Greetings! This is the first fanfiction I have written for comic book characters. I've always wanted a story involving the Justice League and the Avengers so this is my take on making that happen! I hope you like it. I have also written several Superman fanfictions which were written AFTER writing this one. You could say this was the fic that started the creative juices for the Superman ones. This fic does not fit into any of those, however. It is a stand alone story.

Disclaimers: I own nothing but my imagination. The characters - besides the ones I made up - belong to Marvel and DC.

Chapter 1: Coming of Age

Soft melodious music rang through the halls of the Asgardian palace, entertaining the many couples that leisurely filtered around on the dance floor. Flames burned merrily in golden lamps, food in rich colors and abundance was consumed heartily by the guests, and laughter bounced just a little louder than the music off the walls.

The people of Asgard were defintely in the middle of celebrating but the subject of their celebration would rather be having a party without the pomp and circumstance. Thora, princess of Asgard, mingled amongst her guests making sure to warmly thank them for celebrating in her coming of age party. She'd been dreading the day she would turn 17 since the beginning of the year. Her grandfather, Odin, King of Asgard, made it clear that such a celebration was not up for negotiation.

Thora loved her grandfather but tonight she glared over at him angrily. Her sour attitude was due to the fact that he refused to let her friends from Earth come to the party. Her mother, Jane Foster, was the only exception to the rule. Though she deeply enjoyed her associations with the people of Asgard, Thora longed to be back on Earth. She had to lie to her friends by telling them that her parents were taking her to London to celebrate her birthday. Tori and Danica had not been thrilled about the news but had accepted it nonetheless.

Thora sighed heavily as she watched her fellow Asgardians eat, drink, and be merry. "I think I need some air," she muttered to her mother.

Jane glanced at her daughter with similar distain. It was no secret that Thora's mom felt out of place. The Asgardians were kind to her because she was Thor's wife but it was obvious under the surface they disapproved of his love choice. "Would you like some company?" Jane asked, seeing an opportunity to escape all the unknown faces.

Thora nodded. "Please."

The two women excused themselves for a moment and headed out to the balcony where little people lingered.

"This is a bit much, mom," Thora mumbled now that they were away from the throngs of people inside.

Jane put a hand on her daughter's shoulder. "I feel just the same as you do," she sighed, sympathetic. "Your grandfather didn't really give us a choice either."

Thora's shoulders stiffened as she tried to hold in her anger. "He didn't even listen to me when I told him I didn't want a fancy Asgardian party! I don't even know half the people in that ballroom! Mom, I want to go home. All I want to do is curl up under a blanket and watch a movie with my friends, eat cake, icecream, and cheese pizza."

"And that's exactly what we're going to do when we go home," Jane assured her, "but for now just deal with your grandfather's antics. It's the best thing to do."

Thora's shoulders slummed. "I hate being the only grandchild. You would think that he'd consider me a disappointment since I'm a girl but it's the exact opposite. He dots on me worse than he dots on Father."

Jane smiled. "That's because you remind him of his wife, Frigga."

Thora looked over at her mother and scowled. "Then maybe I should dye my hair brown."

"I don't think that would be the wisest idea my daughter," came a deep baritone voice behind them. Both women whirled around to find Thor staring at them with an exasperated smile. "I should have known you would slip passed all the guests."

Thora embraced her father warmly. "You're late, Dad," she mumbled into his shoulder.

He kissed the top of her golden locks. "I'm sorry, raindrop, I was caught up in a fight with the Hulk."

Thora smiled at her nickname. He'd called her raindrop since the day she was born due to her blue eyes.

"Is everything okay?" Jane asked coming in for her own hug and kiss.

"Of course, just a minor disagreement," Thor said with a shrug and a grin. "He can get very protective of his peanut butter and Iron Man conveniently misplaced it."

Jane rolled her eyes. "That's a crisis alright. You would think that Tony would learn."

Someone cleared their throat behind them and Thora turned to see Aunt Sif resting against a pillar. "The All Father is looking for you, Thora," she said with a warm smile. "He would like to present you with your present."

Thora sighed. "I guess my small reprieve is over."

Jane and Thor chuckled as they followed their dismayed daughter back into the hall where the guests were eagerly looking for her. Thora noticed the Warriors Three lined near the buffet table. They waved merrily at her as she crossed the threshold to where her grandfather stood at the foot of his throne. His eyes were filled with pride as she bowed before him in her bright silver and sapphire gown.

"Thora, daughter of Thor, my first grandchild, may I congratulate you on this day of coming of age," he spoke with a loud authoritative voice.

Thora curtsied with a smile. "Thank you, All Father."

Odin nodded in approval over her again before addressing the crowd. "In honor of her seventeenth year, I, Odin All Father, would like to present Thora, daughter of Thor, with a gift."

Hamdall, the Gate Keeper of Asgard, stepped forward then holding a chest similar to ones that Thora had seen in pirate films. Lined in gold, plated with ruby stones along the edges, the large chest was lowered to the ground. Odin moved his hand and opened the latch. "Thora, my dear, step forward," he commanded.

Thora swallowed as she did as asked. What was inside? She'd been expecting a necklace or maybe another ridiculously precious metal spun gown, like the one she was currently wearing. It was therefore a large surprise when she peeked into the chest and saw...

"A hammer?" she muttered with obvious disbelief. She looked to Odin who eyed her with that slightly irritating grandfatherly pride.

"Forged by the greatest of the dwarves out of the finest of uru metal, encased with magic similar to that of your father's, I present to you, Mjol," Odin stated.

There was a general gasp throughout the hall as Thora eyed the hammer with wide eyes. A weapon similar to her father's. Thora had always longed to be able to hold Mjolnir but it was never fit for her hands. Now she was staring at a weapon made only for her. She looked at her grandfather, all the anger she felt earlier evaporating in an instant. Without warning, she launched herself at him, enveloping him in an open embrace. The Asgardian King stiffened for a moment but then relaxed, hugging his granddaughter as well.

It was no secret in the kingdom that Thora had stolen the old man's heart. When first learning of her birth, Odin had been furious. A halfbreed could only bring ill-will to the family but as Thora grew, she displayed all the attributes of a true Asagradian. Though she was not invulnerable like the others, she had the fighting spirit, strength, and vitality of an Asgardian warrior. She had excelled in her trainings during the summer and could hold her own with any of the other warriors of the realm. She would probably only live half as long as an Asgardian but that was something Odin was willing to accept since the child had been blessed with more of her father's heritage than her mother's. Because of this, she was his pride and joy and she was more than qualified to have a weapon of her own.

"Hold out your hand, Thora," Odin invited.

Thora bravely did as she was told and the sleek silver hammer jumped into her grasp immediately. A large crackle of electricity leapt off of the surface but to Thora's delight it didn't hurt in the slightest. Instead it felt like the warmth of a fire. The hammer itself felt as if it was simply another part of her body. The hall erupted into thundrous applause as Thora raised her gift into the air. She found her parents first. Her father's grin was as wide as the Nile and the pride in his eyes went deeper than that of her grandfather's. Her mother was also smiling despite the worry in her eyes, a natural emotion to any mother whose daughter was holding an object of mass destruction and power.

"Similar to your father's, Mjol is a weapon that can destroy or that can build," Odin counselled as the cheering died. "It is up to you, my granddaughter, on how you choose to use it. But I trust that you acknowledge it was given in the utmost confidence that you would use it honorably and not distainfully."

Thora nodded. "I give you my word that it will only be used for good, All Father."

Odin beamed at her. "I have all faith in you, Thora."

She snuck in a hug one last time before beelining to her parents to show them the hammer up close. Thor pulled out Mjolnir and they compared the two enthusiastically while a crowd gathered around them. Mjol was slightly smaller than Mjolnir with the only difference being the designs lining the edges. While Mjolnir's was made of celtic loops, Mjol's was lined with raindrops.

"What do you think Mother?" Thora asked excitedly, holding her weapon out to Jane.

Her mother smiled. "It suits you. But I don't want that to give you clearance for joining the Avengers young lady."

Thora's smile dropped a little. "Mom, you know I'm more than qualified to be a superhero. It's all I want to do anyway."

Jane sighed. She'd half hoped that her daughter would turn out to love science just as much as she did and take over her field but she was her father's daughter through and through. The Asgardian in her had always been stronger than that of her human DNA. Though Thora loved science similarly to her mother, her passion was always fighting. If one looked up the definition for tomboy in a dictionary they would find Thora's picture. She loved sports, wrestling matches, and street fighting. Jane would have torn her hair out long ago if she hadn't had Thor there to explain to her that Thora's interests were completely natural for an Asgardian child.

"I don't think that vigilanting will be happening any time soon," Thor said. "You're still too young to join, raindrop."

Thora straightened her shoulders. "That doesn't mean I'm going to stop preparing for it."

Thor chuckled and kissed her hair. "That's my girl."

