Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or One Piece

Welcome to my new story. I know I shouldn't start one at the moment, but this idea hasn't left me for about a month and is driving me crazy. Welcome newbies to my story and please tell me what you think!

Summary: Winter Rosa Potter has always been diffrent from people. Being a witch hadn't changed that due to her near death experiences. After nearly dying of hunger due to being forced home during the christmas holidays in second year, she finds an odd fruit and eats it. She doesn't care if it could kill her, the school hating her and always being alone was already doing that. She was rather surprised to see the results of doing that, but she can't help it if she's happy with it. After all, it gave her what she wanted most in the end and that was enough for her. Fem!Harry. Ministry/Dumbledore/selective!Weasley!Bash!

Pairing: Fem! Harry, Winter/Trafalgar Law

Let's get started!

Chapter one

I felt my mouth dry as I stared at my hands in shock before looking up at the scene before my eyes. My uncle was in a million pieces of shattered ice and blackened flesh. I dimly heard my aunt screaming in horror as snow and electricity swirled around me like whirlpool. I don't know how long I stood there staring at the mess before snapping out of my shock when I felt something wrap around my body. I let out a low whine as low murmured whispers filled my mind and I blacked out.

Three days before start

I curled up against the trunk of a tree as I tried to ignore the hunger that clawed at my stomach. I could only shiver as another blast of cold wind slammed into my thinly clothed body. The rags that my relatives were gracious enough to give me did nothing to hold off the chill. I hated those idiots so much for sending me outside on christmas eve. I shivered again and curse under my breath only to flinch when I felt something hard hit my head. I gripped my head and grimaced at feeling the bruise already forming there before looking up to see what hit me. I had to blink and shake my head a few times to believe what I was seeing. A Solanum Lycocarpum also known as the wolf apple, but the coloring was off. It wasn't the red color that it should be, but an icy blue with what looked like storm clouds running across it and what looked like a fang. The stem was twisted and curled at the end while being almost completely black. I reached out and almost yelp at the almost electrical feeling it gave off. I pulled it close and sniffed it as my stomach growled. It smelled really good, but Hermione always said it was a really bad idea to eat things that appear out of nowhere; however, Hermione wasn't here right now. My stomach growled again and I swallowed nervously before shoving my nerves down as a bitter smile curved it's way across my face. It wasn't like it would matter if it killed me, I would have died anyway since everyone seemed to love abandoning me. I brought the fruit to my lips and murmured, "If I die, at least I'll be able to meet my parents."

I bit down on the apple and almost gag at the taste of flesh. I ignored it as I ate it and reasoned that it was the only things I would probably be able to eat for a while. Shoving my disgust down, I ate the whole apple and almost sigh at the feeling of being full. I grip my stomach as shocks of pain slam into my gut as fire and ice seemed to fill my veins. I bit back a scream as what felt like claws raked over both my body and magic. After what felt like hours of agony, it finally stopped and I passed out from the sheer relief.

Two Days before start

I felt oddly warm even though I knew I shouldn't be. Snow fell around me like a curtain of static rain. I tried to get up and managed to get to my side, but no farther. I felt exhausted just doing that and wanted to rest some more, but I wouldn't do it. I stared at the snow covering the ground near me and noticed the small indent that told me it was the frozen pond that I nearly fell in when I was trying to find a place to sleep. I wonder why I hadn't noticed it before and looked up before spotting the sky. I could actually see the clouds meaning that it was day time. I let out a sigh and wondered why I had survived the cold night. Perhaps my magic rose up to protect me from the cold? It had done so when I was younger, so probably. My stomach growled and I sighed before trying to get up.

I managed to get onto my stomach when I noticed something black covering the ground under my head where my arms...should...be.I tried moving my left arm and the black thing moved slightly though not far causing me to freeze. I tried my other arm and was rewarded with the same reaction. I raised my head and realized that it felt oddly heavy, but pushed that thought aside as I tried to move my arms again. I caught sight of ivory colored claws and pink paw pads before panic hit me. I tried to move again, to get up, to get to the pond and see if my thoughts were correct. I barely managed to get onto my arm-legs and sit up when I felt something move causing me to turn my head slightly. I noticed a black thing where my body should be, but ignored it for now as I spotted the moving thing. It was a tail, a slightly bushy, yet silky looking thing, but it was a tail. My eyes widen and I struggled to my feet before trying to rush over to the pond.

