Hello readers! This is the next sequel to The Mission! Hope you like it! But I have to say, the sequel isn't going to be so long, so don't get so much of your hopes up, okay? However my other story is going to be long. Anyways, enjoy! :D

Percy POV:

Annabeth stood, not even realizing I was behind her. When she stretched, I back hugged her, and pulled her to the sofa.


"Stay," I said. "Stay and let me kiss you."

"Seaweed Brain-,"

And I kissed her. She kissed me back. It was late in the night. When we pulled away, her eyes were still closed.

"Idiot," she whispered.

"You're tired, aren't you?" I asked.

"If you're working on security, yes," she whispered again. I stroked her hair.

"Thought my kiss would energize you…it made you sleepier than ever!" I said.

She snuggled with me.

"Then don't kiss me."

"Too bad, I have to," I said, and I kissed her softly. She cupped my cheeks, and I rested my and on her waist. As Annabeth eyes slowly opened, I kissed her nose.

"You're adorable," I whispered.

"I am not," she said.

"You are," I said, and attacked her with kisses again. She accepted every kiss. We started kissing slowly, but then soon kissed fiercer. We kept having a fight about her going on top of me, we soon toppled onto the floor. But our lips were still attached. We pulled away soon, gasping for air. We were both sweaty, but we didn't mind.

We kissed each other again.

And soon we got so tired we decided to stop. Though it was so tempting kissing her again, she snuggled next to me.

"Percy…I have to finish my duties," she said. "But you're preventing me."

"Whatever," I said. She pulled away, and pecked me on the cheeks.

"Maybe you don't care," she said. "But I do."

And while I snored in the couch, Annabeth was working.

Annabeth POV:

The next morning, I woke up on the couch. What the? I wasn't even near the couch.

"Good morning Wise Girl," Percy said, sitting on the couch next to me.

"How am I-,"

"You slept on the desk, so I put you on the couch," Percy explained.

"Thanks," I said. As Percy was reading the newspaper, I stared at a little cover of a magazine saying: NEW LOVELY WEDS: OUTISDE VIEW IS INSANE!

I envied the smiling couples in that photo.

I walked away to my room. Our crew: basically Percy, Grover, and I shared a huge apartment as a team. As I sat on the edge of my bed, I stared out at the window miserable.

"Annabeth, you alright?" I heard Grover's gentle voice. I looked behind me, seeing Grover with a huge pack of Swedish Fish. "Oh, and bought this for you."

I smiled. "You know that's my favorite."

"I know. As a big bro of yours, I should at least do this," Grover said. I know, Malcom is my biological brother, but he married Reyna and is currently in their honeymoon. But for me…I'm a single, and I'm waiting for Percy to propose.

"What's wrong?" he asked, sitting right next to me. He helped me open the pack of Swedish Fish, which I devoured once it got opened.

"Well," I said, hesitating.

"Tell me…" Grover said.

"I…I want to get married," I said.


"I want Percy to propose to me…but things aren't seeming the way I planned."


"Percy isn't ever proposing. He's giving me kisses, hugs, blah blah blah, but how about words of 'I want to marry you'? I want that Grover…so bad."

Grover stared at me.

"Aw…that sucks. Just be patient. Why don't you talk to Percy about the future of you two? That can make him propose…"

"But…we are girlfriend and boyfriends…but also REALLY good friends. What if he thinks it's weird?"

"Try," he said. "Just try."

And he left.

And then I devoured the Swedish Fish.

Percy POV:

"Grover…you don't understand…I want her to bring up the subject, and I can propose," I said. "If she brings up that we will love and marry each other in the future…I can totally propose from that! But…she's not."

"Why don't you give it a try?" Grover said calmly.

"Dude…I can't be the guy doing all the work," I said. "Besides…Annabeth might not approve marrying me. I need to clarify."

"Okay," Grover said, a little smile hiding in his mouth. "I'll leave you two be."

And he left.

"PERCY!" I heard Annabeth run up to me, and attack me on the bed.

"What's up?" I said. She elbowed me hard on the ribs…ow.

"Guess what?" she said, then she saw me wincing. She stared at her elbows, and she had a little guilty look. "Sorry."

"Shut up," I said. She stared at me as if she deserved it. "I'm fine. There's no need of you to say sorry. It felt like a massage."

She stared at me with gleam in her eyes. But I was lying. How she elbowed me really hurt. But whatever.

"Percy," she said. "I got a text from Piper, and she's going to marry Jason next week! OMG! I am seriously going crazy!"

"Marrying…" I said.

"Piper. Wish I can get married."

I stared at her.

"Yeah. I wonder who I am going to marry."

We both stared at each other, blushing furiously.

"So…when I marry, I am going to be so happy."

"Me too," I said.

"Who do you want to marry?" Annabeth said, a gleam in her eyes.

"I want to marry…"



Annabeth and I rose up. We ran towards the front door, putting on our shoes quickly as possible. As we ran together, she stared at me.

"We have to spy on them. Is the security forces secured?"

"Yeah," I said. "Well…I hope so."

And we ran off.

Like this sequel so far? Hope you guys do; please review! And here is the question of the day: