
HELL YEAH! My first ever fan fiction! And what better way to do it than do a story on Madoka Magica. I have been a fan of the show for some time, so I thought I'd just write an idea that I had about Homura being tired of the whole looking after the world stuff, an actually doing something that she would like to do in her new world since she's not happy on the inside about what she's done. Anyhoo, on with the story.

Chapter One Bored

Akuma sat on her chair, dressed in her normal school attire, looking over the beautiful city of Mitakihra. The sun shone brightly, as her eyes watched everyone go about their own business. However, all was not good in the Demon's mind, as she was well… bored. Yes. The great Demon known as Homura, Satan, Homucifer and other names to describe her terrifying beauty, who had created the perfect world, was bored! "Well this sucks. Me the God of this world bored. I guess watching the world you created for the one you love does have its drawbacks." As the lovely Demon thought that. Kyubey, who was still traumatized from getting all the curses of the world smacked into his head, but gained emotions from his experience, and actually learned to deal with it. Hopped onto the chair and looked up into her Demonic eyes.

"Akemi." Kyubey said, with disgust in his voice. "Incubator." Homura said sweetly. "I still hate you." Homura chuckled. "Don't say that! Just because I enslaved your race, ruined your plans gave you the curses, which in turn gave you emotions, doesn't mean there has to be any hard feelings!" "Speak for yourself." As he said that, Homura picked him up and started to pinch his cheeks, Smiling as she did so. Kyubey. who was not enjoying this, tried to wiggle out of the Demons grasp but she was far too strong for him. "Please stop. Kyubey begged. You've already humiliated me and my race enough. Stop please." Homura's face turned from a smile, to the most disgusting smirk Kyubey had ever seen.

Homura looked down at Kyubey. She almost felt sorry for the poor creature, now that he had gained emotions he felt the weight of what he had done. He looked for redemption for his sins but Homura did not care, she just let him do what he wanted, to a certain degree. But she would not have him a Antone for his sins. Yet. "I don't think so Kyubey. Not after what you put Madoka through and besides… She pressed her cheek to his. Its fun having you around." Saying that, her dark purple eyes flashed.

"You know? I missed you when you were still calm and cold, at least you weren't as creepy!" Kyubey said. Scared of what she would do next. "Oh don't worry Incubator. I'm still calm and cold, its just going mad has an effect on your psyche. Anyway, I'm bored and I don't know what to do. Any ideas?" She let out a yawn, stretched her arms and legs as she said so. The wind blowing her black hair and Kyubey's fur. Kyubey sighed Go see Madoka?" "Not today." "Humiliate me?" "Tempting… but no. I think I've already made you suffer enough. For now anyway." Homura chuckled.

"Well I'm sure you will think of something, you are Satan after all. The entire universe is your playground!" Turning her attention to the familiar road to school, the devil spotted a familiar blue sight of hair. Homura then smiled. "My playground huh? You know Kyubey? You have your good qualities after all. Alright, Homura laughed This should be fun!" Saying that, she jumped from her chair settled on the cliffs edge and fell to the land below, her dark feathered black wings then sprouted from her body, as she flew to the blue headed Girl. "I don't like were this is going…" Kyubey said. Afraid for the poor soul who Homura had spotted.

Homura licked her lips, as she got ever closer to the blue haired tomboy. She was wearing the familiar school attire, except her hair pin was in the Fortissimo sign. As always Miki loved to defy her, that was one of the things that kept Homura going. It was very amusing to watch her squirm. The Demon landed near a Cherry Blossom tree a couple of meters way from the Bluenet. The road to school had not changed much, except for the chair and table Homura occasionally put there just to spite Sayaka. Still grinning like an idiot, she crept up behind her and put her soft hands over her face.

"Fresh for school Miki?" Houmra asked. "Transfer student?!" Sayaka said. Shocked that her mortal enemy would appear now of all places. "In the flesh." "What do you want?" Sayaka asked. A bit scared due to her sight being obscured. "Turn around." Sayaka Grabbed the soft hands, threw them off her face and turned around but when she saw no one was there she was stunned, until her head was hit by an apple. "OW!"she turned around, to see the Demon on the Cherry Blossom tree. With her legs crossed, smiling innocently. "Reminds you of Her doesn't it? What a shame you can't confess. Its like Kyouske all over again." Homura laughed.

"SHUT UP! I just haven't found the right time to confess. Yet!" Sayaka angrily said. "Sure Miki. Homura yawned. Anyway, I've got a surprise for you." "Oh joy. Sayaka said sarcastically What have you got for me today? My merciful Demon. Oh wait, let me guess. Its get the hell out of my face because I want to strangle you to death! isn't it." Homura let out an evil laugh. "Unfortunately no. Its me. I can't believe I'm saying this but I want to spend some time with you Sayaka." Finally processing what Homura said to her, Sayaka let out a shriek. "Wait… WHAT?!" "Let the game begin" Homura smirked.

There you go folks. Its my first Fanfiction so it might not be the best, but meh I try. Anyway, my writing is not the best but I'd like to hear your opinions on it and the story. Criticism is fine. I take it as learning from your own mistakes. So review at your leisure.

Malus Thantos.