I tripped and fell multiple times before I managed to get to the pond. I managed to crack it with my hand-paw and with a bit of pressure it broke. I barely managed to get my hand-paw out of the way and looked into the reflective surface only to flinch at the sight. A decidedly wolfen face stared back at me with piercing golden eyes. I saw the reflection move with me and my heart dropped into my stomach in realization. I was the wolf in the reflection. I felt a whine slip between my lips as distress filled me and tried to reason why only to remember the fruit suddenly. My eyes narrowed and I growled out, "The damn fruit did this to me!" I began to claw at the ground in rage until I calmed myself, "Alright Winter. You can deal with this just like how you dealt with magic. You just need to get used to this form and somehow transform back before anyone sees you," I nodded to myself, "At least I'm not freezing to death anymore," I tried to smile before sitting down and staring into the water, "How to transform back? Hm..." I tried to think back to the books I've read before sighing, "What type of magic could this..." I paused as I remembered Professor Mcgonagall, "Oh yeah Animagus! What did she tell me back at the beginning of the year?" I tried to think back to that early morning chat after lunch on Halloween, "It's all about learning the animal you are to become and learning to work in that form. It will only take the will to transform back once you've finished," I nodded as I tried to smile, "Okay Winter! A plan that could use some work, but a plan no less. Now to learn more about this new body of mine."

With that thought in mind, I began to try and learn about using this form. I decided to first look into the water and notice anything I hadn't before. I noticed that I was as large as a mastiff from that one time I met one in the park. I was also as black as night with a few grey wisp-like markings here and there that most couldn't see unless they looked really close. My fur was slightly spiky, but now that I was calming down it was beginning to lay flat. My fur had a slight bluish tint at the edges as well if you looked at it in the right light. My ears were slightly longer than a grey-wolf's. My teeth looked really sharp and were a pearly white color that made Aunt Petunia's teeth look like someone sprayed yellow paint on them. My eyes were larger than a normal dogs eyes and a shade of deep gold with flecks of emerald near the center of the iris. My tail was long, yet thin with a slight whip-like ending to it. My paws were almost too large for my body, so that means I'm going to get bigger. My claws looked sharp and with how deeply they cut into the ground, they were definitely deadly.

With my assessment of my wolf body finished, I rose to my paws slowly. I began trying to walk around the clearing while ignoring how often I fell down. After a few hours, I could walk moderately well which meant it was only going to take a little while to actually walk with the grace wolves were known for. With that, I began to up the pace to a light trot. I fell considerably less and I was confident that it would only take a little while for me to get used to moving like this. After a while, I began trying to run and failed badly while ending up with my head buried into the snow while my butt hung in the air. I knew that if I was in human form that my face would be burning since I was known for being light on my feet and graceful. I had to be with relatives like mine. I slowly got out of the snow and snorted to get rid of the snow in my nose before shaking my head. I began to try again and slowly began to get it. I was going to be able to do a full out sprint, but this was good enough for now.

When I began to yawn, I frown and look up to see the sky darkening. With a soft sight, I walk over to the tree that I used last night and curled up. It actually felt somewhat comfortable if I compared it to my 'bed' back at my relatives house. I allowed my eyes to close as my breath slowly evened. I fell asleep and right into a dream...


I, or someone that looked like me if I had white hair and sapphire blue eyes and was about 5 years old, ran down a corridor filled with windows. A smile stretched across my face as I ran and I could barely stop the small laugh bubbling up in my throat. A box was clutched tightly between my hands and a great sense of satisfaction filled me at the sight of the brilliantly yellow paper covering it. Shapes were drawn on it in black that looked a lot better than something a child could draw, but satisfaction again filled me. I soon reached a room and slowly opened the door while trying to not make a sound. I entered the room and closed the door softly behind me before looking around the huge room. A large library filled to the brim with books on dark bluish brown shelves. I spotted a few titles as I moved stealthily through the room and wondered why there were so many medical books. They seemed to increase in difficulty as I moved further into the room. It had started with basic first aid to Blood clots and then Dysarthria and Dysphasia. It made my head spin just looking at the titles as I walked. I soon paused at the side of one of the shelves and peaked over the side to see relatively tall boy that couldn't have been older than 7 or 8. He had shadows under his eyes which were a steel grey. He wore a blue lab coat with a red tie, dark blue shorts and green shoes. My lips twitched into a large smile upon seeing the spiked obsidian hair atop the boys head. I moved slowly towards the boy as he focused almost entirely on the rather thick book on the table in front of him. With a grin, I put the wrapped box in my hands on one of the nearby tables and pounced on the boy. He let out a cry of shock as we both fell to the floor before twisting us so that he was sitting over me. I grin up at him unrepentantly causing him to scowl lightly before smiling at me. He moved off of me and we sat up before he asked in a soft, yet cultured voice that sounded like Malfoy's voice, but lacked the pompously cold tone while sounding warm, "When did you and Dad get back Yuki?"

