Welcome to the turning point in the story. Hope you enjoy this chapter.

Enjoy chapter six Lets have some fun!

"Now that isn't really a nice way to greet someone, is it Miki?" Homura whispered into Sayaka's ear. Her warm breath brushing off it. Sayaka gulped. She couldn't speak, she was terrified, her body was frozen. "Still." Homura said. She wrapped her arms around the bluenet's waist and pulled her close. "It was a good try though. Keep trying to hit me with those, then I'll have no choice but to punish you." Homura was enjoying seeing Sayaka's face so scared. "Aw she's shaking, how sweet. She looks cute when she's scared."

Homura let go of Sayaka. Getting the reaction she wanted. "Now enough of this, I have an offer to makgack!" Akuma was cut off by Something that had gone through her and Sayaka. Homura looked down at her stomach, a cutlass had gone right through it, blood dripping off at the very tip and running down the rest of the sword. Houmra started to cough up blood.

Satan looked behind, to see Sayaka with the sword in hand, smirking. "Gotcha." Homura coughed again. "Bu.. But how did you d.. do this?" she asked. "Funny you should ask. I studied up on Kyoko's illusionary magic, she also teached me how to use it correctly. Must say, it came quite in handy." Homura looked at the Sayaka in front of her, the Sayaka turned and looked at her. "Sorry transfer student, maybe next time." And the illusion disappeared.

Sayaka lifted her foot up to Homura's back and pushed her off the sword, the sound of blood dripping out, onto the grass as she did so. "Do you want to know the best part of illusionary magic? It doesn't take long to learn." Homura fell to the ground, face first. The demon tried to rise but she fell to her knees. "I do…don't under…stand Kyoko Sakur..a should not be.. Able to use her.. Magic and.. Have her memories bac..k." Homura coughed up more blood, Sayaka quickly pinned Homura to the floor, with two more Cutlasses, piecing both of the demons legs. Homura cried out in pain. "Well what do you know? The devil can feel pain!" Sayaka laughed. "Yeah about that. The whole memory thing..

45 min earlier

"Sayaka! I couldn't find any of the painkillers sorry." Kyoko came running into Sayaka's bedroom, only to find her fast asleep. Kyoko chewed on her pocky stick. "Well look at that, the little git fell asleep on me." Kyoko creped over to Sayaka's bed, took a deep breath and said "Sayaka honey, get up you'll be late for school." Sayaka immediately shot up in the bed. "Yes mum! I'm getting ready!" Sayaka looked around but she couldn't find her, she then noticed Kyoko, the redhead started to giggle. Sayaka got what was happening and tackled Kyoko to the floor, falling of the bed in the processes. "Very funny Sakura!" Kyoko got out of Sayaka's grip and jumped onto the bed, dodging The blunets attempts to grab her. "Hey whoa whoa, chill Blue chill. I was just playin with ya."

Not looking where she was going, Kyoko fell backwards and hit her head of Sayka's cupboard. Falling off the cupboard was a gold gem with a red tint. Kyoko fell on her buttocks, the gem falling into her hand. "Ow jeez. That hurt like a bitch." Sayaka looked at the gem Kyoko had in her hand. "Darn. I hopped to keep that for a later time but this could be my chance." she thought. In quick fashion Sayaka grabbed the gem from Kyoko, the red head lashed out at Sayaka and snatched it back. "Hey give that back, its mine!" Kyoko stared into the gem. She felt like a part of her she'd forgotten was in the gem, she just couldn't remember. Sayaka was liking these odds, she had one chance. "Kyoko, why did you snatch that out of my hand? Got to choose my words carefully." Sayaka asked. moving to sit on the bed.

Kyoko looked at Sayaka, then back to the gem. "I.. I don't know. I think.. I think there's a part of me inside this thing, whatever it is." Kyoko chuckled. "Sorry if that didn't make any sense." Sayaka took a deep breath. "Its now or never." Sayaka sat down in front of Kyoko. "It's fine Red. Now, I'm going to explain something. That thing you have in your hand is called a Soul Gem." Sayaka waited for a response. Kyoko thought about the object. "Soul Gem, Soul Gem. I.. I.. my head hurts." Sayaka was getting worried. "Damn, alright plan B. If this doesn't work I don't know what will."

Sayaka took both of Kyoko's hands, Kyoko was embarrassed "Uh Sayaka what are ya doin?" Kyoko asked, blushing. Sayaka pulled her hands closer, which made Kyoko go completely red. "I had a dream once. In that dream I was somewhere else, I was drowning, then you where there with me at the end." Kyoko's eyes widened. "I.. I.. why am I seeing a knight mermaid thing?" Kyoko clutched her head in pain. "w..w..what's is this?" Sayaka motioned her head to the Gem. "Just concentrate on releasing your power." Kyoko looked at Sayaka like she was crazy. "What are you talking about? "Just do it."

Kyoko closed her eyes, then suddenly she was taken in by a ray of red light. "what's happening?!" Kyoko asked, panicking. Sayaka gave her a reassuring smile. "Don't worry Red, relax, you'll be fine." Seconds later, Kyoko reappeared in a strange attire, With a spear in hand. Sayaka got up, an walked over to her. "Kyoko is that you?" Sayaka was a bit scared that it hadn't worked. Kyoko turned around to face Sayaka, pocky in mouth, with her signature toothed grin. "Well hellooo sexy!"

