The rental car pulled into Rapunzel's house bright and early on the first Saturday of May: May second. She popped her head out the window and gasped.
She didn't bother with shoes.
She flung the door wide, and met one Eugene Fitzherbert as soon as he was out of the car. She threw herself at him, hugging him fiercely. He laughed, spinning her around once before burying his face in her hair.
"I missed you so much, sweet girl. Oh, I love you so much!" he murmured into her hair.
She hugged him tighter. "I'm so happy you're back! For awhile, I thought you weren't."
"Stupid phones, right?" he asked. "I take it you got my letter?"
"Yes!" she said. "Oh my goodness, I would have never known. I'm never trusting an electronic device ever," she laughed, pulling away and giving him a goofy grin.
"Me neither," he shook his head, but then gave her a crooked grin. "But I do have good news, sort of. The publishing house had a royal fit because I wanted to leave for home. I told them that I wasn't interested in publishing any further books with them. I found out about this awesome little thing called self publishing. And that's what I'm going to do. This was the longest five weeks of my life - and that's saying something - and I love you, dear. You're my number one priority, and I'd rather end up just writing for the fun from now on than doing that again."
Her eyes were wide as she took this in. "So you're staying."
"I'm staying. I also need to breathe," he added, laughing, when she gave him a crushing hug. He held her out at arm's length and took her in. "You're so beautiful. You cut your hair again?"
"Yes," she blushed, smiling as he ran his hand through her short, messy locks. "I do every spring and let it grow out."
He kissed her forehead. "Well, it's beautiful."

She slipped her arms around his neck and reached to kiss him, melting up against him when he kissed her back. "I think a trip to the diner is in order for this evening, but until then, we're catching up," she smiled. "Unless you have somewhere to be?"
He shook his head. "No. The only thing I have to do is tell Mr. Barnes I'm back, and that'll happen Monday. Oh, and drop my rental off, but that can wait for tomorrow. I'm all yours."
Rapunzel grinned, kissing his cheek. "Let's walk! Or we can sit if you're tired?"
"We can take a walk," he slipped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her to his side.
As they walked, they caught up. It was a sunny day and absolutely perfect for a walk; even more perfect when accompanied by the one you love.
At the diner, they ordered their usual meal. But they were in a world all their own. Rapunzel couldn't believe that his loving gazes were meant for her. His eyes glimmered happily and smiled, but kept fiddling with something in his pocket.

Eugene took in her happy smile and couldn't help but reach to cup her cheek in his hand. She leaned into it and met his eyes with the wide, curious eyes he'd grown to adore so much - the ones that burst with hundreds of shades of green and yellow and brown. "I love you so much," she grinned, and her face heated up with embarrassment.
"Then will you marry me?" he asked, pulling the small, simple ring out of his pocket and holding it up.
"Hm?" she asked, pulling away and looking up at him in confusion. "What're you..."
He repeated himself. "Will you marry me? Maybe this isn't the best time ask...but if I wait for the perfect moment, it'll never come."
She didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so she just sat there, staring at him with large eyes. "Yes, I will," she finally managed, so quiet she had to repeat herself. Her voice grew louder with her certainty. She could trust him. She trusted him. And oh, did she love him. "Yes! Yes, I will," she said surely. When he reached for her hand, she held out her right one - but then jerked it back and offered her left when she recognized the mistake. He chuckled, working to slip the metal ring onto her ring finger.

They waited until they were out of the diner and back at Rapunzel's house before they kissed. He drew her close and the kiss was slow, gentle, and lingering. It left Rapunzel starry-eyed and wrapped both of them in a warmth that washed through them.
"I'm so glad we're going to be married," Rapunzel murmured.
"Good. Because I can't imagine the rest of my life without you in it," he told her, smiling.
She grinned. "Me neither. How did you possibly save for a ring?"
"It's real, don't worry," his smile widened. "It's the first thing I saved for once I got my job. And by far the best," he kissed her forehead.
She grinned. "I agree. Good night - or do you want me to drive you home?"
"I can walk," he reassured her. "Good night. Sleep well. I love you and can't wait to see you tomorrow."
"Good night and I love you," she grinned. "I don't think I'll be sleeping much tonight, though! Too excited."
He chuckled. "Same here." He turned to leave, but then gave her one last, quick hug before jogging down her cement stairs, waiting for her to open her door and slip inside before he left.
"Eugene?" she asked when he turned to leave. She leaned up against her door frame and watched him, a small smile playing across her lips.
"Yes?" he asked.
"Welcome home," she said, but then slipped inside her house, watching through a window as the young man's face developed a crooked grin. He shook his head and jogged down the sidewalk, headed for his apartment.

"The Girl"
She walks with her hair covering her face;
She's simple but loves paintbrushes and lace.
She'd got secrets, and hides them deep inside
But how could it be that we came to collide?

I'm crusty and my heart's rusty
Certainly not the type to get all mushy-
At least, not unless she's concerned
But she's so afraid to get burned.

I can see she's had quite a past
But I haven't asked.
I've once considered holding her close,
Tell her she's amazing; but then my heart froze
And I can tell she's not yet ready.

She's so radiant and beautiful,
And always as kind as usual.
Her eyes burst green, yellow, and brown;
And her hair's as soft as down.

The girl is so almost too perfect
But deep down inside, someone's left her wrecked.
And yet her heart is always precious,
She's like a flower beaten down by the rain: Resilient, but so delicate.

She's beautiful.