I seemed to scowl for some reason, "Don't call me Yuki, Law!"

"But your hair is like snow," The boy protested in amusement, "And I thought you loved it when I gave you a nickname," He gave me a look of mock-hurt, "I guess I could stop-"

"No!" I shouted in panic, "You can call me that! Don't be sad!"

The boy, Law smirked victoriously causing me to pout at him. He chuckled and stood up before grabbing my hand. He helped me to my feet before repeating his earlier question, "When did Dad and you get back?"

"About," I mentally calculate something, "9 minutes ago,"

"I thought Mom would be all over you since you did get sick back at the island Dad took you to," Law said before looking at me with a raised eyebrow, "Did you take off running before she could grab you?"

"Yup," I blush lightly while scratching the back of my head, "Your Dad helped me on that since I wanted to give you your present,"

"What present and why?" He demanded causing me to smirk at him.

"If you're going to act like that, then no you can't have it," I watched as his eyes flashed before he sighed.

"Can I please have the present," He grudgingly asked, "And why did you get me a present?" He paused for a second before asking, "And where did you get the money to buy something?"

I smile at him and walked over to the table I had set the present on before answering, "In order of second to first, Your dad helped fund half of it while I nicked the rest from idiot nobles around us," I heard him snort and rolled my eyes, "Yeah just like what I usually do," I picked up the wrapped box before turning and walking over to him, "I felt like getting you something and your birthday happened while we were gone, so I wanted to give you something," I smiled as I handed the present over to him, "You are my best friend after all and I already got your siblings something."

He looked at the wrapped gift before asking, "Did you draw this?"

"And wrapped it all by myself," I grinned at the boy, "I even used the markers you got me for my birthday,"

He smiled softly, "You even used my favorite colors."

"It is your birthday present, so of course I would," I smiled back at him before waving a hand at the wrapped present, "Now open it Leo,"

He scowled at me suddenly, "Why do you call me that?"

"Because it's short for Leopard," I say causing him to hum, "It was either that or Spotty," I smirked as his scowl deepened, "I was actually trying to save you some embarrassment. Now open that thing!"

He rolled his eyes before opening it. I pout at the fact he didn't tear it apart like most would. He smirked at me before lifting the lid of the white box off and pausing. He stared down at what was inside in shock causing me to grin. He looked up at me while pulling the yellow and black thing from inside of the box out. He looked between it and me before asking, "Why did you get me a hoodie and why is it so big?"

"I wanted to get you something that would keep you warm," I shrug as a smug grin spread across my face, "And you're going to keep growing. I decided to get you something that you would grow into,"

He stared at me for a few seconds before smiling and putting the hoodie down. He pulled me into a hug causing me to stiffen before I slowly relaxed and hugged him back. He was taller than me by a long shot, but it was nice since he was so warm. He lowered his head and murmured softly into my ear, "Thank you Soxxxx"

End of Dream

I opened my eyes as I breathed in deeply. I still felt the warmth of the boy against me though that was fading even now. A ghost of a scent clung to my nose even as the wind slowly took it away. It was a soothing scent that reminded me of the hospital wing only with the scent of potions missing from it. I shook myself and dimly wondered what he was going to call me. It made my whole chest ache at the thought for some reason. So...So...What names begin with So? I growled under my breath and shook my head. I needed to get onto transforming back before I even tried to figure out that dream. With a deep sigh, I rose to my feet and walked over to the pond. I lapped lightly at the water and relished at the soothing effect the water had on me. I took a seat and stared into my reflection. I thought of the Professor again and recalled faintly what she had said about transforming.


"Professor?" I called out softly as I stood at the door after Hermione and Ron had taken off.

"Yes Ms. Potter?" She asked as she looked up from the papers of our most recent homework assignment, "Is something wrong?"