"After that she said she was a bit weak after recovering her memories but in a short time, she taught me illusionary magic, saying it would come in handy. Red then went to sleep from exhaustion. And here we are." Said Sayaka, looking at the demon with disgust. There was a gentle breeze in the air and the sky had gone pink from the sun going down over the cliff, the grass was tainted by the demons blood. Homura coughed. "I see so that's …what." "She's no longer a puppet to be used Akemi!" Sayaka brought out another Cutlass, aiming it at Homura's chest. "After I kill you, I'll help the others get their memories, including Madoka and then we'll undo this nightmare you created!"

Sayaka walked closer to Homura and aimed her cutlass at Homura's chest, more specifically her heart. "Give my regards to hell!" Before Sayaka could stab the demon, Homura started laughing. The laugh then turned evil. "Thank you for being so honest and helpful, you've given me all I need to know!" In quick fashion, Homura lunged at Sayaka, took the cutlass, stabbed it into the ground and then lightly clapped her hands. Sayaka's body went numb, not knowing she was dangerously near the cliff, she fell to the land below "Damn it all thought I had her there." Sayaka said, before fainting.

Homura ran to the edge and jumped off it, wings sprouting forth. She caught the blue haired girl bridal style. "Oh dear, we can't have that can't we? Sayaka opened her eyes hazily. "Screw you." she said before passing out. Homura smiled and she flew off to her home.

Sayaka awoke on a carpet. It was red, with different flower designs. The bluenet sat up and took in her surroundings. Glass windows, candles, Gothic chandelier, stairs and pillars and statues? She walked over to one. It looked like a witch. It wore a red garment with different colored patterns on the side, boots the shape of diamonds and it also rode a horse, which was black and white. The horse also wore a necklace with a diamond shape jewel on the front but the most distinct feature was the Witch's hair was on fire. "What kinda witch is that? Never mind, where in the heck am I?" The moon shone through the round glass window, showing off it's pictures of screaming Magical Girls and Witches.

"Enjoying the scenery?" Sayaka looked up and flowed the voice to it's source. There at the top of the stairs was Homura arms folded, with her blank expression. Sayaka got up from the floor and started to walk up the stairs. "How can you still be walking?" Sayaka looked at the statues as she walked up. "And what are these things? They look so real."

Homura yawned. "I'll answer your second question first. They are your peers, turned into my lovely statues." Sayaka stopped where she was. "You mean they are all Magical Girls?" Her voice was shaky. Homura nodded. "Yes some are completely stone, dead. The others are alive just trapped." Sayaka continued to walk up. "Why did you have to kill them and why let some live? Homura sat down on the steps. "Because some went insane from learning about the new universe. The others, I guess I just wanted company but don't worry I may be the devil but I'm merciful."

"Huh, she may not be so evil after all." Sayaka thought. Homura got up from the steps. "And to answer your first question." Homura's school uniform burned away as her devil dress creped over her body. Her wings growing, and her hair starting to go on fire in black flames. "I am Akuma! Empress of this realm! No one may kill me, I have power equal to god herself! I just went along with your pathetic idea to humour you but it was impressive. Now, bow before me and despair!" Sayaka face palmed. "Do you have to be so dramatic? Also your hair is on fire." Homura sniffed, she smelt burning. The demon screamed and started running around. As she ran, she shrank back to her normal self. "Aaah My hair, my hair, is on fire! Someone put it out!"

Sayaka stared dumbfounded. "This is Homura? Maybe she has changed, alright Miki let's go find out." Sayaka ran up stairs, luckily there was a fountain at the top. Sayaka summoned the water and it hit Homura's face, putting out the fire in the processes. "Thank you Sayaka." Homura said. Wiping her face with a towel, which appeared after clapping her hands. Sayaka was confused. "First names now?" Homura let go of the towel and it disappeared. " Now how about we sit down and have dinner shall we? Let's have that quality time chat before we were interrupted like last time." Sayaka looked in front of her. There was a table with two chairs, candles on the outside, food and wine glasses.

Homura sat down at the table. "Please take a seat Sayaka. Rest assured, there is no poison in the food or wine." Homura chuckled. "If she wanted to do something to me, she probably would have done it by now." Sayaka walked over to the chair and sat down. Homura poured some purple wine for Sayaka and offered it to her. "Wine?" "Um, I don't think I'm old enough. Sayaka said. "Nonsense, hear the laws are ruled by me so have a sip. Trust me this wine will not make you drunk." Sayaka took the wine from Homura's hand and took a sip. It tasted like grapes but with a more sweet taste, it was actually good!

"The wine is nice I suppose." Sayaka put the glass down on the table. "But I wonder how the food tastes." Akuma played with her glass. "I assure you will like it, my chefs do a good job in making food. How are you today Sayaka?" Sayaka looked up at Homura, the bluenet had just taken a bite out of some battered fish. "Confused I guess. You haven't killed me and now your having dinner with me, what's the catch?" Homura took another sip from her wine. "There's no catch my intentions are genuinely friendly. Though I guess if I'm honest, I wanted to put an end to this hate relationship that we have been having. And perhaps try to be friends for once, not fake friends in front of Madoka.

