly.

Ridley wanted to shake her head and protest but instead she found herself nodding numbly, unaware as to how she had started shaking and her bloodshot eyes had grown wide.

"Good," Horatio retorted with a small, encouraging smile.

Calleigh started pushing the wheelchair whilst Speed walked by Ridley's side and Eric and Horatio opened the doors and buzzed for the lift. As they all waited in the lift listening to the classical music, Ridley wondered and worried what the questions would be. Of course she would say 'no comment' and that would have to do for today but there would come a point when she would be expected to give answers and explanations that she did not have. A madman Horatio had told her, it was all he, Eric and Speed had told anyone, a nameless madman using several aliases who they were trying to identify. It was a lie they had decided to uphold, the three of them agreeing that the truth would only destroy Ridley both publically and privately, the woman would only blame herself if she knew who the killer had been and never forgive herself and there was every chance the rest of the country would unfairly blame her too. Her career would never recover and her sanity probably wouldn't either. So even though they hated lying to her and Calleigh they all went along with it and vowed that it would always be that way.

As they reached the glass doors where they could see police officers and security staff on the other side keeping the hungry press at bay Ridley winced at the golden light of the afternoon sun catching on the glass. "It's so bright," she murmured as her swollen eyes squinted.

"Here, these will help."

Ridley looked up at Horatio in shock as he held out his ray-bans to her, both of them knowing exactly what it symbolised. She nodded, silently granting him permission to place the sunglasses on her.

As he leaned back the redhead gave a small smile of satisfaction. "They suit you," he said sincerely, prompting her to give a faint smile in response.

She allowed Speed to take her giraffe teddy and help her to stand, unable to help a few gasps and whimpers of pain before she grasped at the clutches Calleigh held out for her. Speed wanted to wrap an arm about her or sling one over her shoulders but he knew she had to hobble out as independently as she could, determined to look as strong as she could to the vultures waiting outside. So he settled for standing by her left side flanked by Eric whilst Horatio stood on her right flanked by Calleigh.

They walked out as a team, moving at Ridley's slow pace, all of them with their badges on display shimmering under the cool autumn sun, which they shielded themselves from with their shades. It made for several impressive photos before they were bombarded with shouts, flashes and some attempts at shoving and elbowing. This led to more than a few glares, some colourful language from Calleigh, and Horatio repeating 'no comment' over and over again like a mantra until it lost all meaning. Ridley didn't say a word and would have frozen up if Speed hadn't gripped her shoulders and turned her in the direction of the waiting car. She wanted to snap 'no comment at them but her throat turned tight and words failed her as she stared at the cameras with dumb fear like a deer in headlights. It was good she had Horatio's glasses on as they kept her frightened stare out of sight and mercifully out of photos.

It took them an excruciating ten minutes to fight through the crowds to salvation and Horatio's car. Calleigh called 'shotgun' out cheerfully and then pulled rank when Eric tried to argue before she jumped into the front beside Horatio leaving Eric to squeeze in beside Speed who was only too happy to elbow him back.

"Give me room man," Eric snapped.

"I am," Speed retorted tauntingly, "it's not my fault you're piling on the holiday weight early."

"You're the one getting fat," Eric retorted childishly, "that's why you got shot, all that extra weight slowing you down."

"Yeah that's it," Speed replied sardonically. "Don't make me hit you with a crutch."

"You heard him H, that was a threat!" Eric cried out as he looked appealingly to their superior.

Horatio just shook his head as he pulled out and tried to navigate around the reporters.

Calleigh turned her head around to give the pair a mock stare of disapproval. "Now boys don't make me come back there," she scolded, "you've got a lady sitting with you, try to act like it."

"Hey Ridley be a good lady and tell Speed he needs to lose weight," Eric jested as he grinned over at the young woman, "if you tell him he might do something about it."

"Okay firstly, I'm not fat," Speed interrupted rudely, "and secondly, why would I do something about if she tells me?" He waved at Ridley with one hand as he spoke.

"Dude she's a hero now, she's not going to date a pig," Eric mocked.

Ridley flushed faintly at Eric's words and pointedly looked at the giraffe teddy back in her lap in her trembling grasp once more.