"No, but I was wondering if we could continue speaking of the Animagus transformation," I say as I moved towards her, "I've recently managed to get my dad's old transfiguration notes, but I was wondering if you could fill in the blanks,"

"You aren't going to try for the transformation are you?" She demanded causing me to shake my head.

"Not until I'm at least 13 due to the fact most older students have mentioned that age being the one when the core is stable enough for such acts," I answer with a slight blush at the amused look she gave me, "Well unless your a Metamorph if the older Hufflepuffs were telling the truth,"

"You've been spying on people?" She asked with slight disapproving amusement in her eyes.

My blush deepened and I nod lightly, "I wanted to do better in classes, so I've been listening in on older students conversations," I frown at some of the conversations I've heard, "I mostly listen to the older Ravens even if they're severely confusing most of the time. I usually put the information they talk about in a journal to keep track of it all and to research later."

She nodded, "While I'm not pleased with you spying on people, I will admit that it's a roundabout way of getting better with your studies," I smile sheepishly as she chuckled softly to my surprise, "You are like your mother even if you only resemble her in the eyes," I gave her a shocked look as a happy smile appeared on my face, "I'll tell you what I know, but you have to do something for me in return."

"Of course Professor!" I agree quickly and took out a notebook to write the information down, "What exactly do you want in return?"

"If someone talks about something they shouldn't," She answered causing me to hum and nod as I write that down, "Like if they talk about hurting another student or saying something about another student,"

"Alright Professor," I agree with a wide smile.

"Good now..." She began and talked in length about the transformation process before getting to the transformation back, "After getting used to your animal form, you'll need to imagine how you looked before. You will need that mental image if you're going to transform back," I wrote that down and she continued once I nodded, "You may find yourself changed in some ways, but it shouldn't be anything major,"

"Did anything change for you Professor?" I ask causing her to nod.

"My nails were sharper due to my animal form being a feline and I've found that my eyesight is very good in the dark," I nodded and wrote that tidbit down under cat forms, "My hair is easier to manage. Fangs are also the normal for most, but if you're like me," She pointed to her teeth, "You'll learn to keep your actual teeth after a while,"

End of Memory

I took a deep breath and began to imagine my human form. The image of the girl I was in the window reflection flashed into my mind, but I pushed it away. It kept reappearing even as I slowly began to succeed slightly. I managed to get my hands to appear for a few minutes and smiled at that before continuing. I had a feeling this would take a while.

An hour before start

I began to slow walk out of the forest towards my relatives house. It had taken yesterday, this morning, and half the day, but I managed to get myself mostly human. I almost managed to become fully human, but discovered that it was way too draining to stay in that form, so I ended up settling for this. I kept my ears as they were and added in the tail. The ears could easily be hidden by my longer hair if I kept them flat against my head. My hair always covered my human ears, so it would work in this situation as well. The tail was hidden under my shirt even though that was slightly uncomfortable. I was able to ignore it and moved easily towards the Dursley house. I saw that the car wasn't there meaning Vernon was most likely still at work. Petunia was standing by the window as I walked up and scowled upon seeing me alive. I bit back the cheeky smirk that wanted to appear and wondered if the dreams I've been having or that fruit, but decided that it would be best to shove those thoughts away. Petunia threw the door open and hissed, "Get in here now Girl!"

I winced at the shrill tone of her voice, but did as she bid. I felt like growling at her and wondered what it would be like to feel her neck snap between my fangs. A deep sense of revulsion filled me at the very thought and it made me glad that I hadn't eaten anything other than that fruit. I almost froze at the heat of the house, but shook it off and moved further inside. Petunia grabbed my shoulder and gave me a look that said she was displeased with me. I just gave her the blank look that I perfected over the years while saying, "Aunt Petunia. I apologize for returning a day late."

She scowled at me and growled, "I want you to go upstairs and clean yourself up."

I nodded and made my way upstairs. I stopped by my 'room' and grab some clothes. A shiver went down my spine at the word room and I wondered why. I had never gotten that feeling before, but a lot of stuff has happened since eating that fruit. I could live with it since I'm going to live with being able to turn into a wolf and not being cold anymore. It's probably one of the lesser side effects of eating that fruit. With that in mind, I headed straight into the bathroom and took a cold shower. It actually felt warm for once, but so did snow. I took a quick shower because I didn't want to deal with Petunia's yelling and made my way out after I finished. I headed down stairs once I got dressed and the shrill hag nodded. I stared up at her and asked, "What is it that you wish for me to do Aunt Petunia?"