Sayaka choked on her piece of fish and spat it out. "Bleh! Me and you friends? You want us both to be friends, this is a first! Homura nodded. "Well you have sacrificed a lot and I feel I should get to know you more. Maybe give this new world a chance and I'll try to show you the positives, since you only look at the negatives and if you don't like it we can go back to trying to kill each other. So how about it? Sayaka sat back on her chair and pondered. "Maybe I should give her a chance? I feel like I'm betraying Madoka but maybe she would agree? Fine, I don't have to like it, after all she did say we can go back to cutting each others throats. So I'll give her a chance." Sayaka took another sip of wine. "Alright fine. You have chance to prove yourself and this world but no funny business.

Homura smiled. "Thank you Sayaka. I'll try my best but first let's play a little game. It's called catch the Witch." Sayaka raised an eyebrow. "And what's this game about." Homura smirked. "I got this from Kyubey bless his little soul, when I first spotted you on the way to school. The objective is to find and defeat the witch and bring her back here, whoever wins, well let's just say you'll get a very good reward if you win. If you lose we need to play again but with more Witches." Sayaka was curious now. "Who's the Witch then? It better not be anyone innocent, they've suffered enough."

Homura clicked her fingers and a cloud of smoke appeared. "I have chosen a worthy candidate. Someone you know in fact." The smoke cleared, it showed Kyoko asleep on Sayaka's bed. Sayaka stared in shock "Kyoko! Akemi don't you dare." Homura laughed. "Relax, she won't be permanently transformed. The Witches personalities have changed over the universes, I wonder what Kyoko's is like? You see, I seal the souls of the Witches in the statues that keeps them asleep or dormant and when the statue cracks." The demon motioned towards the Witch riding on the horse. The statue was cracking and a red light was coming out of it. Sayaka looked in horror. "No don't please! she will be in pain." Homura laughed again. "Oh I can assure you Sayaka, she'll be fine. Oh I forgot to mention that if you lose I'll turn the others into witches as well, including Nagisa!

The statue finally cracked, however nothing was inside it and the red light had disappeared. Sayaka thought it had not worked but then she heard Kyoko awake in the cloud vision.

Kyoko woke up, she felt weird. Had she eaten something weird again? "Not again. I'll go help Sayaka after I let one off in the toilet. Wonder how her and Akemi are doin? Probably arguing but still that's Sayaka for ya. Kyoko jumped out of the bed, immediately after she did she was caught in a ray of light, the light disappeared and she was now in her Magical Girl ware. "Da hell is this? I didn't summon my Soul Gem." Kyoko said aloud. The red head was about to say something else, when she clutched her stomach in pain. "What the?…" Kyoko was cut off, by her mouth shutting suddenly. The red head was starting to get bigger and bigger in size, her Boots were turning into diamond shaped one's, her spear was becoming double edged, her dress started to get longer and her facial features were changing.

Sayaka looked on in horror. She then turned her attention to the demon. "Look at her, she's suffering you prick!" Homura pointed again to the cloud. "Just watch Sayaka." Sayaka looked back at the cloud again.

Kyoko screamed in pain, as her transformation was finishing. She now wore a red garment with rainbow colors on the sides, black diamond shape boots and her spear was now longer and was double edged. Her face had almost completely not changed at all, though her teeth were now sharper, her eyes were now maroon in colour and her face looked more mature. Her hair suddenly went longer, spikier and caught fire. Kyoko let one final scream out. "No. Please god, nooooooooooooooooaaaaaahhh. Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Finally ha! Ophelia is back bitches!" Sayaka's apartment and the rest of the building collapsed around Ophelia. The Witch then jumped down on to the pavement below. "Yes I'm free baby! Screw having a labyrinth, I'm just going to do things my own way! Ophelia whistled, suddenly a black and white horse with a necklace came running along the pavement. Ophelia jumped on to the horse. "What a lovely night for trouble right Venus? Nobody's around, so lets make our presence known." Ophelia laughed. "Alrighty, Let's have some fun!" The horse road off into the night.

Sayaka and Homura stood there in the Cathedral dumbstruck, as the cloud disappeared. "Well…" Said Homura, getting her voice back. "I never thought she'd be so carefree and happy." Sayaka nodded, agreeing with the demon. "Yeah… Wait. I have to go catch her?! Homura nodded. "Yeah and you'd better catch her before I do." Homura jumped down onto the floor below. "Just remember Sayaka, you wanted to be friends!" Homura shouted before exiting. Sayaka stood there and sighed. "The things I do for people seriously." Saying that, she ran down the stairs and exited the Cathedral. Jubey then poked his head out from the Kitchen. "I guess that's a no on the dessert?"

There we go, Ophelia is reborn in this universe. she has a personality similar to Kyoko's but more insane. Anyway, hope you enjoyed this chapter. Review at your leisure and have a good one!