Free at Last - Chapter 1



o – Home to Hogwarts - o




"Got your trunk? Your owl? Everything?"

Ginny nodded distractedly, looking around for Dean. Her mother hugged her, nevertheless.

"What's the point of bidding you farewell if you won't even look at me?" Mrs. Weasley said jokingly. Ginny smiled at her.

"'Bye, mum," she said. "I'll see you next year." She waved as her mother exited Platform Nine-and-Three-Quarters. She turned around and scanned the crowd again. No sign of him.

"Who're you looking for, Ginny?" said a familiar voice at her right shoulder. She knew who it was without looking.

"Hermione!" The two girls smiled at each other. Ginny threw her arms around Hermione's shoulders and quickly let go.

"My, you've grown, Ginny," Hermione said. Ginny had. She grew almost six inches since the previous year, and stood at the same height as Hermione. "And your hair – "

"Fred and George." Ginny had been distracted enough to try one of Fred and George's new treats, Blond-blond Bonbons, and her hair, consequently, was highlighted with random streaks of gold. She didn't like it a bit, but Fred and George told her they were almost sure it would wear off in a month or two. Everyone else, on the other hand, thought it looked stunning.

"How are they, anyway?" Hermione asked. Without waiting for a reply, she smiled and touched Ginny's hair. "It looks great, Gin," Hermione assured. "We'd better board the train. Ron'll meet us in the Prefects' compartment."

After dealing with her new Prefect duties, Ginny, Hermione, and Ron found Harry sitting in one of the corridors with Luna Lovegood and Seamus Finnegan. Ginny sat down on the train while Ron and Harry hugged Hermione. She caught phrases and words ("My, Hermione, have you gotten shorter?") but she really didn't pay any attention to them. Something else was on her mind. She had gotten a letter from Professor McGonagall right before she had to leave for school, telling her that she would be given a Time-Turner to go to all of her classes (she had signed up for everything, except for Arithmancy – she hated anything math-related). She would receive it before the Sorting.

A voice suddenly snapped her out of her thoughts.

"Oy, Ginny!" Ginny looked up at the big green eyes staring down at her.

"Hello, Harry." Harry smiled.

"Your hair looks nice," he said quietly. Ginny grabbed her hat out of her bag and shoved it onto her head. Harry looked at Ron and shrugged.

Ginny leaned irritably on the glass of the window. The scenery was passing swiftly by. Ginny started to slowly drift off to the hum of the wheels on the tracks.

"Wake up, Ginny!" Ginny moaned as somebody shook her out of a pleasant dream. "We're here!"

Ginny stood up and slipped her robes on over her uniform. She stepped off the train behind Hermione and got into a carriage alone. She was just about to dig into her handbag for her tie when somebody sat down next to her. She looked at him and went red.

"Malfoy, what are you doing here?"

She didn't even have to look at him to know he was smirking.

"Just wanted to see the look on your face," he said. Draco's eyes glittered for a moment. "Why aren't you sitting with your beloved Potty? Did he dump you?"

Ginny glared at Draco. She was not in the mood for a row.

"I haven't fancied Harry in any way for a year," she replied honestly. "I thought you might see why I wouldn't. He's best friends with my brother – therefore, he's just strange."

"Finally something we agree on," Draco muttered.

"I went out with Michael Corner for a long time last year," said Ginny. "Don't you remember?"

Draco cocked an eyebrow. "Who the bloody hell is that? I don't follow your love life, Miss Measly."

"Never mind," said Ginny. "This year, I may be going out with Dean."

"Thomas?" He turned the name over in his mind. "Black? The half-blood?"

"No, Dean's a Muggle-born."

Draco shook his head and smirked. "No he's not," he said. "My father knew his father." Ginny narrowed her eyes.

"His father was killed," said Ginny, curious. Draco nodded.

"I know," said Draco, somewhat mischievously. The carriage slowed to a stop.

"Wow…" said Ginny.

"What?" Draco demanded.

"Nothing," said Ginny. "Just… this has actually been a civil conversation."

Draco shrugged and stared pointedly at her. "But we're not friendly."

"True," said Ginny. "Like a moment ago, I just imagined seven ways to remove your head from your body."

Draco opened the door for Ginny, who climbed out quickly. Draco bowed his head when he stepped out of the carriage.

"I wish you the best of luck tomorrow, Weasley."

"For what?"

"Oh, you'll see," Draco said with a smile. "It'll be fun."

A/N: Ok. Now it's time to review. See that little button right there. Yes right there. Click on it. I accept flames. Thank you.