"Go cook dinner," She growled causing me to nod, "I want it to be perfect for Vernon's accomplishment,"

I nodded silently and went into the kitchen to cook. I did so with practice ease and easily stole some random scraps of meat while Petunia wasn't watching me. The meat eased the pangs of hunger in my stomach even though they were bloody. It actually tasted good to me which I chalked up to my wolf-form. I'm going to research it when I get back to Hogwarts. I finished the dinner just as Vernon walked through the door. He scowled darkly at me as he sat down, "Girl! Get me a glass of Whiskey."

"Yes Uncle," I did as he bid and quickly got him the glass.

I began to place food and drinks onto the table with surprising ease. I was able to ignore my cousin's attempts to trip me up, but he finally succeeded when I was busy trying not to spill the soup part of dinner. I tripped and the large bowls of soup went flying. I watched in horror as the liquid flew over head like planes and used Vernon as their landing platform. He cried out in pain as the hot bowls of soup shattered against the table while the liquid sprayed all over the walrus-like man. With horror and fear filling me, I backed up even as Aunt Petunia stood up with a shout of, "Vernon!"

She tried to clean him up as I reached the counter only for him to push her away. He stood up with a gleam in his eye and a too wide grin. The sight of it made me flinch badly and the haunting sound of someone laughing maniacally rang in my ears. Vernon glared down at me, "That is it you little shit! I'm done having you in my house!" He grabbed one of the stake knives on the table and stalked towards me, "Now, I'm going to get rid of you. Once and for all."

Aunt Petunia stared at her husband in shock, "Vernon no! You know-"

"I know very bloody well what I'm doing pet," The fat man hissed as he waved the knife towards me, "I'm getting rid of our problem. She's been nothing, but trouble since we took her in. I don't care about the damn payments that freak of a headmaster was giving us for keeping her subservient. I don't care about the protection the freak offers since we wouldn't even need it if she wasn't here. I am tired of her influencing our son and those freaky powers of hers!"

"W-what?!" I gasped causing him to turn back to me.

"That's right Freak," He growled with glee in his eyes, "We only took you in because of that damned Headmaster offering us that payment to make you his tool. It worked so damn well that you never figured it out. He even gave us some damn protection as well,"

I wanted to protest and to say something to deny it, but couldn't since it made so much sense. Hagrid bringing my letter and taking me with him to that vault. Mrs. Weasley talking about the platform when she had almost all of her children in Hogwarts. Ron ending up in my compartment when the train would have expanded to fit everyone if they desired a compartment to themselves. The troll being able to get in when there would have been wards to prevent it. The obstacles that any first year could have gotten past. The Weasley's coming to rescue and Mrs. Weasley almost putting me in Ron's room. The whole Fiasco at the bookstore. Ron and I arriving using that damn car. It all made sense now and my dawning horror must have appeared on my face because Vernon looked at me in glee, "I-It a-all m-makes sense n-now."

Tears burned at my eyes as Vernon grinned, "Now to get rid of you, you little brat!"

He charged towards me with knife in hand and I felt my instincts kick in. I couldn't die! I had to get revenge on that old man. I had to get rid of that Voldemort wrath and find out who betrayed my parents. I had to makes Mom and Dad proud by graduating. I need to find my place in this world and fulfill my promise to my brother! I raised my hand on instinct and pushed my will into it. I didn't wanna die! I wanna live! Please help me!

In a burst of blue light and white flashes, Vernon cried out as glass shattered causing me to close my eyes. A moment of silence as the light disappeared and I slowly opened my eyes. Vernon stood frozen solid with the knife raised towards me. His face was frozen in horror as Petunia screamed. Light flashed as a lightning bolt flared to life from my still extended hand and slammed into Vernon. A loud crack echoed as he shattered into multiple pieces of ice and charred flesh.I felt my mouth dry as I stared at my hands in shock before looking up at the scene before my eyes dimly and everything seemed muted. My uncle was in a million pieces of shattered ice and blackened flesh. I dimly heard my aunt screaming in horror as snow and electricity swirled around me like whirlpool. I don't know how long I stood there staring at the mess before snapping out of my shock when I felt something wrap around my body. I let out a low whine as low murmured whispers filled my mind and I blacked out.

End of first chapter. TEll me what you think. The next chapter of The Frosted Wolf and Her Doctor will be up within the next three days. Streaks of the moon within the next 6 days will be updated as well.