It was then that the Warriors Three and Lady Sif came forward to examine the new weapon and the rest of the evening Thora went about in a more cheerful mood. Her hand never let go of Mjol. It had literally felt as if she was fuzed with the handle. It was a comfort that Thora didn't know she'd been missing.

It was near midnight when everything went wrong.

A huge explosion blasted the doors to the great hall off their hinges and several Asgardians went flying. Dark fog leaked into the room amidst a cackle of laughter Thora recognized from her nightmares. The young man that strode into the room seemed to have the misconception that he owned the place. His thorned helmet of gold gleamed maliciously in the flames of the torches along the walls. His green cape billowed behind his finely dressed physique. Long black hair collected around the edges of his chalk white face.

"I thought I'd let myself in," he said with an evil grin.

"Loki, you are not welcome here," Thor roared, holding Mjolnir aloft like a sword.

Loki rolled his eyes. "And you think I'd merit an invitation, brother?" he spat. "I came simply because I couldn't stand the amount of cheer. You can feel it in any of the nine realms. It was so consuming that a good dose of chaos was needed to balance everything in order. You can't fault me for that."

Thor retaliated by throwing a lightning bolt. Loki deflected it with magic, chuckling all the while. "Temper, brother, temper. Perhaps you should see a counsilor."

"Get out!" Thor spat.

"Not before I give my dear niece her birthday present," Loki said, turning his snake like eyes on Thora.

Thora shivered despite trying to be brave. She had several run ins with her uncle, the last being four years ago when he'd kidnapped her and taken her to Hel. She had to wait in a fiery atmosphere amongst the dead for three days before her father could rescue her with the help of the Avengers.

Loki was creeping toward her like a snake creeping towards its victim. She swallowed distainfully. "If it's all the same to you, Uncle, I'd rather not accept your gift," she muttered.

He laughed. "Come on, it's not like I'm going to kidnap you this time," he said cheerfully.

Odin stepped forward then and Loki faltered. "I think it best if you leave, Loki."

The young man's face turned sour. "Hello, All Father," he spat. "I think I'll leave when I feel like it."

Odin thrust forth his spear but Loki turned to shadow before the blast of light could make contact. Thora felt someone grab onto her shoulders and she let out a scream. Everyone whirled around and froze in horror as Loki turned on his heel and flung Thora through the air. "Now Enchantress!" he shouted.

A women stepped out of the crowd wearing a green dress outlined in gold. Her hands enflamed in a sick green glow as she flung them in front of her. A beam of the same haunted green flashed through the air towards Thora. The spell shot passed the Asgardian princess and momentarily disappeared. Then a wrenching sound like fabric being forcibly wripped by a knife rattled Thora's eardrums. A black vortex sprung up in the middle of the air and Thora soared right through it. In a matter of seconds, the vortex swallowed her whole and then disappeared.

"Consider this my retaliation to our last encounter, brother," Loki laughed as he grabbed the Enchantress' hand.

Thor bellowed in rage and flung Mjolnir toward them but they vanished. The hammer slammed into the wall and electricity shot through the air as Thor cried out in depair. "NO! THORA! Loki, what have you done? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!"

Jane ran to the balcony, screaming Thora's name, even though she knew deep down that her precious daughter was beyond the range of her voice. And then Jane's heart broke. Her daughter was gone.


The Enchantress and Loki had taken refuge in their usual hiding place: a cave in the various icy mountains of Jotunheim. It was situated in such a way that no matter what angle you looked at it, the entrance looked like solid ice. The only reason Loki had been able to discover it was because there was a portal in the back of the cave that connected with Alfheim, the home of the Light Elves. The elves had been hunting him and a tree he'd leaned against in one of their forests swallowed him, spitting him out here. Though he'd shown the Enchantress the cave, he didn't reveal the portal to her. No, that was a gem he'd rather keep to himself.

After throwing Thora through the vortex, both he and the Enchantress had teleported to Jotunheim. Thora was supposed to have been transported through the vortex to the cave but when Loki and the Enchantress arrived, it had been empty.

"And just where is she, Amora?" Loki demanded, rounding on the sorceress.

Amora scowled, folding her arms around her deep green dress. "I have no explanation. She should have come out of the vortex right here."

"Could she still be in the vortex?" Loki asked, frustrated.

"The vortex is supposed to act like a temporary resting place. One does not stay. It only tansports a person from one place to the next and only two portals can be open at a time."

"So what are you saying?" Loki asked.

"Someone must have set up a portal before I did," Amora said. "It would explain why Thora isn't here."

"Then where is she?"

