"This is the number one, one rabbit waved hello. This is the number two, these two rabbits hop and hop." James pointed to the picture of the pink rabbits on the book page. Milo sat in his lap, deeply concentrated on the nonexistent story. "This is the number three, three bunnies jump in the rabbit hole." James continued. "Do you remember what comes after three, Milo?" He asked softly.

"Sixteen." Milo replied confidently.

James kissed the top of his head. "Almost." He mumbled, turning the page. "This is the number four, four bunnies eat their yummy carrots." He continued to read.

Kendall watched them from the door, staying hidden behind the door frame. He barely noticed his daughter come walking. "What are you doing, dad?" She whispered. "Why are you sneaking like that?"

"I was just checking on them..." Kendall mumbled, turning to his daughter. He smiled at her and wrapped an arm around her. "Wanna come downstairs and help me in the kitchen? I was thinking of baking something."

"Sure." Molly nodded. "Maybe cheesecake?" She suggested.

They went down to the kitchen and started preparing a cheesecake, with strawberries. James joined them after a while, looking tired. "Milo's asleep." He told Kendall, giving him a kiss on the lips. "He looked better today, didn't he?" He asked. "He almost got things right, too. He could almost tell the time today."

"Yeah..." Kendall looked away.

"And he got the right sock on the right foot." James continued with a smile, that quickly faded. "A-And he's such a good boy, Kendall. He's wonderful."

Kendall frowned, looking over at Molly. "Molly, go and clean your room." He said softly.


"I'll bring some cake up later." Kendall promised, and the girl glanced at both her father's before leaving the kitchen and hurrying up the stairs.

"He's the sweetest boy. He only wants everyone to be happy." James sniffled. "He knows, Kendall. He knows what he's going through, he understands, I promise." He cried. Kendall frowned, and reached up and wiped away a stay tear from James' cheek. "He's so smart, he's just... he's just forgotten about it. He's smart, deep down."

Kendall nodded, wrapping his arms around his husband. "I know, James."

James sobbed. "T-The doctors will see, eventually. Don't you think?" He asked. "T-They'll see, and they'll help him. Help him recover, make him better. Fix him."

"James..." Kendall frowned, looking into James' hazel eyes. "I... I don't think that'll happen." he confessed.

The brunet stared at him for a brief moment before pushing him away. "N-No." He shook his head. "Don't say that, it's going to be all right." He turned away. "The doctors... t-they will help him."

The blond's frown grew. They had been to the doctors the day before, and gotten more bad news. Milo's immune system was shutting down and he needed a new kidney, two if possible. James had immediately offered his, but with different blood types and such a difference in age the doctors wouldn't take it.

James sighed, and leaned against the kitchen island, sinking down on the floor and smothering his hands over his face. "What did I do wrong?" He asked. "Someone is punishing me for something I've done."

"You haven't done anything wrong, James." Kendall sat down beside him. "It's just... life. You of all people should know that things doesn't always turn out like you want them to."

"But this isn't fair. Milo's our son."

"Life isn't fair." Kendall frowned. "It's always the best people, too. Katie, Milo... they're both good people." He said, taking James' hand. "You need to... understand that there's a possibility that..." He stopped himself. "I love you, James... I hate to see you like this."

James pulled him closer. "God help me." He sighed into Kendall's hair. "I love you too, more than anything." He gave the blond's forehead a kiss. "I wouldn't know how to live without you."


"Perhaps it would be best to... keep him here." The doctor suggested. "The nurses would look after him, keep an eye on him and-"

"No." James deadpanned. "I want him at home."

"James..." Kendall mumbled.

"He deserves to be at home, with his family. He wouldn't like it here. He would be scared, and lonely." James frowned. "I want him home." he repeated.

Kendall nodded, giving James' shoulder a squeeze. "If you want him home, then there's where he'll be." He said lowly.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Diamond." the doctor bowed his head. "If there's anything else I can tell you, don't hesitate to ask."

James shook his head, taking Kendall's hand in his. "No, nothing more. W-We should head home." He said. "It's almost nap time." He mumbled and turned away. "We should head home."

"Thank you, doctor." Kendall mumbled before following James to the elevator.

Jennifer looked up from the couch when the two came through the front door. "There you are." She smiled tiredly. "How did it go?" She asked softly. Kendall silently shook his head, and James walked past her up the stairs. "It... won't be long now." Kendall mumbled silently, sitting down next to his mother. "James... he's..." He shook his head again.

"I'm so sorry, honey." Jennifer frowned.

"I should go upstairs." Kendall mumbled, getting back up and slowly making his way up to Milo's room. James was already tucking him in, and picking out a book fro the shelf. "James?" Kendall said softly.

"We were just getting ready for a story." James mumbled, his voice strained. "We'd love for you to join us." he added grabbing a book and seating himself on the bed. Milo smiled excitedly, but said nothing.

Kendall nodded. "I'd love to." he sat down next to his husband, gently running his fingers through Milo's messy hair. "What are we reading?" He asked.

"The Alphabet book, Milo's favorite." James smiled. "Right, Milo?"

"Ah." Milo nodded happily.

"Yes, that's the first letter. Good, Milo." James nodded. "The word airplane starts with an A." He read in the book. "Airplanes fly in the sky." He continued, and showed his son the picture in the book. "Bears eat honey. Bear starts with the letter B."

Kendall sat silent while James read, and Milo looked happy when he listened. Kendall gently stroked his hand over Milo's head. It didn't take long until Milo was fast asleep, and James stopped reading.

"He must be tired. He falls asleep faster and faster." James' voice quivered.

They sat silently for a while and watched their son sleep. "I'll make some tea." Kendall mumbled and got up.

"I'll stay." James said.

"I'll bring it here." Kendall added with a small smile and left the room. He came back and found that his husband hadn't moved an inch. "Here, it'll do you good." He mumbled, handing James a cup if steaming tea. "Come here." He urged James to sit on the floor with him.

James looked down at the tray Kendall had brought. "Milo's favorite cake." He mumbled.

"I figured he'd want some when he wakes up." Kendall said. The brunet didn't say anything, and silently sipped on his drink. "I'm scared." Kendall confessed, and James looked at him.

"Me too."

"Do you think Milo's scared?" Kendall asked, glancing at the boy in the bed.

James shook his head. "No. Milo's brave. I know he's not scared." He smiled. "He's the bravest boy there ever was." He smiled at Kendall. The blond put his cup down and crawled over to his husband, wrapping his arms around him and hiding his face in James' shoulder.

James didn't way anything, but held his husband close. Pressing kisses on his hair and stroking his hand over Kendall's back.

A/N: I'm literally sobbing right now. Like please don't murder me for writing this. Omg, I just... I can't and it's so hard to write, and I'm crying and sniffling and my keyboard is soaked in tears and my dreams are dark as the night and I feel terrible.