Speed answered Eric with a painful dig to the ribs before feigning innocence when Eric let out a yell of pain.

"Don't make me turn this car around," Horatio remarked wearily.

"Where are we going?" Ridley queried quietly.

"Back to the lab," Calleigh answered cheerfully. "And then you're going to come and recuperate with me," she added brightly, "so don't you worry about that. I've been wanted to have a girlie night for a while now."

"I..." Ridley looked surprised whilst Speed was visibly annoyed as he glowered at the blonde who grinned back at him harmlessly. "I didn't even think..." She felt salty tears trickling down her cheeks before she could help it. "I...I can't stay at Ruby's...I...I have to go back to New York."

"Not yet," Calleigh protested, "Ridley there's no way you could make that journey."

"I'm NYPD, I think," she added bitterly, "not that I can work...I don't know if they'll let me go off sick or just fire me but I need the sick pay if I can get it or...or the severance, I need a wage to pay my income and...it's case closed," she murmured numbly. "I need...I mean I have to go back."

Horatio glanced at her in his rear view mirror, he had known this would come up he just hadn't expected her to raise the issue so soon. "You're not travelling until you are fit too," he said sternly.

"Exactly," Calleigh remarked with a firm nod, "besides, my place is rent free for you, so don't worry about income for a while."

"A while," she repeated softly. She felt Speed squeeze her right arm and looked up at him expectantly. He seemed sad as well as annoyed and it just confused her. "I'm NYPD," she repeated, "and even if I'm not, I won't be fit to work for a while and then...I don't know." She shook her head helplessly as the tears fell harder.

Speed nodded but his eyes simmered with anger as if he wanted to argue with her but he didn't know what to say. Of course she had to go back, she was right, the case was over and New York wasn't going to pay for her to heal in Miami, they would scorn that as a vacation. She would probably have to fight for her sick pay and her job when she returned to the city but she did need an income, just like everyone else. He supposed cynically that there was a slim chance of them embracing her and welcoming the potential good publicity she might bring for helping to finally solve the case of the suburban killer but he knew it was far more likely that they would quietly retire her due to stress and injury and maybe offer her a desk job out of sight as some lame peace offering.

"We'll figure it out," Speed murmured at last, surprising himself with his attempt to hope.

Ridley nodded, smiling faintly when he rubbed away her tears hastily and gave her a quick kiss of reassurance on the brow before allowing her to lean against his shoulder and close her eyes.

New York, it was exactly as Ridley remembered it- cold, damp, grim, grey, busy, loud and full of life and crime. She glanced awkwardly at Flack as he tugged his scarf tighter about his neck and looked at her summer scarf pointedly. He had mocked it several times upon seeing it, suggesting that Ridley was into her fashion more than her health and reminding her that a New York winter was not the same as a Miami one before asking her teasingly if the sun and sand had gotten to her brain.

The worry and horror in the detective's eyes upon greeting her at the airport five days ago had been all too clear. He had cursed, scorned Miami for not telling him, scolded Ridley for not telling him and then cursed himself for not knowing, insisting that he would have flown down immediately had he known how bad her attack was. Ridley had nodded, knowing that he would have come to her if he had known she was in hospital, before insisting that she was alright. He had known that wasn't true of course, cursed some more and then taken her home.

Home to a small, forgotten flat in Brooklyn that somehow seemed darker and emptier than Ridley remembered. The thought of once more being alone here had caused her to burst into uncontrollable tears that fell harder when she glimpsed a photo of Ruby and realised her friend would never be visiting again. Flack had embraced her then, pulling her close against his woollen coat and murmured assurances but it had somehow only made things worse, making her miss Speed and his tender embrace. It was strange but for some reason she had really believed Tim when he had told her she was safe and made vows that she wouldn't be alone anymore. Flack's embrace was kind but it just wasn't the same.

The New York detective had been good enough to get Ridley settled in her flat, fetch her fresh soup from the local deli and a new prescription from the pharmacy, and he had then spent the night on her couch, all too aware of her fear of being alone. The next night however she had had no choice but to accept solitude, though Flack had insisted she call him no matter the hour if she needed anything.