"I have no idea," Amora admitted with little concern. "I don't really care either."

Loki narrowed his eyes and suddenly snapped his fingers. Frozen chains leapt down from the icy ceiling, wrapping around the Enchantress' wrists before yanking her off her feet. Dangling freely, Amora stared at Loki in loathing. "Loki, release me! What do you think you're doing?"

"Honestly, if you must know, Amora, I'm punishing you," Loki spat. "I can't believe that you couldn't even accomplish the simplest part of the plan."

"Why couldn't you just cast the spell yourself?" Amora snapped back, groaning from the pain in her wrists.

Loki folded his arms with a smug expression. "Thanks to the elves on Alfheim shooting me with a weakening charm, I'm recovering. I didn't have the strength to perform the spell at the time so I needed outside intervention. Besides, I know how much you hate Jane Foster. It wasn't too hard to convince you to help."

"I did what you asked! I set up the portals!"

"Except you didn't double check to make sure they were secure," Loki pointed out. "That's where you failed me, Enchantress. It seems that love has a way of blinding all of us."

Amora's eyes narrowed. "I don't know what you're talking about."

Loki burst into merciless laughter. "Oh, but I believe you do. Come now, Amora, we've known each other since we were children. Do you honestly think I didn't notice?"

Amora looked away. There was no point admitting to anything. Loki knew the truth and was only trying to torment her. She should have listened to her first instincts and never accepted the job. Now she was paying for her jealous actions with taunts. Loki was blatently spitting on her heart, not even caring how many bruises he was inflicting.

"I've seen the way you look at him," Loki continued softly like a snake's hiss. "What would he do, if he knew that your intentions were to murder his only child and then his wife for the sole purpose of stealing him yourself?"

Forcing the tears away, Amora practically spit venom in her reply. "I'm not the only one who wants them both dead!"

Loki raised an eyebrow. "Do you actually believe I want to murder Jane and Thora?"

"Why else would you constantly attempt to put them in harm's way?" Amora asked, trying to hide her confusion. Surely he wanted them dead. "You hate Thor! Any way of doing him harm is a victory in your eyes. Killing off the love of his heart and his offspring would be his greatest downfall and your greatest triumph. You would eternally wound his soul. Isn't that what you want?"

Loki stared at her without emotion. There was no need to explain anything he desired. His master plans were known only to himself. But he could tell her part of the truth. "Every one of my brother's enemies has the misconception that I desire to kill his family. That is not my intention."

Amora's eyebrows drew together. "Why not?"

"For several reasons, my dear Enchantress," Loki said, as if he were speaking to a two year old. "If his family was killed, Thor would become a shell - a complete waste of space. A villain is only a villain if he has a hero trying to thwart him at every turn. And if Thor stopped playing the hero because of an eternal pity party, I wouldn't have any fun. Also, contrary to your belief, I am actually rather fond of my niece."

Amora's mouth dropped. "Are you serious? If you actually care for the girl, why do you kidnap her all the time?"

"It's the only way I can spend time with her," Loki answered matter of factly, as if kidnapping was truly the only logical way of having quality time with extended family members.

Amora shook her head in complete disbelief. "I will never understand you. What were you planning on doing if Thora had managed to end up here?"

"Move to another cave, hold her in chains like you for a day or two and then show some sympathy by bringing her hot chocolate from Midgard. It makes an excellent remedy for silence and allows one time to enjoy their company while being in frozen temperatures. After that, I would make myself visible to Thor so that he would follow me to where I'd stashed Thora away, surrender after a few rounds of fist and hammer fighting, and then escape before he could throw me in prison."

"That was your master plan?" Amora asked, dumbfounded.

"In a nutshell," Loki answered.

Anger flowed through Amora's veins. "You dragged me into this for the purpose of bonding with your niece?!"

"And now I'm going to leave you here so you get all the blame," Loki answered. "I'm going to get Thor now. Don't move. Oh, wait, you can't." Loki laughed evily as he moved to the cave's entrance. Turning to face her, he grinned wickedly. "Unrequited love hurts, doesn't it, Amora? Perhaps I won't get Thor right away. The more anxiety he has over the loss of his daughter, the greater his hatred for you. Think on that for the next few days."

The Enchantress spat at him but it didn't have much of an effect. Loki had already turned and exited the cave with a swish of his emerald green cape.


Just FYI, because this is the first fanfiction I have written, I've decided to leave the imperfections it has so if you come across any misspelled words or punctuation errors, please forgive me; I hate being selfish but I don't want to go back and change my first. Thanks for your patience! Please review!