As time had passed the loneliness began to settle into familiarity and the palms and golden white beaches of Miami seemed more and more like a dream. When she had finally gone back to the precinct just yesterday it had been to a cordial greeting and even some minor applause, an embarrassed sort of course but it was still an acknowledgement that in New York's eyes she had finally succeeded. Then there had been lengthy interview after interview and she knew if Detective Mac Taylor had not been present she might have eventually cracked up and blown it all with either rage or tears.

At the end of it all there was a conclusion that she had indeed closed the case with major help from Miami and that she was in desperate need of both rest and psychiatric help. She had tried to hide the latter but the whites of her eyes had shown too much and she could not suppress her trembling or the babble in her voice when she tried to describe the killer and failed and ended up bursting into fresh hot tears when they pried about her own ordeal. Yes, a psych evaluation and some much needed regular therapy was in order. She didn't even bother admitting to the screaming nightmares that had her waking up shaking and sweating all over.

Now here she was with Flack concluding the last of her business and wrapping up the case for good. He took her by the arm, helping her limp up the stone pathway on her crutches to a spot she had never seen. She let Flack guide the way, fear, guilt and shame all rolling through her at once. At last they reached it, a smooth, black tombstone with 'Det Justin Silver' carved into it in silver letters along with his date of birth, death and the message- 'Loving husband and partner, he lived and died bravely'. Ridley shook at the words, and felt her sore eyes cry again, burning with each teardrop. "It..it's a nice spot," she choked out lamely.

Flack helped her kneel down to the green stones covering the grave where she breathed in the scent of dying flowers before tugging out a small, black box. She opened it up and glanced down at the two decorative gold coins within before shutting the box again and burrowing it beneath some of the green stones. She had vowed after Detective Silver's death that when his killer was finally brought to justice she would see his grave at last and surrender the coin necklace there and finally let him go. He was dead, he had been dead for three months now and, as she was starting to accept, ending the case wasn't going to bring him back, if anything it was ending yet another tie she had to him.

"You did well," Flack said kindly, "and Justin would be proud, I'm proud of you."

She gave the dark haired male a look of gratitude and allowed him to tug her upright once more. "Thanks Don."

"Do you want to get a coffee?" he offered.

She shook her head sorrowfully. "No thanks, I'm tired and I need to take my medication."

"Right, well I'll run you home then."

Nine-thirty, Ridley was exhausted and contemplating an early night as she sat on the couch bundled up in a long, dark red male's shirt that smelled faintly of the salty sea air, sand and chestnuts. The television had been on for over an hour but the woman had no idea what she had even watched, it was just a distraction, background noise to keep the loneliness at bay.

She jumped when her front door knocked and looked to it accusingly. BANG! BANG! She wanted to reach for her gun but she couldn't the trembling pain in her hand still hadn't let up and she struggled to hold her crutches, slipping her arms through them and leaning on them as she done since leaving the hospital.

She limped to the door warily, the banging wasn't threatening or repetitive but she couldn't imagine who would be visiting her, Flack was the only one that sprung to mind and he would have called out to her. She paused as she reached the door and leaned up to peer through the eye hole. A gasp of disbelief escaped her as faltered with the chain on the latch before tugging out her key, shoving it in awkwardly and twisting. She then fumbled with the handle with a curse before finally pushing it down and tugging the door open.


Ridley looked up at Tim in shock before gasping out, "Tim what are you doing here?"

"Well two things," he confessed, "if you want to invite me in." He looked at the shirt she was wearing, his shirt, with approval as it banished his fears that maybe she hadn't thought much of him since returning to the city, that maybe she had dismissed Miami as a bad nightmare.

"Right, come in!" she exclaimed as she hobbled back from the doorway.

He stepped in and glanced about the apartment curiously. It was small, bleak and looked ill-used, framed photographs were all lying face down and the only hints of a personality were the trashy detective novels lying on a wooden shelf and the headless horsemen ornaments sitting beside them. "You don't seriously collect them do you?" Tim queried dryly as he gestured up to them.

Ridley followed his gaze and shook her head with a smile. "It's a quirk," she confessed.

"And there I thought you hated all things supernatural."

"I never said that," she retorted with mock defence before leading the way back to her couch where a wrinkled, cream blanket had been abandoned. She sat down with a wince before setting the clutches to one side with a look of relief.

Tim followed her, continuing to look about as he did, the living room was joint to the kitchen, separated by a low counter that stopped halfway from the front door. Everything in the space looked second hand and most of it seemed practical except for the cuckoo clock and the completely pointless wind chime of gold stars and crescent moons. He finally took a seat beside her on the lumpy, stained, grey couch and then turned to face her calmly.

"So what's the news? Did something happen?" she queried worriedly.

"Yes," he answered calmly as he looked about the room once more, "you have confirmed our suspicions that you had no intentions of celebrating Christmas."

"What?" Ridley looked at him in confusion.

Tim shrugged. "It's not my thing either," he admitted, "but Calleigh had a theory that you probably did celebrate it only this is the first year with...well without Detective Silver and Ruby," he added hastily. "She didn't think you should be alone but was certain you probably would be, and I was pretty certain she was right."

Ridley's eyes began to sting with tears at the mention of Justin and Ruby, the first year without either of them, it was going to be rough and she certainly didn't feel like celebrating. "I..." She bowed her head. "I don't see the point in celebrating by yourself," she murmured.

"Well that's why you won't be, you've had five days in New York, have you had enough yet?" He looked at her with a serious expression. "Is there anything you need more time to do?"

"To do?" she repeated numbly.

"I don't know, friends to see, family, reports to do? Horatio says they've let you go on sick leave."

Ridley nodded. "Yes, just yesterday."

"Uh huh, so is there anything pressing that might keep you here?"

"No," she admitted, "but what's that got to do with anything?"

"I want you to come back to Miami with me," he said, "and so do the others, well actually Calleigh said I shouldn't even share a seat with you on the plane and she wants you to stay in her house for the holidays but screw her."

"I..." Ridley was stunned.

"Also," he continued, "Horatio says if you want you can put in for a transfer and it will be accepted, he's already made the necessary arrangements for it to go through. He said New York doesn't deserve you and if you come back to Miami you won't ever be alone."

"Alone," she repeated as she glanced about her apartment awkwardly. She was alone now, Justin and Ruby were gone and she had no other close friends and no family she wished to speak with. The only thing keeping her here was routine and a guaranteed wage.

"Look, come down for the holidays," Tim urged, "and think about it."

"Do you have a tree?"

"What?" He looked at her curiously.

"Do you have a tree?" she repeated as she looked at him seriously. "You know, a Christmas tree?"

"Er no," he retorted bluntly.

Ridley smiled. "If you agree to get one and let me help decorate it I'll come."

Tim frowned before shaking his head scornfully. "Alright," he gave in, "but I'm getting the window seat on the plane."

"Fine by me."

"Good." He leaned forward and gave her a tender kiss and then murmured, "I'm picking the tree."

Oh my gosh that's it finally concluded, I can't believe it! A corny ending but hey Ridley deserved it :-) Wow well thank you to all my amazing reviewers you really kept this story going, I really appreciate all your support and reviews throughout this and I'm so glad you stuck with it and enjoyed it. Thanks for all the reviews, favourites and alerts!

As you know I'm thinking of a sequel and I'm curious, what would people like to see in it? I'm thinking of another quirky criminal murderer but I don't know, I mean would that be too repetitive or exactly what you guys want? Please do let me know I appreciate all input! My ideas so far include something similar in theme to the chimera house (a haunted house with thirteen floors) combined with 'And Then There Were None', or fairytale murders. Don't want to go into too much detail in case I do one or the other or both.

Also, I'm guessing Calleigh/Eric is a must but what about Tim/Ridley? I feel a lot of you warmed to them, I certainly did! What about Horatio? I like hinting at him and Yelina, I always loved that in the show. Also, any other Miami characters you wanted to see in the fic?

Let me know your thoughts and hopefully it won't be too long before I start the sequel!

UPDATE: The sequel The Wonderland Murders is now on!